


新视野大学英语读写教程(第三版)Book2 Unit 3课文讲解

Section A

Journey through the odyssey years Background information tion

groups in the west

Generation gaps,referring to difference between young people and their

elders,especially between children and their parents,have often been

attributed to rapid cultural change,particularly musical tastes,fashion,culture and politics. Some special terms for different generations have thus

been coined in English-speaking countries:

Generation Jones:A term used to describe the generation born right after

World War || in 1945 through 's usually identified with “baby

boomers”.Key characteristics assigned to these members are less optimism,distrust of

government,and generally used to refer to people born in the

generation marks the period of birth decline after the baby boom. The

generation was pushed toward adulthood at an age earlier than any other recent

generations. They are more ethnically diverse and better educated than the

baby boomers.

Generation Y:Also known as the Millennial Generation and many of them are

children of baby boomers .Their birth years range from the early 1980s to the

early 's generally marked by an increase use and familiarity with

communications,media,and digital technologies.

Generation Z:Also known as the net or the internet Generation. In the US

and other Western nations,it is a common name for the people born from the

mid.1990s or early 2000s through to the present. This generation has spend

their entire life with the World Wide Web and high tech gadgets.

odyssey years

The term odyssey years originated from The odyssey,a long poem by the

Greek author Homer,which is a sequel of the Greek hero,Odysseus. It


Odysseus's long journey,trying to return home from adventures and war.

For English speakers,as many as for many cultures,the very name of poem,The

Odyssey,has become a special term for an epic journey,or great struggle. The

man character in the epic poem(史诗),Odysseus,was wandering away from home

and loved ones. During his journey of 10 years,he encountered repeated

troubles and challenges. The key insight in Odyssey is that the essentials of

the journey are not only outward struggle against tremendous difficulties,but,more importantly,inward struggles leading to personal growth. His journey is

the one of self-discovery and of combating his own

arrogance and pride from his young rebel heart. Therefore, it makes sense

to borrow The Odyssey from Greek mythology to describe the rebellious years

young people usually go through. The term odyssey year is a metaphor of this

special stage for young people.

Detailed study of the text

1Most of us know about the phases of life which we label to parallel

different age

groups and life stages childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old


Meaning: Most of us know about he different life stages that we describe

according to different age groups: childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old


phase:n.[C] one of the sages of a process of development or change 阶段;时期 As time are changing, we?re entering a new phase in international

relation.随着时代的变化,我们正进入国际关系的新阶段。 label;

vt. Attach a label onto sth. or write information on sth.贴标签于;用标签标明 Mom carefully labeled each jar with its content and the date.妈妈仔细地在每个罐子上标明装物和日期。

n.[C] a piece of paper or other material which gives you information about

the object it is fixed to 标签

Remember to put your address labels on your suitcases.记得在你的箱子上系上你的地址标签 parellel:vt.

1) be equal or smile to sth. 与...相当或相似

His career parallels that of his father.他的事业和他父亲有相似之处。 2) be

the same distant apart at every point along their whole length与...平行 The

steam parallels the road for several miles.小溪与这条路平行数英里。

adolescence:n.[U]the n the ages of 12 and 18,when a young

person is developing into an adult 青春期

This another novel about the joys and sorrows of


2We think of infancy before childhood and middle age before old age,with


unique phase bringing its own peculiar set of challenges.(Para.1)

Meaning:We sequence the life stages of infancy,childhood,middle age and

old age according to their natural older,with each particular life stage

facing its own featured challenges.

Sentence structure Note



She sat down at the table,with each dish emitting a delicious

smell.她在餐桌旁坐了下来,每道菜都发出扑鼻的香味。(状语表示伴随) The

girl sat there quite silent with her eyes fixing on the

wall.女孩坐在那里一言不发,目不转睛地盯着墙壁。(状语表示方式) With our

food running out,we had to walk to a village for


With summer coming,it is becoming hotter and

hotter.随着夏季来临,天气变得越来越热。(状语表示时间) peculiar:a.

1)If sth. peculiar to a particular person,place or situation,it is a

feature that only belongs to that person,or only exists in that place or


He likes to do things in his own peculiar way


2)strange,unfamiliar,or a little surprising奇怪的;异常的 That young

woman,wearing a man's hat,looks somewhat


Usage NOTE

Peculiar, characteristic, unusual Peculiar, characteristic



所指性质,也可以表示这些性质使某一事物区别于其它的食物,unusual强调?少见的?,与通常的情况?截然不同的?或?未曾预料的?特征。例如 The wine has a peculiar


It?s was not unusual for me to come home at two or three in the morning.凌晨两三点回家对我来说是很平常的事。


eristic通常和介词of搭配,表示?某物或某人有特性、特征、特色?;unusual通常和介词for搭配,表示?对…不同寻常? 例如:

Great minds in general look at life in a way peculiar to


With the friendly and generous care so characteristic of these people,

they opened their house to over guests.这些人以特有的友好和慷概关爱,在家接待了多位客人。 It?s not unusual of teenagers to go through a phase when they

feel ashamed of their parents, afraid that they might not live up to their



3 The challengers can be overcome by acquainting ourselves with them, such

as the

child?s need to learn, the adult's need to find the right career and build

a family, and the senior's need for support and good health care.(Para.1)

meaning: By familiarizing ourselves with the particular challenges such as

the needs for different age groups: child, adult, and senior, we can surely

overcome all these challenges.

Meaning beyond words:if we stay positive and optimistic, we?ll

successfully handle the challenges at different life stages.

acquaint:vt.[fml.]give sb. information about sth. 介绍;使认识;使了解

Please acquaint us with you plans as soon as possible.请尽快将你的计划告诉我们 acquaint oneself with sth.; make an effort to learn about sth.使自己了解某事;使自己知悉某事

if you want to travel abroad, it?s worth your time and effort to acquaint

yourself with the customs and social conventions of the countries you plan to


4 Interestingly, ideas about the stages of life are changing(Para.2)

Meaning beyond words: Since the sentence states that the ideas about life

stages are changing, it?s predicable that the following text will focus on

this topic.

5 In previous times, people didn't have a solid idea of childhood as being

separate from


A hundred years ago, no one thought of adolescence.(Para.3)

Meaning:In the past, people didn't have a clear concept about separating

childhood from adulthood. Children were simply seen as youngsters. Likewise,

people didn't think about the life stage of adolescence a hundred years ago.

Previous: a.(only before noun)having happened or existed before the event,

time, or thing that you are talking about now以前的;先前的

He has tow daughters from a previous marriage.他在前一次婚姻中育有两女。

6 Until recently it was understood as a norm that their induction to

adulthood was

completed as soon as they graduated from college. They would now find a

sensible job which would lead to a career.(Para.3)

Meaning: People used to consider it normal: As soon as students graduated

from college, they would become part of the adult community and find a

practical and reliable job toward a career.

Meaning beyond words: Things are no longer the same as they were in the

past. College graduates won't find an ideal job right after they graduate from

school. Tt'll take longer time before they start with their career.

Induction: n.[C,U] the introduction of sb. into a new job, company

official position, etc.,or the ceremony at which this is done就职;入门;就职仪式 Mrs. Simpson is responsible for the induction of the new library stuff.辛普森太太负责图书馆新职员的入职。 sensible: able, practical, and

showing good


It would be sensible to take an umbrella with you since there are dark

clouds in the sky.因为天空已乌云密布,你带一把伞是明智的。

Usage NOTE

Sensible, sensitive

1 sensible表示?明智的?,如:a sensible person(一个明智的人),a sensible

plan(一个切合实际的计划)。A sensible person makes good decisions and

judgments based on reason rather than


2sensitive在词义上表示“敏感的;易受影响的”。例如: A sensitive person is

easily upset by others people?s remarks or

behavior.敏感的人很容易因他人的言论或行为而生气。 Sensitive to表示“对…过敏的;对…理解的”。例如:

Unfortunately, she is sensitive to penicillin, and I doubt whether any

other drug will help her.不幸地是,他对青霉素过敏,我不能确定是否有其他药物可以帮助他。 We?re trying to make people more sensitive to the difficulties

faced by working mothers.我们正在努力使人们更理解上班族妈妈所面临的困难。

7Then during this career they would start a family, ideally before they



Meaning: While working on their career, they would get married to start

their own family, preferably by age 30.

8 Today we have an equivalent need to recognize a new phase of life comes

after high

school graduation, continues through college, and then leads to starting a

family and having a career, the so-called odyssey years.(Para.4)

Meaning: Today we are also required to recognize a new life stage which

starts from high school graduation through college till they settle down with

with a family and a new phase might be called the odyssey

years,the years of self-discovery. equivalent:

a. Having the same value, purpose, job, etc, as a person or thing of a

different kind 等值的;同等的;相当的

His silence is equivalent to an approval.他的沉默等于同意.。

n.[C]sth. That is too expensive for me; it costs the equivalent of a whole

year?s salary of mine.这辆车对我来说太贵了,它相当于我去全年的工资。

so-called: a.(only before noun) used to show that sth. or sb. Is usu.

called a particular name如此称呼的;号称的

They?ve found the flight recorder, the so-called black box.他们发现了飞行记录器,即所谓的黑匣子。

9Recent trends show radical changes as young people are following a

different agenda.


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