



 今天是立秋。立秋是24节气中的第十三个节气,通常是在8月7日或8月8日,立秋的到来意味着秋天的开始。

 一起来欣赏一首立秋的诗歌及其翻译。

Today is the beginning of autumn. “Autumn Begins” is the 13th solar term in

the 24 solar terms. It’s on August 8 or 9 every year meaning the beginning of the fall.


乳鸦啼散玉屏空, 一枕新凉一扇风。

睡起秋色无觅处, 满阶梧桐月明中。

The beginning of Autumn

Th' jade screen stands alone with th' ending of little crows' croons,

A whiff of cool breeze to th' fanning wind doth attune.

I wake up only to find autumn hue is gone,

The steps are strewn with phoenix tree leaves in the moon.


The Autumn Day Liu Han

Nursling crows cry and disperse from the screen of jade;

My fan brings a fresh breeze and my pillow feels cool.

Awake, I cannot find where the autumn songs fade;

Steps covered with plane(adj.平的) leaves, moonlight melts in the pool.

(许渊冲、许明 译)

Autumn at the Gate

Liu Han

The quacking is gone the jade screen is empty

my pillow feels cool fanned by the wind

autumn sounds wake me but where are their traces

Paulownia leaves cover the steps in this moonlight

(Red Pine 译 )


《立秋后题》 唐 杜甫





After Autumn Began Du Fu

The sun and moon make no allowances:

Last night demarked the seasons’ change of sway;

Cicadas never cease their plaintive call,

The autumn swallow has packed to go away.

A life’s desire for freedom thwarted(v.挫败),

I Review with sorrow now I’m forty-eight;

Resigning office is one’s own affair,

What can have kept me harnessed as to fate?

(谢文通 译 )

Written after the Beginning of Autumn Du Fu

The days and months show us no leniency(温和,仁慈),

last night the seasons in sequence changed.

Cold cicadas cease not in their cries,

autumn swallows are already like sojourners(旅居者).

My lifetime desire, to go off on my own,

depressed that my years are half a century.

To quit office still comes from oneself,

why am I trapped in service to my body?

(Stephen Owen 译 )


《秋词•自古逢秋悲寂寥》 唐 刘禹锡



On Autumn Liu Yuxi

Only desolation autumn has been known to arouse;

I would say autumn day is much better than spring morn.

When a crane soars into the blue sky flapping at clouds,

My poetic sentiment follows her to high heaven.

(文殊、王晋熙、邓炎昌 译 选自可可英语)

Autumn Verse Liu Yuxi

Since old times, autumn provokes(v.激起,驱使) lonely sighs,

‘Tis more radiant(发光的,明亮的)than spring in my eyes.

To the clear air through the clouds a crane flies,

That takes with it th’ inspired poetic rhymes.

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