


《猫头鹰王国》Legend of the Guardians 讲解一


Eg.: Ok,I am ready!

Soren:My talons are upon you! Your days of terrorizing the owl kingdoms are over!

Eg. : Not so fast! You're no match for my army of Evil Ones.

Soren: Ha,ha! Well,perhaps. But I am Lyze of Kiel.

Eg. : Soren, but…

Soren: And I have assembled my own army, the Guardians of Ga'Hoole!

Eg. : But, Soren…

Soren: we're sworn an oath to make strong the weak, mend the broken, and vanquish evil!

Eg. : Oh.

Soren: Eglantine(Eg.), what is it?

Eg. : Soren,this time you said I would be Lyze of Kiel.

Soren: Oh,come on. Look, next go, all right?

Eg.: Well, I hope you're not lying…to Metal Beak! Rawr! Got you! Ow! Oh. My beak. Da.

Da. : Okay. Enough, young owlets. Time for bed.

Kludd: Yes,please. Enough stories about the Guardians.

Da.: Now, kludd, stories are part of our culture and our history. We learn from them.

Soren: Even after the 700th time we hear them?

Da.: Yes, even then. Unless, son, you already know all there is of our history.

Soren: I know the Guardians win.

Kludd: Soren, it's just a story.

Soren: It is not!

Mrs.P : Here we go again.

Kludd: I mean, Da, have you ever seen a Guardian?

Da.: Kludd, just because you can't see something doesn't mean it isn't real. It's like feeling

something with your gizzard. You know, through our gizzards…the voices of the ages whisper to

us and tell us what's right.

Mom: Now, that's enough for one night, dear. Tomorrow's a big day. It's first branching. Now, off

to bed.

Ms.P: Now, come along, children. I've made the moss and down extra soft for you, Eglantine.

Eg.: Soren, do you really think Metal Beak is real?

Soren: You remember, it was the Battle of the Ice Claws. The Guardians were outnumbered.

Things looked dark. But then Lyze of Kiel…struck down the leader of the evil owls. The

Guardians were victorious. The owl kingdoms were free once more. And then they returned home,

to the Great Tree of Ga'Hoole.

Eg.: Ow.

Soren: But some say the evil king still lives…and wears a metal mask to hide his missing beak.

Kludd: Stop! You're goona give her daymares.

Eg.: But this is my favourite part.

Kludd: I know. We're heard it a thousand times. You have a soft head,Soren. I think Da has filled it

with stories and dreams.

Soren: There's nothing wrong with dreams.

Kludd: That's the difference between us. I have mine when I'm asleep. Now would you just go to


Eg.: Soren…Da says our dreams are who we are.


1. Not so fast. 影片中哥哥Kludd,弟弟Soren, 妹妹Eg. 三只小猫头鹰,因还未学会飞翔,在爸爸妈妈出去捕食时,三个人在家玩“守卫着传奇”的故事。充满好奇的Soren扮演的正义之

师胜利时,好强的Eg. 说了这句话,这里的意思是:“别高兴的太早,你的军队无法与我的邪恶之师抗衡”。 So fast 好多情况下与 that fast 是对等的。也有“别太快”“先别急”的意思。举例为:Do not drive so fast! 别开的那么快。

2. Next go. 影片中解释为:下次吧,下次再说的意思。相当于next time.只是next go 比较口语化,用起来也比较生动。

3. Tomorrow's a big day. 影片中Soren的父母让三个宝宝早点休息,因为第二天要教它们如果飞翔,也是第一次要教它们。Big day.在英语的俚语中有:“大喜的日子”“最要的日子”等意思。在这里要翻译:明天是个重要的日子哦。如:Today is a big day, because I got a new job.


4. You have a soft head. 影片中soren在休息时还沉迷于父亲讲的故事,还一直在跟妹妹Eg.

Kludd听烦了,也讨厌这样的故事,因此对于Eg一如既往的沉迷说了这么一句,你太容易受骗了。并不是说你的头太软了。在俚语中,说某人容易受骗,或意志不鉴定,通常会用 a

soft head 来形容。

5. our dreams are who we are. 影片中Eg跟soren一样,喜欢父母讲的故事,并相信有这样的事,对正义的守护神充满了敬意和崇拜。而kludd并不以为然,觉得故事就是故事而且被人们加入了太多的幻想成份和美好希望的成份在里面。Kludd讨厌这样的故事,它可能会觉得“成者为王,败者为蔻”。它会觉得邪恶之王更酷一些。Eg说的这句话:爹爹说我们的梦想决定了我们会成为怎么样的人。也为影片后续的发展及结束做了铺垫。

《猫头鹰王国》Legend of the Guardians 讲解二


Evil one:All right, my lovely little owlets. That's enough beauty rest. Wakey, wakey. Rise and

shine. It's another glorious day…

Gylfie:Oh no, soren.

Evil one: That's right. Here we go. Move it along.

Gylfie: Soren. Where are we going now?

Soren: Gylfie, we need to act moon blinked.

Evil one: Keep moving. Lots of pellet picking ahead. You may have noticed that we don't like

dawdling. Anything with w's in it, we don't trust. Come on. Shuffle those talons. The sooner you

get there, the sooner we start. The sooner you start, the sooner we finish. Let's go!

Grimble: Keep moving, no dawdling.

Evil one: And welcome to the Pelletorium. It's a great place for the rest of your lives.

Evil queen: You mustn't fell sorry for them down there. As lower species. They are fortunate to

serve a higher cause. As Tyto owls, their natural superious…you too are part of that plan. Ont that

will soon bring order to all the owl kingdoms… When the Pure Ones will rule. A new and noble

ear will dawn. Now, prove your greatness… And rise. Higher! Higher!

Evil one: let's get this party stared! Let's get picking! Start picking up those pellets right now.

That's right. Think of the joy. Pellets.

Evil one: we love them.

Soren: Ugh. Other owls' pellets. You konw,maybe it would have been better if we had been moon


Evil one: Oh,here we go. Eureka. Great job, number 857…whatever. All right, everyone, gather


Evil one: Hey, you with the blank expression.

Grimble:That's all of them. Oh. Pay attention. He's talking.

Evil one: Now this is the kind of pellet you're picking for. Mouse fur, mouse bones, that's all


Grimble:But the secret rare ingredient in this one is what Mr. Mouse ate. A metal fleck.

Evil one:Metal fleck. Now,I'm very perceptive. He's.

Grimble: I am.

Evil one: And I'm detecting you… Want to volunteer to take this fleck to where all the flecks


Evil one: Nicely done. You all watching? Hm? Come on.


1. The sooner you get there, the sooner we start. The sooner you start, the sooner we finish. 这里用的是比较级的用法。 影片中的意思为:越早到达目的地,我们就越早开始;我们越早开始,就会越早结束。结构为:.“The+比较级…,the+比较级…”。该结构意为“越…,越…”。例如:The more difficult the questions are, the less likely he is able to answer them.问题越难,他回答出来的可能性就越小。

2. Keep moving, no dawdling.影片中邪恶的猫头鹰想建立自己的王国,因此它们抓了好多小

猫头鹰回来,让它们做奴隶,这就是一个管理层的家伙对刚进来的小猫头鹰进行培训奴役的时候的训话,意思为:继续走,别磨蹭。为祈使句,keep doing sth, 为继续做某事(其前后做的是一件事情);keep to do sht. 也是继续做某事(其前后做的是二件事)。如:New Year is

coming,pls keep working hard. 今天是新年第一天,大家要更加努力工作哦。(老板够狠的呀。)

New Year is coming, pls keep to rest. 今天是新年的第一天,大家不要工作了,休息一会吧。

3. you with the blank expression. 你为什么面无表情呢?Blank expression 为面无表情的意思。影片中,邪恶的猫头鹰抓了好多小猫头鹰,并对很大平分小猫头鹰做了“月光迷魂”后,它们就失去自己的思想,只听它们指挥了。真是太邪恶了。

4. Nicely Done. 这是一句很地道的口语表达。意思为:干的漂亮。类似的表达还有:well done;

you did very well; good job. 都记住了哦。


Ezylryb: Doing some wee-hours reading,eh?

Soren: Yeah. It's the Batter of the Ice Claws. You know, this is my da's favourite story. He used to

tell it us all the time.

Ezylryb: Well, you da had good taste in authors. You enjoying it?

Soren: Honestly, it's not at all like my da told it.

Ezylryb: No?How did he tell it?

Soren: Well, Da always made it seem so heroic. You know? Like a great victory. Well, in these

chronicles, I mean, the battle just sounds like…

Ezylryb: Like hell? Come on, boy. It's almost first light. You've got a big day tomorrow. I am

going to teach you how to really fly. Feel the gutters! The currents in the rain. A scupper! A

swillage! Baggywrinkles!

Gylfie: Baggywrinkles? He could have at least given us a vocabulary list.

Shifu: Now, this, this is the way to learn!

Gylfie: Oh, yes! This is exactly how I want to learn. In a monsoon!

Ezylryb:You have to feel them with your gizzards. Aha! You see that one? Soren, see it! It's there.

Go for it. That's it! Use your gizzard, boy. Trust it! Fly inside. He sees it. He sees it. Hold it. Hold


Gylfie: Soren. Hey, hey, hey! Hey, careful,look out! Soren! Soren!


1. wee-hours,是凌晨的意思。影片中当守护神去找Soren的时候,他正在看书。守护神这句话的意思是说:还在熬夜苦读吗?可能也是因为soren用功努力吧,守护神很看好他,觉得他是个苗子。有关夜晚的表达还有:night 夜晚;vening 傍晚;midnight 子夜;all-night 整夜;dark 夜,黑暗;eve 前夜,前夕;moonlight 月夜;nighttime 夜间;nocte 夜间;owl-light

半晚,黄昏;Hogmanay 大年夜,除夕;vesper 傍晚;dusk 傍晚,黄昏;evenfall 傍晚, 黄昏;nightfall 傍晚,黄昏。

2. good taste 看字面的意思是:好的品尝,好的味觉。而在影片中,当Soren告诉守护神他父亲给他讲的守卫者故事是,守护神说:你爸爸真的好眼光。在这里,此词就是:好眼光的意思。语言翻译一定要灵活,根据故事情节酌情翻译,才会让人更好理解。如:She has good

taste in clothes 她对服装有很好的审美眼光。That choice reflects your good taste. 那选择反映了你的高雅品味。

3. It's almost first light. 影片中,守护神很看好Soren, 并准备收他为徒弟,教他更高的本领。因此他们二个在大战前一天晚上,聊了一会。守护神对Soren说的这句话翻译为:天都快我亮了。First light.第一缕光,黎明,破晓的意思。意译为天快要亮了。如:He left home at first light.

他在天刚亮时出门。Morning shed its first light. 黎明来临,曙光初至。

4. Look out .此词想发大家都比较熟悉。当对于初学者,这里还是再说一下吧。这词在这里并不是“向外看”的意思。此词在这里是:(表示警告,尤指有危险)小心,留神,注意,当心等意思。如:Look out for the pickpocket! 注意扒手!Tell the children to look out when they

cross the main street.告诉孩子们过大街时要当心。

《猫头鹰王国》Legend of the Guardians 讲解四


Queen:To arms.

Allomere: To arms.

Ezylryb: Not a bad fit.

Soren: Ezylryb! Lyze.

Ezylryb: Yes to both.

Soren: Look, I have to go. You have to take me with you.

Ezylryb: Oh, absolutely. An untrained youth like you could last a whole minute in a real battle.

Here. Come along. We could use the talon fodder. I'd love to throw some bodies at the enemy.

Soren: Yeah, but I'm…

Ezylryb: Or you could stay here…tend to your sister…and do some real good. But what do I know?

I'm just tired old screech. Move.

Soren: Oh,Eglantine. I'd trade places with you if I could. I really would. You know, I wish it was

me lying there instead of you.

Mrs. P: Oh, Soren.

Soren: Because then you could see this place for yourself, Eg. You know, Da's stories, they're true.

They're all true. You know, the Guardians,and the Ga'Hoole Tree, and… It all true. Even Lyze of

Kiel. I mean, he's real, Eg. He's real.

Eg. : Soren, you promised.

Soren: Eg?

Eg.: you promised I could be Lyze on the next go.

Soren: Oh, Eglantine. Oh, Eglantine.

Eg.: Soren? Mrs. P?We're…we're not at home,are we?

Soren: we're at the Guardian's Tree, Eg. Look. Look, this is Ga'Hoole.

Eg,: No, it can't be. Kludd, he's still…

Soren: kludd was wrong. Da was right. He was right all along, Eg.

Eg: No, I mean Kludd was there. With me. He did this to me, soren. He's one of them.

Soren: He waht? No. No, Eg. Look, you must be confused. That can't be. Well thank Glaux

Allomere rescued you.

Eg: I wasn't rescued. Kludd gave me to the owl who brought me here.

Soren: No,Eg, no. That's impossible. I mean,that would mean that Allomere would have to be

a…Be a traitor.


1. Not a bad fit. 影片中正义之师准备攻打邪恶之师时,守护神穿上他的盔甲,说了句:不是一个坏的“盔甲”。言下之意就是再合适不过了。Fit有试穿(衣服),衣帽等合身等意思。如:the dress is a good fit for you.这个连衣裙真是太合适你了。

2. tend to your sister。影片中soren要跟着师傅一起去攻打邪恶之师时,师傅对并没有任何经验的他说:你还不如留在这里做些真正有意义的事情,比如照顾你妹妹。Tend一词有照顾,照料的意思。在这里等同于 take care of sb.如:She tended her husband carefully during his

illness.她丈夫生病期间, 她无微不至地照顾他。

3. Move. 这个单字在英文中有很多灵活的翻译。我想喜欢找游戏的朋友一定不陌生。有:移动,展开前进的意思,如:The work moves slowly.工作进展缓慢。口语有动身,离开的意思,如:Let's move on before it's too late.趁还不太晚,咱们走吧。在影片中他们为了躲避敌人的巡查,也用了Move一词,这里要翻译成:躲起来,藏起来的意思。

4. I'd trade places with you if I could. Soren看到昏迷中的妹妹,很是心疼她。于是在细心照顾她的时候,就对着昏迷的妹妹说话。此句的意思为:如果可以我愿意昏迷的人是我。这样你就可以看到珊瑚之树,知道父亲讲的故事都是真的了。 Trade place 代替某人。还有一个说法也是代替某人:in one's shoes.

5. He was right all along. Soren 对妹妹说,父亲讲的故事都是真的,父亲说的一直都是对的。All along为始终,一直,自始自终的意思。如:He keeps his gravity all along. 他一向不苟言笑。We have been classmates all along. 我们一直是同班同学。

《猫头鹰王国》Legend of the Guardians 讲解五


Allomere:You promised me I could be King of the Tree!

Evil king: You should know, Allomere…there is only room for one king.

Ezylryb: Oh, A. Fly away!(Use your gizzard,boy! Fly inside.)soren.

Eivl queen: No!

Ezylryb: Oh, no, soren. Come on, soren. That was exemplary. But we're not finished yet, boy.

Digger: Oh, yeah! Woo-hoo!

Gylfie: Come on.

Twilight: I bet you didn't count on this. Ha,ha! Good job, my friends!

Evil king: Pure Ones, attack! Crush them! Before they can recover!


1. there is only room for one king. 影片中,Allomere为了当王背叛了正义之师,当然,叛徒


2. That was exemplary. 影片中soren经过努力,历尽万苦把他的师傅守护神从邪恶之地救了出来。这但也成就了soren成为新的守护神。他的师傅对他的表现极其叫好,说:你刚才做的真是太出色了。但是我们的战斗还没有结束。Exemplary为形容词,有杰出,模范,值得效仿的意思。如:He led an exemplary life。他的一生堪作楷模。

3. I bet you didn't count on this. 影片中soren跟他的朋友们一起奋力攻打邪恶之师,在他们更胜一筹的时候,一个家伙自豪的说了这句:我打堵你们肯定没料到这招。Count on 有依靠,依赖,指望等意思,如:We can't count on him telling the truth.我们不能指望他说实话。If there's

anything I can do, count on me.如果有我能做的事, 找我好了。在影片中,可以翻译成:料到,想到的意思,翻译起来,使影片更加生动。

本文标签: 意思影片故事守护神猫头鹰