


Vasin Lee/Shutterstock 瓦辛·李/Shutterstock

Wi-Fi 6 hardware is finally arriving on the market, and you’ll be seeing more and more of it released throughout 2020. But people are already talking about something new: Wi-Fi 6E, which promises to reduce Wi-Fi congestion further.

Wi-Fi 6硬件终于在市场上出现,并且您将在2020年看到越来越多的产品发布。但是人们已经在谈论新的东西:Wi-Fi 6E,它有望进一步减少Wi-Fi拥塞。 。

Update: We originally wrote this article in January 2020. On April 23, 2020, the Federal Communications Commission voted to open up the 6 GHz band for unlicensed use later this year, clearing the way for Wi-Fi 6E in the USA. Other countries haven’t yet made the same decision, so Wi-Fi 6E still faces regulatory barriers in much of the world.

更新:我们最初是在2020年1月写这篇文章的。2020年4月23日,美国联邦通信委员会投票决定在今年晚些时候开放6 GHz频段供未经许可的使用,从而为美国Wi-Fi 6E扫清了道路。 其他国家尚未做出相同的决定,因此Wi-Fi 6E在世界许多地方仍然面临监管障碍。

什么是Wi-Fi 6E? (What Is Wi-Fi 6E?)

Wi-Fi 6 and previous generations of Wi-Fi use the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio bands. A “Wi-Fi 6E” device is one that is capable of operating on the 6 GHz band, too.

Wi-Fi 6和上一代Wi-Fi使用2.4 GHz和5 GHz无线电频段 。 “ Wi-Fi 6E”设备也可以在6 GHz频段上运行。

The 6 GHz spectrum should work similarly to WiFi 6 over 5 GHz but offers additional non-overlapping channels. As the Wi-Fi Alliance puts it, Wi-Fi 6E allows for “14 additional 80 MHz channels and 7 additional 160 MHz channels.” These channels wouldn’t overlap with each other, which will help reduce congestion, particularly in areas where lots of networks are operating.

6 GHz频谱应与5 GHz上的WiFi 6类似,但可提供其他非重叠信道。 如Wi-Fi联盟所说,Wi-Fi 6E允许“增加14个80 MHz频道和7个160 MHz频道”。 这些通道不会相互重叠,这将有助于减少拥塞,尤其是在有大量网络运行的区域。

All the devices communicating on the 6 GHz spectrum would also be Wi-Fi 6 devices. There wouldn’t be any older devices using standards like Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac). All devices on the 6 GHz channels will be speaking the same language and can use Wi-Fi 6’s new congestion-busting features.

在6 GHz频谱上通信的所有设备也将是Wi-Fi 6设备。 不会有使用Wi-Fi 5( 802.11ac )等标准的旧设备。 6 GHz频道上的所有设备都将使用相同的语言,并且可以使用Wi-Fi 6的新拥塞消除功能。

In other words, Wi-Fi 6E is Wi-Fi 6 (also known as 802.11ax) over 6 GHz.

换句话说,Wi-Fi 6E是6 GHz上的Wi-Fi 6(也称为802.11ax)。

Wi-Fi 6E正在等待美国以外的监管机构 (Wi-Fi 6E Is Waiting on Regulatory Agencies Outside the USA)

If 6 GHz is so useful, why didn’t existing Wi-Fi standards already use it? Well, they couldn’t. Regulatory agencies didn’t allow Wi-Fi to use the 6 GHz band, instead reserving it for other purposes.

如果6 GHz如此有用,为什么现有的Wi-Fi标准尚未使用它? 好吧,他们不能。 监管机构不允许Wi-Fi使用6 GHz频段,而是将其保留用于其他目的。

Back in October 2018, the US Federal Communications Commission proposed offering the 6 GHz spectrum for Wi-Fi and other “unlicensed” uses. That didn’t happen immediately, and Wi-Fi 6E began to take shape prior to its regulatory approval. On April 23, 2020, the FCC voted to open the 6 GHz band to Wi-Fi 6E and other uses later this year, so Wi-Fi 6E devices are cleared to launch in the US.

早在2018年10月 ,美国联邦通信委员会就提议为Wi-Fi和其他“未许可”用途提供6 GHz频谱。 这并没有立即发生,Wi-Fi 6E在其监管批准之前就已经开始形成。 2020年4月23日,FCC投票决定在今年晚些时候向Wi-Fi 6E和其他用途开放6 GHz频段,因此,Wi-Fi 6E设备被批准在美国推出。

The Wi-Fi Alliance’s pre-CES 2020 announcement of Wi-Fi 6E acknowledges this, referring to 6 GHz as “an important portion of unlicensed spectrum that may soon be made available by regulators around the world.” Note the word “may” rather than the word “will”—it’s up to government regulators, not the industry.

Wi-Fi联盟在2020年CES之前发布的Wi-Fi 6E 宣布了这一点,将6 GHz称为“无牌频谱的重要组成部分,不久后世界各地的监管机构都可以使用。” 注意“可能”一词,而不是“将”一词,这取决于政府监管机构,而不是行业。

Wi-Fi 6E硬件何时可用? (When Will Wi-Fi 6E Hardware Be Available?)

Mark Van Scyoc/Shutterstock 马克·范·斯西克(Mark Van Scyoc)/Shutterstock

The Wi-Fi Alliance also says that “Wi-Fi 6E devices are expected to become available quickly following 6 GHz regulatory approvals.” With the FCC’s vote, we’re about to see more products announced and scheduled for release.

Wi-Fi联盟还表示:“在6 GHz法规获得批准后,预计Wi-Fi 6E设备将很快可用。” 随着FCC的投票,我们将看到更多产品宣布并计划发布。

The industry already seemed eager for regulators to allow Wi-Fi 6. During CES 2020, Broadcom announced several system-on-a-chip products that router manufacturers can purchase to create Wi-Fi 6E-enabled access points.

业界似乎已经迫切希望监管机构允许使用Wi-Fi6。在2020年国际消费电子展期间,Broadcom 宣布了路由器制造商可以购买的几种片上系统产品,以创建支持Wi-Fi 6E的接入点。

Intel announced that it will have WI-Fi 6E chips available in January 2021, so it seems likely that Wi-Fi 6E will start appearing in 2021 and become more common heading into 2022—at least in the USA.

英特尔宣布将于2021年1月推出WI-Fi 6E芯片,因此Wi-Fi 6E似乎很可能在2021年开始出现,并进入2022年变得更加普遍,至少在美国如此。

However, despite all the excitement and interest, there’s still no official timeline for when regulators around the world will make the spectrum available for unlicensed use. Wi-Fi 6E has no definitive release date in most countries.

然而,尽管有种种激动和兴趣,但世界各地的监管机构何时将频谱提供给未经许可的使用,仍然没有正式的时间表。 Wi-Fi 6E在大多数国家/地区没有确切的发布日期。

6 GHz以上的Wi-Fi需要新设备 (Wi-Fi Over 6 GHz Requires New Devices)

Wi-Fi 6E devices will be backward compatible with Wi-Fi 6 and previous Wi-Fi standards. But, to take advantage of those new 6 GHz channels in Wi-Fi 6E, you’ll need to be using devices that support it. In other words, you’ll only be using Wi-Fi 6E once you pair a Wi-Fi 6E-enabled client device (like a laptop or smartphone) and a WI-Fi 6E-enabled access point.

Wi-Fi 6E设备将向后兼容Wi-Fi 6和以前的Wi-Fi标准。 但是,要利用Wi-Fi 6E中的那些新的6 GHz信道,您需要使用支持它的设备。 换句话说,只有将支持Wi-Fi 6E的客户端设备(如笔记本电脑或智能手机)与支持WI-Fi 6E的接入点配对后,您才能使用Wi-Fi 6E。

For example, even if you have a bunch of Wi-Fi 6 devices and a Wi-Fi 6E-enabled router, none of your devices will communicate over Wi-FI 6E. They’ll all be using Wi-Fi 6 on the typical 5 GHz or 2.4 GHz channels.

例如,即使您有一堆Wi-Fi 6设备和支持Wi-Fi 6E的路由器,您的任何设备都无法通过Wi-FI 6E进行通信。 他们都将在典型的5 GHz或2.4 GHz信道上使用Wi-Fi 6。

不要等待Wi-Fi 6E… (Don’t Wait For Wi-Fi 6E…)

In technology, there’s always something new on the horizon. For Wi-Fi right now, that’s Wi-Fi 6E.

在技​​术领域,总会有新事物出现。 对于Wi-Fi,现在是Wi-Fi 6E。

Some Wi-Fi 6 devices, like routers, laptops, smartphones, are already for sale. Many more will be released throughout 2020. Wi-Fi 6 isn’t an extreme upgrade in terms of speed, but it will lead to faster Wi-Fi along with less wireless congestion and perhaps even extended battery life for your devices.

一些Wi-Fi 6设备,例如路由器,笔记本电脑,智能手机,已经在销售中。 整个2020年将发布更多的产品。Wi-Fi 6在速度方面并不是一个极端的升级,但是它将导致更快的Wi-Fi以及更少的无线拥塞,甚至可以延长设备的电池寿命。

Meanwhile, Wi-Fi 6E isn’t here at all yet. There’s no definite deadline for when regulations will be changed in most countries and manufacturers haven’t announced when products with Wi-Fi 6E will be available. Even after you can buy Wi-Fi 6E-enabled devices, the main benefit will be reduced congestion through additional wireless channels. That’s a great long-term goal, but we don’t think it’s worth holding out for if you’re thinking about upgrading to Wi-Fi 6 gear.

同时,Wi-Fi 6E还没有出现。 在大多数国家/地区,何时更改法规尚无明确的期限,制造商还没有宣布何时可以使用Wi-Fi 6E产品。 即使您可以购买支持Wi-Fi 6E的设备,其主要好处还是可以通过增加无线通道来减少拥塞。 这是一个伟大的长期目标,但是如果您正在考虑升级到Wi-Fi 6齿轮,我们认为这不值得坚持。

…但是不要急着购买Wi-Fi 6, (…But Don’t Rush to Buy Wi-Fi 6, Either)

Of course, you don’t necessarily need to run out and buy a new Wi-Fi 6-enabled router today. Most of the devices you have likely don’t support Wi-Fi 6 yet.

当然,您今天不必用尽新的支持Wi-Fi 6的路由器。 您可能已使用的大多数设备都不支持Wi-Fi 6。

For example, Apple’s iPhone 11 models do support Wi-Fi 6, but older iPhone models don’t. Even Apple’s new MacBook Pro models released at the end of 2019 don’t include Wi-Fi 6 support. New high-end Samsung phones like the Galaxy S10 have Wi-Fi 6 hardware, but most Android phones don’t. Only a handful of PC laptops support Wi-Fi 6. It’s very early days for Wi-Fi 6.

例如,Apple的iPhone 11型号确实支持Wi-Fi 6,但较旧的iPhone型号则不支持。 即使是Apple于2019年底发布的新款MacBook Pro型号也不包含Wi-Fi 6支持。 新的高端三星手机(如Galaxy S10)具有Wi-Fi 6硬件,但大多数Android手机没有。 只有少数几台PC笔记本电脑支持Wi-Fi6。Wi-Fi 6尚处于初期。

There’s a good chance that, over the next few years, new devices you purchase will increasingly have Wi-Fi 6. But you probably won’t get Wi-Fi 6E on those devices—just Wi-Fi 6. That’s fine. Wi-Fi 6E sounds nice, but it’s not here yet.

在未来几年中,很有可能您购买的新设备将越来越多地具有Wi-Fi6。但是您可能不会在这些设备上获得Wi-Fi 6E-仅仅是Wi-Fi6。这很好。 Wi-Fi 6E听起来不错,但现在还没有。

Note that the 6 GHz band for Wi-Fi 6E is different from the 60 GHz band, which WiGig will take advantage of. Wi-Fi 6E’s 6 GHz will work similarly to Wi-Fi’s 5 GHz, while WiGig is ideal for faster data transfer rates over shorter distances.

请注意,Wi-Fi 6E的6 GHz频段不同于60 GHz频段, WiGig将利用 60 GHz频段。 Wi-Fi 6E的6 GHz将类似于Wi-Fi的5 GHz,而WiGig是在较短距离内实现更快数据传输速率的理想选择。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/519823/wi-fi-6e-what-is-it-and-how-is-it-different-from-wi-fi-6/


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