

Microsoft offers desktop and server versions of Windows. At first glance Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 look similar, but each has different uses. Windows 10 excels at everyday use, while Windows Server manages many computers, files, and services.

Microsoft提供Windows的桌面和服务器版本。 乍一看,Windows 10和Windows Server 2016看起来很相似,但是各自具有不同的用途。 Windows 10在日常使用中表现出色,而Windows Server管理着许多计算机,文件和服务。

Windows 10和Windows Server共享类似的代码 (Windows 10 and Windows Server Share Similar Code)

If you load up a clean copy of Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016, it would be easy to confuse the two at first. They can have the same desktop, same start button, and even the same task view button. They use the same kernel and can feasibly run the same software. You can, for instance, install Google Chrome or Microsoft Office on both.

如果加载Windows 10和Windows Server 2016的干净副本,一开始很容易将两者混淆。 他们可以具有相同的桌面,相同的开始按钮,甚至相同的任务视图按钮。 他们使用相同的内核,并且可以运行相同的软件。 例如,您可以在两者上都安装Google Chrome或Microsoft Office。

But the similarities stop there. Microsoft designed Windows 10 for use as a desktop you sit in front of, and Windows Server as a server (it’s right there in the name) that runs services people access across a network. While Windows Server does have a desktop option, Microsoft recommends installing Windows Server without a Graphical User Interface (or removing it), leaving just a command line to work which reduces the overhead needed to run the server. This includes a push to choose Nano Server, which drops the GUI and local login capabilities in exchange for using far less space than the standard Server install.

但是相似之处到此为止。 微软设计的Windows 10可以用作您坐在桌面前的桌面,而Windows Server则可以用作服务器(该服务器就在其名称中),该服务器运行人们通过网络访问的服务。 尽管Windows Server确实具有桌面选项,但Microsoft建议安装不带图形用户界面( 或删除它 )的Windows Server,而只留下命令行来工作,以减少运行服务器所需的开销。 这包括选择Nano Server的推动,后者放弃了GUI和本地登录功能,以换取比标准Server安装少得多的空间。

Windows Server包括服务器软件 (Windows Server Includes Server Software)

If you have the GUI enabled, moments after Windows Server loads, a Server Manager program launches showing the first distinct difference in the two Operating Systems. Here you can add on server-specific features like Windows Deployment services, DHCP services, and Active Directory Domain Services. These features allow deployment of an OS remotely to other machines, the creation of static IP address for client machines, control of a network domain for joining other computers to a domain, and creating domain users. Features like these aren’t available for Windows 10 natively, although you could install third-party software like the Apache web server.

如果启用了GUI,则在Windows Server加载后的瞬间,服务器管理器程序将启动,显示两个操作系统的第一个明显区别。 在这里,您可以添加服务器特定的功能,例如Windows部署服务, DHCP服务和Active Directory域服务 。 这些功能允许将OS远程部署到其他计算机,为客户端计算机创建静态IP地址,控制网络域以将其他计算机加入域以及创建域用户。 尽管您可以安装第三方软件(例如Apache Web服务器),但Windows 10本身不具备这些功能。

Also, Windows Server supports features like SMB Direct for faster file sharing, greater support for Resilient File System, the only way to get similar features without Server is to use Windows 10 Pro for Workstations.

此外,Windows Server支持SMB Direct等功能,以实现更快的文件共享,对弹性文件系统的更大支持,而无需Server即可获得类似功能的唯一方法是使用Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 。

Servers are designed to work in conjunction as well, so you may have one server fulfilling one or two of the roles above, and another server taking on other roles to spread the work.


Windows Server支持高端硬件 (Windows Server Supports Higher-End Hardware)

Windows Server also supports more powerful hardware. While Windows 10 Pro has a max limit of 2 TB of RAM, Windows Server allows for 24 TB. A desktop user is unlikely even to consider such a large amount of RAM, but servers can make good use of their greater RAM capacity, between managing many users, computers, and potential VMs through Hyper-V.

Windows Server还支持更强大的硬件。 Windows 10 Pro的最大内存限制为2 TB,而Windows Server允许24 TB。 台式机用户甚至不可能考虑这么大的RAM,但是服务器可以通过Hyper-V在管理许多用户,计算机和潜在的VM之间充分利用其更大的RAM容量。

Windows 10 has a limit on processors as well. The Windows 10 Home edition only supports one physical CPU, while Windows 10 Pro supports two. Server 2016 supports up to 64 sockets. Similarly, a 32-bit copy of Windows 10 only supports 32 cores, and the 64-bit version support 256 cores, but Windows Server has no limit for cores.

Windows 10对处理器也有限制。 Windows 10家庭版仅支持一个物理CPU ,而Windows 10 Pro支持两个物理CPU 。 Server 2016支持多达64个套接字 。 同样,Windows 10的32位副本仅支持32个内核,而64位版本则支持256个内核,但是Windows Server对内核没有限制。

To get something closer to these capabilities, you would have to use Windows 10 Pro for Workstations, which supports 4 CPUs and 6 TB of RAM.

为了更接近这些功能,您必须使用Windows 10 Pro for Workstations,它支持4个CPU和6 TB的RAM。

Windows Server已锁定 (Windows Server is Locked Down)

Much like the LTSB branch of Windows 10, Windows Server has several features removed. You won’t find Cortana, the Microsoft Store, Edge, or Timeline. Instead of Edge, Windows Server is still using Internet Explorer, and it is locked down to hinder normal web browsing. When downloading Google Chrome, we had to add exceptions for all of Google’s URL’s to complete the download. Windows Server’s extra security makes its presence known at nearly any website visited through Internet Explorer.

就像Windows 10的LTSB分支一样,Windows Server删除了一些功能。 您将找不到Cortana ,Microsoft Store, Edge或Timeline 。 Windows Server仍然使用Internet Explorer而不是Edge,并且被锁定以阻止正常的Web浏览。 在下载Google Chrome浏览器时,我们必须为所有Google URL添加例外以完成下载。 Windows Server的额外安全性使它的存在几乎可以通过Internet Explorer访问的任何网站上都知道。

Windows Server doesn’t support signing in with a Microsoft account, so you can’t bring your settings to it from another PC. Instead, you’ll need to either sign in with a local account or a domain account. While Windows 10 Home is finally getting a pause updates feature, Windows Server can disable updates entirely through group policy (as can Windows 10 Enterprise and Windows LTSB).

Windows Server不支持使用Microsoft帐户登录,因此您不能从另一台PC上将设置带到该帐户 。 相反,您需要使用本地帐户或域帐户登录。 当Windows 10 Home最终获得暂停更新功能时 ,Windows Server可以完全通过组策略禁用更新( Windows 10 Enterprise和Windows LTSB可以)。

Windows 10是熟悉的桌面体验 (Windows 10 Is the Familiar Desktop Experience)

While Windows 10 lacks server-specific features, it makes up for it in other areas. Windows 10 updates arrive faster and more often, it has capabilities like Timeline and Cortana that are missing on Windows Server, and it isn’t as locked down. Installing new software, especially downloaded from the internet, requires few hoops to jump through, and your preferences come with you from one machine to another if you sign in with a Microsoft Account.

尽管Windows 10缺少服务器特定的功能,但它在其他方面弥补了这一不足。 Windows 10更新到达的速度更快且频率更高,它具有Windows Server上缺少的时间轴和Cortana之类的功能,并且没有锁定。 安装新软件,尤其是从Internet下载的软件,不需要花很多功夫,如果您使用Microsoft帐户登录,则您的偏好会从一台计算机转移到另一台计算机。

Additionally, Windows 10 has other features like Your Phone, Progressive Web Apps, and the Windows Subsystem for Linux. Some of these features rely on the Microsoft Store, which Windows Server does not have access to.

此外,Windows 10还具有其他功能,例如您的电话 , 渐进式Web应用程序和Linux的Windows子系统。 其中某些功能依赖于Windows Server无法访问的Microsoft Store。

And if you prefer, you can change Windows 10 to suit your needs and act more like Windows 7.

而且,如果您愿意,可以更改Windows 10以适合您的需求,并使其更像Windows 7 。

Windows Server也更昂贵 (Windows Server is More Expensive, Too)

And if you have Windows 7, 8, or 8.1 keys, you can install Windows 10 for free. Windows Server 2016 licenses aren’t easy to buy (they’re meant for business after all), and they’re expensive. If you are a business, depending on your size and needs a single license can cost between $500 and $6200. Most purchasers use a Volume License route instead. Windows Server is made primarily for businesses, so it is priced accordingly.

并且,如果您具有Windows 7、8或8.1键 ,则可以免费安装Windows 10。 Windows Server 2016许可证不容易购买(毕竟是为商业目的的),而且价格昂贵。 如果您是一家公司,则取决于您的规模和需要,单个许可证的价格在$ 500到$ 6200之间 。 大多数购买者改为使用批量许可路线。 Windows Server主要是为企业制造的,因此需要相应定价。

If you’re considering a Windows OS for your personal computer, your best choice is Windows 10. It’s still possible to use Windows 7, 8, or 8.1 key to activate it, and the features are tailor-made for home use. But if you want a Windows OS to manage other computers, at home or work, provide a File Server or a web server, then Windows Server is the obvious choice.

如果您正在考虑将Windows OS用于个人计算机,则最好的选择是Windows10。仍然可以使用Windows 7、8或8.1键来激活它,并且这些功能是为家庭使用量身定制的。 但是,如果您希望Windows操作系统在家中或工作场所管理其他计算机,提供文件服务器或Web服务器,则Windows Server是显而易见的选择。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/404763/whats-the-difference-between-windows-and-windows-server/

本文标签: 有什么区别WindowsServer