

英二-2020-Text 2 摘自时代周刊《Time》2019年4月的文章《Why CEOs Actually Deserve Their Gazillion-Dollar Salaries》。

Paragraph 1

  1. It is true that CEO pay has gone up — top ones may make 300 times the pay of typical workers on average, and since the mid-1970s, CEO pay for large publicly traded American corporations has, by varying estimates, gone up by about 500%.

    • 翻译:确实,CEO的薪酬上涨了,顶尖的一部分CEO的平均薪酬可能是普通工人的300倍,据不同的估计,自1970年代中叶以来,大型美国上市公司的CEO薪酬大约已经增长了500%。
    • 解释:
      • make v. 赚取
      • typical adj. 典型的、普通的
      • trade v. 交易,corporation n. 公司
      • large publicly traded American corporations 大型公开交易的美国公司,即大型美国上市公司
      • vary v. 变化、不同
      • estimate n. 估计的成本、估计、估价
  2. The typical CEO of a top American corporation now makes about $ 18.9 million a year.

    • 翻译:美国顶尖公司的普通CEO,现在一年也可以赚到189万。
    • 解释:
      • typical adj. 普通的
      • million n. 百万

Paragraph 2

  1. The best models for understanding the growth of CEO pay is that of limited CEO talent in a world where business opportunities for the top firms are growing rapidly.
    • 翻译:理解CEO薪酬增长的最佳模型是,对于顶尖公司,在这个商业机会正迅速增长的世界上,CEO的才能是有限的。
    • 解释:
      • model n. 模型
      • understand v. 明白、理解
      • growth n. 成长
      • limited adj. 有限的
      • talent n. 才能
      • opportunities n. 机会(复数),原形 opportunity
      • firm n. 公司
      • rapidly adv. 迅速地
  2. The efforts of America’s highest-earning 1% have been one of the more dynamic elements of the global economy.
    • 翻译:拥有美国最高收入的1%的人群,他们为全球经济活跃所作出的贡献是比较大的。
    • 解释:
      • effort n. 努力
      • highest-earning 收入最高的
      • dynamic adj. 动态的、充满活力的
      • element n. 元素、要素
      • global adj. 全球的
      • economy n. 经济
  3. It’s not popular to say, but one reason their pay has gone up so much is that CEOs really have upped their game relative to many other workers in the U.S. economy.
    • 翻译:这样说不太受欢迎,但他们的薪酬涨了这么多的一个原因是,CEO们的能力相对于其他工人有了显著的提高。
    • 解释:
      • so much 这么多、非常多
      • upped their game 是一个俚语,意思是提高自己的能力水平或表现。这个短语源于体育竞技,意味着增加自己的竞争力,以期获得更好的结果
      • really adv. 真实地,强调能力的提高是可以看的见的
      • relative adj. 相对的,relative to 相对于

26)Which of the following has contributed to CEO pay rise?
[A] The growth in the number of corporations.
[B] The general pay rise with a better economy.
[C] Increased business opportunities for top firms.
[D] Close cooperation among leading economies.

Paragraph 3

  1. Today’s CEO, at least for major American firms must have many more skills than simply being able to “run the company.”

    • 翻译:如今的CEO,至少对于重要的美国公司,必须掌握除了“运作公司”之外的很多技能。
    • 解释:
      • at least 至少
      • major adj. 主要的
      • firm n. 公司
      • simply adv. 简单地说
  2. CEOs must have a good sense financial markets and maybe even how the company should trade in them.

    • 翻译:CEO们必须有一个好的金融市场感知力,甚至可能要知道公司应该怎么在其中进行交易。
    • 解释:
      • sense n. 感觉、感知
      • financial adj. 金融的
      • market n. 市场
      • trade v. 交易
  3. They also need better public relations skills than their predecessors, as the costs of even a minor slipup can be significant.

    • 翻译:他们也比他们的前任需要更强的公关能力,因为任何一个小疏忽都可能造成巨大的影响。
    • 解释:
      • better adj. 更好的
      • public relations skills 公共关系技能
      • predecessor n. 前任、被替代的人
      • minor adj. 小的
      • slipup n. 失败、疏漏
      • significant adj. 重要的、有重大影响的、有特殊意义的、显著的
  4. Then there’s the fact that large American companies are much more globalized than ever before, with supply chains spread across a larger number of countries.

    • 翻译:然后,事实上大量的美国公司比以往更加地全球化,因为其供应链向大量的国家蔓延。
    • 解释:
      • there is
      • globalized adj. 全球化的
      • ever before 以往
      • supply chains 供应链
      • spread v. 传播、蔓延
  5. To lead in that system requires knowledge that is fairly mind-boggling.

    • 翻译:为了领导那样的系统,所需的知识量超乎想象。
    • 解释:
      • fairly adv. 相当地
      • mind-boggling adj. 难以想象的
  6. Plus, virtually all major American companies are becoming tech companies,one way or another.

    • 翻译:此外,几乎所有的重要的美国公司都在以某种方式成为科技公司。
    • 解释:
      • Plus prep. 此外
      • virtually adv. 几乎、实际上
      • tech n. 科技
  7. Beyond this, major CEOs still have to do all the day-to-day work they have always done.

    • 翻译:抛开这个,主要的CEO们仍然必须做日常工作。
    • 解释:
      • beyond prep. 超出
      • day-to-day work 日复一日的工作

27)Compared with their predecessors, today’s CEOs are required to ____.
[A] foster a stronger sense of teamwork
[B] finance more research and development
[C] establish closer ties with tech companies
[D] operate more globalized companies

Paragraph 4

  1. The common idea that high CEO pay is mainly about ripping people off doesn’t explain history very well.

    • 翻译:CEO高薪主要是去剥削他人这一普遍观点并不能很好地解释历史。
    • 解释:
      • mainly adv. 主要地
      • rip people off 剥削人们
      • explain v. 解释
  2. By most measures, corporate governance has become a lot tighter and more rigorous since the 1970s.

    • 翻译:通过大部分的指标来看,从1970年代以来,公司治理变得更严格了。
    • 解释:
      • measure n. 指标
      • corporate n. 公司
      • governance n. 统治、治理、管理
      • tighter adj. 紧的
      • rigorous adj. 严格的
  3. Yet it is principally during this period of stronger governance that CEO pay has been high and rising.

    • 翻译:然而,尤其是在更强的治理期间,CEO薪酬涨了。
    • 解释:
      • principally adv. 主要地、尤其是
  4. That suggests it is in the broader corporate interest to recruit top candidates for increasingly tough jobs.

    • 翻译:这表明,为日益艰难的工作招聘顶尖候选人,公司要考虑更广泛的企业利益。
    • 解释:
      • suggest v. 表明
      • broader adj. 广泛的
      • interest n. 利益
      • recruit v. 招募
      • candidate n. 候选人
      • tough adj. 艰难的、艰苦的

28)CEO pay has been rising since the 1970s despite ____.
[A] continual internal opposition
[B] strict corporate governance
[C] conservative business strategies
[D] repeated government warning

Paragraph 5

  1. Furthermore, the highest CEO salaries are paid to outside candidates, not to the cozy insider picks, another sign that high CEO pay is not some kind of depredation at the expense of the rest of the company.

    • 翻译:另外,最高的CEO薪水被付给外部的候选者,而不是那些舒适的内部人士,另一个迹象表明,CEO的高薪并不是以牺牲公司其他人为代价的掠夺。
    • 解释:
      • salaries n. 薪水(复数形式),原形 salary
      • candidate n. 候选者
      • cozy adj. 舒适的
      • insider n. 内部的人
      • pick n. 选择
      • depredation n. 掠夺,depredate v. 掠夺
      • at the expense of 以牺牲…为代价
      • rest n. 其他的人
  2. And the stock market reacts positively when companies tie CEO pay to, say , stock prices, a sign that those practices build up corporate value not just for the CEO.

    • 翻译:当公司将CEO的薪酬与股票价格等因素挂钩时,股市反应积极,这表明这些做法不仅仅对CEO有利,也增加了公司价值。
    • 解释:
      • stock n. 股票
      • react v. 回应、响应
      • positively adv. 积极地,positive adj. 积极的
      • tie ... to ... 将…与…关联
      • say 在这里的意思是 “例如” 或 “举个例子”,用来引出一个示例,表示这个例子并不是唯一的,还有其他可能性。
      • a sign that 表明了
      • practice n. 业务做法、工作行为
      • corporate value 公司价值

29)High CEO pay can be justified by the fact that it helps ____.
[A] confirm the status of CEOs
[B] motivate inside candidates
[C] boost the efficiency of CEOs
[D] increase corporate value

30)The most suitable title for this text would be ____.
[A] CEOs Are Not Overpaid
[B] CEO Pay: Past and Present
[C] CEOs’ Challenges of Today
[D] CEO Traits: Not Easy to Define

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