


        在考试当中经常有一些要表示因果的场景。如果句型积累不够,那只能用bacase, for doing,



        一、the argument that ... rests chiefly on the fact that


        The argument for the importance of environmental protection rests chiefly on the fact that natural resources are finite and must be conserved.


        The argument that reading broadens horizons rests chiefly on the fact that it exposes us to new ideas and perspectives. 


二、Something strengthens the case for


        The discovery of new fossils strengthens the case for the existence of dinosaurs millions of years ago.

        Recent studies have strengthened the case for the use of renewable energy sources.

 三、Something is less about... and more about...


        Modern art is less about representing reality and more about expressing emotions and feelings.

        Success in business is less about luck and more about hard work and smart decision-making.

四、lie at the root/heart of something 


        Poverty and inequality lie at the root of many social problems.

        Communication and trust lie at the heart of any successful relationship.

五、not least because


        I decided to take the job, not least because it offered a great opportunity for personal growth.

        We chose to stay in this hotel, not least because of its excellent location.

六、Something/Somebody is to blame for


        The accident was caused by negligence, and the driver is to blame for it.

        The delay in the project was due to poor communication, and the project manager is to blame for not addressing the issue promptly.

 七、The ramifications go beyond ...



        The ramifications of climate change go beyond environmental issues and affect social, economic, and political systems as well.

        The decision to cut funding for education will have ramifications that go beyond the classroom and affect the future of our society.

  八、Something leaves ... in its wake


        The hurricane left a trail of destruction in its wake, flattening houses and tearing down trees.

        The controversial policy left a deep divide in its wake, splitting the community into opposing factions.

九、less because of ... than because of ...


        I chose to study abroad less because of the academic opportunities than because of the cultural experience it would offer.

        The success of the project was less because of the team's hard work than because of the innovative approach they adopted.

十、A is a recipe for sth. 


        Ignoring your emotions is a recipe for mental distress.


        Procrastination is a recipe for unfinished tasks and missed opportunities.


十一、 boil down to sth. 


        The reason for the company's success boils down to its innovative business model.

        When it comes to achieving goals, it all boils down to perseverance and hard work.

 十二、sth. translates into ...


        The scientific research translates into new technologies that benefit society.

        His creative idea translates into a successful business model.

十三、 the problem may be with... rather than... 


        The problem may be with the software itself, rather than the user's lack of skills.

        The issue seems to be with the network connection, rather than the computer's hardware.

十四、the result is XX, with...


        he result is disappointing, with several key targets not being met.

         The experiment was successful, with all data points falling within the expected range.

十五、The obvious culprit for... is...


        The obvious culprit for the power outage is the aging infrastructure in the area.

         The obvious culprit for the traffic jam is the road construction that's been going on for weeks.

十六、Something is at play


        The fluctuations in the stock market are difficult to predict; there are many things at play.

        The success of our team is not just due to hard work; there's something else at play as well.

 十七、Although XX is in large part of the result of... it also highlights...


        Although our success is in large part of the result of teamwork, it also highlights the importance of individual effort.


        Although the movie's box office success is in large part of the result of its engaging storyline, it also highlights the contribution of the excellent cast.


十八、It follows that...


        She has never failed an exam in her academic career. It follows that she is a very diligent and capable student.

         The company has been experiencing financial difficulties for some time. It follows that they may need to seek external funding to stay afloat.

1基于事实论据基于事实the argument is based on facts
2加强论证支持某观点strengthens the argument for
3侧重不同更侧重于某方面is more about... than about...
4根源所在是问题的核心lies at the root of the problem
5重要原因是重要原因之一is a significant factor/reason
6责任归属某人或某物应负责is to blame for
7影响广泛影响超出范围has ramifications beyond...
8留下后果产生某种影响leaves... in its wake
9比较原因更因...而非 more due to... than to...
10成功秘诀导致成功的关键is the key to success
11简化总结简化为关键点boils down to
12转化为变为某种结果translates into
13问题所在问题在于某方面the issue lies in...
14结果伴随结果与...并存the result is accompanied by...
15明显原因明显的责任或原因the obvious culprit/reason is...
16起关键作用在某事中重要plays a crucial role in...
17既是结果又是原因既是结果又凸显原因is both a result and a contributing factor of...
18逻辑推断基于事实推断it follows logically from...

本文标签: 早操英译汉