






          So did 2020 represent a structural change in the markets business of banks, rather than a blip? There is reason to think so. Among bankers, cautious optimism has replaced talk of normalisation. Asked if robust activity is the “new normal” for banks, Andy Morton, head of markets at Citigroup, responds that “it is hard to say, honestly, but there are some reasons to expect things will remain reasonably volatile”. That rates have climbed sharply, after the stasis of the previous decade, has been “a recipe for volatility”, he says. He also highlights rising geopolitical tensions and the growth of new industries, such as private credit, as reasons for elevated activity. Trends such as ageing populations and the climate transition might continue to stoke inflation, meaning continued interest-rate volatility. And all kinds of markets have ricocheted in recent years: not just bond and equity markets but also those for currencies and commodities, including European gas.

        This leads to a striking conclusion. Perhaps ultra-loose monetary policy was more troublesome for banks than post-financial-crisis regulation. As is now clear, it is perfectly possible to make lots of money intermediating markets without committing the sins of the pre-2008 era—not least taking positions—so long as markets are sufficiently volatile. This kind of financial dynamism might not be welcome news to everyone. But it has undoubtedly made the job of trading markets as lucrative, and physically laborious, as in an earlier golden age.



英音 [blɪp]
美音 [blɪp]

  • 名词(n.):尖峰信号;短促而尖锐的声音;统计数字的上下浮动;雷达的可视信号;仪表屏幕上的闪亮光点(有时伴有短促尖声);变故;暂时性问题
  • 不及物动词(vi.):发哔哔声;发信号;(雷达等屏幕上)出现光点;出现波动

The radar screen showed a series of blips indicating the presence of aircraft.





音标:英音 ['steɪsɪs] 美音 [ˈstesɪs, ˈstæsɪs]


        The economy of the country has been in a state of stasis for the past few years, with little growth or change.


音标:英音 [stəʊk] 美音 [stoʊk]

        She was stoking the stove with sticks of maple.



英音 [ˈrɪkəʃeɪ]
美音 [ˈrɪkəˌʃeɪ]

  • 名词(n.):跳弹;弹起(尤指子弹、炮弹接触水面、地面后的情况)
  • 动词(v.):反弹;跳飞

        The bullet ricocheted off the wall and hit the target behind.


        In the recent volatility of the stock market, share prices have ricocheted wildly, causing investors to reevaluate their portfolios.


音标:英 [ˌɪntəˈmiːdiːeɪtɪŋ] 美 [ˌɪntərˈmiːdiːeɪtɪŋ]


  • 形容词(adj.):居中的,中间的;中等程度的,中级的
  • 名词(n.):中级水平者,中级学生;中间事物;(化合物)中间体
  • 动词(v.):充当调解人,斡旋

        The intermediating role of the teacher is crucial in facilitating communication between the students and the subject matter.

           So did 2020 represent a structural change in the markets business of banks, rather than a blip? There is reason to think so. Among bankers, cautious optimism has replaced talk of normalisation.  



        那么,2020 年是否标志着银行业务市场的结构性变化,而不仅是一次短暂的波动?有充分理由这样认为。银行家们已经转向谨慎乐观的态度,不再继续关于正常化的讨论。

        Asked if robust activity is the “new normal” for banks, Andy Morton, head of markets at Citigroup, responds that “it is hard to say, honestly, but there are some reasons to expect things will remain reasonably volatile”.

        在被问及稳健的行动是否是银行的“新常态”时,花旗银行市场部总监安迪·玛特(Andy Morton)回答说:“说实话,很难讲,但是有理由推测事情会保持相对不稳定的状态”

        一、【robust activity】表示活跃的活动,再基于当前上下文引申成【活跃的市场活动】。

        二、【 head of 】表示【负责人】而非总监,所以原文理解错误。


          The company's profits were reasonably good this quarter.

        在被问及活跃的市场活动是否是银行的“新常态”时,花旗集团市场部负责人安迪·莫顿(Andy Morton)回答说:“说实话,这很难说,但是有理由推测市场将保持相对的不稳定状态。”

         That rates have climbed sharply, after the stasis of the previous decade, has been “a recipe for volatility”, he says. He also highlights rising geopolitical tensions and the growth of new industries, such as private credit, as reasons for elevated activity.

        他说:“过去十年市场处于停滞状态,加之利率已大幅上升,成为市场流动性的主要影响因素。” 他也强调了地域紧张和新市场增长的影响因素,例如私有贷款,此类行为成为增加市场流动性的关键因素。

        一、【 the stasis 】联系上下文其实是在说利率停滞了十年,要将这层含义表达清楚。


        一、【 geopolitical tensions】地域紧张---》地域政治紧张

        二、如果要将【as reasons for elevated activity】理解成修饰private credit,是不对的,因为reasons是复数,应该在修饰两个及两个以上的名词,所以它是在修饰【rising geopolitical tensions】和【the growth of new industries】,【 such as private credit】作为插入语,在举例说明new industries. 整句话的骨骼就是【he highlights a and b as reasons for sth.】


        Trends such as ageing populations and the climate transition might continue to stoke inflation, meaning continued interest-rate volatility. And all kinds of markets have ricocheted in recent years: not just bond and equity markets but also those for currencies and commodities, including European gas.

        人口老龄化和气候变化等趋势可能会继续加剧通货膨胀,意味着持续的利率市场变动。 近年来,各类市场都已经历波动,不只是债券和股票市场,还有货币市场和大宗市场,包括欧洲天然气市场。

         一、【interest-rate volatility】不要写成【利率市场变动】而是【利率变动】


        三、European gas(欧洲天然气)是commodities(大宗商品)的一种。所以后面的处理应该将欧洲天然气跟大宗商品一起表达。


           This leads to a striking conclusion. Perhaps ultra-loose monetary policy was more troublesome for banks than post-financial-crisis regulation.  


        一、【ultra-loose】表“极度宽松的” 不是“彻底宽松的”。


         As is now clear, it is perfectly possible to make lots of money intermediating markets without committing the sins of the pre-2008 era—not least taking positions—so long as markets are sufficiently volatile.

        现在很清楚的是, 完全可能在市场中赚钱,并且不犯2008之前时期的错误-至少不能沾边-只要市场还有足够的流动性。


        二、:在金融语境中,“taking positions”通常指的是在特定的金融工具(如股票、债券、期货、期权等)中建立头寸或立场。这意味着投资者或交易者决定买入或卖出某种资产,从而在该资产的价格变动中获利或承受损失。“not least taking positions”可以理解为在金融市场中,尤其需要避免采取过于激进或极端的立场或头寸。



        By intermediating, banks can earn profits without taking risks.


        This kind of financial dynamism might not be welcome news to everyone. But it has undoubtedly made the job of trading markets as lucrative, and physically laborious, as in an earlier golden age.





本文标签: 早操二十三英译汉