


Facebook 2



Hi, I'm Helen Campbell, from DJ interpretation, European Commission, I'm going to talk about Facebook. You I'm sure that you are more familiar with Facebook, a lot, a lot more familiar than I than me. But I've read a love for an awful lot about it. It is indeed a big success in (it)now has half a million people among is 英 /ɪz/subscribe subscribers. Well have a medium just So Facebook is really an enormous success. Well, if it were a country, then it would be the third largest country in the world by is(its) population numbers, but it is not a country. So it is indeed an overriding success.

I'm going to talk about Facebook.英 /ɪts/

我们来聊聊脸书。英 /ɪz/

I'm sure that you're all very familiar with Facebook, a lot more familiar than I am, no doubt. But I've read an awful lot about it, as I suppose like most people. Facebook is a big success, a huge website success. And it now numbers half a million people amongst subscribers. Half a million is an awful lot of people and therefore it is something of an enormous success. In fact, if it were a country, it would be the third largest country by population numbers, but it's not as I said, it's a highly successful website.


2. linking verbif people or things number a particular amount, that is how many there are数目有…:

The population of the town numbered about 5,000.镇上的人口大约有 5000 人。 The men on strike now number 5% of the workforce.罢工人数目前约占工人总数的 5%。

3. sb's / sth's days are numbered used to say that someone or something cannot live or continue for much longer某人生命垂危; 某人/某事物活着(存在)的日子屈指可数:

I knew my days were numbered at that firm.我明白我在那家公司的日子屈指可数了。

4. number among sth / be numbered among sth formalto be included as one of a particular group被认作(算作)某一团体中的一员:

He was a successful corporate lawyer who numbered among his clients J.P. Morgan and Standard Oil.他是一位成功的公司法律顾问,被看作是他的客户摩根大通集团和标准石油公司的一员。

5. Tliteraryto count something计算,数:

Who can number the stars?谁能数清星星有多少?

Well, this success is is, (it)is being made in this space of six years. Six years ago, a young, older graduate, sat(set) up 额with this web ad to(at) his dormitory room. That is Mark Zuckerberg, of course, he is now the CEO of Facebook. At that time, he thought that it would be a good way to have a website to keep the average ed(ivy league) students to keep in touch with each other  (,)exchange information and news. But then a(it) grow grow(ed in)ing to make(a big) success.

Now, all this has happened, this huge overriding success in the space of only six years. Facebook was set up by a young undergraduate in his early 20s, one Mark Zuckerberg is now of course the CEO of Facebook. He simply began the plan in his dormitory room, and he thought it would be a good way to set up a website to keep the 英 /'aɪvɪ/Ivy League 英 /liːɡ/students in touch with each other, keeping tabs on each other, exchanging some information and news and it's gone from that as I said, in six years only, to a real web superpower. A superpower that can number that many people has an awful lot of influence too.


7. keep (close) tabs on sb / sth informalto watch someone or something carefully to check what they are doing密切注意某人/某事物,监视某人的一举一动:

•The police have been keeping tabs on Rogers since he got out of prison.自从罗杰斯出狱以来,警察一直在严密监视他。

quantifier; used with either mass nouns 集合名词or plural count nouns to indicate an unspecified number or quantityCount Nouns and Noncount Nouns 可数名词和不可数名词

6. TIME 时间
a. in / within the space of sth within a particular period of time在一段…的时间里,在…期间:

Mandy had four children in the space of four years.曼迪在四年的时间里生了四个孩子。

b. a short space of time a short period of time短短的一段时间:

They achieved a lot in a short space of time.他们在短短的时间里取得了很大的成就。

Well, he has such a so many subscribers, that means you(it) indeed have (a)great influence. Well, this is really a part of the aspects of the web. Think about where we start macro seeing that think that macro software's made a computer much easier for us. And then Google made a search search more easy for us and them, YouTube says and attenders. But Facebook has (an)advantage of perhaps all of them. That data is because of the users emotional investment is subscribers are laughing on Facebook. They exchange photos. And they talk to each other through Facebook as opposed to talk to each other directly.

Well, it's all part of the development of so many different aspects of the web, thinking back we began with Microsoft that made computers easy for all. Then we had Google to help us search and then YouTube to entertain us. But Facebook, well Facebook has a huge advantage over perhaps all the others because of the emotional investment of its users. The people who subscribe are laughing together, exchanging their opinions, exchanging holiday photographs, genuinely talking to each other, but talking to each other through Facebook, as opposed to directly. 


Well, this means that we'll live our private life in a public arena. Whether this is a good thing or not, is for you to judge. But it indeed abroad, an enormous change compared to that in 10 or 20 years ago, because at that time, we're not live our private life in such a public arena than people do now. Thank you

It means too that this is really a question of living your private life in a public arena. Now whether or not that is a good or a bad thing that is for you to judge but it certainly shows an enormous change now compared with say 10 or 20 years ago, because we didn't live our private lives in the public arena then as people are doing now. Thank you. 



facebook  enormous sucess

six years mark zuckerberg

for the exchanges of lvy league studens

one of many aspects of the delvelopment of web but the most advantagable one

because the emotional investment of its users

change:live private life in a public arena


本文标签: Retelling