

新闻/媒体 发布接口定制

Plus Apple goes all in on Arcade, I/O sessions show what Google has cooking this year, Outlook was hacked, and a whole lot more. Here’s your Monday roundup of the biggest stories from the weekend.

加上Apple一直在Arcade上进行活动,I / O会话显示了Google今年在做饭,Outlook被黑,等等。 这是您周一有关周末最大新闻的摘要。

Google位置数据可帮助警察找到证人和嫌疑犯 (Google Location Data is Helping Police Find Witnesses and Suspects)

Over the weekend, the New York Times broke a fascinating story about how police are using location data kept by Google to find both witnesses and suspects related to cases that they’re having a hard time cracking. The report is both revealing and absolutely terrifying.

上周末,《纽约时报》打破了一个有趣的故事,讲述了警察如何使用Google保留的位置数据来查找证人和嫌疑人,这些证人和嫌疑人与案件难以破解有关。 该报告既透彻又绝对恐怖。

While we can all understand how this data is helpful and shows promise for catching the bad guy, it also raises the question of what happens when they target the wrong guy. One such story was highlighted by the NYT, where a man was arrested for murder, but subsequently released a week later when they realized that he didn’t do it. It’s great that they figured it out so quickly, but it could’ve just as easily gone the other way and taken months to catch the real criminal.

虽然我们都可以理解这些数据如何提供帮助,并显示出捕捉坏人的希望,但同时也提出了一个问题,即当他们瞄准错误的人时会发生什么。 纽约时报特别报道了一个这样的故事,一名男子因谋杀被捕,但一周后当他们意识到他没有这样做时被释放。 他们这么快就弄明白了,这真是太好了,但是反过来也很容易,花了几个月的时间才能找到真正的罪犯。

Here’s how it works: Google keeps track of precise device location, which it stores in a database called Sensorvault. If police are having a difficult time finding witnesses or pinning down a suspect, it can request all device information for a given area where a crime is committed. Google provides device info—completely anonymized initially—allowing police to track devices to pinpoint better potential suspects (or, in some cases, witnesses who may not have come forward). Once it has a better idea of the devices it may be after, it formally requests full information from Google.

它是这样工作的:Google跟踪精确的设备位置,并将其存储在名为Sensorvault的数据库中。 如果警察在寻找证人或确定犯罪嫌疑人方面困难重重,它可以请求在特定区域实施犯罪的所有设备信息。 Google提供了设备信息(最初完全是匿名的),使警察能够跟踪设备以查明潜在的更好的嫌疑人(或者在某些情况下,可能是没有出面的证人)。 一旦对可能要使用的设备有了更好的了解,它将正式向Google请求全部信息。

At that point, Google gives up all the goods: usernames, emails, phone number, real name, the works. If the person is actually guilty, this is great! If not, well, I’m less enthusiastic.

那时,Google放弃了所有商品:用户名,电子邮件,电话号码,真实姓名和作品。 如果此人确实有罪,那就太好了! 如果不是这样,那么我就没那么热情了。

This report shines a bright light on the potential downsides of allowing Google to track your device all the time—and make no mistake here, this is very much a Google problem. When asked about a similar program, Apple stated that “did not have the ability to perform those searches.”

这份报告充分说明了允许Google一直跟踪您的设备的潜在弊端-在这里没有犯错,这在很大程度上是Google的问题。 当被问及类似程序时,苹果表示“没有能力执行这些搜索。”

According to Google, only the data from users who have opted into Location History tracking is kept in Sensorvault. That said, the Associated Press recently found that Google was still tracking users even after they disabled Location History, so take that for what it’s worth.

根据Google的说法,只有选择加入“位置记录”跟踪的用户数据才保留在Sensorvault中。 就是说,美联社最近发现,即使用户停用了位置记录功能, Google仍在跟踪用户 ,因此,以它的价值为准。

While there’s still plenty more to discuss on this topic, I’ll stop here for the sake of brevity. I encourage everyone to read the New York Time’s report, as it’s highly revealing.

尽管仍然有更多关于此主题的讨论,为简洁起见,我将在这里停止。 我鼓励每个人都阅读《纽约时报》的报道 ,因为它具有很高的启示性。

苹果新闻:苹果押宝商场 ( Apple News: Apple Bets Big on Arcade)

Plus, Apple is going to war with Qualcomm.


  • According to a new report from The Financial Times (paywall), Apple is spending more than $500 million to get its recently-announced Arcade service up and running. That’s some serious money. [via 9to5Mac]

    根据《金融时报》 (paywall)的一份新报告,苹果公司花费了超过5亿美元来启动和运行其最近宣布的Arcade服务。 这是一些严重的钱。 [通过9to5Mac ]

  • Apple and Qualcomm go to war in court starting this week, and it’s going to be ugly. [The Verge]

    苹果和高通公司将从本周开始在法庭上开战,这将是丑陋的。 [ 边缘 ]

While the Qualcomm thing is interesting enough in its own right, it’s a messy situation that is likely going to be long, drawn-out, and honestly (for now at least) kind of boring. So let’s talk about this game thing instead!

尽管高通公司本身就很有趣,但是这是一个混乱的局面,可能会很长,很漫长,而且诚实(至少目前如此)很无聊。 因此,让我们来谈谈这个游戏吧!

You’d be forgiven for forgetting about Apple Arcade, which was announced at its event late last month. It’s Apple’s take on gaming, which will allow users to pay a single price (which has yet to be announced) to access a play “over 100” new, original, and exclusive games on the company’s hardware. That includes Mac, iPhone, and Apple TV.

您会忘记上个月底在其活动上宣布的Apple Arcade ,这是可以原谅的。 这是苹果公司的游戏方式,用户只需支付一个价格(尚未宣布)即可在公司的硬件上访问“ 100多种”新的,原创的和独家的游戏。 其中包括Mac,iPhone和Apple TV。

It was largely overshadowed by things like News+, the new TV app, and TV+, but it’s still clearly a big deal to Apple. The fact that the company is pouring millions of dollars into the service is pretty telling. Still, that’s the most information we’ve gotten about the service outside of Apple’s event itself…which still isn’t very much.

它在很大程度上被诸如News +,新的电视应用程序和TV +之类的东西所笼罩,但是对于苹果来说,这显然仍然是一件大事。 该公司向该服务投入了数百万美元,这一事实非常明显。 尽管如此,这仍然是我们在Apple活动本身之外获得的有关服务的最多信息……还不是很多。

To be more specific, however, the numbers are pretty incredible: according to The Financial Times’ report, Apple is spending “several million” on each of the 100 titles destined for Arcade. It goes on to say that Apple is offering a little something extra to developers that will make their game exclusive to Arcade, though it doesn’t specify what this extra incentive is.

但是,更具体地讲,这些数字非常令人难以置信:根据《金融时报》的报道,苹果在预定用于Arcade的100种游戏中,每一种都花费了“几百万”。 它继续说苹果公司为开发人员提供了一些额外的东西,这将使他们的游戏成为Arcade独有的,尽管它没有说明这种额外的刺激是什么。

According to 9to5Mac, citing its own sources, all Arcade games will be “mobile exclusive,” meaning that they won’t be available on other mobile platforms (read: Android). Developers will, however, be able to offer the titles on PS4, Xbox, and Switch. The latter option there is curious because Switch games are often likened to mobile titles; in fact, Fortnite makes Switch players play against mobile players because it feels they’re at too much of a disadvantage to play against other consoles.

9to5Mac援引其自身消息来源称,所有Arcade游戏都将是“移动专用”的,这意味着它们将无法在其他移动平台上使用(阅读:Android)。 但是,开发人员将能够在PS4,Xbox和Switch上提供游戏。 后者的选择很奇怪,因为Switch游戏经常被比作手机游戏。 实际上,Fortnite使Switch玩家与移动玩家对战,因为觉得与其他游戏机对战太不利了。

But I digress. Apple Arcade sounds interesting and given how much Apple is willing to spend on it, pretty promising. We’ll be looking forward to getting more detailed info about the cost and model from Apple as the launch timeframe of “this fall” gets closer.

但是我离题了。 Apple Arcade听起来很有趣,而且考虑到Apple愿意花多少钱,这很有前途。 随着“今年秋天”的发布时间越来越近,我们将期待从Apple获得有关成本和型号的更多详细信息。

Google新闻:Google的室内位置跟踪新应用 (Google News: Google’s New App for Indoor Location Tracking)

Plus I/O sessions, Linux apps on Chrome OS 75 get USB support, a new Chromebook shows up with a fingerprint scanner, YouTube is using “quality watch time” as a new metric for videos success, and more.

加上I / O会话,Chrome OS 75上的Linux应用程序获得USB支持,带有指纹扫描仪的新Chromebook出现,YouTube将“观看质量”作为衡量视频成功率的新指标,等等。

  • Google recently released a new app called WifiRttScan for 802.11mc indoor positioning. Indoor GPS is coming. Also, more precise tracking. Great. [9to5Google]

    Google最近发布了一个名为WifiRttScan的新应用程序,用于802.11mc室内定位。 室内GPS即将到来。 另外,更精确的跟踪。 大。 [ 9to5Google ]

  • The first Google I/O sessions started to show up this weekend, with Android Q, Chrome OS, Material Dark, camera, gaming, and a lot more. [9to5Google, Android Police]

    最初的Google I / O会话本周末开始出现,其中包括Android Q,Chrome OS,Material Dark,相机,游戏等。 [ 9to5Google , Android Police ]

  • Linux apps on Chrome OS 75 got USB support, including debugging for Android phone. Oh hell yeah. [About Chromebooks]

    Chrome OS 75上的Linux应用获得了USB支持,包括Android手机的调试。 哦,是的。 [ 关于Chromebook ]

  • Speaking of Chromebooks, a new baseboard codenamed “Hatch” recently showed up in a commit with full biometric support. Bring on the Chromebooks with fingerprint scanners. [Chrome Unboxed]

    说到Chromebook,最近在一次提交中显示了一个代号为“ Hatch”的新底板,该底板具有完整的生物识别支持。 带上指纹扫描仪的Chromebook。 [ Chrome未装箱 ]

  • Starting in Chrome 75, websites will no longer be able to tell when you’re using incognito mode. Good. [Techdows]

    从Chrome 75开始,网站将无法再告知您何时使用隐身模式。 好。 [ Techdows ]

  • Recently, Android Police reported that a handful of HTC’s apps were removed from the Play Store. Well, they’re starting to trickle back in. Weird. [Android Police]

    最近,Android Police报告称,HTC的一些应用程序已从Play商店中删除。 好吧,他们开始慢慢流淌。怪异。 [ Android警察 ]

  • Here’s a fun one: YouTube is starting to use a new internal metric called “quality watch time” to gauge video success, but it still isn’t sure how it’s going to work. That sounds promising. [Bloomberg]

    这是一个有趣的例子:YouTube开始使用一种称为“质量观看时间”的新内部指标来衡量视频的成功率,但仍不确定它是如何工作的。 听起来很有希望。 [ 彭博 ]

  • The Verge went hands-on with the upcoming Galaxy Fold. And they pretty much liked it. [The Verge]

    The Verge与即将到来的Galaxy Fold亲密接触。 他们非常喜欢它。 [ 边缘 ]

While we’ve talked about how 802.11mc will be used for indoor tracking—indoor GPS if you will—and we’re actually pretty excited for the tech, this news hit at a pretty awkward time given the recent report from the New York Times.

尽管我们已经讨论过802.11mc将如何用于室内跟踪(如果可以的话, 可以使用室内 GPS),并且我们实际上对该技术感到非常兴奋,但鉴于《纽约时报》的最新报道,这一消息在相当尴尬的时间内到来了。

Still, there’s definitely some value to precise indoor location tracking. Imagine you’re in a huge mall and looking for one particular store. You could walk around until you find it, check those huge maps that are generally hard to read anyway, or just fire up your smartphone and tell it to find the store you’re looking for. I know which one I’d pick.

尽管如此,精确的室内位置跟踪仍然具有一定的价值。 假设您在一个大型购物中心里,正在寻找一家特定的商店。 您可以四处走走,直到找到它,检查那些通常很难阅读的巨大地图,或者启动智能手机并告诉它找到您想要的商店。 我知道我会选哪一个。

But now it’s more apparent than ever there’s another side to that coin that needs to be considered: even more precise location tracking means that Google knows exactly where you are—and likely what you’re looking at!—even when you’re inside a building. The imagination can run wild with all sorts of ideas about how that particular data set will be used.

但是,现在比以往任何时候都更加明显,这枚硬币需要考虑的另一面:更精确的位置跟踪意味着Google可以准确知道您的位置,甚至可能知道您在看什么!建造。 关于如何使用特定数据集的各种想法,想像力可能会泛滥成灾。

Hyper-specific ads based on something you looked at in a store? Probably. How about, considering the NYT’s piece, pegging someone for a crime because they recently shopped for items that may be associated with said crime—like bomb construction, for example. Now, while that’s highly speculative, it’s still something that has to be considered.

基于您在商店中浏览过的商品的超特定广告? 大概。 考虑到《纽约时报》的说法,由于某人最近购买了可能与该罪行有关的物品,例如炸弹构造,因此将某人钉在了一起罪行上。 现在,尽管那是高度投机性的,但仍然需要考虑。

Just like with so many other things related to modern technology, the future for this sort of thing is both exciting and terrifying.


微软新闻:HACKED (Microsoft News: HACKED)

Things aren’t looking great for Microsoft this morning, with details of hackers compromising a support agent’s credentials to access customer email, and Internet Exploring allowing hackers to steal files both rolling in over the weekend. On the upside, Microsoft added Google, DuckDuckGo, and Yahoo as search providers in Edge Canary. Yay?

今天上午,对于微软而言,情况并不乐观,黑客的详细信息损害了支持代理访问客户电子邮件的凭据,Internet Internet Exploring允许黑客窃取了在周末滚动的文件。 从好的方面来说,微软在Edge Canary中将Google,DuckDuckGo和Yahoo作为搜索提供程序。 好极了?

  • Hackers had access to Microsoft’s webmail services—Outlook, @msn, and @hotmail—for upwards of three months. Access was reportedly gained by using a support agent’s login credentials. More on this below. [TechCrunch, The Verge]

    黑客可以访问Microsoft的Webmail服务(Outlook,@ msn和@hotmail)长达三个月以上。 据报道,访问是通过使用支持代理的登录凭据获得的。 在下面的更多内容。 [ TechCrunch , 边缘 ]

  • In related news, there’s a security flaw in Internet Explorer that allows hackers to access (and take) your files. Even if you don’t use IE. Oof. [Engadget]

    在相关新闻中,Internet Explorer中存在一个安全漏洞,允许黑客访问(并获取)您的文件。 即使您不使用IE。 钱币。 [ Engadget ]

  • Good news: Microsoft added more search options to Edge Canary. If you don’t like Bing as your only option, you can now set Google, DuckDuckGo, and Yahoo as your primary option. Cool. [Techdows]

    好消息:Microsoft向Edge Canary添加了更多搜索选项。 如果您不喜欢Bing作为唯一选择,则可以将Google,DuckDuckGo和Yahoo设置为主要选择。 凉。 [ Techdows ]

  • Here’s a look at Microsoft’s upcoming disc-less Xbox One S in all its glory. [Techradar]

    看看微软即将面世的无盘Xbox OneS。 [ Techradar ]

With two hacks/breaches coming out, it was a pretty lousy weekend for Microsoft. According to the reports I’ve read, the email hack affected about “six percent” of users. Hackers were able to gain access to users’ email addresses, folders, subject lines, and the email addresses of users they had been corresponding with. According to Microsoft, not the actual emails themselves or the passwords for the accounts.

由于出现了两个骇客/违规行为,对于微软而言,这是一个非常糟糕的周末。 根据我阅读的报告,电子邮件黑客攻击影响了大约“ 6%”的用户。 黑客能够访问用户的电子邮件地址,文件夹,主题行以及与之对应的用户的电子邮件地址。 根据Microsoft的说法,不是实际的电子邮件本身或帐户的密码。

That particular breach occurred between January 1st and March 28th, so the door was wide open for nearly four months. That’s a pretty long time for someone to be sifting through your email. What might be more fascinating—or perhaps troubling—is how the hackers gained access to the accounts in the first place: by using a support agent’s login credentials. Oof.

那个特殊的漏洞发生在1月1日至3月28日之间,因此敞开了近四个月的大门。 对于某人来说,在您的电子邮件中进行筛选的时间相当长。 可能更令人着迷或什至令人困扰的是,黑客首先是如何通过使用支持代理的登录凭据来访问帐户的。 钱币。

Once the credentials were identified, however, access was revoked.


Of course, there’s also the IE breach, which allowed hackers to access files found on users PCs—even if they don’t use IE. This was in large part due to an unpatched exploit found in the browser everyone loves to hate, which allowed outside access when an attachment (sent through chat or email) was opened.

当然,还有IE漏洞,它使黑客可以访问在用户PC上找到的文件-即使他们不使用IE。 这在很大程度上是由于在每个人都讨厌的浏览器中发现了未修补的漏洞,当打开附件(通过聊天或电子邮件发送)时,该漏洞允许外部访问。

To make matter worse, Microsoft reportedly refused to fix the exploit, saying it would be “considered” in a future release. Perhaps the news of the breach will force Microsoft to react and release an urgent patch, but in the meantime, we encourage all users to be careful what they click on, especially when it comes to attachments.

更糟糕的是,据报道微软拒绝修复该漏洞,称它将在未来的版本中“考虑”。 违规消息可能会迫使Microsoft做出React并发布紧急补丁,但是与此同时,我们鼓励所有用户注意其单击的内容,尤其是在附件方面。

其他新闻:老大哥正在观看(无论如何,根据Facebook) (Other News: Big Brother is Watching (According to Facebook, Anyway))

Facebook accidentally leaves cryptic but troubling messages in Oculus controllers, Amazon is in talks to release an ad-based music streaming service, the world’s largest plane takes flight, and more.


  • Hidden “jokes” were found in thousands of Oculus controllers, including troubling messages like “Big Brother is watching.” That’s not creepy at all, right? [Gizmodo]

    在成千上万的Oculus控制器中发现了隐藏的“笑话”,其中包括诸如“老大哥正在注视”之类的令人不安的消息。 一点都不令人毛骨悚然,对吧? [ Gizmodo ]

  • Amazon may be launching an ad-based music streaming service as early as this week. [Billboard]

    亚马逊最早可能在本周推出基于广告的音乐流媒体服务。 [ 广告牌 ]

  • Twitch’s first free game is a karaoke title for live streaming

  • You can now change your PSN ID, and Sony is taking it upon itself to change ones that are deemed offensive and violate its TOS. [Enadget]

    现在,您可以更改您的PSN ID,Sony会自行承担更改那些被视为令人反感并违反其TOS的ID。 [ Enadget ]

  • A fascinating look at people who still use—and pay for!—AOL’s email service was featured on Medium’s OneZero this weekend. It’s wild. [OneZero]

    吸引人的人们仍在使用,并为此付费! —本周末,AOL的电子邮件服务在Medium的OneZero上得到了体现。 太疯狂了 [ OneZero ]

  • Have you heard of Amazon Peccy? No? Well, you can learn about the company’s internal mascot in a feature from Fast Company. It’s weird and I kind of love it. [Fast Company]

    您听说过Amazon Peccy吗? 没有? 好吧,您可以通过Fast Company的功能了解公司的内部吉祥物。 很奇怪,我有点喜欢它。 [ 快速公司 ]

  • Good news: the word on the street is that there’s a Horizon Zero Dawn sequel in the works and I can’t freakin’ wait. [Techradar]

    好消息:大街上有个消息是作品中有《地平线零黎明》续集,我等不及了。 [ Techradar ]

  • The biggest plane the world has ever seen took flight over the weekend. It’s huge. [Wired]

    世界上有史以来最大的飞机在周末飞行。 很大。 [ 有线 ]

The hidden messages in Oculus controllers were originally supposed to be limited to prototype units but somehow ended up making their way into “tens of thousands” production units. And you know, typically something like this would be pretty humorous but given Facebook’s history…not so much.

Oculus控制器中的隐藏消息原本只限于原型单元,但最终以某种方式进入了“成千上万”的生产单元。 而且您知道,通常类似这样的事情会很幽默,但是考虑到Facebook的历史……不多。

There were multiple messages hidden in the controllers: The Masons Were Here, Hi iFixit! We see you!, This Space for Rent, and others. Of course, the most troubling is by far the ominous “Big Brother is Watching,” which was honestly just in poor taste, joke or not.

控制器中隐藏了多个消息:泥瓦匠在这里,嗨,Fixit! 我们看到您!,这个出租空间,及其他。 当然,最令人不安的是迄今为止不祥的“老大哥在看”,说实话,这只是个不好的笑话,不管是不是在开玩笑。

Nate Mitchell, the co-founder of Oculus, confirmed that these were never supposed to make it into retail units and that the messages were “inappropriate.” Agreed, Nate. Circumstantially, this was not the best move.

Oculus的联合创始人内特·米切尔(Nate Mitchell)确认,这些信息永远都不应进入零售部门,并且这些信息“不当”。 内特,同意。 顺便说一下,这不是最好的举动。

Alas, the little hidden won’t affect the controllers’ functionality and are still expected to ship with Quest and Rift S units later this year.

las,隐藏的一点不会影响控制器的功能,仍然有望在今年晚些时候随Quest和Rift S单元一起发货。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/411332/daily-news-roundup-41419-big-brother-is-watching/

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