



:俚语word of this group belong to the sub-standard

language (a category that seems to stand between the standard

general words and informal ones available to everyone) eg

roger(understand),catch(talk to)

sms:古语词archaisms are words or form that were

once in common use but are now restricted only to specialized

or limited use. eg thou(you).wilt(will)

isms:新词语this category refer to newly-created

words or expressions or words that have taken on new meanings.

eg the pill=an oral contraceptive

ns:同化词denizens are words borrowed early in the

past and now are well assimilated into the english

the words they have come to conform to english way of

pronunciation and spelling. eg pork from porc(F) .cup from


:非同化词aliens are borrowed words which have

retained their original pronunciation and spelling. Eg decor(F)

ation loans:译借词translation loans are words and

expressions formed form the existing material in the english

language but modelled on the patterns taken from anther

language. eg ketchup from fanqiejiang(CH dial) lama from


ic loans:借义词words of this category are not

borrowed with reference to the form but to the the

other words ,english has borrowed a new meaning for an existing

word in the language. eg Pioneer once signified ‘explorer’

only or ‘person doing pioneering work’, and it now has taken

on the new meaning of a member of the Young Pioneer’

versus bound morphemes:自由语素粘着语素

Morphemes which are independent of other morphemes are

free .free morphemes have complete meanings in themselves

and can be used as free grammatical units in they

are identical

With words,for example,man,earth,wind,car and

t,ideal and prison can stand by themselves and thus

are free the rest re-,-ion,-ist,-ic,ex- and -er are

bound as none of them freestanding units

tional versus inflectional morphemes:

①morphemes wich are used to derive new words are known

as derivational morphemes.

eg clear+ance,life+like.

②.Inflection morphemes:曲折语素indicate the syntactic

relationships between words and function as grammatical

tional morphemes are confined to suffixes. There is

the regular plural suffix -s (-es) which is added to nouns such as

machines,fridges,desks,radio and potatoes.

:词缀affixes are forms that are attached to words or

word elements to modify meaning or s can fall into

prefix and suffix. Eg prefixes:pre-,ex-,and de- suffixes:-less,-


tion:词缀法affixation is generally defined as the

formation of words by adding word-forming or derivational

affixes to base. Affixation fall into two subcategories:prefixation

and suffixation.

①prefixation前缀法is the formation of new words by adding

prefixes to -means not:non-smoker,non-classical.

②suffixation:后缀法is the formation of new words by adding

suffixes to -ful:meaning’amount’contained’一



compounding is the formation of new words by joining two or

more bases. eg these example show that compounds can be


solid(silkworm),hyphenated(honey-bee) and open(tear gas).

sion转类法conversion is the formation of new

words by converting words of one class to another class. Eg

simple (adj)一simplify(v)简化

ng:拼缀法blending is the formation of new words

by combining parts of two words or a word plus a part of another

word. eg smog is the result of putting smoke and fog together.

ng:截短法another common way of making a word is to

shorten,or clip a longer word,known as clipping. eg plane and

exam are sometimes use in place of aeroplane.

my:首字母拼写法acronymy is the process of

forming new words by joining the initial letters of composite

names of social and political organizations or phrases used as

technical terms. Eg. V oa voice of america

-formation:逆生法back-formation is considered to be

the opposite process of suffixation. eg diagnosis一diagnose,


reduplication(语音重叠法)sound reduplication is

the formation compound words by repeating the same element

with little or no change. eg flip一flop人字拖,fingle一fangle标立

异/doc/,monization of proper

names:专用名词普遍化when proper names are changed into

words in use,the process is called commonization. eg ‘ohm from

German physicist ohm .

opoeic motivation:拟声理据in modern English

one may find some words whose phonetic forms suggest their

meanings as the words were created by imitating,the natural

sounds or ,ping一pong,haha.

logical motivation:形态理据compounds and

derived words are muti-morphemic words and the meaning

many of them are the sum total of the morphemes combined. eg

airmail means ‘to mail by air’

ic motivation:语义理据semantic motivation is the

mental associations bases on the conceptual meaning of a

other word,it is the figurative sense of the word. eg when

we say the mouth of a river,we associate ‘the opening part of

the river’with ‘the mouth of a human being or an animal’

ogical motivation:词源理据the origins of words

often throw light on their meanings. eg the word laconic

meaning ‘brief ‘ or ‘short’ is derived form lacons.

24.t ypes of homonyms

①homonyms:同形同音异义词perfect homonyms also

known as absolute homonyms are words identical both in sound

and spelling. eg bear n(a large heavy animal) bear v (to put up


②homographs:同形异义词are words identical only in spelling

but different in sound and meaning. eg sow v(to scatter seeds)一

sow n (female adult pig)

③homophones:同音异义词are words identical only in sound

but different in spelling and meaning. Eg dear n(a love

person) ;deer n (a kind of animal).

ion of meaning:词义的扩大extension of meaning

refers to the process by which a word of wide meaning acquires

a narrower or specialized sense. eg journal一daily paper一


ing of meaning:(词义的缩小)narrowing of

meaning is a process by which a word of wide meaning acquires

a narrower or specialized sense. eg girl一young person of either

sex 一female young person

ion of meaning:(词义的升华)elevation refers to the

process by which words rise from humble beginnings to

positions of importance. eg angel一messenger一messenger of

God. ation of meaning:(词义的降格)degradation is a

process whereby words of good origin

fall into ill reputation or non-affective words come to be used

in derogatory sense. eg silly一happy一foolish.

erence of meaning:(词义的转移)words which were

used to designated one thing later changed to mean something


ism:(委婉语)people tend to avoid mentioning

taboo and specific unpleasantnesses directly and try to employ

pleasant terms to express the ideas.

本文标签: 词义理据语素