



PartV cloze (15 minutes)

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are

four choices marked A),B),C) and D) on the right side of the paper. You should choose

the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer

Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Public image refers to how a company is viewed by its

customers, suppliers, and stockholders, by the financial

community, by the communities 62 it operates, and by

federal and local governments. Public image is controllable

63 considerable extent, just as the product, price, place, and

promotional efforts are.

A firm's public image plays a vital role in the 64 of the

firm and its products to employees, customers, and to such

outsiders 65 stockholders, suppliers, creditors, government

officials, as well as 66 special groups. With some things it is

impossible to 67 all the diverse publics: for example, a new

highly automated plant may meet the approval of creditors

and stockholders, 68 it will undoubtedly find 69 from

employees who see their jobs 70 .On the other hand, high

quality products and service standards should bring almost

complete approval, 71 low quality products and 72 claims

would be widely looked down upon.

A firm's public image, if it is good, should be treasured

and protected. It is a valuable 73 that usually is built up over

a long and satisfying relationship of a firm with publics. If a

firm has earned a quality image, this is not easily 74 or

imitated by competitors. Such an image may enable a firm

to 75 higher prices, to win the best distributors and dealers,

to attract the best employees, to expect the most 76 creditor

relationships and lowest borrowing costs. It should also

allow the firm's stock to command higher price-earnings 77

than other firms in the same industry with such a good

reputation and public image.

A number of factors affect the public image of a

corporation. 78 include physical 79, contacts of outsiders

80 company employees, product quality and dependability,

prices 81 to competitors, customer service, the kind of

advertising and the media and programs used, and the use of

public relations and publicity.

62. A) which B) what

C) where D) whom

63. A) in B) within

C) on D) to

64. A) attraction B) attachment

C) affection D) generalization

65. A) and B) with

C) as D) for

66. A) converse B) diverse

C) reverse D) universe

67. A) satisfy B) treat

C) amuse D) entertain

68. A) so B) then

C) thus D) but

69. A) support B) identification

C) compliment D) resistance

70. A) ensured B) promoted

C) threatened D) unemployed

71. A) because B) while

C) though D) when

72. A) false B) fake

C) artificial D) counterfeit

73. A) fortune B) asset

C) possession D) property

74. A) countered B) defeated

C) repelled D) compelled

75. A) pay B) get

C) order D) charge

76. A) favorite B) prosperous

C) favorable D) prospective

77. A) rate B) ratio

C) ration D) interest

78. A) These B) They

C) That D) It

79. A) appliances B) equipment

C) devices D) facilities

80. A) on B) with

C) in D) along

81. A) relative B) related

C) reliable D) reconcilable


Part Ⅴ Cloze

62. C)。【解析】连接词辨义。在词组by the communities 62 it operates中,名词communicates


语,即it operates in the communities,于是选择C)where。

63. D)。【解析】 考查固定搭配。to...extent或者to the 表示"达到...的程度",因此

答案为D)。 in, within, on 均不能与extent搭配。

64. A)。【解析】名词辨义。由第一段我们得知,公司的公共形象,也就是来自社会各方面的


件,附加装置,配属";affection"友爱,爱情,喜爱";generalization "一般化,普遍化,概括,广义性"。

65. C)。【解析】考查语义和固定搭配。因为stockholders, suppliers, creditors, government



66. B)。【解析】形近词辨义。as well as 连接意义相近的词,前面stockholders, suppliers,

creditors, government officials等都是各不相同的群体,那么后面special groups也应是多种多



67. A)。【解析】动词辨义。根据后面的例子我们得知,高度自动化的工厂可能迎合了公司债




68. D)。【解析】考查句际关系。由上题可知,两句之间是转折关系。因此D)正确。so"因而,


69. D)。【解析】名词辨义。本句中,两个分句是转折关系,而且作为利益对立双方creditors

and stockholders 和employees,他们对待工厂自动化的态度也是对立的。前者有单词




70. C)。【解析】动词辨义。由上下文得知,工厂高度自动化遭到了工人们的抵制,而他们抵

制的原因就在于他们的工作岗位受到威胁,他们将面临下岗。因此see their jobs threatened

或者see themselves unemployed。故选择C)。ensure"保证,担保,使安全,保证得到";promote"


71. B)。【解析】考查连词。本句话中空格前的从句的主语是high-quality products,空格后的

从句的主语是low quality products,很明显,两句之间是对比关系,while表示"和...同时",



72. A)。【解析】近义词辨析。根据句义, 72 claims意为"不良的、不切实际的、或者虚伪的


的,伪造的,冒充的 "; artificial"人造的,假的,矫揉造作的,不自然的"; counterfeit"伪造


73. B)。【解析】名词辨义。根据句义我们判断,具有良好的公众形象是一个企业珍贵的财富。


owned),"可取之处"(a desirable thing),"优势"(advantage),因此B)正确。fortune"财富,好运,

命运"; possession"拥有,占有,着迷,领土,财产(常用复数)";property"财产,所有物,所有权,性


74. A)。【解析】动词辨义。这句话的意思是:如果一个企业有良好的形象,那么对手就很难




75. D)。【解析】 考查语义与词组搭配。在上下文中,由于企业具备了良好的形象,因此它

就可以把价格定得更高,可以与最好的发行商和经销商合作等等。charge price (索价,要价)

符合题意。pay, order, get均不与price搭配。

76. C)。【解析】 形容词辨义。在诸多由良好的形象带给企业的好处中,企业有望能与债权


进作用的",因此C)正确。favorite"喜爱的,宠爱的,中意的";prosperous"繁荣的"; prospective"


77. B)。【解析】固定搭配。price-earnings ratio"(股票市场上的)市盈率,价益比"。rate"比率,


78. B)。【解析】考查代词。在上下文中,我们判断空格是代替a number of factors的,因此


79. D)。【解析】近义词辨析。根据语境,有很多因素影响了一个企业的公共形象,这些因






80. B)。【解析】固定搭配。contact无论作动词还是名词,都与with搭配表示"与...联系"。

81. A)。【解析】搭配与语义。首先判断空格一词能与to搭配,再通过句义判断词组prices 81

to competitors的意义为"能与同行竞争者相抗衡的价格",relative to"相对于",因此答案为

A)。relative"有关系的,相对的,比较而言的";related"叙述的,讲述的,有关系的",related to"与...


According to BT's futurologist, Ian Pearson, these are

among the developments scheduled for the first few decades

of the new millennium(a period of 1,000 years), when

supercomputers will dramatically accelerate progress in all

areas of life.

Pearson has 62 together to work of hundreds of

researchers around the world to produce a 63 millennium

62.[A]taken [B]pieced

[C]kept [D]made

63.[A]complicated [B]delicate

[C]subtle [D]unique

64.[A]breakthroughs [B]findings

[C]events [D]incidents

65.[A]expanded [B]extended

technology calendar that gives the latest dates when we can [C]enlarged [D]enriched

expect hundreds of key 64 and discoveries to take place. 66.[A]being [B]becoming

Some of the biggest developments will be in medicine, [C]carrying [D]coming

including an 65 life expectancy and dozens of artificial 67.[A]schedules [B]plans

organs 66 into use between now and 2040. [C]predicts [D]designs

Pearson also 67 a breakthrough in computer human links. 68.[A]directly [B]instantly

"By linking 68 to our nervous system, computers could pick [C]precisely [D]automatically

up 69 we feel and, hopefully, simulate 70 too so that we can 69.[A]that [B]how

start to 71 full sensory environments, rather like the holidays [C]what [D]all

in Total Recall or the Star Trek holodeck(甲板演习)," he 70.[A]thinking [B]hearing

says. [C]sight [D]feeling

But that, Pearson points 72 , is only the start of 71.[A]form [B]develop

man-machine 73 :"It will be the beginning of the long [C]find [D]undertake

process of integration that will 74 lead to a fully electronic 72.[A]out [B]at

human before the end of the next century." 75 his research, [C]to [D]toward

Pearson is able to put dates to most of the breakthroughs 73.[A]program [B]production

that can be predicted. However, there are still no 76 for [C]experiment [D]integration

when faster-than-light travel will be 77 , or when human 74.[A]finally [B]ultimately

cloning will be perfected, or when time travel will be [C]utterly [D]absolutely

possible. 75.[A]Through [B]Though

But he does 78 social problems as a result of technological [C]During [D]By

advances. A boom in neighborhood surveillance cameras 76.[A]forecasts [B]articles

will, for example, 79 problems in 2010, while the arrival [C]stories [D]meetings

of synthetic 80 robots will mean people may not be able to 77.[A]advisable [B]affordable

81 between their human friends and the droids (机器人). [C]available [D]valuable

And home appliances will also become so smart that 78.[A]solve [B]arose

controlling and operating them will result in the breakout of [C]exercise [D]expect

a new psychological disorder-kitchen rage. 79.[A]confront [B]cause

[C]witness [D]collect

80.[A]lovely [B]likely

[C]lifelike [D]lively

81.[A]distinguish [B]differ

[C]diagnose [D]deviate


62.B piece together拼凑,结合

63.D complicated复杂的;delicate精致的,脆弱的;subtle狡猾的,敏感的;unique唯一的,


64.A breakthrough突破;finding发现;event事件;incident事件,事变

65.B expanded膨胀的,扩张的;extended伸出的,延长的;enlarged放大的,扩大的;enriched

密切的,强化的;extended life expectance延长的寿命。

66.D come into use开始投入使用

67.C schedule确定时间;plan计划;predict预测;design设计

68.A directly直接地;instantly立即;precisely精确地;automatically自动地


70.D 根据上文what we feel,以及下文full sensory environments,可知D符合文意。

71.B develop培育;使形成

72.A point to和point at都是“指向”的意思,point out指出,提出

73.D integration综合,集成,此处指人机一体化

74.B finally表示久等之后,有时表示在一系列因素的最后一个,e.g.: After putting it off three

times, we finally managed to have a holiday in Greece.

ultimately指最后,终于,基本上,即达到最高界线。e.g.: Ultimately people rely on science to

gain an understanding of biological phenomena. utterly完全地;彻底地

75.A through为连词,(表示方式)凭借, 后应接句子;during表示过程;by表示方式、手段


76.A forecast先见,预测

77.C available可利用的,可行的

78.D expect预料; 预期。注意主语是人,不选arose

79. B cause造成,带来

80.C lovely可爱的,有趣的;likely可能的;lifelike逼真的;lively活泼的

81.A distinguish between辨别, 识别(两者)之间的不同; differ from区别于; diagnose诊断;

deviate from背离

Have you ever wondered what our future is like?

Practically all people 62 a desire to predict their future 63.

Most people seem inclined to 64 this task using causal

reasoning. First we 65 recognize that future circumstances

are 66 caused or conditioned by present ones. We learn that

getting an education will 67 how much money we earn later

and that swimming beyond the reef may bring an unhappy

68 with a shark. Second, people also learn that such 69 of

cause and effect are probabilistic(概率的) in nature. That is,

the effects occur more often when the causes occur than

when the causes are 70 , but not always. Thus, students learn

that studying hard 71 good grades in most instances, but not

every time. Science makes these concepts of causality(因果

关系)and probability more 72 and provides techniques for

dealing 73 them more accurately than does causal human

inquiry. In looking at ordinary human inquiry, we need to 74

between prediction and understanding. Often, even if we

don't understand why, we are willing to act 75 the basis of a

demonstrated predictive ability. Whatever the primitive

drives 76 motivate human beings, satisfying them depends

heavily on the ability to 77 future circumstances. The

attempt to predict is often played in a 78 of knowledge and

62.[A]exhibit [B]exaggerate

[C]examine [D]exceed

63. [A]contexts [B]circumstances

[C]inspections [D]intuitions

64.[A]underestimate [B]undermine

[C]undertake [D]undergo

65.[A]specially [B]particularly

[C]always [D]generally

66.[A]somehow [B]somebody

[C]someone [D]something

67.[A]enact [B]affect

[C]reflect [D]inflect

68.[A]meeting [B]occurrence

[C]encounter [D]contact

69.[A]patterns [B]designs

[C]arrangements [D]pictures

70.[A]disappointed [B]absent

[C]inadequate [D]absolute

71.[A]creates [B]produces

[C]loses [D]protects

72.[A]obscure [B]indistinct

[C]explicit [D]explosive

understanding. If you can understand why certain regular

patterns 79 , you can predict better than if you simply

observe those patterns. Thus, human inquiry aims 80

answering both "what" and "why" question, and we pursue

these 81 by observing and figuring out.

73.[A]for [B]at

[C]in [D]with

74.[A]distinguish [B]distinct

[C]distort [D]distract

75.[A]at [B]on

[C]to [D]under

76.[A]why [B]how

[C]that [D]where

77.[A]predict [B]produce

[C]pretend [D]precede

78.[A]content [B]contact

[C]contest [D]context

79.[A]happen [B]occur

[C]occupy [D]incur

80.[A]at [B]on

[C]to [D]beyond

81.[A]purposes [B]ambitions

[C]drives [D]goals


62.A 词义辨析 exhibit"展出,表现",exaggerate"夸张",exceed"超越,胜过" 原句意为:实际


63.B 词义辨析 context"上下文",circumstance"环境",inspection"检查,视察",intuition"直


64.C 词义辨析 underestimate"低估",undermine"破坏",undertake"承担,担任",undergo"经历,

遭受"。undertake a task为常见搭配,意为"开始进行一项任务"

65.D 词义辨析 选项C、D看似均可,但always显得有些武断。

66.A 篇章逻辑 somehow"不知何故,以某种方式"

67.B 词义辨析 enact"制定法律,颁布",inflect"弯曲"

68.C 词义辨析 encounter指没有事先计划的、未料到的、短暂的相遇

69.A 词义辨析 pattern模式,式样;design设计,图案;第一段中提到过人们习惯用因果关


70.B 词义辨析 absent缺少的,不在的;inadequate不充分的;根据文中意思应选一个与occur


71.B 词义辨析 create创造 produce产生,得到。原句意为学生知道努力学习在大多数情况


72.C 词义辨析 obscure朦胧的,模糊的;indistinct不清楚的;explicit外在的,清楚地;explosive


73.D 短语搭配 deal in经营 eg: He deals in a small shop. deal with处理,安排

74.A 词义辨析 distinguish区别,辨别;distinct清楚地,明显的;distort扭曲,歪曲;distract

转移。distinguish between为常用搭配,意为"区别...和..."

75.B 短语搭配 on the basis of以...为基础

76.C 语法结构 drive在此为名词,意为“动力”,空格后部分是对drive进行修饰,故选关系


77.A 词义辨析 predict预言;pretend假装;precede在...之前

78.D 词义辨析 content内容;contact接触;contest争论,竞赛;context背景, 环境 in the

context of意为"在...情况下"

79.B 词义辨析happen发生作用,碰巧; occur发生,出现;occupy占用,占领;incur招致

80.A 短语搭配 aim at瞄准,针对

81.D 词义辨析 purpose目的,以图;ambition野心;drive推动力;goal目的,目标。

When women do become managers, do they bring a

different style and different skills to the job? Are they better,

or worse, managers than men? Are women more highly

motivated and 62 than male managers?

Some research 63 the idea that women bring different

attitudes and skills to management jobs, such as greater 64 ,

an emphasis on affiliation and attachment, and a 65 to bring

emotional factors to bear 66 making workplace decisions.

These differences are 67 to carry advantages for companies,

68 they expand the range of techniques that can be used to

69 the company manage its workforce 70.

A study commissioned by the International Women's

Forum 71 a management style used by some women

managers (and also by some men) that 72 from the

command-and-control style 73 used by male managers.

Using this "interactive leadership" approach, "women 74

participation, share power and information, 75 other

people's self-worth, and get others excited about their work.

All these 76 reflect their belief that allowing 77 to contribute

and to feel 78 and important is a win-win 79 -good for the

employees and the organization." The study's director 80

that "interactive leadership may emerge 81 the management

style of choice for many organizations."

62. A) confronted B) commanded

C) confined D) committed

63. A) supports B) argues

C) opposes D) despises

64. A) combination B) cooperativeness

C) coherence D) correlation

65. A) willingness B) loyalty

C) sensitivity D) virtue

66. A) by B) in

C) at D) with

67. A) disclosed B) watched

C) revised D) seen

68. A) therefore B) whereas

C) because D) nonetheless

69. A) help B) enable

C) support D) direct

70. A) evidently B) precisely

C) aggressively D) effectively

71. A) developed B) invented

C) discovered D) located

72. A) derives B) differs

C) descends D) detaches

73. A) inherently B) traditionally

C) conditionally D) occasionally

74. A) encourage B) dismiss

C) disapprove D) engage

75. A) enhance B) enlarge

C) ignore D) degrade

76. A) themes B) subjects

C) researches D) things

77. A) managers B) women

C) employees D) males

78. A) faithful B) powerful

C) skillful D) thoughtful

79. A) situation B) status

C) circumstance D) position

80. A) predicted B) proclaimed

C) defied D) diagnosed

81. A) into B) from

C) as D) for


62. D confront面对,遭遇;command命令,指挥;confine有限的,狭窄的;committed对


63. A despise轻视,厌恶,根据下文可知,这些研究是支持而不是反驳这种观点,只有support


64. B 根据下文,强调affiliation(亲和性), attachment(情感,爱慕;忠诚)的自然就是


65. A willingness愿意,自发

66. B bear sth. in sth.(one's mind)心里怀有,铭记在心

67. D be 被视为...

68. C nonetheless=nevertheless虽然如此;whereas虽然,反之;这两词表转折,先排除。


69. A 只有help可以接不带to的不定式。

70. D effectively有效的

71. C

discover意味着已经有一个不以人的意志为转移的客体存在等着人去发现; invent


72. B differ from 区别,不同

73. B traditionally 传统上

74. A encourage 鼓励

75. A enhance提高,增强

76. D things事情

77. C 根据88题后的employee可以轻易得到答案

78. B powerful强大的和后面的important重要的相呼应。

79. A win-win situation双赢局面

80. A 根据后面句子里的情态动词may可知,研究主任的话是预测,不是宣布,故用predict.

81. C emerge as以...的形式浮現、出現,此处意为“作为可供选择的管理模式出現”

Many theories concerning the causes of juvenile

62. [A] acting [B] relying

delinquency (crimes committed by young people) focus

[C] centering [D] cementing

63. [A] before [B] unless

either on the individual or on society as the major

[C] until [D] because

contributing influence. Theories 62 on the individual

64. [A] interaction [B] assimilation

suggest that children engage in criminal behavior 63 they

[C] cooperation [D] consultation

were not sufficiently penalized for previous misdeeds or that

65. [A] return [B] reply

they have learned criminal behavior through 64 with others.

[C] reference [D] response

Theories focusing on the role of society suggest that

66. [A] or [B] but rather

children commit crimes in 65 to their failure to rise above

[C] but [D] or else

67. [A] considering [B] ignoring

their socioeconomic status, 66 as a rejection of middle-class

[C] highlighting [D] discarding


68. [A] on [B] in [C] for [D] with

Most theories of juvenile delinquency have focused on

69. [A] immune [B] resistant

children from disadvantaged families, 67 the fact that

[C] sensitive [D] subject

children from wealthy homes also commit crimes. The latter

70. [A] affect [B] reduce

may commit crimes 68 lack of adequate parental control. All

[C] check [D] reflect

71. [A] point [B] lead

theories, however, are tentative and are 69 to criticism.

[C] come [D] amount

Changes in the social structure may indirectly 70

72. [A] in general [B] on average

juvenile crime rates. For example, changes in the economy

[C] by contrast [D] at length

that 71 to fewer job opportunities for youth and rising

73. [A] case [B] short

unemployment 72 make gainful employment increasingly

[C] turn [D] essence

difficult to obtain. The resulting discontent may in 73 lead

74. [A] survived [B] noticed

more youths into criminal behavior.

[C] undertaken [D] experienced

Families have also 74 changes these years. More

75. [A] contrarily [B] consequently

families consist of one parent households or two working

[C] similarly [D] simultaneously

parents; 75, children are likely to have less supervision at

76. [A] than [B] that [C] which [D] as

home 76 was common in the traditional family 77. This lack

77. [A] system [B] structure

of parental supervision is thought to be an influence on

[C] concept [D] heritage

juvenile crime rates.

78. [A] assessable [B] identifiable

Other 78 causes of offensive acts include frustration

[C] negligible [D] incredible

or failure in school, the increased 79 of drugs and alcohol,

79. [A] expense [B] restriction

and the growing 80 of child abuse and child neglect. All

[C] allocation [D] availability

these conditions tend to increase the probability of a child

80. [A] incidence [B] awareness

committing a criminal act; 81 a direct causal relationship

[C] exposure [D] popularity

has not yet been established.

81. [A] provided [B] since

[C] although [D] supposing


62.[C] centering on 意为:以…为中心/重点”,act on(按照…行事);rely on(依赖于);

comment on(评论、评述)。

63.[D] because (由于,因为) 引导由or连接着的两个原因状语从句。

64.[A ]interaction (互动) assimilation(同化,吸收);cooperation(合作); consultation


65.[D] response (反应,答复) “(in) response (to) …”(对……的行为反应)。

66.[A]or(或者)。空格后as引导的为原因状语,与 in response to 引导的原因状语并列,

都是“孩子们犯罪”的原因,用or 连接。

67.[B] ignoring (忽略,忽视) considering (考虑);highlighting(强调,突出);discarding


68.[C] for (因为,由于) for lack of 意为“由于缺少…”, on, in, with均不能和 lack搭配


69.[D] subject (易遭受到……)。be subject to意为“受…支配;遭受…影响”, be immune

to(不易受…影响); be resistant to(对…有抵制力)。

70.[A] affect (影响)。

71.[B] lead to导致, point to(指向); amount to(总数达……)。

72.[A] in general 一般地,大体上; on average (平均,通常); by contrast (相比而

言); at length (最后;详尽地;长久地)。

73.[C] (in) turn 反过来。本题答案线索是:社会经济变化→青年失业或难找工作→青年

的不满情绪→青年的犯罪。这是一个因果关系的链条。in case(以防万一); in short(简言

之); in essence(在本质上)。

74.[D] experienced (经历) undertaken(承担;从事)。

75.[B] consequently(结果,因此) contrarily(相反); simultaneously(同时地)。

76.[A ] than(比)这是比较级“less … than”结构。

77.[B] structure (结构)。

78.[B] identifiable (可辨认的;可看作是相同的)。assessable (可评价或评估的);

negligible (可以忽略的,不予重视的); incredible ( 难以置信的)。

79.[D] availability (可获得性、可得到性) expense(开支,费用);restriction(限制,


80.[A] incidence (发生,影响)。Awareness(意识);exposure(暴露);popularity(流行)。

81.[C] although (虽然,尽管)。

Generally, a computer is any device that can perform

numerical calculations. 62, however, the term usually refers

63 an electronic device that can 64 a series of tasks

according to a 65 set of instructions.

In 1953 there were only about 100 computers in use in

the 66 world. Today hundreds of millions of computers 67 in

homes, schools, businesses, government offices, and

universities for almost every 68 purpose.

Modern desktop personal computers, or PCs, are 69

than the huge, million-dollar business computers of the

1960s and 1970s. Most PCs can perform from 400 million

to several billion 70 per second. These computers are used

not only for household 71 and personal entertainment, but

also for most of the automated tasks 72 by small businesses.

The fastest desktop computers are called workstations, and

they are 73 used for scientific, engineering, or advanced

business 74.

The speed and power of supercomputers, the fastest

62. [A] Currently [B] Consequently

[C] Conceivably [D] Clearly

63. [A] in [B] at [C] as [D] to

64. [A] perform [B] conduct

[C] achieve [D] fulfill

65. [A] rigid [B] serious

[C] precise [D] harsh

66. [A] entire [B] complete

[C] total [D] general

67. [A] are to be used [B] are being

used [C] have been using [D] used

68. [A] perceptive [B] conceivable

[C] inevitable [D] imaginary

69. [A] many times more powerful

[B] many more times powerful

[C] powerful many more times

[D] powerful more many times

70. [A] exercises [B] missions

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