



Mount Qomolangma is 8848 meters above sea level. It is the highest

peak inthe world. It is located on the border between China and Nepal in

the middlesection of the Himalayas and just south of Dingri County in

Xigaze Prefecture,Tibet. The peak is covered with snow all the year round,

a holy scene. MountQomolangma area has four peaks more than 8000

meters and 38 peaks more than 7000meters, which is known as the third

level of the earth.

Qomolangma in Tibetan means mother of the earth. In Tibetan, Jo

MoZhumu means goddess, and glang Ma Longma should be understood

as motherelephant (in Tibetan, glang Ma has two meanings: High

Mountain willow and motherelephant). According to the myth, Mount

Everest is the palace where the tshering mched lnga lives. It is generally

called Mount Everest in the west tocommemorate George Everest, the

director of the Survey Bureau of India, who wasresponsible for surveying

the Himalayas when the British occupied Nepal. Themost recent

measurement of Mount Everest was made in 1999 by the

NationalGeographic Society of the United States using the global

positioning believed that the altitude of Mount Everest

should be 8850 meters. Thealtitude of Mount Everest, now recognized

by the peoples Republic of China, wasdetermined by the mountaineering


team of the peoples Republic of China in 1975,which is 8848.13 meters.

But the outside world also has 8848 meters, 8840meters, 8850 meters,

8882 meters and other statements. Recently, on May 22,20__, the

mountaineering team of the peoples Republic of China

successfullyclimbed to the top of Mt. Everest to accurately measure the

height of t again. The new height of Mt. Everest is 8844.43

meters. At the sametime, 8848.13m in 1975 was stopped. Interestingly,

although Mount Everest is thehighest peak in the world, its peak is not

the farthest point from the earthscenter. This particular spot belongs to

the Chimborazo mountains in SouthAmerica. The towering image of

Mount Everest has been influencing the local andeven the whole world.

The back of the fourth edition of RMB 10 is MountEverest.

At the foot of Mount Qomolangma, there is Rongbu temple, the

highest templein the world. At the same time, Rongbu temple is also the

best place to watchMount Qomolangma, with a straight-line distance of

25 km.

Most of the mountains in Western China are long and steep.

Located on theborder of Chinas Tibet Autonomous Region with Nepal,

India and other countries,the Himalayan Mountains stretch for more

than 2400 kilometers, with an averageelevation of more than 6000

meters. They are the most magnificent mountains inthe world.

In the Himalayas, there are more than 50 peaks at an altitude of


more than7000 meters, 16 peaks at an altitude of more than 8000

meters, and the famousones are Nanfeng, Xisha Bangma and Gancheng

Zhangjia. Himalaya means land ofice and snow in Tibetan. It is covered

with ice and snow all the year ice peaks are like swords

leaning on the sky, and the glaciers are likesilver snakes winding. The

most towering is Mount Qomolangma, which is locatedon the border

between China and Nepal. It is 8844.43 meters high and is thehighest

peak in the world.

Mount Qomolangma has a high potential and unique geographical

lowest temperature at the top of the mountain is

minus 30-40 ℃ all the yearround. In some parts of the mountain, snow

does not melt all the year round, andglaciers, ice slopes and ice pagodas

can be seen everywhere. The oxygen contentof the air is only a quarter

of that of the eastern plain area, and there areoften strong winds of

magnitude 7-8. Strong winds of force 12 are not

blowing snow, flying everywhere, filled the sky. Mount Qomolangma is

ofgreat scientific research value, which has been noticed for a long time.

In1960, Chinese mountaineers and scientists overcame many difficulties

and madethe first ascent to the top of Mount Everest from the north

slope, creating anunprecedented miracle in the history of

mountaineering in the world. Since the1960s, Chinese scientists have

carried out a comprehensive investigation of theEverest region, and


obtained rich and valuable data in many aspects, such aspaleontology,

physical geography, alpine climate, modern glaciers and

1975, with the cooperation of the Chinese mountaineering team,

Chinesesurveying and mapping workers climbed Mount Everest again,

measured its heightaccurately, and drew a detailed map of the area. All

these provide an extremelyimportant scientific basis for China to develop

and utilize the naturalresources of the Tibetan Plateau.

The Himalayan region where Mount Qomolangma is located used to

be an a long geological period, a large amount of gravel and

sand were washed fromthe land and accumulated in the Himalayan

region, forming a marine sedimentaryrock layer with a thickness of more

than 30000 meters. Later, due to the strongorogeny, the Himalayas were

squeezed and uplifted violently. According to thecalculation, the average

elevation is about 20-30 meters every 10000 years. Upto now, the

Himalayas are still rising.

Ma Alin, Zhu Mu Lang, was written in the complete map of Huangyu

(1717) inthe 56th year of Emperor Kangxi of Qing Dynasty. In 1855,

under the leadershipof the British, the Bureau of survey of India named

this peak after the surnameof S.G. erfield, the director of the Bureau. In

1952, the government of thepeoples Republic of China renamed the

peak Qomolangma. Nepal is called SakyaMata. On May 25, 1960, the

mountaineering team of the peoples Republic of Chinaclimbed the peak


from the north slope for the first time. The Academy ofSciences of the

peoples Republic of China has also organized many

large-scalecomprehensive scientific expeditions and obtained a large

number of importantscientific data.

In March 1989, Mount Everest National Nature Reserve was

established. Thereserve covers an area of 33800 square kilometers. The

area is rich in rare andendangered biological species, including 8 species

of national first classprotected animals, such as langur, bear monkey,

Himalayan tal sheep, leopard,etc. There are more than 600 glaciers at

the top of the mountain, covering anarea of 1600 square kilometers. The

longest glacier is 26 kilometers. When thesun rises to the East, the huge

mountain peak is gorgeous under the red addition, many peculiar

natural landscapes often appear, attracting a largenumber of domestic

and foreign tourists.

Mt. Qomolangma is a huge pyramid shaped mountain, majestic and

majestic,with extremely steep terrain and extremely complex

environment. The height ofsnow line is 5800-6200m on the north slope

and 5500-6100m on the south are three steep cliffs (North,

East and southwest) in the middle ofnortheast ridge, Southeast ridge and

west ridge. There are 548 continentalglaciers between them, with a total

area of 1457.07 square kilometers and anaverage thickness of 7260

meters. The glaciers are mainly supplied by themetamorphism of snow


cover in the Indian Ocean monsoon belt. On the glacier,there are a

variety of magnificent and rare ice pagoda forests, ice cliffs ashigh as

tens of meters, light and dark ice fissures with step-by-step traps,

anddangerous ice avalanche and avalanche areas.

Mount Everest is not only magnificent, but also magnificent. Within

20kilometers of it, there are many peaks and mountains. There are more

than 40peaks with an altitude of more than 7000 meters. The most

famous ones are Luozipeak (8463 meters above sea level, the fourth

highest peak in the world) andZhuo Qiong peak (7589 meters above sea

level), which are 3 kilometers south. Inthe southeast is Makalu peak

(8463 meters above sea level, the fifth highestpeak in the world), in the

north is Zhangzi peak (7543 meters above sea level),in the West are Nuzi

peak (7855 meters) and pumoli peak (7145 meters). On theperiphery of

these huge peaks, there are some world-class peaks facing eachother

from afar: ganchengjia peak, the third highest peak in the world

(8585meters above sea level, the boundary peak between Nepal and

Sikkim), in thesoutheast; gechongkang peak, 7998 meters above sea

level, zhuoyou peak, 8201meters above sea level, and Xisha Bama peak,

8012 meters above sea level, in theWest. Formed a group of peaks, peak

head of the surging magnificent scene.

Mount Qomolangma is a pyramid shaped mountain with glaciers,

the longest ofwhich is 26 km. The top of the mountain is covered with


ice and snow all theyear round, and the terrain is steep and high. It is a

place that attracts theattention and yearns of mountaineering in the

world. The climate of MountEverest is bad, and there are few sunny days.

Its often violent weather, andthe wind comes with snow and sand. There

are two seasons in a year to climb t: May and September to

October. During these two periods, the wind speedat an altitude of more

than 8000 meters was low, and there was little rain andsnow.

In fact, Rongbu temple and the Everest base camp are about 8

kilometersaway. If you have camping equipment, you can also live in the

Everest base need to bring your own stove to cook. During the

mountaineering season, thebase camp has liaison officers from the Tibet

Mountaineering Associationstationed here. At that time, a small amount

of food and water can be boughtfrom the liaison officers, but the price is

more expensive, about three timeshigher than Lhasa. Beer costs 10 yuan

per tin.

Not far from Mount Everest is the mountaineering checkpoint. After

checkingthe procedures for entering the mountain, they let them go

straight. After 40kilometers, you can reach a small village called

zhaxizong. There are two orthree small restaurants with few vegetables.

You can make do with some food. Ifyou continue to walk about 30

kilometers, you can see four snow capped mountainsover 8000 meters in

a row when you cross the Cuola pass. You can get to the basecamp of


Mount Everest by walking more than 20 kilometers downhill from here.

In the base camp of Mount Everest, you can find the manager of the

postoffice of Mount Everest. For two yuan, you can build a

commemorative postmark ofMount Everest, and then leave the postcard

in the post office for more than half a month, friends in the

mainland can receive this valuablepostcard.

珠穆朗玛峰导游词英语 篇3珠穆朗玛峰导游词英语 篇4

Dear tourists, we are now seeing Mount Everest, the highest peak in

theworld. Qomolangma means the third goddess in Tibetan. Everest is

the main peakof the Himalayas, with an altitude of 8848 meters. It is

located on the borderbetween China and Nepal, with the north in Dingri

County, Tibet, China, thesouth in Nepal, and the peak in China. Mount

Qomolangma is a huge pyramid shapedmountain with steep terrain and

complex environment. There are various types ofglaciers with a total

area of 1500 square kilometers distributed between theridges and cliffs,

and there are various kinds of beautiful and rare ice towerforests on the

glaciers. Within 20 kilometers around Mt. Everest, there are manypeaks.

Among the 14 peaks above 8000 meters in the world, there are 5. The

peaksof 6-7 kilometers are all around, forming a magnificent landscape

with manypeaks.

According to the analysis of geological structure, in ancient times,

thewhole Himalayas was still the sea. From about the late Cenozoic


tertiary, thedeep rock strata under the sea were affected by the strong

Himalayan orogeny,and the sea floor rose and emerged, gradually rising

to become the highest andyoungest roof of the world. Standing on the

top of the earth, Qomolangmaitself is the most typical fault block

mountain in the Himalayas. Its pyramidshaped peak is composed of

Ordovician brown marble and crystalline ing to the

determination of scientists, Everest is still rising, with anaverage annual

speed of 3.2 mm to 12.7 mm, continuing to set a new worldrecord.

Dear tourists, there are many beautiful legends about Mount

Everest. It issaid that when Songzanganbu was king of Tibet, the

Himalayas and Mount Everestwere beautiful places with flowers in full

bloom. Songzanganbu ordered that thisplace should be specially used for

raising a hundred birds. The original namewas luozamarang, which

means the place for raising birds in the south. In the8th century, the

Tibetan king chisongdezan sent people from India to welcome

theancestor of lianhuasheng to spread Tibetan Buddhism, and Buddhism

graduallyprevailed in Tibet. There are five goddesses seats in the

monthly sacrifice tothe gods. Each of the five goddesses has its own

name. This is the earliestTibetan name for the five peaks of the

Himalayas in China. They are known as thefive sisters of longevity, and

Qomolangma ranks the third, named Cuiyan fairy,who is the goddess of

defending and reproducing the race. The other four peaksare


respectively Fushou fairy, Zhenhui fairy, guanyong fairy and Shiren

think that the third goddess is the most beautiful. She is

calledzhumulangsangma in Tibetan, so she uses her name to call Mount

Qomolangma, thehighest mountain in the world.

Dear tourists, the most interesting thing about Mt. Everest is the

cloudsfloating on the top of the peak, which seems to be a flag flying on

the top ofthe peak, so this kind of cloud is called flag cloud or flag cloud.

The shapeand posture of the flag cloud on Mt. Everest are various,

sometimes like a flagfluttering in the wind; sometimes like the rough

waves; sometimes it turns intothe rising smoke; just like a galloping

horse, and then like a gently flutteringveil. All this adds a lot of

magnificent scenery to Mount Everest, which can becalled one of the

worlds major wonders. What causes the formation of flagclouds on Mt.

Qomolangma? It turns out that the flag clouds are formed byconvective

cumulus clouds. According to the position and height of the cloud,

wecan infer the size of the wind force on the peak. If the flag cloud

movesupward, it means that the upper air wind is smaller; if it tilts

downward, thewind will be stronger; if it is level with the peak, the wind

will be aboutlevel 9. Therefore, the flag cloud of Mount Everest is also

known as thehighest wind vane in the world.

Dear tourists, Everest National Nature Reserve, established in 1988,

islocated at the border between Tibet and Nepal. It is the most


uniquebiogeographical region in the world. Everest nature reserve is a

comprehensivenature reserve, which is composed of three parts: core

reserve, scientificexperimental zone and economic development zone.

The alpine Canyon and glaciersnow peak in the reserve are very

spectacular. The ecosystem types in thereserve are diverse, and the rare

and endangered species are extremely are more than 10

national first class protected animals, such as langur,bearmonkey,

Himalayan tal sheep, etc. among them, snow leopard is the

landmarkanimal in Zhumulangma National Nature Reserve. The reserve

is also rich inwater, light and wind energy resources. When the sun rises

to the East, the hugepeaks are colorful in the red light. In addition, many

peculiar naturallandscapes have attracted a large number of domestic

and foreign tourists.

Dear tourists, Mount Everest is a place that the worlds

mountaineers yearnfor. At the foot of Mount Everest is Rongbu temple,

the highest temple in theworld. From the summit of Rongbu temple, we

have to pass through two importantsections, namely the well-known

Beiao and the second step. Beiao is the gatewayto climb Mount

Qomolangma from the north slope. It is a saddle shaped ice wallwith an

altitude of 7007 meters. There are ice cracks all over it. It is a verydifficult

natural obstacle to overcome. The second step is more than 300

metersaway from the peak. In 1960, Chinas national mountaineering


team crossed Beiaofrom the north slope to the top along the North

Ridge. This is the mostdifficult route to climb Mount Everest, creating an

unprecedented miracle in thehistory of mountaineering in the world. It

took 8 days for the nationalmountaineering team to reach the top from

the base camp, including 6 days fromBeiao to the top, and the last 50

meters took 19 hours without oxygen. Themountaineering teams of

various countries have opened up many routes to climbEverest. In 1953,

the British mountaineering team ascended from the south slopealong

the southeast ridge. In 1988, China, Japan and Nepal jointly formed a

teamto climb from the north and south sides of Qomolangma at the

same time,realizing a double leap in human history. Dear friends, lets

pay homage tothese warriors who use their lives to create miracles on

the roof of theworld!


本文标签: 珠穆朗玛峰导游词