

生产力 生产关系 生产工具

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With such high competition in the market, how do you make sure you’re project, product or idea cuts through? And in a timely manner? The difference is made by the talent, learning new technologies and last, but not least, by the tools used. There are a heap of productivity tools out there that are helping web designers and developers to design logos, build phone apps without the need for coding skills or even build a database quickly and efficiently.

在如此激烈的市场竞争中,您如何确保自己是项目,产品或想法的切入点? 并及时? 不同之处在于人才,学习新技术以及最后但并非最不重要的是所使用的工具。 那里有大量的生产力工具,可以帮助Web设计师和开发人员设计徽标,构建电话应用程序而无需编码技能,甚至可以快速有效地构建数据库。

In this showcase, we will take you through 25 of our favourite tools to help you overcome almost anything. We hope that you will find these helpful. Let us know your thoughts or if you have some other recommendations to add to the list.

在此展示中,我们将带您了解我们最喜欢的25种工具,以帮助您克服几乎所有问题。 我们希望您会发现这些帮助。 让我们知道您的想法,或者如果您有其他建议可添加到列表中。

1. 量身定制品牌 –自动徽标制作和品牌制作 (1. Tailor Brands – Automated Logo Maker and Brand Builder )

Tailor Brands has quickly grown to be one of the best tools on the market to help you design logos and make branding. After offering up a great logo maker, the company now offers a full branding suite that makes marketing and creating unique company visuals a breeze.

Tailor Brands已Swift成长为市场上最好的工具之一,可帮助您设计徽标和进行品牌塑造。 提供出色的徽标制造商后,该公司现在提供了完整的品牌套件,使营销和创建独特的公司形象变得轻而易举。

The company’s logo maker uses AI and pairs it with an expansive template library to create unique and effective designs in a matter of minutes. You can then fine-tune aspects of your logo until it’s perfect.

该公司的徽标制造商使用AI,并将其与扩展的模板库配对,从而在几分钟之内创建出独特而有效的设计。 然后,您可以微调徽标的各个方面,直到完美为止。

Now that you have your logo, you can move on to making your mark with a powerful online brand presence. Tailor Brands is easy-to-use and gives you a fully automated weekly social planner that sets a schedule and auto-generates posts and ads to upload on a regular basis, you can also add more posts in manually if you’d like.

有了徽标后,您就可以继续通过强大的在线品牌形象进行标记。 Tailor Brands易于使用,可为您提供一个全自动的每周社交计划程序,该程序可设置时间表并自动生成要定期上传的帖子和广告,您也可以根据需要手动添加更多帖子。

If you want to launch a holiday campaign, you can take advantage of Tailor Brands’ seasonal logos, which lets you give your branding a quick boost. For your business needs, you can create business cards and decks to go along with letterheads, and even presentation templates. You can also download your logo in EPS format to print it on shirts, bag, and other gear.

如果您想开展假日活动,则可以利用Tailor Brands的季节性徽标,这可以使您的品牌快速发展。 为了满足您的业务需求,您可以创建名片,卡片组以及信头纸,甚至是演示模板。 您还可以下载EPS格式的徽标,以将其打印在衬衫,箱包和其他装备上。

With a basic monthly subscription of $2.99 or a full package for $10.99, Tailor Brands is a quick and easy way to give your brand a professional touch.

Tailor Brands的基本月费为2.99美元,全套服务的价格为10.99美元,是使您的品牌专业化的快捷简便方法。

Pricing: Monthly subscription from $2.99.


2. iGenApps –无需任何编码技巧即可构建您的电话应用程序 (2. iGenApps – Build Your Phone App Without Any Coding Skills)

iGenApps is a powerful and affordable app builder that allows people without programming skills to build and publish a fully customized app. According to the company, it has been downloaded 2 million times and has more than 1.5 million registered users building their apps with it already. And in April 2017, it was named the Best Productivity App.

iGenApps是功能强大且价格合理的应用程序构建器,它使没有编程技能的人们可以构建和发布完全定制的应用程序。 据该公司称,它已经被下载了200万次,并且已经有超过150万注册用户使用它来构建其应用程序。 2017年4月,它被评为最佳生产力应用程序。

You start the app creation with the wizard building process that will guide you step by step to build Apps for mobile phones and tablets. Build and publish your Apps in minutes all through your mobile device.

您可以通过向导构建过程开始创建应用程序,该向导将逐步指导您构建用于手机和平板电脑的应用程序。 数分钟内即可通过移动设备构建和发布您的应用。

iGenApps has a free trial you can start playing with that will show you how it all works and what it can do.


Pricing: Check their website for detailed pricing.


3. Kohezion –在线数据库软件 (3. Kohezion – Online Database Software)

Kohezion is an advanced online database software that allows you to quickly create your own customized web-based database without coding or any programming. The database can be used for:

Kohezion是一种高级的在线数据库软件,可让您快速创建自己的基于Web的自定义数据库,而无需进行编码或任何编程。 该数据库可用于:

  • Clients – Easily manage your clients, leads, organization and more. You can create reminders so you will never lose an opportunity. Keep a record of all communications and attach files to client’s records

    客户–轻松管理您的客户,潜在客户,组织等等。 您可以创建提醒,这样您就不会失去任何机会。 记录所有通信并将文件附加到客户的记录中
  • Manage Contracts – Collaborate and share ideas about contracts. Never miss an expiration date with reminders. Easily track all required information. Attach files, Apply calculations or Email contracts directly from Kohezion

    管理合同–协作并共享有关合同的想法。 永远不要错过带有提醒的到期日期。 轻松跟踪所有必需的信息。 直接从Kohezion附加文件,应用计算或通过电子邮件发送合同
  • Manage tasks

  • Schedules


It is also highly customizable. You can create custom quotes and invoices for your clients, custom reports with your own look and feel, integrate with Dropbox™, Google Drive™ or Box™, create complex calculation fields, or even embeddable online forms.

它也是高度可定制的。 您可以为客户创建自定义报价和发票,以自己的外观创建自定义报告,与Dropbox™,Google Drive™或Box™集成,创建复杂的计算字段,甚至嵌入在线表格。

There are 3 types of plans, standard, non-profit organizations and enterprise solutions, with pricing starting at $50/user/year. They also have a Free Forever plan, which will cover your basic needs.

计划分为3种类型:标准,非营利组织和企业解决方案,起价为每用户每年$ 50。 他们也有一个永久免费计划,它将满足您的基本需求。

Pricing: Starts from $50/User/YEAR for full access or they also have a Free Forever plan.

定价:每年$ 50 /用户/年起,即可完全访问,或者他们也有免费的永久套餐 。

4. Visme (4. Visme)

When it comes to Visual Communication, Visme is a game changer.  Imagine taking key features of Powerpoint and Photoshop and then marrying them together into an easy-to-use tool. It allows people without design experience to tap into hundreds of professional templates and an extensive library of assets to create engaging and memorable presentations, infographics, charts and report, ebooks, websites and social graphics. You can even make your content interactive with the ability to insert videos, audio or embed external content such as forms, polls, and maps.  

在视觉传达方面, Visme可以改变游戏规则。 想象一下利用Powerpoint和Photoshop的关键功能,然后将它们整合到一个易于使用的工具中。 它使没有设计经验的人们可以利用数百个专业模板和广泛的资产库来创建引人入胜且令人难忘的演示文稿,信息图表,图表和报告, 电子书 ,网站和社交图形。 您甚至可以通过插入视频,音频或嵌入外部内容(例如表单,民意调查和地图)来使您的内容具有交互性。

You can publish your content online, embed to your website, make it private and password protected or download it as an Image, PDF or even HTML5, so you can present offline.


Pricing:Paid plans start at $10/month which unlock premium features including the ability to customize your own brand, upload your own fonts, and tap into all premium templates and images. But they also have a free plan.

定价:付费计划起价为每月10美元,其中包括高级功能,包括自定义品牌,上传自己的字体以及使用所有高级模板和图像的功能。 但是他们也有免费计划。

5. 超主题 (5. Ultra Theme)

Ultra Theme is a powerful and flexible WordPress theme created by the well reputed Themify. It is easy to use and creates responsive sites quickly and beautifully. It allows you to take full control of your theme design from header to footer.

Ultra Theme是由知名的Themify创建的强大而灵活的WordPress主题。 它易于使用,并且可以快速精美地创建响应站点。 它使您可以从页眉到页脚完全控制主题设计。

Pricing: The standard license is $49.


6. Codester (6. Codester)

Codester is a fast growing platform for web designers and developers to buy and sell lots of great premium PHP scripts, app templates, themes and plugins to create amazing websites & apps. They even have a “flash sales” where products are available for a limited period but with a 50% discount.

Codester是一个快速增长的平台,供Web设计人员和开发人员购买和出售大量优质PHP脚本,应用程序模板,主题和插件,以创建令人惊叹的网站和应用程序。 他们甚至进行了“快速销售”,在有限的时间内提供了产品,但有50%的折扣。

Pricing: It’s a marketplace, so will vary on products.


7. GrapeCity – JavaScript解决方案 (7. GrapeCity – JavaScript Solutions)

GrapeCity JavaScript solutions provides all you’ll need for a full web app. With this you’ll get dependency-free, fast, flexible, true JavaScript components that enable you to build basic websites, full enterprise apps, and Excel-like spreadsheet web apps. And if you need it, expert support is available by forum, direct ticket or phone.

GrapeCity JavaScript解决方案提供了完整的Web应用程序所需的全部功能。 有了它,您将获得无依赖,快速,灵活,真正JavaScript组件,这些组件使您可以构建基本网站,完整的企业应用程序以及类似Excel的电子表格网络应用程序。 如果需要,可以通过论坛,直接售票或电话获得专家支持。

There are 2 products: SpreadJS and Wijmo and both have offer free trials.


Pricing: SpreadJS is $999/developer and Wijmo is $895/developer.

定价: SpreadJS为$ 999 /开发人员,Wijmo为$ 895 /开发人员。

8. ThemeFuse (8. ThemeFuse)

ThemeFuse is one of the most impressive WordPress theme developers in the market. They cover most domains such as automotive, blogging, e-commerce, events and portfolios. Their themes are professional-looking and includes everything you need to get started and the installation and setup only takes a couple of minutes, so you can get started with your next big idea.

ThemeFuse是市场上最令人印象深刻的WordPress主题开发人员之一。 它们涵盖了汽车,博客,电子商务,活动和投资组合等大多数领域。 他们的主题看起来很专业,并且包含您入门所需的一切,安装和设置仅需几分钟,因此您可以开始下一个大创意。

Pricing: They offer a free plan, but the premium ones start from $45, paid once. You can also use this code BLKFRY2017 and get a 70% discount.

定价:他们提供免费计划,但高级计划起价为$ 45,只需支付一次。 您也可以使用此代码BLKFRY2017并获得70%的折扣。

9. 布拉斯坎 (9. Blaskan)

Blaskan is a responsive and professional WordPress theme that’s built for many kinds of screens. It was built by Colorlib, a new WordPress developer that is quickly becoming one of the best in the market. The theme is free to download and use, so give it a try.

Blaskan是一种响应Swift且专业的WordPress主题,适用于多种屏幕。 它是由Colorlib创建的,Colorlib是一个新的WordPress开发人员,正在Swift成为市场上最好的之一。 该主题是免费下载和使用的,请尝试一下。

Pricing: Free


10. VectorStock (10. VectorStock)

VectorStock is the world’s premier vector-only image marketplace with more than 10,000 vectors added daily. It’s one of the favorite places for web designers because there is a heap to be found here and also because the pricing is budget friendly.

VectorStock是全球主要的纯矢量图像市场,每天添加10,000多个矢量。 这是Web设计师最喜欢的地方,因为这里可以找到很多东西,而且价格便宜。

Pricing: Free plan with access to 41,000 free vectors and millions of royalty free images.


11. wpKube (11. wpKube)

wpKube specializes in WordPress themes, hosting, plugins and everything related to this platform. They’ve even made a complete guide about how you can start a WP website from scratch, which tools, themes and hosting to choose from, so you can have an awesome website.

wpKube专门研究WordPress主题,托管,插件以及与此平台相关的所有内容。 他们甚至提供了有关如何从头开始创建WP网站的完整指南,提供了哪些工具,主题和托管服务供您选择,因此您可以拥有一个很棒的网站。

They’re also investing lots of money in developing new themes. All of their templates are fully responsive, easy to install, setup and customize. At this point, there are 5 themes and the pricing is between $49-$59/theme.

他们还投入大量资金来开发新主题。 他们所有的模板都是完全响应的,易于安装,设置和自定义。 此时,有5个主题,定价在$ 49- $ 59 /主题之间。

Pricing: Varies depending on service you are after


12. Host-Tracker (12. Host-Tracker)

Host-Tracker is one of the best website monitoring systems on the market. It provides instant notifications about failures, domain and certificate expiration monitoring, content check and many other cool things. They recently launched a cool new feature which automatically pauses your AdWords campaign if any problems with the site are detected and then reactivates onces resolved.

Host-Tracker是市场上最好的网站监视系统之一。 它提供有关故障,域和证书过期监视,内容检查以及许多其他很棒功能的即时通知。 他们最近推出了一项很酷的新功能,如果发现该网站有任何问题,该功能会自动暂停您的AdWords广告系列,并在解决后立即将其重新激活。

Pricing: $5/month with a 50% discount for new customers

定价:每月$ 5 ,新客户可享受50%的折扣

13. LogoAI (13. LogoAI)

LogoAI is a new website that also uses AI to design logos for your company or projects quickly. You can get a low-resolution logo with a colored background free. Or you can get a professional logo that has everything included (high-resolution PNG, Vector files, full copyright and others) from $49.

LogoAI是一个新网站,也使用AI来为您的公司或项目快速设计徽标。 您可以免费获得带有彩色背景的低分辨率徽标。 或者,您也可以从49美元起获得包含所有内容的专业徽标(高分辨率PNG,矢量文件,完整版权等)。

Pricing: Free or premium logos starting from $49.

定价:免费或高级徽标,起价$ 49。

14. 森特里 (14. Sentree)

Sentree uses cutting-edge technology to deliver a suite of hosting services, such as clustered servers, dual web application firewalls, content delivery network, redundant caching, automatic asset compression and concatenation, and even multiple data centers spread around the globe. Sentree is fully optimized for WordPress and Drupal, so everything will run fast and securely.

Sentree使用最先进的技术来提供一套托管服务,例如集群服务器,双Web应用防火墙,内容交付网络,冗余缓存,自动资产压缩和串联,甚至遍布全球的多个数据中心。 Sentree针对WordPress和Drupal进行了完全优化,因此所有内容都将快速安全地运行。

Pricing: Personal plan is $35/month. Pay annually and you will get 2 months for free!

定价:个人计划每月$ 35。 每年付款,您将免费获得2个月!

15. MedZone Lite (15. MedZone Lite)

MedZone is a free medical WordPress Theme for all you medical entrepreneurs out there. It is flexible enough for all types of medical practices including dentists, doctors, surgeons, hospitals, clinics, and more. And because MedZone ships with helpful elements like appointment forms, opening hours, team member listings, and more, it’s also perfectly suited for other types of service businesses.

MedZone是一个免费的医疗WordPress主题,适用于所有医疗企业家。 它足够灵活,可用于所有类型的医疗实践,包括牙医,医生,外科医生,医院,诊所等。 而且由于MedZone附带了诸如约会表格,营业时间,团队成员列表等有用的元素,因此它也非常适合其他类型的服务业务。

Pricing: Free


16. SuperbWebsiteBuilders (16. SuperbWebsiteBuilders)

SuperbWebsiteBuilders is a professional web-based resource, which unveils the secrets of using website builders. The service is for both professional web masters as well as newbies, who are just making their first steps in the web building playground, and are looking for a quality website builder to help reach their web design goals.

SuperbWebsiteBuilders是基于Web的专业资源,它揭示了使用网站构建器的秘密。 该服务适用于专业的网站管理员和新手,他们刚刚在Web建设领域迈出了第一步,并正在寻找优质的网站建设者来帮助实现其Web设计目标。

Pricing: Free


17. 着陆器 (17. Lander)

With Lander, you can easily create landing pages that will help you boost your conversions and further develop your business. Lander’s visual editor makes it super easy to design your own landing page or customize any of their existing templates, with an excellent drag and drop feature. You can create high converting and beautiful landing pages in minutes without CSS or HTML know-how.

使用Lander ,您可以轻松创建目标网页,以帮助您提高转化次数并进一步发展业务。 Lander的可视化编辑器通过出色的拖放功能,可以非常轻松地设计自己的着陆页或自定义其任何现有模板。 您无需使用CSS或HTML即可在几分钟之内创建具有高转化率和美观的目标网页。

Pricing: Starting from $36/month


18. MailMunch (18. MailMunch)

A squeeze page is a landing page created with the main purpose of converting visitors into email subscribers. If you want to build your email list, you need to be using squeeze pages as they are the most effective way to do so. MailMunch has the best landing page builder to create squeeze pages in just a few minutes.

挤压页面是一个登录页面,其主要目的是将访问者转换为电子邮件订阅者。 如果要构建电子邮件列表,则需要使用压缩页面,因为这是最有效的方法。 MailMunch具有最好的登录页面生成器,可以在短短几分钟内创建挤压页面。

Pricing: They have a free plan and premium packages start from $15/month.


19. Pixelo (19. Pixelo)

Pixelo is a design platform created for designers by designers. Pixelo works closely with designers around the world to provide you with high-quality resources. If you are looking for commercially licensed products to save you time and money, Pixleo is the place to be. Their bundles comprise of the latest trendy designs across town brought together in a neat bundle. 

Pixelo是由设计师为设计师创建的设计平台。 Pixelo与世界各地的设计师紧密合作,为您提供高质量的资源。 如果您正在寻找获得商业许可的产品以节省您的时间和金钱,Pixleo就是您的理想之选。 他们的捆绑包包含整座城市中最新的时尚设计,并融合在一起。

Pricing: Varies depending on the bundle.


20. Userlytics (20. Userlytics)

Userlytics is an advanced user testing platform for UX testing, website usability research and user testing of apps, websites and prototypes. Features include picture-in-picture task based videos, with usability testing branching logic. System Usability Scale (SUS), Time on Task, and Success/Fail metrics complement the qualitative user research.

Userlytics是用于UX测试,网站可用性研究以及对应用程序,网站和原型的用户测试的高级用户测试平台。 功能包括基于画中画任务的视频,以及可用性测试分支逻辑。 系统可用性量表(SUS),任务执行时间和成功/失败指标对用户的定性研究进行了补充。

Pricing: Starting at $49/participant.


21. 取消编码 (21. Uncode)

Uncode is a pixel-perfect creative multiuse WordPress theme based on Visual Composer. Designed with terrific details, flexibility, and performance, it is one of the most appreciated themes on the market right now, with a heap of websites being made with it.

Uncode是基于Visual Composer的像素完美的创意多用途WordPress主题。 设计具有出色的细节,灵活性和性能,它是当前市场上最受赞赏的主题之一,并由此创建了许多网站。

Pricing: starts at $59/theme

定价: 59美元/主题起

22. Goodie网站 (22. Goodiewebsite)

Goodie Website is an excellent web development service which has a unique team of high-performance web designers and developers behind the scenes making gorgeous websites for the last 10 years. With a focus on details, what they deliver is usually of an excellent quality. The process is also very straightforward and you will be updated with what is happening regularly. These guys will also share ideas and tips on how to improve your project from their experienced developers.

Goodie Website是一项出色的Web开发服务,拥有一支由高性能Web设计师和开发人员组成的独特团队,在过去的十年中,他们一直在幕后制作华丽的网站。 注重细节,他们提供的通常是优质的。 该过程也非常简单,您将了解定期发生的情况。 这些家伙还将与经验丰富的开发人员分享有关如何改进您的项目的想法和技巧。

Pricing: $999/website.

定价: $ 999 /网站。

23. InvoiceBerry (23. InvoiceBerry)

InvoiceBerry simplifies invoices and expense tracking, helping you save time and money. This invoice platform has lots of features that will help you have a complete picture of your business’ finances. It’s also really easy to use.

InvoiceBerry简化了发票和费用跟踪,可帮助您节省时间和金钱。 该发票平台具有许多功能,可帮助您全面了解企业的​​财务状况。 它也很容易使用。

Pricing: Free forever plan and the premium packages start from $15/month.


24. EmailMonster (24. EmailMonster)

Email Monster is an email editor to help you build beautiful, responsive emails quickly and easily. There are hundreds of good looking and free templates that can be quickly customized using their powerful email editor.

Email Monster是一个电子邮件编辑器,可帮助您快速轻松地构建美观,响应Swift的电子邮件。 数百种美观且免费的模板可以使用其强大的电子邮件编辑器快速进行自定义。

They even have a free Black Friday email template


Pricing: Varies


让我们知道您的想法 (Let us know what you think)

Most of these productivity tools have free plans or trials that will help you have a better idea of how can help you achieve better results for your projects. Give them a try and let us know if they helped you out on your different projects.

这些生产力工具大多数都有免费的计划或试用版,可帮助您更好地了解如何帮助您的项目取得更好的结果。 试试看,让我们知道他们是否在您的不同项目中为您提供了帮助。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint/24-helpful-productivity-tools/

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