


  • 1. 作文模板(主要是借鉴了星火教育萌主的模板以及B站Roy大表哥的部分模板和词汇)
    • 开头:(五种作文类型,开头都是2句)
      • 1. 开放式作文
      • 2. 对比选择式作文
      • 3.描述图画
      • 4.谚语评论
      • 5.描述图表
    • 中间:(其中有些句子在不同的话题下不能全部套用,这个需要具体话题自行调整,后面会陆续更新完善)
    • 结尾:
  • 2. 高频词替换:(63组替换词,持续更新)
    • 名词类
    • 动词类
    • 短语类

1. 作文模板(主要是借鉴了星火教育萌主的模板以及B站Roy大表哥的部分模板和词汇)



1. 开放式作文

  1. 第一句:社会上出现了一个…的现象.
    Nowadays,owing to the pervasive use of (名词/或名词性结构),(另一个名词)/it has(have) intrigued the public.
  2. 第二句:通过数字支撑…,进一步阐述这个现象
    According to a recent survey conducted by CCTV/ China Daily, a high
    proportion of 56.6 percent of people/students/parents/… acknowledged that
    they did something.
    (responsibility表示“责任; 负责”之意时,为不可数名词)
  • owing to the pervasive use of 由于…的广泛使用
  • owing /ˈoʊɪŋ/ v.欠(owe的现在分词)
  • pervasive /pərˈveɪsɪv/ adj.流行的
  • intrigue /ɪnˈtriːɡ/ v.激发…的兴趣

2. 对比选择式作文

  1. 第一句:两种选择
    Individuals’ opinions about (名词) vary from person to person.
    翻译:人们关于 的看法都不一样。
  2. 第二句:说出自己倾向的选择
    Yet,I am in line with that the former(latter) is preferable.

preferable /ˈprefrəbl/ adj.更好的


  1. 第一句:描述图片
    The cartoon meeting our eyes is quite worrying/ interesting and
    thought-provoking, in which + sb1 be doing sth (and sb2 is doing sth.) +(地
  2. 第二句:点题
    This drawing mirrors a common social phenomenon/ a vital theory of
    philosophy that(句子)(图画表达的现象/道理)(题目中找)


  1. 第一句:引出谚语
    There is a widespread/famous saying that+谚语。
  2. 第二句:(点题)
    Simple as the saying is, it informs us that___(句子)./of the significance of


  1. 第一句:
    As is demonstrated in the chart , the past 数 字 years have seen a
    sharp/gradual increase/ decrease of 差 值 in A , ( while B and C have
    increased/decreased respectively by 差值 and 差值。)
    翻译:正如图表所示,过去几年见证了 A 的显著/逐渐的增长/下降了多少,(而 B 和 C 分别增长了/下降了多少)。

  2. 第二句 :
    And at the end of 时间, the number/the proportion rose to/ declined to 数字。


  1. 就我所知,…的优点数不胜数以及非常多。首先,应该被提升重要性的是…(抛出问题)。(但是人们对于这个看法不尽相同,有的人认为…,有的认为…,(括号中的看字数可省略))但是我认为…;
    As far as I am concerned,the merits of having A are innumerable and manifold.First and foremost,what ought to be prioritized is that A is a precious moral quality in a person.I consider that no matter who you are,having A can win others’ respect and trust,which enhances close interpersonal relationship.
    翻译: 就我所知,.拥有A的优点数不胜数以及非常多。首先,最先该被提及的是,A是人最宝贵的到的品质。我觉得无论你是谁。有A可以赢得别人的尊重和信任,这能够增进亲密的人际关系。
  • innumerable /ɪˈnjuːmərəbl/ adj.数不清的
  • manifold /ˈmænɪfoʊld/ adj.多种多样的
  1. 第二个值得提醒的理由是…;
    The second noteworthy reason is that it can assist a person in attaining greater achievement.(By proving themselves faithful in small things,a person can expect to be given greater responsibility,and acquire greater opportunities.如果字数限制,括号内的可省略)

  2. 举一个反例:相反…;
    By contrast,if someone shows little A at some small areas of daily life,they will lose trust and be unable to maintain an interpersonal circle.

  3. 总结:因此…在我们生活和学习中都起了一个核心的作用,
    Thus,it is the sense of responsibility that plays a pivotal role in our life and study.

  • the merits of xxx are innumerable and manifold xx的优点是不可计数和繁多的
  • I am in line with the view that + 同位语从句 我同意…的观点
  • foremost /ˈfɔːrmoʊst/ adj. 最前的,
  • prioritize /praɪˈɔːrətaɪz/ v.按照优先级顺序
  • myriad /ˈmɪriəd/ aadj.无数的
  • prime /praɪm/ adj.首要的
  • noteworthy /ˈnoʊtwɜːrði/ adj.首要的
  • pivotal /ˈpɪvətl/ adj.关键的


All in all,taking into account all the factors above,I reiterate my standpoint that we are supposed to do sth without hesitate in daily life.

2. 高频词替换:(63组替换词,持续更新)



  1. with the development of 随着…的发展
    <=> due to the proliferation of
    proliferation /prəˌlɪfəˈreɪʃn/ n.增殖

  2. more and more 越来越多
    has risen steeply

  3. large/big 大
    = massive adj. 大而重的
    = colossal /kəˈlɑːsl/ adj. 巨大的
    = gigantic /dʒaɪˈɡæntɪk/ adj.巨大的

  4. influence n. 影响
    = impact /ˈɪmpækt/ n. 巨大影响,撞击
    = effect /ɪˈfekt/ n.影响

  5. exert/have a profound/far-reaching /strong influence on sb 产生一个深远的影响
    (exert /ɪɡˈzɜːrt/ v. 运用
    profound /prəˈfaʊnd/ adj. (影响)深刻的)

  6. That will have a salutary effect on their behavior 这有个有益的的影响
    (salutary /ˈsæljəteri/ adj.有益的)

  7. have a devastating effect on 有一个坏的影响
    (devastating /ˈdevəsteɪtɪŋ/ adj,毁灭性的)
    = …have repercussions for … 产生令人不满意的后果
    (repercussion /ˌriːpərˈkʌʃn/ n.令人不满意的后果)

  8. person/people人
    individuals /ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəlz/ n.人
    characters /ˈkærəktərz/ n.性格古怪的人,不寻常的人
    folks /foʊks/ n.人

  9. old people 老人
    = senior citizens = older folks = the aged = the elderly

  10. 年轻人
    the young = young people = youngsters
    adolescent /ˌædəˈlesnt/ n.青少年(12-18岁)

  11. thing 事情
    business = matter ≈ issue(有争议的事)
    affair /əˈfer/ n.公共事务
    private/world/international/family affair

  12. advantage 优点
    = benefit
    = strength
    =merit ˈmerɪt/ n.优点

  13. disadvantage 缺点
    = shortcoming
    = drawback
    =defect /ˈdiːfekt/ n.缺点
    =flaw /flɔː/ n.缺陷

  14. mistake错误
    = fault

  15. reputation 名声
    =renown /rɪˈnaʊn/ n.声誉
    =prestige /preˈstiːʒ/ n.声誉

  16. ability to do能力
    =capacity /kəˈpæsəti/ n.能力 for
    =competence /ˈkɑːmpɪtəns/ n.能力 of
    = capability /ˌkeɪpəˈbɪləti/ n.能力

  17. skill 技巧
    = knack /næk/ n.技巧 of/for

  18. top 顶点
    = climax /ˈklaɪmæks/ n.顶点,高潮
    =peak /piːk/ n.巅峰
    =zenith /ˈziːnɪθ/ n.巅峰

  19. customer 顾客
    = client
    = consumer /kənˈsuːmər/
    =shopper /ˈʃɑːpər/
    =purchaser /ˈpɜːrtʃəsər/
    =patron /ˈpeɪtrən/ n.餐馆旅馆顾客,赞助人

  20. way to do方法
    = way of doing sth
    =means of doing
    = method of doing
    =approach to sth (to是介词)


  1. think认为
    = reckon /ˈrekən/ v. 估算
    = argue that (表示支持的意思)
    = deem
    = maintain 坚持认为
    = assert 断言(语气特别强烈)
  2. get 获得
    =obtain (通过努力获得)
    obtain advice
    obtain information
    obtain permission
    = acquire /əˈkwaɪər/ v.获得
    acuquire a good knowledge of 熟练掌握…
    acquire a reputation
    =gain (获得想要或者需要的东西)
    gain worldwide recognition 获得全世界的认可
    gain access to 取得使用……机会
    gain confidence/strength/experience
    gain some weight 长胖
  3. show 表明(数字实验类举例)
    =indicate /ˈɪndɪkeɪt/ v.表明
    = reveal /rɪˈviːl/ v.揭露
    = demonstrate /ˈdemənstreɪt/ v.证明
    =illustrate /ˈɪləstreɪt/ v.说明
  4. need 需要
    = demand /dɪˈmænd/ v.强烈要求
    = require /rɪˈkwaɪər/ v.要求
    ≈ deserve /dɪˈzɜːrv/ v.值得
  5. use利用
    = utilize /ˈjuːtəlaɪz/ v.使用
    = take advantage of 利用
    = make use of
    = employ 使用 a method/ technique/tactic /ˈtæktɪk/ n.战术
  6. improve 提高
    =enhance /ɪnˈhæns/ v.提升
    = boost
    = promote
    (都可以加 health,改善健康)
  • improve/boost one’s academic performance 对学习好(替换 be good for study)
  1. impede /ɪmˈpiːd/ v.阻碍 (常被动)
    =hinder /ˈhɪndər/ v.阻碍
    =hamper /ˈhæmpər/ v.阻碍(常被动)
  2. stop 停止
  • cease /siːs/ v.终止,停止
    ceaseless efforts 不懈的努力
    ceaseless /ˈsiːsləs/ adj.不停的
  • desist from /dɪˈzɪst/ vi.停止
    desist from doing = stop doing
  • halt /hɔːlt/ v.阻止
  1. encourage sb to do 鼓励
  • motivate /ˈmoʊtɪveɪt/ v. 成为……的动机
  • stimulate interest 激发兴趣
  • inspire sb to do
    (以上“鼓励的动词”都可以搭配 to do)
  1. finish完成,实现
  • fulfill /fʊlˈfɪl/ v.履行
    fulfill your dream/ambition/potential 实现你的梦想/雄心壮志/潜力
  • complete
  • achieve /əˈtʃiːv/ v.实现
  • accomplish /əˈkɑːmplɪʃ/ v.实现
  1. support支持
  • advocate /ˈædvəkeɪt/ v.提倡
  • argue for 支持
  • be in favor of
  1. 反对
  • object +(to sb/sth)~(to doing sth/to sb doing sth) (object是不及物动词)
    I really object to being charged for parking 我非常反对停车收费
  • argue against (argue是不及物动词)
    Some argue against reform by stating that there is no single replacement for all the current uses of credit ratings. 一些人反对改革,认为目前信用评级的所有用途都没有单一的替代品。
  • oppose sth/doing sth (oppose是及物动词)
    I would oppose changing the law. 我反对修改法律
  1. give提供
  • offer sb sth/ offer sth to sb(跟give的搭配一致,但是强调“主动提供”)
  • provide sb with sth /provide sth for sb
  • impart 传授 impart information/knowledge/quality to sb 传授知识给sb
  • afford sb sth 给某人某物(afford还有一个意思是"负担得起")
  1. develop 培养技能
  • cultivate /ˈkʌltɪveɪt/ v.培养
  • hone /hoʊn/ v.训练
    She honed her debating skills at school.她锻炼了她的辩论技能
  • foster /ˈfɑːstər/ v.培养
  1. choose选择
  • opt(for sth / to do sth) opt /ɑːpt/ v.选择
  • go for
  1. hate讨厌
  • dislike
  • loathe /loʊð/ v.厌恶
  • detest /dɪˈtest/ v.厌恶
  • abhor /əbˈhɔːr/
  1. relax 休息
  • loosen up 放松
  1. believe(I believe that) 相信
  • conclude /kənˈkluːd/ v.推断 I conclude that
  1. think 认为
  • consider /kənˈsɪdər/ v.考虑
  • regard /rɪˈɡɑːrd/ v.认为
  • suppose /səˈpoʊz/ v.猜想
  1. should v.应该(情态动词)
  • ought to
  • be supposed to


  1. I think我认为
  • as far as I am concerned
  • in my opinion
  • from my perspective
  • from where I stand
  1. in the modern society 在当今社会
  • in the contemporary society
  • in the present-day society
  • in this day and age
  1. with the development of 随着…的发展
  • owing to the pervasive use of
  • along with the advance of
  • with the rising growth of
  • due to the proliferation of
  1. more and more越来越多
  • the number of … has risen steeply
  • a growing number of
  • an increasing number of
  1. try one’s best努力
  • struggle for
  • aspire to do aspire /əˈspaɪər/ v.渴望
  • spare no efforts for/to do sth
  1. want sth想要
  • have a stong desire for sth
  • be itching to do sth itch /ˈɪtʃɪ/ v.渴望
  • be eager to do sth
  1. sb be interested in … 对…有兴趣
  • sth appeals to sb
  • sth exerts a tremendous fascination on sb
    exert /ɪɡˈzɜːrt/ v. 运用
    tremendous /trəˈmendəs/ adj.极大的
    fascination /ˌfæsɪˈneɪʃn/ n.吸引力
  1. in conclusion 总之(结尾段)
  • all in all
  • to sum up
  • in a word
  1. 表示层次
    – fisrt 首先
  • first and foremost
  • first of all
  • to begin with
    – second第二
  • the second noteworthy reason
  • in the second place
  • additionally
    – third 第三
  • last but not least (这是正面的)
  • By contrast, 相反的是(这是反面的)
  1. There is no doubt that 毫无疑问(凑字数专用)
  • There is no denying that
  1. It’s known to all that众所周知 (凑字数专用)
  • As is known to all,… (非限制性定语从句)
  • It is common knowledge that common /ˈkɑːmən/ adj.相同的
  • It’s commonly acknowledged that …
  1. many/a lot of很多
  • a substantial number of substantial /səbˈstænʃl/ adj.大量的
  • a host of
  • plenty of
  • a large amount of
  1. regard 认为
  • consider … as …
  • view … as…
  • refer to … as…
  • perceive … as … perceive /pərˈsiːv/ vt. 认为
  1. 待续…

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