

genuine /ˈdʒenjuɪn/ ------- fake

If this offer is genuine, I will gladly accept it.


  • whereas /ˌweərˈæz/ conj. 然而
  • irritate /ˈɪrɪteɪt/ 刺激
  • In fact, this may irritate some people. 事实上,这可能会激怒一些人。
  • religion /rɪˈlɪdʒən/ 宗教信仰
  • chronic 长期的
  • chronic complainer
  • moan /məʊn/ 呻吟、呜咽
  • ceaseless /ˈsiːsləs/ 不断的、不停的
  • cease 终止、结束
    moan about it ceaselessly 不停地抱怨
  • abound 盛产
  • illustrate 举例说明
  • confront 面对,遭遇 confront with a number of choices.
  • compel v. 强迫 compulsion n. 强迫
  • vegetarian /ˌvedʒəˈteəriən/ 素食主义者
    vegetarianism 素食主义
  • proposal 协议,建议
  • planet 星球
  • planetary /ˈplænəteri/ 行星的
  • visible 明显的
  • tense political situation 紧张的政治局势
  • on special occasions 在特殊的场合
  • ingredients /ɪn’griːdɪənts/ 作料
  • minor /ˈmaɪnə®/ 次要的、未成年的

1、The lakes abound with fish.
2、 But other possibilities abound.
3、 There is an abundant supply of cheap labour.
4、 I have ever had abundant love experiences.
5、Our country has a vast territory /ˈterətri/ and abundant resources. 我国土地辽阔,资源丰富。
6、Let me illustrate what I mean with an old story.
7、To illustrate my point, let me tell you a little story.
8、This will add some variety to the trace output to illustrate the power of the technique.
9、The vegetarians would prefer not to be compelled to eat meat.
10、Earlier this year, the commission released its global report on nutrition.
11、In the Global Hunger Index 2019, India ranks 102nd out of 117.
12、Data from … indicate that only 10 precent of infants of 6 to 23 months are adequately fed. 表明,标示;象征,暗示
13、offer another whip with which to beat already vulnerable communities in developing countries.
14、Many people simply do not have access to goods they prefer.
许多人根本 无法获得 他们喜欢的食物
15、There is a growing popularity of a cereal-heavy vegetarian diet.

16、remove the barrier to people’s choice of food.
17、It may worsen the nourishment problem in low-income countries.
18、It remains one of the most irritating aspects of everyday social life.
19、There would be no possibility of avoiding the choices.
20、Something magical might happen. 一些神奇的事情可能会发生。
21、She is not as trapped /træp/ as you are saying she is, or as she feels. 她并不像你说的那样或者她感觉到的那样。
22、Evading responsibility feels comfortable, but turns out to be a prison; whereas assuming responsibility feels unpleasant, but ends up being freeing.
23、People are often at a loss when confronted with a number of choices. 不知所措


  • substantially /səbˈstænʃəli/ 大幅度地;充分地;大体上;
    substantially reducing consumption of animal source foods 大幅度减少动物制品的消费
  • adequately /ˈædɪkwətli/ 充分地
  • radically /ˈrædɪkli/ 根本上地;
    Radically change their dietary /ˈdaɪətəri/ habits. 从根本上改变他们的饮食习惯
  • ardently /ˈɑːdntli/ 热心地;热烈地
    He had pursued her ardently. 他热烈地追求着她
  • obviously 显然地;
  • afresh 重新、再度;
    People confronted with over-validation often hear their complaints afresh and start arguing back. 面对需要给他人过度认可时,人们往往会重新去听他人的抱怨,并开始反驳。
  • sympathetically /ˌsɪmpəˈθetɪkli/ 悲悯地、怜悯地、富有同情心地
  • entirely /ɪnˈtaɪəli/ 完全地
    She is entirely without malice.( /ˈmælɪs/,恶意、怨恨).
  • completely 完全地


  • aggravate /ˈæɡrəveɪt/ 加重、激怒、使…恶化
    If the reports are well-founded (有根据的), the incident could seriously /ˈsɪəriəsli/ aggravate relations between the two nations.导致两国关系恶化
  • nourish /ˈnɜːrɪʃ/ v. 滋养
    nutrition n. 营养 nourished /ˈnʌrɪʃt/ 有营养的
  • undernourished 营养不良的
    undernourished populations 营养不良的人口
  • presume /prɪˈzjuːm/ 料想
    We must presume innocence /ˈɪnəsns/ until we have proof of guilt. 在证实一个人有罪之前,我们必须假定其无辜
  • resume v. 继续、重新开始;n. 简历、摘要
  • consume v. 消耗、消费
    Many people are unaware of just how much food and drink they consume.
  • rank v. 排列;n. 等级、军衔
  • feed 喂养 过去式 fed
  • recognize 识别出、认出
  • claim 宣称
  • spark v. 引发、触发; n. 导火线、电火花
    The commission claimed its intention was to “spark conversations” among all Indian stakeholders. 这个委员会宣称它的目的就是在所有印度利益相关者中“发起对话”。
  • omit /əˈmɪt/ 疏忽
    If you are a student, you can omit questions 16–18. 忽略
  • intend 打算、想要
  • appeal 呼吁、申诉
    We intend to appeal the verdict. 我们打算对此裁决提出申诉。
  • address v. 设法解决;n. 地址
    address chronic hunger and malnutrition /ˌmælnjuˈtrɪʃn/
  • remain v. 保持
  • adopt v. 收养、采纳;
    The people adopting the strategy is usually a chronic complainer.
  • dismiss 解散、开除、不予考虑
    find some excuse to dismiss any solution that’s proposed.
  • validate v. 证实、验证、确认;
    validate his career 证实了他的职业生涯的价值
    They want to be validated in their position that the world is out to get them.
  • oblige /əˈblaɪdʒ/ 迫使、施恩惠
    Would you oblige me with some information? 拜托您给我透露些信息,好吗?
    I obliged to work for a half-witted boss. 我被迫给一个弱智老板打工。
  • evade /ɪˈveɪd/ 逃避
    There is nothing to be gained, long-term, from using this as a justification to evade responsibility. 用这个作为逃避责任的理由,长期来看,没有任何好处
  • tackle & address 解决 ~ problems
  • overlook 忽略
  • persuade /pəˈsweɪd/ 说服、劝说
    Persuade them to clarify the confusion they have caused. 澄清混乱


  • innumerable /ɪˈnjuːmərəbl/ 很多的,数不清的
    innumerable barriers 无数障碍
    barrier /ˈbæriə®/ 障碍
  • vast 巨大的,广大的
  • disadvantaged 弱势的
    disadvantaged classes 弱势等级
    disadvantaged classes are being compelled to give up their tranditional foods.
  • vulnerable /ˈvʌlnərəbl/ 易受攻击的,易受伤害的;
  • affluent /ˈæfluənt/ adj. 富足的、富裕的;n. 富人;
  • cognitive /ˈkɒɡnətɪv/ 认识的、认知的;
    function n. 功能、函数
    cognitive function 认知水平、认知能力
    As children grow older, their cognitive processes become sharper.
  • conspicuous /kənˈspɪkjuəs/ 出色的、引人注目的、明显的;
    The most conspicuous omission may well be the absence /ˈæbsəns/ of India’s farmers. 最显眼的疏忽就是印度农民的缺席
  • reluctant 勉强的、不情愿的; reluctance n. 不情愿
    People’s reluctance to be compelled to eat plant-based food. 人们不愿意被迫吃植物性食物。
  • irritating 刺激的、烦人的、使愤怒的;
  • ingenious /ɪnˈdʒiːniəs/ 灵巧的、巧妙的;
    shut /ʃʌt/ 关闭
    there is an ingenious way to shut the complaint down. 有一个巧妙的方法让抱怨停止
  • productive 多产的


  • concern 担心、关心
    None of these concerns seem to have been appreciated by the commission’s representative.
    appreciate /əˈpriːʃieɪt/ v. 感激、欣赏、理解
  • representative /ˌreprɪˈzentətɪv/ n. 代表、典型; adj. 典型的
  • protein /ˈproʊtiːn/ n. 蛋白质
    India has got such a great example in sourcing protein from plants. 从植物中获取蛋白质,印度在这方面已经成为一个很好的榜样。
  • infant /ˈɪnfənt/ 婴儿
  • whip n. 鞭子; v. 鞭策;
  • community n. 社区、社会;
  • debate 讨论、辩论
    We need to shift the focus of this debate. 转化辩论焦点
  • generation 一代(人)
    future generation 后代
  • blow n. 挫折、冲击; v. 吹;
    It may be another blow to the economy in developing countries.
  • expense 代价、损失
    It accepts them at the expense of the long-term interests of its people.
  • approval /əˈpruːvl/ 批准、赞成
  • proposition n. 建议
  • proposal n. 提议、建议
    It gives them approval regardless of proposition from nutrition experts.
  • thumb /θʌm/ n. 拇指
    thumbs-up 肯定; give the report a thumbs-up 对该份报告给予了肯定
  • excuse /ɪkˈskjuːs/ 借口
  • obligation /ˌɒblɪˈɡeɪʃn/ 义务、责任
  • confusion 困惑
  • justification /ˌdʒʌstɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/ n. 正当理由
    justify v. 证明…合法
  • motivation 动机
    intention 目的
    Others’ motivation is to confirm their beliefs. 他人的动机是证实自己的信念。
  • distinction /dɪˈstɪŋkʃn/ n. 差别、区分;
    A distinction should be drawn between responsibility and fault.


  • take for granted 被…认为是理所当然
    My work is taken for granted by my partner. 我的工作被搭档认为是理所当然。
  • half-witted 愚蠢的、弱智的;
    witted /ˈwɪtɪd/ 智力的、愚笨的;
    She was quick-witted. 她很机智。
  • over-validation 过度认可
  • For one thing, for another 一方面,另一方面
  • come up with … 提出…
  • give you a specific instructions. 给你明确的指示


  • His charge was to obtain specific information. charge 任务
  • The money was collected for a specific purpose. 这笔钱是为了一个特定用途而收的。


  • demonstrative /dɪˈmɒnstrətɪv/ adj. 感情外漏的、指示的;n. 指示词
    Some people are more demonstrative than others. 有些人更容易流露感情。
  • determiner /dɪˈtɜːmɪnə®/ n. 限定词、决定因素
    As a kind of cultural determiner, color words can reflect the cultural characteristics of a race or society.
  • repetitive /rɪˈpetətɪv n. 重复的
    But it conveys the same idea of a repetitive, boring conversation. 但是其实表达的是同一个意思,都是指无聊的对话。
  • convey /kənˈveɪ/ v. 传送、运输、表达
    Please convey my gratitude to her.
  • attitude 态度
  • collision n. 碰撞
    We’ve been in a collision with a civilian vehicle. 我们与一辆民用汽车相撞。
  • collide v. 碰撞
    There is no chance that this space rock will collide with our planet.
  • feast n. 盛宴;v. 赴宴、尽情地吃
    take part in a feast of the Jews. 参加一场犹太人的宴会
  • worship /ˈwɜːʃɪp/ n. 崇拜 v. 做礼拜、拜神
    He prefers to worship in his own home.
    a house of worship 圣坛
  • refusal /rɪˈfjuːzl/ n. 拒绝
    He told me the refusal was a sign that he was no longer a little boy.
    a complete refusal. 完全的拒绝
  • crust n. 外壳、坚硬的外壳、面包皮
    It’s still here, imprisoned in the earth’s crust. 它仍然在这里,被囚禁在地壳之中
  • esteem 尊敬
    He is a man of much esteem and easily recognized. 他是一个很有威望的人,很容易被认出来。
  • recognize /ˈrekəɡnaɪz/ v. 承认、认出
    I recognize my own shortcomings.
    I recognize you. Aren’t you on television?
  • certificate n. 证书、文凭
    I have a certificate here proving that you married her in this city. 我有证书在此证明在这座城市你娶了她。
  • initiative /ɪˈnɪʃətɪv/ n. 主动权、首创精神、方案
    Few African economies have taken advantage of the U.S. trade initiative. 几乎没有非洲经济体系利用美国贸易法案。
    We have the initiative; we intend to keep it.
    She was disappointed by his lack of initiative.
  • catalogue n. 目录 /ˈkætəlɒɡ/
    For your reference, we are sending you the samples and catalogue. 我们将寄上样品和目录供你们参考。
  • evasive 英 /ɪˈveɪsɪv/ adj. 回避的,避而不谈的
    tax evasion;evade tax;避税
    The court also criticized Park for being uncooperative and evasive in the investigations.
  • cooperative /kəʊˈɒpərətɪv/ adj. 合作的、协作的 n. 合作性组织
    They decided that a housing cooperative was the way to regenerate the area.
  • generate v. 发生、使形成
    The research methods of social science generate two kinds of data.
  • stride /straɪd/ n. 进步、大步 v. 大步走
    Now we know I have a longer stride. 现在我们知道我的步子更长。
  • provocative /prəˈvɒkətɪv/ adj. 挑衅的、煽动性的
    This is a provocative point, but predictions ( /prɪˈdɪkʃn/ ) without dates are easy.
  • provoke /prəˈvəʊk/ v. 挑衅
  • motivation /ˌməʊtɪˈveɪʃn/ n. 目的、动机
  • estimation /ˌestɪˈmeɪʃn/ n. 估计、估算
  • underestimate v. 低估
    We often underestimate our potentialities (/pəˌtenʃiˈæləti/).
  • potential /pəˈtenʃl/ adj. 潜在的、可能的 n. 潜能
  • participant /pɑːˈtɪsɪpənt/ n. 参与者、参加者 adj. 参与的
  • willing adj. 愿意的
    I am a willing participant. 我是自愿参与的。
  • general adj. 一般的、普通的 n. 一般、将军
    in general 在一般情况下
  • divert /daɪˈvɜːt/ v. 使转向、使绕道、转移
    Even using a “hands-free” device( /dɪˈvaɪs/) can divert a driver’s attention to an alarming extent.
  • extent /ɪkˈstent/ n. 程度、范围、长度
    to a certain extent 在一定程度上
    to some extent 在一定程度上
    to a large extent 在很大程度上
  • alarm 闹钟 alarming 令人担忧的
  • evaluation v. 评价、评估
    This is the first comprehensive evaluation. 这是第一次综合评价
  • comprehensive /ˌkɒmprɪˈhensɪv/ adj. 综合的、全面的
    a comprehensive guide to the region. 该地区的一本全面指南
  • legislative /ˈledʒɪslətɪv/ adj. 立法的
    legislative power 立法权
  • legal adj. 法律的、合法的
  • inmate n. 监犯、囚犯
  • ensue /ɪnˈsjuː/ v. 随即发生 The problem ensues if you leave here.
    bring our problems under control 将问题控制住
    the feeling of powerlessness 无力感
  • promise n. 承诺
    break one’s promise 食言
  • thrift /θrɪft/ n. 节约
    you cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging (阻止)thrift. 不提倡勤俭节约就不会有繁盛。
    His partents tried to discourage him from being an actor. 他的父母试图阻止他去当演员。
    pay attention to thrift
  • notwithstanding adv. prep. 尽管如此
    The bad weather notwithstanding, the event was a great success.
    Notwithstanding some major financial problems, ths school has had a successful year. 重大的经费问题
  • financial /faɪˈnænʃl; fəˈnænʃl/ adj. 金融的
    It’s not just a financial matter. 这不只是个财务问题
  • **advent /ˈædvent/ n. 出现 **
    with the advent of cell phones, it’s almost impossible not to call you.
  • present adj. 现在的、出席的;n. 礼物
  • condense v. 浓缩
  • extended v. 延长、扩充 adj. 延伸的
    When you summarize, you condense an extended idea or argument into a sentence or more in your own words.
  • audience /ˈɔːdiəns/ n. 观众
    The audience cheered and clapped.
  • manly adj. 有男子气概的、强壮的
    At last, she found a boy who was handsome and manly and wise beyond his years. 她终于发现了一个男孩,…他的聪明远远超过了其年龄。
  • climax [ˈklaɪmæks] n. 高潮、顶点
    You need to provide an instruction, and a plot, a setting, a climax and a conclusion or ending. 你需要提供引语、情节、背景、高潮和结论。
  • concert n. 音乐会
  • exempt [ɪɡˈzempt] n. 被免除义务者 v. 豁免 adj. 被豁免的
    tax-exempt 免税的
    It’s a tax-exempt social welfare organization. 这是一个免税的社会福利组织。
  • straw n. 稻草、吸管
    One would almost suspect you had brains in your head, instead of straw.
  • irritate v. 激怒、引起不快
    I’m not trying to irritate you. 我不想惹毛你。
  • provided conj. 假如、倘若、考虑到
    Provided it does so, … 考虑到这种情况
  • solemn [ˈsɒləm] n. 严肃的、郑重的
    The solemn soldier
  • imitation n. 仿制、仿造、模仿
    It’s the worst imitation I’ve ever heard.
  • swallow [ˈswɒləʊ] v.忍受 n. 燕子
  • contamination n. 污染
    We got a contamination in here.我们这里有污染物。
  • ingenuity [ˌɪndʒəˈnjuːəti] n. 善于创新、足智多谋
    human ingenuity 人类的创造力
  • sentimental adj. 伤感的、多愁善感的
    It has deep sentimental value to us. 那对我们来说有着很深的感情
  • skinny 消瘦的、皮包骨的
  • winery n. 酿酒厂
    The winery produces a costly product. 这家酒厂生产昂贵的酒类。
  • definite adj. 明确的
    definite literary value 明确的文学价值
  • retelling 复述
  • compartment n. 隔间
    We’ll have to take her down compartment by compartment. 我们要一个隔间一个隔间地打倒她。

本文标签: 六级英语词汇