


Divorce vouchers

Retelling|Divorce Voucher

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My topic today is divorce英 /dɪˈvɔːs/ vouchers英 /ˈvaʊtʃə(r)/. January is the most popular month for filing for divorce. Divorce in the the United States, in the United Kingdom, in the United Kingdom.

That is because spending time together for 2 weeks over the Christmas break. Could be the last 英 /strəʊl/stroll(straw)英 /strɔː/ for many unhappy couples.

This is apparently because spending two weeks together over the Christmas break is often the last straw for unhappy couples.

Some of them (would have had)get a head start, the others(they are the ones) who received a divorce voucher (for christmas). (one of)The biggest British.

The divorce law funds(firms), guess(get) a 60.60% increase in the requiring(inquires) during the first week of January every year, the divorce voucher(s are) is sold by a,  British law firm specializing in family laws. The company emphasizes that the voucher, this should not be seen as a bad thing. (vouchers for recieving legal advice)It is not to force the peoplev to get a divorce, but to give people a chance to discuss(the) legal consequences of separating from their husband or wife(停顿) on whatever view that you or whatever (whichever)way that you look view it(them)(停顿) it is(they are) in demand, it (they)would be bought as a birthday or Christmas gifts.  or are just as just as a signal to send to a relative or a friend. Most of vouchers divorced are bought by a group by a by Women to their friends.  female friends. A groups of women would (often) chip in money to buy a divorce voucher to their female friend to to tell their friend that they are marriage is  in(dys) functional and it is time to end it up(ended it).(It's (high) time + past subjunctive expresses that something should be done and that it is already a bit late:)
Some (are bought by)agencies(agents) and managers of a celebrities would also by divorce vouchers to suggest them to end their marriage. (few are bought by)Some mistresses of  Some married men  to send a (un)subtle signal that (it was time they left their wife)it is time to leave their wife. But the company is firmly sure that no one (has bought)would buy a divorce voucher as a joke because the voucher is very expensive. 1/2 hour of legal advice will cost£125。And a four英 /fɔː/(full)英 /fʊl/ hour of the universe would call well the cost of£250。 If you are looking for a gift for a and a happy managed married couple a divorce voucher voucher would just be the right thing.


My topic today is divorce vouchers. January is the most popular month for filing for divorce in the UK. This is apparently because spending two weeks together over the Christmas break is often the last straw for unhappy couples. One of Britain’s biggest divorce law firms gets a 60% increase in inquiries in the first week of January every year. But some lucky couples will have had a head start, that the ones who received divorce vouchers for Christmas.

The divorce vouchers are being sold by a British law firm that specializes in family law. The company is emphasizing that the divorce vouchers aren't quite as bad as they sound. They claim that the divorce vouchers should be seen more as vouchers for receiving legal advice. The aim of the vouchers is not to force people to get a divorce. Instead, they are designed to give people a chance to discuss the legal consequences of separating from their husband or wife.

Whichever way you view them, the divorce vouchers are in demand. They are being bought as birthday or Christmas presents, or simply to send a clear message to a relative or friend. Most of the vouchers are bought by women for female friends. Groups of women often all chip in some money to buy a voucher. They do this because they want to send a clear message to a friend that their relationship is completely dysfunctional and that it's time they ended it.

Some of the vouchers are bought by the agents or managers of celebrities, who are fed up with hearing about their clients’ marital problems. And a few vouchers have been bought by the mistresses of married men. To send a very unsubtlesignal that it was time they left their wife.

But the company is fairly sure that no one has bought a voucher as a joke. That’s because of the cost. The company offers two vouchers. A half hour of legal advice will cost 125 pounds, and a full hour will cost 250 pounds. Either way, these vouchers would be a very expensive laugh. So, if you're looking for the perfect gift for an unhappily married friend, a divorce voucher might be just the thing. Thank you.









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fed up
7fed 'upadjective informal
1. annoyed or bored, and wanting something to change厌烦的,不满的,无法再忍受的:
She felt tired and a bit fed up.她感到疲倦,有点不耐烦。

[+ with ]

I'm really fed up with this constant rain.连续下雨我都烦死了。 Anna got fed up with waiting.安娜都等烦了。

chip away at sth
to gradually make something less effective or destroy it〔逐步〕削弱;〔不断〕损害:

Writers such as Voltaire and Diderot were chipping away at the foundations of society. 伏尔泰和狄德罗之类的作家一点一点地在动摇社会的根基。 Fears about the future chipped away at her sense of wellbeing. 对将来的担忧慢慢地在削弱她的幸福感。

chip in
1. to interrupt a conversation by saying something that adds more detail插嘴,插话:
[+ with ]

Other committee members chipped in with suggestions. 委员会的其他成员插话进来提建议。 'It won't be easy,' Jeff chipped in. “这并不容易。”杰夫插进来说。 I'd just like to chip in, Bill, if I might. 比尔,如果可以的话我想插一句。

2. if each person in a group chips in, they each give a small amount of money so that they can buy something together共同出钱,凑钱:

We all chipped in to buy Amy a graduation present. 我们一起凑份子给埃米买了一件毕业礼物。

chip in (with) sth

52 people in the music industry each chipped in $250 apiece. 音乐行业有 52 人每人凑了 250 美元。

head 'start

noun C
1. an advantage that helps you to be successful起步时的优势:
give sb / get / have a head start

Give your children a head start by sending them to nursery school.送孩子上幼儿园,让他们早学东西。

2. a start in a race in which you begin earlier or further ahead than someone else〔赛跑中的〕先起动,抢先


1. Tto keep papers, documents etc in a particular place so that you can find them easily把…归档(存档):

The contracts are filed alphabetically .这些合同是按字母顺序归档的。

file sth under sth

I looked to see if anything was filed under my name.我看了看,想知道是否有什么档案存在我的名下。

file sth away

The handbooks are filed away for future reference.这些手册存放起来以备将来参考。

2. Tto give or send an official report or news story to your employer〔向雇主〕提交〔 报告或新闻〕:

The officer left the scene without filing a report.警察没有提交报告就离开了现场。

3. I always + adv / prep, Tlaw to give a document to a court or other organization so that it can be officially recorded and dealt with提起(诉讼); 提出(申请):
file a complaint / lawsuit / petition etc (against sb)

Mr Genoa filed a formal complaint against the department.吉诺阿先生对那个部门提出了正式的投诉。

[+ for ]

The Morrisons have filed for divorce .莫里森夫妇已提出离婚申请。 Today is the deadline for Americans to file their tax returns .今天是美国人递交纳税申报单的最后一天。

4. I always + adv / prepif people file somewhere, they walk there in a line排成纵队行走:

We began to file out into the car park.我们开始鱼贯而出,去停车场。 The mourners filed past the coffin.吊唁者依次经过棺木。

5. I always + adv / prep, Tto use a metal or wooden tool to rub something in order to make it smooth锉平,锉光滑:

File down the sharp edges.把锋利的边缘锉平。 She sat filing her nails.她坐着锉指甲。


If I had 1 million dollars, I would buy a Lamborghini


If I had studied hard in high school, I would have been admitted by Tsinghua University.



If it rained tomorrow,I wouldn't go hiking要是明天下雨了,我就不去徒步了(事实是天气好着呢)


inquiry 普通常用词,指正式调查,也指一般的打听或查询。
investigation 一般指有系统的调查以得到希望发现或需要知道的事。
research 指科学工作者等为揭示自然规律或获取某个领域的新知识而进行长时间的调查研究。
survey 多指为写书面报告而进行的民意测验或调查。


enquiry询问,询盘;investigation调查;inquest审讯;questioning怀疑的,探询的;inquiring咨询的,打听的,爱追根究底的;inquire询问;investigate调查;investigative调查研究的,侦查的;allegation陈述, 宣称, 辩解;question问题,疑问;consultation磋商,咨询,专家会诊;

dys·func·tion·al / dIs5fQNkFEnl ; dIs5fQNkFEnEl /adjective
1. not following the normal patterns of social behaviour, especially with the result that someone cannot behave in a normal way or have a satisfactory life失常的,反常的:
dysfunctional family relationships反常的家庭关系

2. not working properly or normally有机能障碍的; 有故障的

It’s time

Grammar > Using English > Useful phrases > It’s time

from English Grammar Today

We can use the expression it’s time + subject + past verb form to refer to the present moment:

Gosh! It’s almost midnight. It’s time we went home.

Not: It’s time we go home.

It’s time with a verb in the to-infinitive form can refer to the speaker and the listener together:

Come on. It’s time to start packing. We have to leave in two hours. (or It’s time we started packing.)

"It's time we went home" and "It's time to go home" are very similar, but there is a subtle difference. "It's time we went home" is a standard phrase more likely to be used by someone who is irritated and wants to go. "It's time to go home" is more neutral, it is a statement of fact. "It's past five o'clock; it's time to go home."


unreal situations

it's (high) time + past subjunctive

It's (high) time + past subjunctive expresses that something should be done and that it is already a bit late:

It's time you went to bed. You'll have to get up early tomorrow.
It's high time I bought a new pair of jeans.
It's about time this road was completed. They've been working on it for months.

When we say that the right time has arrived for something and we are still in time, we can use the following patterns:

It's time (for you) to go to bed.
It's time to say goodbye.
It's time for breakfast.

本文标签: RetellingDivorceVouchers