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CPC40120 Certificate IV in Building and Construction

Unit of Competency:

CPCCBC4004 - Identify and produce estimated costs for building and construction projects


☐   1. Written Questions

☐   2. Practical Demonstration


• I certify that the work submitted for this assessment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form. of academic misconduct

• I have kept a copy of this assessment and all relevant notes and reference material that I used in the production of the assessment;

• For the purposes of assessment, I give the assessor of this assessment the permission to:

o Reproduce this assessment and provide a copy to another member of staff; and

o Take steps to authenticate the assessment, including communicating a copy of this assessment to a checking service (which may retain a copy of the assessment on its database for future plagiarism checking)

I understand my responsibility to provide assessment responses with my own materials and thoughts, except where specifically acknowledged or taken from other sources.




Instructions to the Student

General Assessment Information

Prior to Assessment

Your trainer/assessor will provide you with all relevant information relating to the assessments prior to commencement, and of the appeals procedure that can be utilised if you wish to appeal against the assessment outcome or make a complaint.

If you have any trouble understanding the instructions or any part of the assessment, please speak to your trainer/assessor.


You will be informed of the outcome of your assessment as soon as possible from the date the assessment was submitted. Prompt feedback will be offered to you on the outcome of the assessment. Feedback will be delivered in written and where possible, verbal form. to you.

Submitting Assessments

You should submit assessment tasks with the provided cover sheet.

It is preferable that tasks submitted for assessment are typed. Where this is not possible, room is provided in the assessment guide for short answers. You are expected to write clearly. Unreadable assessment tasks may be returned unmarked.

You should submit assessments on, or before, their due date. Extensions for individual assessment tasks may be negotiated in specific circumstances. Consultation on this must occur prior to the due date and extensions due to illness will require a medical certificate. Extensions will be confirmed by your assessor, in writing.

Where assessment tasks are submitted following the conclusion of the unit of competency without a medical certificate or extension, a re-assessment fee for each assessment task then submitted, will be charged.

Summary- A summary is a condensed version of the original text that highlights the main or key ideas in YOUR own words.  So, if you were going to summarise a chapter, it might be a page.  If you were going to summarise a paragraph, it might be a couple of lines.

Paraphrase – So you have found information that is perfect for your research paper. Read it and put it into your own words.

Quote – When quoting a source, use the quote exactly the way it appears.

‘According to Smith (2013) information technology has rapidly…’

Reference – Correct referencing techniques require that you acknowledge the source of your information in two places:

· in the text of your writing at the point where you use someone else’s ideas or information (known as in-text referencing or ‘citing’) e.g.

· in a list at the end of your assessment (known as a reference list).

· Don’t leave it to the end – create your list of references as you do your work.

· Don’t wait until you have finished the assessment. It is not sufficient just to have a list of references at the end – the references must be made or correctly cited in the body of your work.

Assessment Outcomes

There are two (2) outcomes of assessments: S = Satisfactory and NS = Not Satisfactory (requires more training and experience).

You will be awarded C = Competent on completion of the unit when the assessor is satisfied that you have completed all assessments and provided the appropriate evidence required to meet all criteria. If you fail to meet this requirement, you will receive the result NC = Not Competent and will be eligible to be re-assessed according to ICV’s policy and procedures.


You will be allowed to have two (2) further attempts at an assessment for which the outcome is Not Satisfactory, within the timeframe. of a course (unit of competency). No additional fees will be charged.

If you require re-assessment beyond the delivery timeframe. of a unit or due date of an assessment, unless it is due to medical reasons, you will be given the opportunity to request an additional period of time to resubmit. During this time, you can request a mentoring session if required. After that you will be charged a re-assessment fee.

If you require further time for medical reasons, you must request it in writing ICV Training Manager.

Student Appeals

Students have the right to appeal an unfavourable decision or finding during assessment. All student appeals must be made in writing using the Appeals Form. and specify the particulars of the decision or finding in dispute. Appeals must be lodged within 28 days of the decision or finding

Assessment requirements

CPCCBC4004 - Identify and produce estimated costs for building and construction projects

There are two (2) assessments for this unit.

1. Written Questions

For this assessment, you are to read the Question and respond in writing with the most suitable answer. There are 13 Question, all of which must be completed. Most Question require short answers although some Question require a more detailed response.  Case studies and policies referred to in the Question are located in the learning materials 

You may use various sources of information including workbooks, internet and other documents, but must list and reference their sources. Your assessor will advise you when this is due.

2. Practical Demonstration

In this Assessment Task, you are required to identify and produce estimated costs for a residential building and construction project.

Specifically, they will be required to:

1. Establish project requirements

2. Calculate materials and labour costs

3. Identify type and cost of physical resources

4. Produce estimated project costs

There are 8 tasks to this assessment. The project entails a set of tasks and activities to be completed as per the instructions and guidelines to meet the requirements of the relevant unit.

You will be advised when this is to take place. It may be on more than one occasion.

Assessment Schedule


Due Date


Written Questions



Practical Demonstration


Assessment task 1: written Question – model answers

Assessment Instructions

Read the Question below and respond in writing with the most suitable answer. You must satisfactorily complete them all.

You may use various sources of information including your class notes, however sources such as your workbook, internet and other documents, must be referenced. If you should you have any difficulties, please refer to your instructor.

1. The National Construction Code is divided into three volumes. Briefly describe the scope of each volume.

i. Volume One

ii. Volume Two

iii. Volume Three

2. List the six bushfire attack level ratings that AS 3959 uses to establish the requirements for construction. 

3. List four methods prescribed in AS/NZS 4020 for testing products that come into contact with drinking water.

4. Answer the following:

i. Briefly explain what the Governing Requirements of buildings are.

ii. Briefly explain what the Performance Requirements of buildings are.

iii. Briefly explain the relationship between a building’s Performance Requirements and compliance options (e.g. performance solutions, deemed-to-satisfy solutions). 

5. Name the Act and the Regulations that defines how we work with community and industry to minimise risks to human health and the environment from pollution and waste.

6. Access and review the project plan for Shelley St Keilor in your learning material: After reviewing the project plan, answer the following questions:

i. What is the size of the garage?

ii. What is the size of the house, including alfresco?

iii. Based on the floor plan, how many bedrooms does the house have?

iv. Based on the working drawing, in which cardinal direction is the main entrance?

7. Access and review the drawings, plans and specifications for Shelley St Keilor in your learning material After reviewing the project plan, answer the following questions:

i. Refer to the materials and finishes specifications.  What will be used for the cladding of the house? Provide 3

ii. What colour are the facebricks?

iii. Based on the working drawing, how many walk in robes does the house have?

iv. Based on the working drawing, what is the size of W01 (window)?

8. Identify one set of regulations related to building residential buildings and briefly explain how the set of regulations is related to building residential buildings.

9. Identify one set of regulations related to building commercial buildings and briefly explain how the set of regulations is related to building commercial buildings.

10. Outline the requirements for operating each of the physical resources listed below.

11. ICV Constructions recently built a new bedroom as an extension to an already-existing bungalow. These are the specifications and features of the new room:

§ The room has a mat foundation that is 2 m deep.

§ The room has four masonry walls:

o Two walls are 4 m wide and 3.5 m tall.

o Two walls are 3 m wide and 3.5 m tall.

§ All walls are painted eggshell white.

§ The steel tray roofing is 20 m2 large.

§ Laying the mat foundation cost $30,000.00. This includes labour and materials.

§ Putting up all the masonry walls cost $3,500.00. This includes labour and materials.

§ Laying the steel tray roofing cost $5,000.00. This includes labour and materials.

§ Painting the masonry walls cost $2,000.00. This includes labour and materials.

Given the information above, calculate for the following:

i. Cost of laying the foundation per metre of depth.

ii. Cost of building the masonry walls per square metre.

iii. Cost of laying the steel tray roofing per square metre.

iv. Cost of painting the masonry walls per square metre.

You must show the calculations to your answers. Round up your answers to the nearest dollar.

12. ICV Constructions recently built a new bathroom as an extension to an already existing bungalow. These are the specifications and features of the new bathroom:

§ The foundation slabs cover an area of 12 m2

§ A total of 20 m of pipes were installed as part of the bathroom’s plumbing.

§ There are eight new pieces of sanitary ware in the bathroom:

o One toilet

o Two washbasins

o Two sink taps

o Two shower taps

o One shower outlet

§ The floor area of the bathroom is 9 m2. All of the bathroom floor is tiled.

§ The bathroom has four walls.

o Each wall is 3 m wide and 3 m tall.

o Only half the height of the wall is tiled.

§ Laying th CPCCBC4004 - Identify and produce estimated costs for building and construction projects e slabs cost $3,000.00. This includes labour and materials.

§ Installing the pipes cost $6,000.00. This includes labour and materials.

§ Installing all the sanitary ware cost $18,000.00. This includes labour and materials.

§ Tiling the tiled sections of the bathroom (i.e. all of the bathroom floor and half the height of each wall) cost $1,000.00. This includes labour and materials.

Given the information above, calculate for the following:

i. Cost of laying of the slabs per square metre.

ii. Cost of installing the pipes per square metre.

iii. Cost of installing sanitary ware per unit.

iv. Cost of tiling per square metre.

You must show the calculations to your answers. Round up your answers to the nearest dollar.

13. The days of paper plans piling up on desks and in storage rooms are finally starting to reduce with the rise of digital construction. Answer the following questions about digital technology and applications.

i. What digital technology helps in estimating quantities. Provide 3.

ii. How do digital applications help in calculating costs?

iii. Give three examples of digital applications that can be used in calculating costs.

iv. Give three examples of digital applications that can be used in maintaining records.

Assessment task 2: prACTICAL DEMONSTRATION


This practical assessment will require you to identify and produce estimated costs for building and construction projects.

Specifically, you will be required to:

§ Establish project requirements

§ Calculate materials and labour costs

§ Identify type and cost of physical resources

§ Produce estimated project costs

There are 8 tasks to this assessment

To complete the assessment, the student will need access to the following:

· ICV’s Construction plans and specifications

· Current building and construction codes and standards

· The NCC

· Organisational processes, policies, and procedures regarding the following:

o Removing waste from construction sites

o Choosing appropriate contractors, sub-contractors, and employees for building and construction projects

o Work rates for contractors, sub-contractors, and employees for building and construction projects

o On-cost and insurance information for contractors, sub-contractors, and employees

o Compiling costs of building and construction projects

o Producing estimated project costs

Where indicated your Trainer will assume the role of external parties such as manufacturer, supplier, etc

Task 1 – Identifying Compliance with Regulations, Codes, and Standards

Secure the construction drawings and specifications from ICV Constructions for:

§ One of a residential building

Review each of the construction drawings and specifications you have secured, then using the Government Requirements Identification Form provided, record the following requirements that each building complies with and how each building complies with the following requirements:

§ All the building and construction regulations, including state/territory EPA regulations

§ All the performance requirements from the relevant volume of the Building Code of Australia

§ All the relevant standards. These standards may be found in the relevant volume of the Building Code of Australia

You will be assessed on:

§ Your practical skills in interpreting relevant building and construction regulations, including state EPA regulations

§ Your practical skills in interpreting performance requirements from the relevant volume of the Building Code of Australia

Your practical skills in interpreting all the relevant standards

Task 2 – Identifying Other Project Requirements

You must complete Task 1 before proceeding with this task.

Review each of the construction drawings and specifications you have secured then using the Additional Project Details Identification Form provided together with ICV policies, record the following information:

§ Building site features, type of building, method of construction, and specified building materials

§ Site facility requirements, communication requirements, temporary boundary fencing requirements, and workplace safety requirements (ICV policies).

§ Waste removal requirements, waste removal procedures (ICV policies), and waste management site fees

§ Additional project-specific statutory costs, approval costs, or compliance costs

You will be assessed on your practical skills in:

§ Identifying building site features, type of building, method of construction, and specified building materials

§ Identifying site facility requirements, communication requirements, temporary boundary fencing requirements, and workplace safety requirements

§ Identifying waste removal requirements, waste removal procedures, and water management site fees

Identifying additional project-specific statutory costs, approval costs, and compliance costs

Task 3 – Identifying Materials, Consumables, and their Costs

You must complete Task 1 before proceeding with this task.

Review each of the construction drawings and specifications you have secured, then using the Materials and Consumables Cost Identification Form provided, record the following information:

§ Materials and consumables to be used in the construction of the building.

§ Quantities of the materials and consumables based on the construction drawings and specifications.

§ Prices of the materials and consumables. (Provide a minimum 5 for each).  You must obtain a list of the prices for materials and consumables from ICV Suppliers List

You will be assessed on your practical skills in:

§ Identifying materials and consumables to be used in the construction of the building.

§ Identifying quantities of the materials and consumable based on the construction drawings and specifications.

Obtaining the prices of materials and consumables from suppliers.

Task 4 – Estimating Off-site Production Costs

You must complete Task 1 before proceeding with this task.

Review each of the construction drawings and specifications you have secured, then using the Off-site Production Cost Estimation Form provided, record the following information:

§ Components to be produced off-site will be; Timber Roof Trusses

§ Costs associated with the off-site production of the identified components

Costs must include the delivery of the components to the construction site. Estimates must come from the manufacturer and must be submitted along with the other requirements in this task.

You will be assessed on your practical skills in:

§ Identifying components in the construction of the building to be produced off-site.

§ Identifying costs associated with the off-site production of the identified components, including delivery of the components to the construction site.

Task 5 – Estimating Labour Costs

You must complete Task 1 before proceeding with this task.

Review each of the construction drawings and specifications you have secured, then using the Labour Cost Estimation Form provided, record the following information:

§ ICV’ policy in hiring appropriate contractors, sub-contractors, and employees needed for the construction of the building

§ The number of contractors (1), sub-contractors, and employees (5) needed for the construction of the building

§ The estimated number of labour hours needed to complete the building

§ The work rates of contractors, sub-contractors, and employees needed for the construction of the building

§ The labour cost involved in the construction of the building, including on-costs and worker insurance costs

You will be assessed on your practical skills in:

§ Identifying your organisation’s policy in hiring appropriate contractors, sub-contractors, and employees needed for the construction of the building.

§ Identifying the appropriate number of contractors, sub-contractors, and employees needed for the construction of the building.

§ Estimating number of labour hours needed to complete the building.

§ Identifying the work rates of contractors, sub-contractors, and employees needed for the construction of the building.

Calculating labour costs involved in the construction of the building, including on-costs and worker insurance costs

Task 6 – Identifying and Costing Physical Resources

You must complete Task 1 before proceeding with this task.

Review each of the construction drawings and specifications you have secured, then using the Physical Resources Costing Form provided, record the following information:

§ The physical resources required for the project

The physical resources must include equipment (3), machinery (3),, and other plant (3), for hire.

§ The limitations, conditions, operational costs, and timeframes of physical resources to be hired

§ The prices of hiring said physical resources, which must include the transport of the physical resources to the construction site

The prices must come from ICV supplier of the physical resources.

You will be assessed on your practical skills in:

§ Identifying the physical resources required for the project.

§ Identifying the limitations, conditions, operational costs, and timeframes of physical resources to be hired.

Identifying the prices of hiring said physical resources from the supplier, which must include the transport of physical resources to the construction site.

Task 7 – Compiling Project Costs

You must complete Task 1 to Task 6 before proceeding with this task.

Access and review your ICV’s procedures in compiling the following:

§ Costs of materials, consumables, and off-site production

§ Labour costs

§ Costs of physical resources

After reviewing the procedures, complete the Compilation Procedure Identification Form.

Review each of the completed assessment templates from Task 1 to Task 6, then produce the following documents according to the organisation’s procedures:

§ Compilation of costs of materials, consumables, and off-site production

§ Compilation of labour costs

§ Compilation of costs of physical resources

The compilations must follow the procedures required by ICV.

You will be assessed on your practical skills in:

§ Compiling costs of materials, consumables, and off-site production

§ Compiling labour costs

§ Compiling costs of physical resources

Task 8 – Producing Project Estimates

You must complete Task 1 to Task 7 before proceeding with this task.

Review your completed assessment templates from Task 4 and Task 5 and recall how you came up with the estimates by:

§ Identifying the risks involved in making estimates

§ Identifying ways to mitigate each risk

Document your answers in the Project Estimation Detail Form.

After identifying the risks and how you mitigated each risk, access and review ICV organisation’s workplace document that includes the overhead costs, then using your organisation’s estimation software (excel), calculate the following:

§ Overhead recovery rate of each project (i.e. construction of each type of building) based on the costs identified from the previous tasks

§ Overhead margins of each project

Take a screenshot of the software showing the overhead recovery rate and overhead margins of each project and include them in the Project Estimation Detail Form.

After calculating the overhead recovery rate and overhead margins of each project, use the same estimation software to produce estimated project cost that can be included in a tender or bill. You must use your organisation’s estimation software to produce a prototype of each project’s estimated costs that may be included in a tender or a bill. Take a screenshot of the prototype and include the screenshot in the Project Estimation Detail Form.

You will be assessed on your practical skills in:

§ Identifying risks while estimating costs

§ Identifying ways to mitigate risks identified while estimating costs

§ Using construction estimation software to calculate for overhead recovery rate

§ Using construction estimation software to calculate for overhead margins

§ Using construction estimation software to produce a project’s estimated cost that can be included in a tender or a bill

Identifying software program used to produce the overhead recovery rate, the overhead margins, and the estimated cost of the project         

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