

Composite construction

  • Composite construction
  • Portal Frames
    • introduce
    • materials
    • types
    • theory
    • connections
    • 3D model
    • conventional framed- building
      • slab
  • Construction of framed structures
    • construction drawings
    • ==**operation process**==
  • Summary

Composite construction

  • . construction is basically an assembly of in-situ(现场) and
    ex-situ(非现场) structural and non-structural elements;

  • various terminologies(术语) have been coined to describe ex-situ
    elements e.g. prefab(预制), pre-assemly(预装配), modularization(模块化);

  • drivers include:

  • tight project shedule;
    2. design requirements-clear span(跨度), limited dimensions;
    3. quality control;

  • cost;

  • however, there are less flexible and often present tight
    tolerances(精度) for constrction;

  • civil engineering projects can be classified under:

  • substructure(底部构造) i.e foundations and basements;

  • superstructure(上层构造) i.e. frame and cladding;

  • services

  • the substructure is invariably in- situ but the superstructure may be
    wholly prefabricated modular units or a composite

  • this lecture focuses on composite portal frame(综合门户框架) and skeletal construction(骨架)

Portal Frames



portal frames are rise dtructures based on the skeletal concept;
structurally, portal frame comprise foundation(in-situ concrete), column(preformed timber, steel or concrete) and rafters for the roof;
members connected to give a continuous rigid structure(刚性结构);


  • haunches(加腋) provided to enhance the stiffness of the frame;
  • large clear spans;
  • stell, concrete, timber;


  • pitched roof portal frame(坡口构架);
  • mansard portal frame(双重斜坡的门户框架);
  • propped portal frame(支撑框架);
  • cellular portal frame(蜂窝门框);


bending moment & deflection proportional to span


3D model

conventional framed- building


  • base on the skeletal concept of desugn- load paths: roof/slab—>
  • often a choice between timber/ concrete/ steel;
  • analysed in terms of(依据) strength per unit weight; cost per unit
    weight; construction; sustainability etc;
  • foundation in-situ, columns and beams tend to be precast concrete or


slab can be:

  • precast concrete hollowcore;
  • precast double tees;
  • waffle or ribbed slabs;
  • metal decking;
  • precast soild slab;

Construction of framed structures

  1. design and construction based on a grid–usually a structural
  2. design philosophy(设计理念) can be based on a permissible stress or limit
    state depending on applicable norm(规范)–BS or Eurcode;
  3. design output- a set of construction drawings(一套设计图纸) including-
    general arrangement, elevations and sections;
  4. on site, contractor sets out–coordinates, bearings and distances,
    offsets from a baseline;
  5. connection depends on the design; welding(焊接) or bolting(螺栓);

construction drawings

general arrangement**😗*

north elevation**😗*

plan and section through foundation**😗*

operation process

  1. clear site(清理场地)
  2. set out footings(确定放置位置)
  3. excavate pits, allow working space(挖坑,留出工作空间)
  4. compact bottoms of excavations(压实底部)
  5. lay blinding/bedding layer(铺垫层)
  6. place spacers & mesh(铺垫块和钢筋网)
  7. set out positions of anchor bolts(设定地脚螺栓的位置)
  8. fix hold down/ anchor bolts(固定地脚螺栓)
  9. fix pockets for horizontal adjustment
  10. pre-formed gusset plates installed to tie anchor bolts(成品扣板安装到地脚螺栓上)
  11. exact gusset positions marked and secured(确定扣板位置并固定)
  12. cast concrete(浇灌混凝土)
  13. afetr specified curing, remove formwork and backfill(固化后,拆除膜壳并回填)
  14. install stanchions/columns by bolting–lose bolting intially(通过螺栓安装支柱)
  15. adjustment horizontally using pockets & vertically by packing the base(调整使支柱水平且垂直)
  16. progress to rafter installation(安装椽)
  17. final tightening upon satisfactory horizontal and verticality checks(水平,竖直检查确认后紧固)
  18. grount all pocket(重复操作)


  • portal frame for large spanning unobstructed spaces(大跨度,无障碍);
  • hinges(铰链) introduced to control moments;
  • members prefabricated(工件预制), preparatory works essential;
  • design must consider possible tolerances(精度), and construction must
    aim to achieve these;

本文标签: compositeconstruction