

  • Do not suffer one who has hurt you to live, to do so is an open admission of weakness
  • Secondary school level students may take classes at community colleges which typically have open admission policies
  • In this case,you’ll want to set yourself a distant deadline in order to be fully prepared.
  • (cram做动词)Chances are you can push onwards cramming your creative work into this slices of time but it’s like driving with the handbrake on; it’s not doing you or your work any good
  • (cram做名词) Always be ready with the stuff you need otherwise you’ll find yourself cramming
  • She cobbled an essay plan together in half an hour
  • Kirsh argues that by using the body to simulate outcomes, McGregor is able to imagine the solutions that would not be possible using purely abstract thought.
  • Be not content with the commonplace in character(* commonplace in character*是一个固定短语,表示普通的特性)
  • Revise it as you go
  • If you want to collect the corresponding academic resources here, you can find through subject access guide
  • If anyone thinks he can draft more simplify I advise him to try his hand
  • theoretical
  • He spoke on behalf of all the member of faculty and staff
  • The barber is trimming the puppy’s hair to make him looks neater
  • He tries to redeem himself by fixing the fence he had broken
  • He was told that the quota of liquor is two bottles per person
  • Some movies have pathos, which pull at people’s emotion
  • She embarked a new career as a doctor after quitting as a writer
  • I am confined to my jail cell
  • The tree were fading away into the mist
  • I give you my consent
  • He can’t jump across the stream, so he go round by the bridge
  • The dishes were in a jumble in the kitchen
  • The month is over, so it’s time to flip to the next month on the calendar
  • The boy clenches his fist with an ambitious look
  • She is disposing the unwanted vegetables into the bin
  • I’ll pour a glasses of wine for you
  • She is trying to suppress her anger
  • This important strait, which joins two seas, is called Strait of Hormuz
  • My sweater shrank in the wash
  • It’s prevalent to use this kind of telephone in the 90s
  • painstaking attention to details
  • painstaking research
  • The king reigned over all the people in his land
  • “I win”, he shorted in triumph
  • The dramatic decline of the stock value was a big blow for him
  • He arises at 7 am every morning
  • gross costs
  • Any petty cash can be stored in the jar
  • He gave in to his temptation to try the desserts
  • He stood by his decision to feed needy, despite the family’s disagreement
  • Many people go on an annual pilgrimage to this secret place to express their faith
  • Primitive tribes used to live in the forest
  • The tide is going out, leaving the beach soft and clean
  • The marathon culminate in a winner
  • The two knights are contending for the love of princess
  • He had to resort his house because of the high medical costs
  • The are having an ongoing argument
  • The policemen are launch a raid to find the suspect
  • All of the media coverage is about the lottery winner
  • He was magnanimous in defeat and praised his opponent’s skill
  • His radio show is on the air from 7 am daily
  • Everyone crying at the movies torching climax
  • This temple is considered sacred to millions of people
  • The storekeeper is making an inventory for all stock
  • Houses have been split and collapsed, but we can build them again. So long as people are alive, we can still pull through and conquer the major natural disaster.房屋已经倒塌,但我们可以重建它们。只要人活着,我们就一定能够渡过难关,并战胜这场重大的自然灾害。
  • He was egocentric, a man of impulse who expected those around him to serve him. 他自我中心,易冲动,希望周围的人为他服务。
  • The police followed home the clue and finally caught the culprit. 警察根据线索追根到底,终于抓住了这个罪犯。
  • He seemed to be on the verge of total derangement. 他似乎已濒临精神崩溃的边缘。
  • I couldn’t bear the suspense a moment longer. 这样提心吊胆,我一刻也受不了了。
  • At the end of the movie, viewers were left in a state of great suspense . 这部电影在结尾给观众留了个巨大悬念
  • To win the race, it certainly helps to have a competitive mentality
  • And remember, comrades, your resolution must never falter. 请记住,同志们,你们的决心不可动摇。
  • The musicians burst into a rousing rendition of “Paddy Casey’s Reel.” 这些音乐家激情演绎了《帕迪·凯西的里尔舞曲》。
  • The house was terribly small and cramped, but the agent described it as a bijou residence. 房子十分狭小拥挤,但经纪人却把它说成是小巧别致的住宅。
  • She awoke to a day of brilliant sunshine. 她醒来时是阳光灿烂的一天。
  • She could have been a brilliant pianist if she’d put her mind to it. 如果她专心致志,坚持到底,她本可以成为一名杰出的钢琴家。
  • The plan is entirely without merit. 这个计划毫无价值。
  • Such a radical proposal would never get through Congress. 如此激进的提案永远不会在国会获得通过
  • I will despatch the business right willingly, fair sir. 我很乐意去办这件事,好先生。
  • The groundswell of opinion is in favour of a referendum. 赞成公投的观点迅速高涨。
  • The jury convicted Mr. Hampson of all offences. 该陪审团裁定汉普森先生的全部罪名成立。
  • The Kyoto Protocol, which set different duties for all countries to cut emissions, states that different countries should reduce their collective greenhouse emissions accordingly. 《京都议定书》为各国设定了不同的减排义务,规定各国应相应地减少各自的温室气体排放总量。
  • Wear rubber gloves while chopping chillies as they can irritate the skin 剁辣椒时戴上橡皮手套,因为它们会刺激皮肤。
  • The factory is no longer economically viable. 这个工厂在经济上已经维持不下去了。
  • “It’s of no great literary merit,” he said, almost apologetically. “它不具有重要的文学价值,”他几乎抱歉地说道
  • Time is fleeting.; Time flies. 时光飞逝
  • We paid a fleeting visit to Paris. 我们短暂游览了巴黎。
  • We thought it expedient not to pay the builder until he finished the work.
  • They’re likely to hold big fire sales to liquidate their inventory. 为了盘活库存,他们很可能会进行大甩卖。
  • The applicant was irredeemably incompetent. 申请人无可救药地不合格。
  • There was a distant look in her eyes from time to time, her thoughts elsewhere. 她的眼中时而出现恍惚的神情,她的思绪飘到别处。(from time to time 不时)
  • They had been together for five or six turbulent years of break-ups and reconciliations. 他们在一起度过了分分合合动荡不定的五六年。
  • Wars and conflicts have subjected people living in this area to turbulent life. 战争与冲突使该地区的人民过着动荡不安的生活 (subjected to 遭受: The city was subjected to heavy bombing. 那座城市遭受猛烈轰炸。
  • I had to have a boat that could handle turbulent seas. 我必须有一条能应付汹涌海浪的船。
  • Coffee and tea are in the next aisle.
  • The stewardess is walking down the aisle of the airplane
  • Palm trees stir in the soft Pacific breeze. 棕榈树在太平洋和煦的微风里轻轻摇动。
  • A cool breeze made the heat bearable. 一阵凉爽的微风使得炎热可以忍受。
  • Its large leaves often show a delicate purple tint. 它的大叶子常现出一种柔和的淡紫色。
  • Tourists often disturb the delicate balance of nature on the island. 观光客常常破坏岛上微妙的自然生态平衡。
  • Tanya put on a pained look, as though the subject was too delicate to be spoken about. 塔尼娅表现出一副痛苦的表情,好像这个话题太微妙了不便讨论。
  • Though it might sound pretentious, I am the most experienced in this field. 虽然听起来有点自命不凡,但是我确实是这一领域经验最丰富的。
  • My boss’s response was full of pretentious nonsense. 他的回答尽是些装腔作势的胡说八道。
  • As she passed the villagers, a most marvelous smell drifted down. 当她从村民身边经过时,一股奇妙的气味飘了下来。
  • For thou hast broken the yoke of his burden, and the staff of his shoulder, the rod of his oppressor, as in the day of Midian. 因为他们所负的重轭,和肩头上的仗,并欺压他们人的棍,你都已经折断,好像在米甸的日子一样。
  • Three weeks after the accident he was back in the saddle. 出事后三个星期,他就又骑上马了。(saddle point 马鞍点)
  • The postmortem on the presidential campaign is under way. 对总统竞选的事后调查正在进行。(postmortem 验尸)
  • He has set about carving up the company which Hammer created from almost nothing. 他已着手瓜分哈默白手起家创办的公司。
  • They smiled at one another, somewhat falsely. 他们相互微笑,有点假惺惺地。
  • You may find it somewhat overwhelming at first. 起初你可能觉得它有点儿无法抗拒。
  • Tolstoy was hardly aware of all the commotion. 对于这一切骚动,托尔斯泰几乎无知无觉。
  • Behind all of this commotion are day traders, those creatures of the dot-com era. 在这一切在这一切骚动的背后是短线操盘手,他们是网络时代的产物。
  • He was a paradox—a loner who loved to chat to strangers. 他真是个矛盾人物,生性孤僻却又喜欢和陌生人闲聊。
  • His extravagant ideas were never brought to fruition. 他不切实际的想法从来都没有实现过。
  • The actions taken depart from what she called the commonly accepted norms of democracy. 所采取的这些行动背离了她所谓的那些普遍接受的民主准则。
  • It was difficult to gauge whether she was angry or not. 很难判断她是否在生气。
  • The fuel gauge had gone on the blink. 燃料测量仪出毛病了。(have gone on the blink:坏起来了)
  • The constant repetition of violence has blunted the human response to it. 持续不断的暴力事件使人们对它的反应减弱了。
  • They do not want to expend energy in what, to them, is a lost cause. 他们不想把精力投(耗费到)到他们认为注定不会成功的事中去。
  • This matter is of paramount importance. 兹事体大!
  • Paramount Studios 派拉蒙电影公司(至尊无上公司)
  • This duty is Paramount to all the others. 该义务是至高无上的。
  • There are experts on hand to give you all the help and advice you need. 有现成的专家随时为你提供所需的一切帮助和建议。
  • The emergency services were on hand with medical advice. 随时都有急诊服务,并提供医疗咨询。
  • Have the necessary medications on hand. 在手边准备一些必要的药品。 (on hand 原意是在手头上,如 i have 500 ¥ on hand)
  • Talk to me before you do anything drastic. 你采取任何重大行动之前要跟我谈谈。
  • The government is threatening to take drastic action. 政府警告说要采取断然措施。
  • You might be taking drastic measures and you’ve got to have the backbone to do that. 你可能在采取极端措施,而且你得有骨气做它。
  • A swirl of anticipation, uncertainty, and desire converged into an instant of bliss. 期待、不确定和欲望仿佛漩涡一样,汇聚成了瞬间的幸福。
  • If he/she goes into a negative swirl, ignore or give a simple “I see’ or 'OK” reply. 如果他/她陷入了消极的漩涡中,忽略或者用简单的“我明白了”或“好”来答复。
  • Danny returned to Father’s house in a state of intense agitation. 丹尼在一种极为焦虑不安的状态下回到了父亲的家。(intense: 强烈的)
  • Her voice quivered with agitation. 她(因不安而)激动得声音发抖。
  • This diet claims to eliminate toxins from the body. 这种饮食据称具有排除**(消除)**体内毒素的作用。
  • We called up three economists to ask how to eliminate the deficit and they obliged with very straightforward answers. 我们致电3位经济学家咨询消除赤字的方法,他们满足了我们的要求,给出了非常直接的答复。 (oblige vi帮忙;施恩惠。vt 义务)
  • I 'm sorry to say nothing could oust a computer. 很遗憾,什么也不可能取代计算机。
  • The legislative body had voted to oust the country’s onetime (从前的) rulers. 立法机构已投票罢黜了该国以前的统治者们。
  • Soil erosion was mitigated by the planting of trees. 植树造林减轻了(荒漠化)土壤侵蚀。
  • Even one drink can impair driving performance. 即使一杯酒也可能影响驾驶操作。
  • Heavy rains can saturate hillsides, leading to devastating mudslides. 大雨会浸透山坡,会导致毁灭性的泥石流。
  • Saturate the wood with oil and let it soak in. The oil protects the wood. 油浸透了木材,使之吸收,可以起到保护作用。
  • If we go on like this, we’ll get nowhere. 照这样下去是行不通的
  • After he won the amateur championship he turned professional. 他获得业余赛冠军后就转为职业运动员了。
  • The trail starts just outside the town. 足迹从刚出城的地方开始。
  • The police followed the robbers to the airport but then the trail went cold. 警察追踪抢劫犯到了机场,但是后来却失去了他们的踪迹。(跟丢了:the trail went cold)
  • Their international prestige went sky high. 他们的国际声誉大噪。
  • As the president’s prestige continues to fall, they’re clearly beginning to consider him a liability. 随着总统的威信持续下降,他们显然开始认为他是一个累赘。
  • When she told them what she intended they readily consented. 她告诉他们她的打算时,他们欣然同意。
  • It was a delightful rural scene. 那是赏心悦目的乡村风光。
  • The investigation does seem haphazard. 这次调查似乎的确没有计划性。(haphazard:混乱的,随意的)
  • All the master had to do was shake the tree a little and the garden was full of leaves again, spread out in haphazard patterns. 大师什么都没有做,只是摇了摇树。 花园又重新被凋落的树叶覆盖了,整个花园展现出随意的样式。
  • This is not invariably the case. 事情并非总是如此。
  • The inspector remembered her as a small, mousy woman, invariably worried. 检查员记得,她是一个矮小、安静腼腆、总是忧心忡忡的人。
  • It was, like, weird. 这事儿可能是有点
  • He’s got some weird ideas. 他有些念头。
  • Pine is brittle and breaks. 松木硬脆易折
  • I coast into the gas station, kill the engine, grope for my wallet. 我让车子轻轻溜进了加油站,关发动机,钱包。(grope:(摸黑地)摸索)
  • They meet with darkness in the day time, and grope in the noonday as in the night. 他们白昼遇见黑暗,午间摸索如在夜间。
  • This dispute threatens to split the party. 这一分歧可能会造成党的分裂
  • The children’s welfare must be seen as paramount. 孩子们的福利必须被视为是最为重要的。
  • The site is off-limits to the general public. 这个场所不对公众开放。
  • He was inept and lacked the intelligence to govern. 他无能而且缺乏管理才干。
  • She pushed her way through a herd of lunchtime drinkers. 她从一群午餐时饮酒的人中间挤了过去。
  • A herd of goats was nibbling the turf around the base of the tower. 一群山羊正在啃着塔基周围的草皮。
  • As the medicine set in, she slowly fell asleep 药力生效了,她慢慢睡着了
  • The wheels of change have been set in motion. 变革的车轮已经开始运转。
  • Don’t wait until you feel 100 percent confident before you proceed. 不要等到你感到有百分之百的信心之后才继续进行
  • Passengers for Rome should proceed to Gate 32 for boarding. 前往罗马的旅客,请前往32号登机口登机。
  • I owe a debt of gratitude to all my family. 我很感激我的全家人。
  • Sanitary conditions are appalling (appealing : adj. 可怕的;令人震惊的) 卫生条件非常恶劣。
  • tamper force with mercy 刚柔并济
  • tamper with an official 贿赂官员
  • tamper with a lock 橇锁
  • There was a clear intention to dilute black voting power. 削弱黑人选举权的意图是显而易见的。
  • Large classes dilute the quality of education that children receive. 大班上课会降低孩子所受教育的质量。
  • Water dilute the solution(解决方法,溶解) quickly.
  • Her husband is an incorrigible flirt. 她的丈夫是个积习难改的调情老手。(incorrigible: 不可救药的;积习难改的)
  • She’s a real flirt. She had a different boyfriend every week. 她是个打情骂俏的老手, 每个星期的男朋友都不一样。
  • Art may be used as a vehicle for propaganda. 艺术可以用作 宣传 的工具
  • The news reports were being discounted as propaganda. 人们认为这些新闻报道不过是为了宣传,不可全信。
  • She patronizes many contemporary British artists. 她赞助许多英国当代艺术家。
  • Best of all, you can even knit yourself into the wedding party. 最好的是,你甚至可以把自己编织 这个婚宴中去。
  • Society is knit together by certain commonly held beliefs. 社会是靠某些共同的信念维系的。(knit原意味编织,编织毛衣)
  • The letter made her insane with jealousy. 那封信使她妒忌发疯
  • His yearning to be rich was an insane, unwholesome desire. 他对致富的渴望疯狂且不正常。
  • Let’s call it a day and go to the movies. 我们收工看电影去吧!
  • The room smelled of mildew. 该房间有股味。
  • She didn’t have any maternal instincts. 她没有一点做母亲的天性。
  • The worst thing you can do is underestimate an opponent. 最糟的做法就是低估对手。
  • When he entered the tenth grade, he became a vocational technical institute student. 当他进入十年级时,他成为了一名职校学生。 (vocational technical institute 职业技术学院)
  • I staggered and had to clutch at a chair for support. 我踉跄了几步,不得不抓住一把椅子扶稳。
  • He’s won a whole clutch of awards. 他获得一大堆奖。(clutch作名词表示汽车的离合器)
  • Which planets can sustain life? 哪些行星可以维持生命的存在?
  • The ice will not sustain your weight. 这冰承受不了你的体重。
  • It was an unpopular decision to postpone building the new hospital. 延迟兴建新医院的决定是不得人心的。
  • This business generates cash in prodigious amounts. 这生意带来大量现金。
  • Anyone can escape into sleep we are all geniuses when we dream the butcher’s the poet’s equal there. 任何人都能逃入梦乡,做梦时我们都是天才,在那儿屠夫与诗人不分高下。
  • He is not the stuff teachers are made of == He does not have the makings of a teacher. 他不是做教师的料。
  • Everything has its drawback. 事事不免有缺点
  • Stone’s remains are inurned at Forest Hills and a chapel there is named after her. 石头的遗骸被埋葬在森林小山中,那里的一个小教堂就是以她的名字命名的
  • The Internet makes it very easy for us to condemn others for their mistakes. 网络让我们更容易能够去谴责别人的错误。
  • At first, he was blissfully unaware of the conspiracy against him. 起初,他对反对自己的阴谋全不知情,还在优哉游哉。
  • He pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy to defraud the government. (pleaded guilty to 对…供认不讳) 他对密谋诈骗政府的指控供认不讳。
  • The water swirled down the drain. 水打着旋流进了下水道
  • He is in two minds about which msc he should take (be in two minds about sth 犹豫不决)
  • If everyone were gooey and lovey-dovey, it would be an obnoxious world. 如果每个人都过分多愁善感、情意绵绵,这将是一个令人讨厌的世界。
  • She gave him a look that made words superfluous(多余的,画蛇添足的). 她看了他一眼,这已表明一切,无须多言了。
  • Not only do we need no God to explain the universe and life. God stands out in the universe as the most glaring of all superfluous sore thumbs. 我们不光不需要任何上帝为我们解释宇宙和生命,而且在全宇宙所有多余无用的事物中,上帝无疑是最为耀眼、最为鹤立鸡群的一个。
  • It allows nicotine to diffuse slowly and steadily into the bloodstream. 它使尼古丁缓慢、稳步地扩散到血液当中。
  • Technologies diffuse rapidly. 技术普及非常快。
  • The problem is how to diffuse power without creating anarchy. 问题在于如何将权力分散而不造成无政府状态
  • We believe that the law should protect decent law-abiding (守法的) citizens and their property. 我们相信法律会保护正派守法的公民及其财产。
  • There are no decent schools round here. 附近没有什么像样的(正儿八经的)学校。
  • They were gossipy and not always discreet. 他们爱说闲话,而且不总是言语谨慎
  • Emporio Armani, the Italian fashion house, has made a discreet foray into furnishings. 意大利时装公司恩波利·阿玛尼已谨慎地涉足 室内装饰业。
  • He has a regular slot on the late-night programme. 他在深夜节目中有一档固定栏目
  • Somebody else can take your slot. 别人可以取代你的位置
  • (slot原意是狭缝、狭槽,如电话投币口等)
  • People jog and bike up and down there. 人们在那儿来来回回慢跑和骑自行车。
  • Mullins knocked me off-balance with his abrupt change of subject. 马林斯突然改变话题让我大为吃惊。
  • Rosie’s idyllic world came to an abrupt end when her parents’ marriage broke up. 当她的父母婚姻破裂后,罗茜的田园诗一般 的世界骤然结束了
  • A bully is always a coward. 暴汉常是懦夫
  • Doctors hold out little hope of her recovering. 医生对她的痊愈不抱很大的希望。
  • America and its Allies have failed in Iraq. George Bush is right to hold out against an even bigger failure. 美国及其盟友在伊拉克失利了,乔治·布什力排众议,遏制更大的失败,他是对的。(坚持XXX立场,顶住XXXX压力,一般hold out against)
  • I had to swerve to avoid a cat. 为了避免轧到一只猫,我只好猛然将车转向
  • It is illegal to discriminate on grounds of race, sex or religion. 因种族、性别或宗教信仰而有所歧视是非法的。(on grounds of 以…为理由;根据…)
  • When do babies learn to discriminate voices? 婴儿什么时候学会辨别嗓音呢?
  • Bureaucracy can entangle applications for months. 官僚主义会使申请耽搁数月之久。
  • “I’m all right,” Max said weakly, but his breathing came in jagged gasps. “我没事,”马克斯虚弱地说,但是他呼吸艰难,长短不均
  • Lightning cuts a jagged line through the evening sky. 闪电在夜空中割出一道锯齿状的线。
  • The ceasefire brought about a semblance of peace. 停火协定带来了表面的和平。
  • At least a semblance of normality has been restored to parts of the country. 这个国家的部分地区至少在表面上已恢复正常。
  • The ground-floor windows are obscured by wire mesh. 底楼的窗户被铁丝网罩着
  • He bequeathed his daughter his entire estate. 他把全部财产遗赠 给他的女儿。
  • He tends to exaggerate the difficulties. 他往往夸大困难。
  • She has a propensity to exaggerate. 她总是言过其实
  • It’s difficult to exaggerate the importance of sleep. 睡眠的重要性再怎么说也不为过
  • The crisis helped to weld the party together. 这场危机促使整个党紧密地团结在一起。(本意焊接)
  • Do you have to inflict that music on us? 你非得我们听那种音乐吗?(inflict bad things on sth)
  • He’s been one of the most ardent supporters of the administration’s policy. 他是政府政策的最**热烈的支持者(小fin红)**之一。
  • Ardent expectations were held by his parents for his college career. 他父母对他的大学学习抱着殷切的期望。
  • His clumsy speech annoyed everyone. 大家对他的拙劣发言均很反感。
  • He remained steadfast in his belief that he had done the right thing. 他仍然坚信自己做了正确的事情。
  • He remained steadfast in his determination to bring the killers to justice. 他要将杀人凶手绳之以法的决心一直没有动摇
  • The solidarity among China’s various nationalities is as firm as a rock. 中国各族人民之间的团结坚如磐石
  • There was a degree of solidarity and sisterhood among the women. 这些女人之间具有一定程度的团结精神和姐妹情谊。
  • Cooking up a quick dish doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice flavour. Nor does fast food have to be junk food. 做一道快餐并不意味着你就得牺牲味道。快餐也不见得非得是垃圾食品。
  • The makers of the product assured us that there had been no sacrifice of quality. 这一产品的制造商向我们保证说他们没有牺牲质量。
  • Experts set a high valuation on the painting. 专家对这幅画估价很高。
  • She puts a high valuation on trust between colleagues. 她很看重同事间的信任。
  • Physical education, some bits of science and various odds and ends will merge into “understanding physical health and well-being”, and so on. 体育、部分科学及其它林林总总 并成“理解身心健康健全”等等。
  • But there is something else: the designers and operators of Lijiang have achieved something that Disneyland hasn’t - it’s a theme park I really enjoy - because it is tasteful and not gaudy? 但我还注意到了点别的。丽江古城的设计和运营者似乎取得了迪士尼乐园所没有的一些东西:这是个真正让我享受的主题公园,因为它雅致而不媚俗
  • There was a triumphant glitter in his eyes. 他眼睛里闪烁着胜利(triumphant)的光辉。
  • She was blinded by the glitter and the glamour of her own life. 她被自己生活的表面光耀所蒙蔽。(glitter:闪耀;华而不实)
  • Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region is boasted for its picturesque scenery. 广西壮族自治区 风景如画 而著称
  • In the next booth he could see an elderly lady, talking volubly. 在隔壁的电话亭里,他看见一个上了年纪的妇女在滔滔不绝地说着。
  • There is no simple remedy for unemployment. 失业问题没有简单的解决办法
  • Pickle juice has long been touted as a fix for cramping muscles, and now a recent study lends even more credibility to this home remedy. 泡菜汁一直被吹捧可以修复肌肉抽筋,现在一项最新的研究为这个家庭治疗提供更多的可信度。
  • Your remark is not pertinent to the subject. 你的话不切题。
  • Mrs. Southern listened keenly, occasionally breaking in with pertinent questions. 萨瑟恩夫人兴致勃勃地听着,偶尔插入一个相关的问题。
  • Life isn’t about how to live through the storm, but how to dance in the rain. 生活不是如何度过暴风雨,而是如何在雨中起舞。
  • He was weaned on a diet of rigid discipline and duty. 他自幼受到严格纪律和职责的约束。
  • The new cars will incorporate a number of major improvements. 这种新型汽车将包含许多重大的改进。
  • The outcome depends on conditions as well as how events unfold. 结果取决于条件以及事件如何发展。(unfold:展开,伸展)
  • Caral is the cradle of Peruvian civilization. 卡拉尔是秘鲁文明的摇篮
  • They expected a reciprocal gesture before more hostages could be freed. 他们期望在更多的人质被释放之前有互惠的表示。
  • He rolled his eyes heavenward in disgust. 他厌恶地翻着白眼
  • As the story unfolded throughout the past week, I experienced the gamut of emotions: shock, anger, sadness, disgust, confusion. 在过去的一周,随着故事的发展我体会了各种不同的情绪:震惊、愤怒、悲伤、厌恶和困惑。
  • All attempts to deflect attention from his private life have failed. 本想转移人们对他私生活的注意,但一切努力都失败了。
  • Donald had overturned a chair in his hasty departure. 唐纳德仓促离开时撞翻了一把椅子。
  • The death toll continues to mount. 死亡人数持续增加
  • The soldiers stood beside horses, waiting for the order to mount. 士兵们站在马的旁边,等待上马的命令。
  • More anglers are taking cameras when they go fishing to provide a memento of catches. 更多的垂钓者去钓鱼时带上照相机,以便钓上鱼后留个纪念
  • The court papers allege she may be a voyeur. 法庭文件宣称她可能是一个偷窥狂。
  • The fatuous emperor believes what ZhaoGao alleged 硬说
  • If we remain steadfast in our forward pace, endlessly the future road will be ; だから our resolution in the way stepping must never falter! 团长你在干什么啊团长
  • He managed to bribe his way onto the ship. 他设法行贿混上了船
  • The edge is as blunt as an old butter knife. 刃得跟一把老黄油刀一样。
  • I hate to be blunt, Frankie, but she just didn’t strike me as being very ladylike. 恕我直言,弗朗基,但她给我的感觉不是非常端庄。
  • Be wary of strangers who offer you a ride. 提防那些主动让你搭车的陌生人。
  • He gave her a wary look. 他留意地看了她一眼。
  • I had a peculiar feeling we’d met before. 我有一种奇怪的感觉,觉得我们以前见过面。
  • He has his own peculiar style which you’ll soon get used to. 他有自己独特的风格,你会很快习惯的。
  • Is it that wretched woman again? 这又是那个该死的女人吧?
  • You look wretched—what’s wrong? 你看起来愁眉苦脸的,怎么啦?(wretched 本意为可怜的)
  • In the shanty towns there are very poor living standards. 棚户区的生活水平很低。(shanty:简陋的小木屋,棚户区,蜗居房)
  • The group has been notoriously fickle in the past. 这个团体在过去是出了名的善变
  • He voted for the change and he expected his colleagues to do likewise. 他投票赞成变革并期望他的同事投同样的
  • She has authentic charm whereas most people simply have nice manners. 她有真正的魅力,而大多数人只是有礼貌而已。
  • Authentic Italian cooking is very healthy—witness the low incidence of heart disease in Italy. 正宗的意大利烹饪对健康非常有益,在意大利心脏病发病率低就是证据。
  • I was treated with the utmost courtesy by the staff. 我受到了工作人员极有礼貌的接待
  • I believe this treaty will pave the way to peace in Europe. 我相信这个条约将为欧洲的和平铺平道路。
  • It was quite a lucrative sideline. 那是一份很赚钱的兼职工作。
  • The irony is that many officials in Washington agree in private that their policy is inconsistent. 具有讽刺意味的是,华盛顿的许多官员私下里承认他们的政策是前后矛盾的。
  • I wholeheartedly endorse his remarks. 我真诚地赞同他的话。
  • Officials used guard dogs to eject the protesters. 官员们用护卫犬驱走抗议者。
  • She gives showbiz parties a wide berth. 她对娱乐聚会敬而远之。(bunk=berth,都有火车铺位的意思)
  • The cushion split open and sent feathers everywhere. 垫子撕破了,羽毛掉得到处都是。
  • Washington struck me as a precarious place from which to publish such a cerebral newspaper. 我觉得要在华盛顿这个地方出版一份这么理性的报纸前途未卜。
  • He earned a precarious living as an artist. 作为一个艺术家,他过的是朝不保夕的生活。
  • She wanted him to stop being so cool, so detached, so cynical. 她希望他不再那么冷酷无情,那么无动于衷,那么愤世嫉俗
  • Christmas should be a time of excitement and wonder, not a cynical marketing ploy. 圣诞节应该是激动人心的奇妙时刻,而不是自私牟利的营销计谋
  • Do you have to be so cynical about everything? 你非得怀疑一切吗?、
  • Airbags inflate instantaneously on impact to form a cushion between the driver and the steering column. 安全气囊在碰撞时立刻膨胀,在司机和方向盘之间形成一个缓冲
  • It’s not his fault he’s so pompous—he was born that way. 他如此自命不凡并不是他的错,他天生就是这种性格。
  • The service was grand without being pompous. 该仪式盛大而不铺张
  • I simply adore his music! 我简直太喜爱他的音乐了
  • The paintwork is beginning to peel. 漆面已经开始剥落了。(原意为削土豆)
  • It makes my flesh creep to think of it. 一想起它我就心惊肉跳
  • As she became more tired, errors began to creep into her work. 由于越来越疲劳,她的工作开始出现差错。(creep原意为缓慢的爬行,例如 When cats are preparing to pounce they creep over the ground very slowly. 当猫准备猛扑时,它们在地上爬得很慢。)
  • The vote was unanimous. 表决一致通过。(全体一致)
  • These oranges are inferior to those I bought last week. 这些桔子我上星期买的好
  • Master and mistress say thou to their servants, the superior to the inferior. 主人和主妇对他们的仆人讨论你,上等人也会对下等人说。
  • Human nature is frail. 人性脆弱。、
  • My grandmother was becoming more and more sad and frail as the years went by. 随着岁月的流逝,我的祖母变得越来越伤感和虚弱
  • When does your driving licence expire? 你的驾照什么时候到期
  • Run an errand for me, will you? Go find Roger for me. 替我跑跑腿好吗?帮我去找一下罗杰。(errand:老板的杂活)
  • What this room needs is a lick of paint. 这房间所需要的是刷点儿涂料。 (lick原意是用舌头舔,以及打败某人lick sb)
  • He wants to divorce her because she is so neurotic. 因为她太神经质了,所以他要跟她离婚。
  • It was the barest hint of a smile. 那是一个几乎不露一丝痕迹的笑
  • I’d dropped a hint about having an exhibition of his work up here. 我暗示要在这里举办一次他的作品展。(drop a hint)
  • She is very blunt, very straightforward, and very honest. 她直言不讳,非常坦率,也非常诚实
  • The instructions are reasonably straightforward. 用法说明还算简单易懂。
  • It was time to stand back and take stock of his career. 他该从旁观者的角度反思一下自己的职业生涯了。
  • But we must now ensure that we break the barriers which segregate people with disabilities and force them to the margins of society. 但我们现在必须确保打破屏障,打破那些将残疾人分隔开来并且迫使他们走向社会边缘的屏障。
  • It is a quaint and marvellous thought! 这是一个古怪而又奇妙的想法!
  • This quaint custom should be revived. 应该恢复这一独特的风俗。
  • Financial discipline is lax. 财政纪律松驰
  • There have been allegations from survivors that safety standards had been lax. 幸存者们指控安全标准不严格
  • There is no attempt to deceive. 不要尝试欺骗
  • It’s an affront to human dignity to keep someone alive like this. 让一个人如此活着是对人类尊严的一种侮辱
  • You insult me by talking such nonsense! 你这样胡说八道是对我的侮辱
  • You know the cliche: imitation is the highest form of flattery. 你知道那句陈词滥调:模仿是奉承的最高形式。
  • And young men who refuse to grow up need peers and mentors who will exhort them to act like men. 还有那些拒绝长大的年轻的小伙子们需要来自同龄人和导师们的劝告,告诫他们要像个男人的样子生活。
  • When she walked onstage she was given a standing ovation. 当她走上台时,观众起立鼓掌欢迎
  • It’s the job of the police to enforce the law. 警察的工作就是执法.
  • A ghastly thought occurred to Tom. 汤姆突然有了一个可怕的想法。
  • The Cup was won for the third consecutive year by the Toronto Maple Leafs. 这个奖杯连续第三年由多伦多枫叶队赢去了。
  • A huge effort was made to exterminate the rats. 花了大气力来消灭这些老鼠
  • “You see,” said Hughes, “there’s people who want to humiliate you and grind you down.” “你看,” 休斯说,“有人想羞辱你、折磨你。” (grind原意为研磨)
  • He is a very shrewd operator with an incisive mind. 他是一位非常精明的经营者,有着敏锐的头脑。
  • He must have come to know those philosophers through secondary or tertiary sources. 他一定是通过第二手或第三手资料了解那些哲学家的。
  • Tim could barely conceal his disappointment. 蒂姆几乎掩饰不住自己的失望。
  • He didn’t attempt to dissimulate or conceal his true feelings. 他没有尝试着掩饰或隐瞒自己的感受。
  • It is harder to conceal ignorance than to acquire knowledge. 掩饰无知要比学习知识更难。
  • She made strenuous efforts to tame her anger. 她竭力压制心头怒火。
  • The ship went down although strenuous efforts were made to save it. 尽管人们为营救这条船做了很大的努力,它还是沉了。
  • Those who do read my prose appreciate the craft with its emotional weave under a rigorous symbolic framework. 那些确实阅读过我的散文的人都很欣赏其在严格的符号框架下编织情感的巧妙方法。
  • The key is to weave relevant personal anecdotes into your writing. 关键是要编织有关的个人轶事到你的写作中。
  • She sat at her loom and continued to weave. 她坐在织布机前,继续织布。(weave == knit)
  • We have a fast turnover of stock. 我们的货物周转快。
  • My turnover increased spectacularly. 我的营业额大幅上升。
  • The allies are intensifying their air campaign. 盟军在加强他们的空中军事活动
  • It would likely be a down-and-dirty campaign again. 这很可能再度成为一场不择手段运动
  • This dish is quite palatable. 这个菜很对胃口
  • What gives them the right to dictate to us what we should eat? 是什么给他们权利来规定我们该吃什么?
  • What right has one country to dictate the environmental standards of another? 一个国家有什么权利规定另一个国家的环境标准?
  • As for high-heels, they hoist the derriere and make the gait more feminine and physically attractive. 至于高跟鞋,它们提升了臀部,使步态更女性化,从而体态迷人。
  • It must be acknowledged that she had faults to foil her gifts. 必须承认她有缺点来衬托她的优点。
  • The pale walls provide a perfect foil for the furniture. 浅色的墙壁完全衬托出家具的特色。
  • He took a vow of chastity and celibacy. 他发下了守贞和独身的
  • While many models vow to go back to college, few do. 很多模特儿发誓要重返大学,但几乎无人做到。
  • I made a silent vow to be more careful in the future. 我默默发誓今后要更加小心。
  • The antagonism he felt towards his old enemy was still very strong. 他对宿敌的仇恨仍然十分强烈。
  • Yet the calm reaction also shows how, on the Indian side, antagonism with China is already priced in. 然而这种平静的反应同样表明,与中国对抗已经在印度根深蒂固。
  • The antagonism he felt towards his old enemy was still very strong. 他对宿敌的仇恨仍然十分强烈。
  • The system is in imminent danger of collapse. 这个体制面临着崩溃的危险
  • An announcement about his resignation is imminent. 马上就要宣布他的辞职
  • It was a bank that started out with grand ideas and lofty ideals. 那是一家创办时带着宏大理念、崇高理想的银行。
  • They were richly gilt, and their lofty prows and sterns were elaborately carved. 它们都漆成富丽的金色,高大的船头和船尾都是精雕细琢的。
  • She won in a sprint finish. 她在最后的冲刺中取得胜利
  • At the most solemn moments he will flash a mocking smile or make an ironic remark. 在最庄严的的时刻他也会露出嘲弄的微笑或是说些讽刺挖苦的话。
  • I made a solemn promise that I would return. 我郑重承诺我会回来的。
  • We did not realize the magnitude of the problem. 我们没有意识到这个问题的重要性
  • It seems to ease all the aches and pains of a hectic and tiring day. 它似乎可以减轻繁忙疲劳的一天带来的所有疼痛。
  • He has swapped his hectic rock star’s lifestyle for that of a country gentleman. 他已放弃紧张忙碌的摇滚明星的生活,改做乡村绅士。
  • The book tries to steer you through the maze of alternative therapies. 这本书试图引导你穿越替代疗法的迷雾。
  • You row and I’ll steer. 你划桨,我来掌舵
  • You are perfectly correct in trying to steer your mother toward increased independence. 你在试图引导你妈妈变得越来越独立这点上是完全正确的。
  • I think a lot of people, women in particular, steer clear of these sensitive issues. 我认为很多人,尤其是女性,有意避开这些敏感问题。
  • Their performance was still very ragged. 他们的表演仍然很粗糙
  • He caught sight of the two little ragged boys behind the green swan-hutch. 他看见两个衣衫褴褛的小男孩站在绿天鹅窝后面。
  • His face lighted, and he confronted the ragged candidate with this question, “Where lieth the Great Seal?” 他的脸上露出喜色,随即问那衣衫褴褛的候补国王:“国玺在什么地方?”
  • She is always so chic, so elegant. 她总是那么时髦,那么优雅。
  • Imagination raises a man above the humdrum of life. 想象使人从单调无聊的生活中解脱出来。(raise a man above…)
  • I am afraid we are **not at liberty to disclose ** that information. 恐怕我们 无权透露那信息。
  • Neither side would disclose details of the transaction. 双方都不会透露交易的细节。
  • Could you ascertain whether she will be coming to the meeting? 请你弄清楚她来不来开会好吗?
  • It can be difficult to ascertain the facts. 可能难以查明事实真相。
  • A refundable deposit is payable on arrival. 货一到就把可退还的押金退给你。
  • A momentary lapse in the final set cost her the match. 她最后一盘稍有失误,输掉了整场比赛。一着不慎满盘皆输
  • I had a little lapse of concentration in the middle of the race. 我在比赛中走了一下神
  • She had allowed her membership to lapse. 她的会员资格期满终止,没有再续。
  • On Friday he showed neither decency nor dignity. It was an uncommon lapse. 星期五他既不庄重也不体面。这可是他少有的失礼
  • He knew that he might soon lapse into unconsciousness. 他知道他可能很快就会陷入昏迷状态。
  • His voice sounded oddly resonant in the empty room. 他的声音在空房间里听起来奇特地洪亮
  • Maybe because English is also a second language for me, Saturday’s event on the importance of translation struck a particularly resonant chord. 星期六的事件对翻译来说是重要的,在我心里激起了一种特殊的共鸣,这也许是因为英语也是我的第二语言的缘故吧。
  • I tried to detach myself from the reality of these terrible events. 我尽力使自己这些可怕事件的现实中摆脱出来
  • They clambered back under the falls to detach the raft from a jagged rock. 他们爬回到瀑布下面以便将卡在锯齿状岩石间小艇拉出来
  • It helps them detach themselves from their problems and become more objective. 这帮助他们从自己的问题中超脱出来,变得更加客观。
  • It’s a long trek into town. 到商业区去要走很长的路
  • I hate having to trek up that hill with all the groceries. 我很不愿意得带着这么多吃用杂物爬上那个山头。
  • It was a long trek, and Jack and I both started to get cranky. 那是一次长途跋涉,我和杰克都开始烦躁抱怨起来。
  • It would only serve to precipitate his ruin. 它只会加速他的毁灭。
  • I don’t think we should make precipitate decisions. 我认为我们不应该做出仓促的决定。
  • She was trapped in a downward spiral of personal unhappiness. 她陷入了个人不幸的旋涡难以自拔。(=negative swirl)
  • The events business, she said, was crucial to the group in that it provides a constant revenue stream. 她说承办活动的业务对于集团至关重要,因为它是一个持续的收入来源
  • They only publish novels which cater to the mass-market. 他们只出版迎合大众市场的小说。
  • There is no need for us to cater to the expectations of our parents, instead, we should ask ourselves what we want. 我们没必要迎合父母的期待,相反,我们应该问一问自己我们想要的是什么。
  • Do you make any intermediate stops between your home and work? 你在住所和工作地点之间停留吗?
  • Students are categorized as novice, intermediate, or advanced. 学生分为新生、中级生或高级生。
  • Somebody helped me to mend the puncture. 有人帮我补了车胎上的洞
  • They want to divert the attention of the people from the real issues. 他们想把人民的注意力从真正的问题上转移开。(deflect attention)
  • A wave of deadly bombings has forced the United States to divert funds from reconstruction to security. 一系列致命的炸弹袭击迫使美国将资金从重建转向安全防御。
  • He had a dense, ponderous style. 他的风格是词藻堆砌、冗长沉闷。
  • Chemical rockets are ponderous. 使用化学燃料火箭是多么的笨重
  • Jane is very mature for her age. 简年龄不大,却很成熟
  • Her father had found an outlet for his ambition in his work. 她父亲在工作中找到了施展抱负的途径。(表现机会)
  • Sport became the perfect outlet for his aggression. 运动成为他攻击性心理的最佳出路。(发泄方法)
  • All this has upset me. I need time to digest it all. 这一切让我心烦意乱。我需要时间来承受(原意为消化)。
  • They agreed to forge closer economic ties. 他们同意建立更密切的经济联系。
  • One way to lower costs will be to forge alliances with foreign companies or to expand internationally through appropriate takeovers – in short, to “globalize.” 降低成本的途径之一将是与外国公司结成联盟或通过适当的兼并 进行国际性扩张–简言之,就是“全球化”。
  • He again pledged to forge ahead with his plans for reform. 他再次发誓要继续推进他的改革计划。
  • Face the rough weather of struggle and forge ahead. 迎着斗争的风浪前进
  • Ultimately, it is the Libyan people themselves who will forge the path forward for Libya. 最终,是利比亚人民自己将为利比亚的未来开拓出前进的道路
  • Then the policeman recognized me, breaking into profuse apologies. 然后警察认出了我,开始一再道歉
  • When a foreign object enters the eye, profuse tearing results. 当一个外物进入眼睛,就会不停流泪。
  • They can stall you for a year. When you’re trying to sell the house, they hire lawyers and sue you, and you’ve got to hire lawyers. 他们能拖延你整整一年的时间。当你准备卖掉房子,他们会请律师起诉你,然后你也不得不请律师。
  • He sold boots at a market stall. 他在市场的一个摊位上卖靴子
  • This drug is known to have adverse side effects. 众所周知,这种药具有不良副作用
  • His reputation is without a blemish. 他的名誉可说是白璧无瑕
  • The walls have been horribly vandalized with spray paint. 墙上被人用喷漆涂得乱七八糟的。
  • That shift affected only one segment of the population. 这种转变只影响了一部分人口。
  • This ticket does not entitle you to travel first class. 你拿这张票不能坐头等舱。
  • If the warranty is limited, the terms may entitle you to a replacement or refund. 如果保修单有限制,这些条款可让你有权换货或退款。
  • See how terse that code is? 看看这段代码有多么简洁
  • A brief dip into history serves to confirm this view. 随便引经据典一下历史就足以证实这种观点。
  • Just when she was ready to dip into her savings, Greg hastened to her rescue. 就在她准备动用积蓄时,格雷格赶来救了她的急。
  • He gave a dip of his head. 他点了点头。
  • I have only had time to dip into the report. 这份报告我来不及细看,只 是草草浏览了一遍。
  • We only did it for a giggle. 我们做那件事只是开个玩笑而已
  • I felt my stomach knot with apprehension. 我感到心里因为担心而揪紧。(knot本意为打结,apprehension本意为担忧)
  • He’s partial to sporty women with blue eyes. 他对蓝眼睛的、运动型的女人是偏爱的。
  • It was only a partial solution to the problem. 那只是部分地解决了这个问题。
  • I might be accused of being partial. 我可能会被人指责是偏袒的
  • A commander mustn’t get too anxious for the sake of some partial advantage. 一个指挥员不要因为局部利益操之过急。
  • What percentage of eligible voters cast their ballots ? 有资格的选民中投票 的百分比是多少?
  • Skim the scum off the jam and let it cool. 撇去果酱上的浮沫,让它冷却。
  • I always skim the financial section of the newspaper. 我总要浏览一下报纸上的财经版。
  • You also can change the whole milk into skim milk or yoghourt. 你还可以把全脂牛奶换成脱脂奶或酸奶。
  • The regime was able to skim off about $10 billion in illegal revenue. 该政权能够捞取一百亿美元左右的非法收入。(skim off 捞钱)
  • When I read magazines, I skim and skip. ——读杂志的时候,我略读和跳读
  • They had taken over the tenancy of the farm. 他们承租了那个农场。
  • How can you live in this dump? 你怎么会住在这种肮脏地方?
  • With bonfires outlawed(取缔) in urban areas, gardeners must cart(用车装载) their refuse to a dump. 市区禁止户外焚烧垃圾,园林工人必须用推车把垃圾运到垃圾场。(refuse作名词是垃圾和废弃物的意思)
  • Famine hit that benighted country once more. 饥荒再次袭击了那个落后的国家。
  • A vast tract of land is ready for development. 一大片土地正待开发。
  • Power tends to corrupt. 权力容易造成腐化
  • Corrupt government officials were extorting money from him. 腐败的政府官员那时正向他勒索钱财。
  • The immediate outlook remains bleak. 最近的前景依然很黯淡
  • His face was bleak. 他面容沮丧
  • He was charged with being an accessory to murder. 他被控为谋杀罪的从犯
  • The company serves the national automotive aftermarket with a broad range of accessory and recreational-vehicle products. 该公司为全国机动车售后市场提供各种配件和休闲车产品。
  • 15 is an awkward age. 15岁是个尴尬的年纪。
  • He knows his way around the intricate maze of patent law. 他通晓错综复杂的专利法。
  • Continuing strikes are beginning to play havoc with the national economy. 持续的罢工开始严重破坏国家经济。
  • Their policies would wreak havoc on the economy. 他们的政策将对经济造成巨大的破坏
  • Sometimes the decisions baffle and enrage me. 有时候作出的决定使我困惑甚至愤怒。
  • The swindler tried to baffle him out of his money, but in vain. 骗子想骗取他的钱,可是没成功。
  • The President was forced to resign. 总统被迫辞职
  • She’s interested in him for purely mercenary reasons. 她对他感兴趣完全是为了贪图金钱
  • “I hate to sound mercenary,” Labane said, “but am I getting paid to be in this play of yours?” “我不愿让自己听起来惟利是图,”拉班说:“但是参与你这出戏演出我会得到报酬吗?”
  • We’re so laden with guilt. 我们怀内疚。
  • The following summer the peach tree was laden with fruit. 第二年夏天,桃树上结满了果实
  • His voice was soft, yet laden with threat. 他说话的声音很柔和,但充满了恐吓的语气。
  • Voters perceive him as a decisive and resolute international leader. 选民认识到他是一位果断、坚定的国际领袖。
  • The audience burst into spontaneous applause. 观众自发地鼓起掌来。
  • Diana’s house was crowded with happy people whose spontaneous outbursts of song were accompanied by lively music. 戴安娜的房子挤满了幸福的人们,他们在欢快音乐的伴奏下不由自主地唱起歌来。
  • They’re a damned nuisance most of the time. 他们多数时候是该死的烦人的家伙
  • I hope you’re not making a nuisance of yourself. 我希望你没有讨人嫌
  • Symptoms include nausea and giddiness. 症状有恶心和头晕。
  • She could divine what he was thinking just by looking at him. 她一看就知道他在想什么。
  • It’s a concept that is difficult to render into English. 这个概念难以用英语来表达
  • They couldn’t resist anymore and decided to render up the city. 他们无法继续抵抗,决定放弃这座城市
  • The committee was asked to render a report on the housing situation. 要求委员会提交一份有关住房情况的报告
  • Hundreds of people were rendered homeless by the earthquake. 成百上千的人因为地震而无家可归。(处于无家可归的状态
  • It was payment for services rendered . 这是服务酬金
  • The artist has rendered the stormy sea in dark greens and browns. 画家用了深绿色和棕色来表现波涛汹涌的大海。
  • She was a placid child who rarely cried. 她是个温和的孩子,很少哭。
  • The question is: will the junta consolidate its power by force? 问题是,这个军政府 会通过武力来巩固它的政权吗?
  • With this new movie he has consolidated his position as the country’s leading director. 他新执导的影片巩固了他作为全国最佳导演的地位
  • The two companies consolidated for greater efficiency. 为提高效率,这两家公司已合并
  • They continued along the flank of the mountain. 他们沿着山的侧面继续前进。
  • After losing this decisive battle, the general was forced to concede. 输掉了这场决定性的战役后,那位将军不得不承认失败
  • The President was obliged to concede power to the army. 总统被迫把权力让给军队。
  • She concocted some elaborate story to explain her absence. 她精心编造了解释她不在场的一些谎言。
  • They used elaborate secret codes, as when the names of trees stood for letters. 他们用的是精心设计的密码,用树木的名称代表字母。
  • God is my shepherd. 神是我的牧者
  • The Dead Sea scrolls were found by a shepherd pursuing a stray goat into a cave. 《死海文书》是一个牧羊人在一个山洞里追赶一只迷路的山羊时发现的。
  • Perhaps the opposed parties will lay aside their sectional interests and rise to this challenge. 反对党或许会放弃他们的局部利益,站起来面对这一挑战。
  • He finished the tea and laid the cup aside. 他喝完了茶,把杯子搁在一边
  • The price was not negotiable. 价格没有商量的余地。
  • Part-time barman required. Hours and pay negotiable. 招聘兼职酒吧侍者,工作时间和薪水面议
  • It’s never wise to withhold evidence. 隐瞒证据绝不明智。
  • The dam can withhold the pressure of the water. 大坝可以阻挡水的压力。
  • But who can withhold himself from speaking? 但谁能忍住不说呢。
  • He is seeking advice on how to revive the stagnant economy. 他正在征求复苏萧条经济的建议。
  • Everyday necessity is the stagnant pool of life—no lovely picture reflects itself therein. 日常所需好比生活的一潭死水,没有哪一幅美丽的图画能在其中找到倒影。
  • Some Americans see Oxford as an intellectual Disneyland. 一些美国人把牛津视为知识分子的乐园。
  • As a child, she was starved of intellectual nourishment. 作为一个孩子,她渴望吸取知识的养分。
  • Let’s not get hysterical. 咱们别太激动
  • At one stage, Americans became almost hysterical about the issue. 在某个阶段,美国对此几乎歇斯底里
  • She lived through the turmoil of the French Revolution. 她经历过法国大革命的混乱之后仍旧活着。
  • His statement threw the court into turmoil. 他的陈述使得法庭陷入一片混乱
  • My emotional turmoil had drained me. 困惑焦灼的情绪使我心力交瘁。
  • People like having small furry animals to stroke, but pets can be expensive to feed. 人们喜欢有毛茸茸的小动物以抚摸,但宠物养起来会很费钱。
  • The newly emerging forces are bound to defeat what is corrupt and degenerate. 新生力量必然战胜腐朽力量。
  • She claims she had a brief fling with him 30 years ago. 她声称30年前曾跟他有过一段短暂的风流韵事
  • Fling the girl overboard,” cried Hook. “把这姑娘扔到海里去。”胡克喊道。
  • There was a tinge of condescension in her greeting. 她的问候中有些许纡尊降贵
  • There was a pink tinge to the sky. 天空略带一点淡淡的粉红色。
  • He expressed grave concern at American attitudes. 他对美国的态度表达了严肃关注。
  • The country’s economy is now in grave peril. 现在,这个国家的经济陷入了严重危机
  • There were flowers on the grave. 坟上有些花。
  • Just as I started to think that I was never going to get well, the illness began to recede. 就在我开始认为我将永远不会好起来的时候,我的病开始好转。(我的病逐渐隐去)
  • The hills recede into the distance and now we are in vast grasslands dotted with termite mounds, skyscraper sandcastles of the insect world. 群山渐渐隐去,我们现在是在广阔的草原上,白蚁丘星罗棋布,那是昆虫世界的摩天大楼。
  • Neither side would disclose details of the transaction. 双方都不会透露交易的细节。
  • He tried to undo the knot by picking at it with his fingers. 他用手指不停地扯,想把绳结解开
  • Speed is the essential ingredient of all athletics. 速度是所有体育运动的基本要素
  • She finds a perverse pleasure in upsetting her parents. 她让父母担惊受怕,从中取得任性的快乐
  • Do you really mean that or are you just being deliberately perverse ? 你是真要那样,还是故意作对
  • People fear that security cameras could infringe personal liberties. 人们担心保安摄像机会侵犯人身自由。
  • He described the difficulties of surviving for four months as a captive. 他讲述了沦为阶下囚的4个月中生存的种种不易。
  • My confidence began to burgeon later in life. 我的信心到了晚年开始迅速增长
  • Plants burgeon from every available space. 植物能从任何可获得的空间中迅速生长
  • Exorbitant housing prices have created an acute shortage of affordable housing for the poor. 过高的房价使穷人负担得起的房源严重短缺。
  • Most of the passes have been closed with the onset of winter. 随着冬天的来临,大多数的关卡都已经关闭。
  • The men who wield the power are certainly backing him to the hilt. 那些掌权者当然都在全力支持他。
  • He who knows only how to wield a pen usually feels quite helpless in the face of practical problems.光会耍笔杆的人,碰到实际问题往往束手无策。
  • The lamp has been designed to conform to new safety standards. 该灯设计得符合新的安全标准。
  • Many children who can’t or don’t conform are bullied. 许多不守规矩的孩子受欺负。
  • He doesn’t conform to the usual stereotype of the businessman with a dark suit and briefcase. 他不同于人们一般印象中穿黑色西装、提公文包的商人形象。
  • He refused to conform to the local customs. 他拒绝遵从当地的风俗习惯。
  • We only pay a nominal rent. 我们只象征性地付一点租金。
  • The peace talks broke up in disarray. 和谈在混乱中破裂了。
  • Our plans were thrown into disarray by her arrival. 我们的计划因她的到来而陷入一片混乱。 她被扔在那儿侧躺着,衣衫不整。
  • She was left lying on her side and her clothes were in disarray. 她被扔在那儿侧躺着,衣衫不整
  • (frail = feeble) The heartbeat was feeble and irregular. 心搏无力,心律不齐。
  • This is a particularly feeble argument. 这是个特别站不住脚的论点。
  • These piecemeal solutions won’t work. 这些零敲碎打的解决办法不会有效。
  • The reforms were implemented piecemeal. 改革在零零星星地进行。
  • It was an elite that believed its task was to enlighten the multitude. 精英人物都会认为自己的职责就是启迪群众。
  • A few dedicated doctors have fought for years to enlighten the profession. 少数富有献身精神的医生为启蒙这一行业而奋斗多年。
  • The analogy between music and fragrance has stuck. 音乐与香味的类比已经深入人心了。
  • She clasped the children to her. 她紧紧地搂住孩子们。
  • I stood there, clasping the door handle. 我站在那里,紧攥着门把手。
  • The judge was far too lenient with him. 法官对他太宽容了
  • The next day, an earnest editor wrote an editorial. 第二天,一个诚挚的编辑写了一篇社论。
  • He experiences chronic, almost pathological jealousy. 他经受着长期的、近乎病态的嫉妒。
  • Discipline in the classroom is very slack. 班里纪律十分松懈
  • There’s very little slack in the budget. 预算中没有多少剩余款项。
  • The boy’s jaw went slack. 那个男孩的下巴掉下来了。
  • Hey, cut him some slack! He’s doing his best! 嗨,**别对他那么吹毛求疵!**他已经尽全力了!
  • He’s been very slack in his work lately. 近来他工作很不认真
  • He just gazed at me slack-jawed. 他只是张大嘴巴,吃惊地盯着我。
  • The prospect of growing old fills me with dread. 想到人会一天天老下去便使我充满恐惧
  • My greatest dread is that my parents will find out. 我最担心的就是父母会察觉出来。
  • She thought with dread of ** the cold winters to come. 想到寒冬即将到来,她就感到恐惧**。
  • The batter rises as it bakes. 烘烤的时候,面糊会膨胀起来。
  • fanatic = zeal
  • A group of 80 attackers launched an all-out assault just before dawn. 有80名攻击者的一个小队在黎明前发起了一次全面进攻
  • dreary = humdrum: His old dreams had been so pleasant; but this reality was so dreary! 他的旧梦是如此美好;但现实是如此的枯燥
  • The sounds were yet more dreary than the silence which they interrupted. 这些声音比它们所打破的寂静还要沉闷
  • She had sunk into a dreary apathy and would not be roused. 已陷入一种沮丧的麻木状态,再也无法振作起来。
  • He had hankered after fame all his life. 他一生追求名望
  • Fame comes at a price. 成名是要付出代价的。
  • He failed to keep a rendezvous after sensing a police trap. 他觉察到是警察的圈套后,就未去赴约
  • Rosa’s constant refrain is that she doesn’t have a life. 罗莎总是不断重复的一句话就是她生活得很无聊。
  • Can you refrain from laughter, my friends? 各位不要大笑,好吗?
  • She couldn’t refrain from smiling through tears. 她不禁破涕为笑。
  • How shall I refrain from tears when we part? 我们分手时,我怎么能抑制住眼泪?
  • Julia had to subdue an urge to stroke his hair. = Julia had to refrain from stroking his hair 朱莉娅不得不克制住自己,不去抚摩他的头发。
  • The lessons learned at the cost of blood helped to sober us. 血的教训使我们的头脑清醒了。
  • The Foreign Minister held talks with his Chinese counterpart. 外交部长与中国外交部长举行了会谈。
  • The women’s shoe, like its male counterpart, is specifically designed for the serious tennis player. 像同类的男式鞋一样,这种女式鞋是专为认真地从事网球运动的人设计的。
  • We can deduce a lot from what people choose to buy. 从人们选购的东西可以作出多方面的推断
  • They had withstood siege, hunger and deprivation. 他们经受了围困、饥饿和贫穷。
  • Emotional trauma is one of the quickest and easiest ways to deplete your energy reserves in an instant. 感情上的创伤是最快也是最简单的在霎那间耗尽你能量的方法
  • Let’s have lunch out on the patio. 咱们在外面平台上吃午饭吧。
  • The new system will be compatible with existing equipment. 新的系统将与现有的设备相互兼容
  • His task was to elaborate policies that would make a market economy compatible with a clean environment. 他的任务是周密地制定能够让市场经济适合于无污染的环境的政策。
  • Hey, you kids! Don’t all snatch! 嗨,孩子们!别啊!
  • They dangle hope in front of our eyes, then snatch it clear away. 他们在我们眼前炫示希望,然后将它一把夺走
  • I hope you don’t stumble over any event during the holiday. 我希望您不要绊倒在假期中的任何事件上。
  • They stumble across a ghost town inhabited by a rascally gold prospector. 他们跌跌撞撞地穿过一座鬼城,那里住着一个泼皮无赖的掘金者。
  • I make it into the darkness with only one stumble. 我只踉跄了一下就把它弄进了黑暗中。
  • He was desolate without her. 没有她,他感到很凄凉
  • Numerous factories have sprung up in this once desolate area. 过去这一带满目苍凉,现在却有了无数的工厂。
  • The islands are separated by a narrow strip of water. 岛屿之间一衣带水
  • They taught us how to strip down a car engine and put it back together again. 他们教我们拆卸、安装汽车引擎。
  • The runway is simply a strip of grass. 所谓跑道不过是一长条草地而已。
  • The movie aims to strip away the lies surrounding Kennedy’s life. 这部电影旨在揭穿有关肯尼迪生平的种种谎言。
  • First, you need to strip away all the old plaster. 首先,你得把原来的灰泥全部刮掉
  • The office was furnished to a high specification. 办公室是按高规格装潢的。
  • I’d like to buy some land and have a house built to my specification. 我想买块地并按照我的要求建一座房子。
  • People are afraid to venture out for fear of sniper attacks. 人们不敢冒险外出,害怕狙击手的袭击。
  • We sank all our savings into the venture. 我们把所有的积蓄都投进了那家企业
  • So enough with the lame analogy for now. 这个蹩脚的比喻到此为止吧。
  • He left the party early on the pretext of having to work. 他借口有事要处理,早早离开了聚会。
  • It is not easy to devise means. 筹措维艰。
  • We’re as skeptical about skepticism as we are about anything else we’re likely to raise our eyebrows. 我们对怀疑主义持怀疑态度,就像对任何其他我们可能引起我们的注意 一样。
  • It’s dangerous to overtake on a bend. 在弯道强行超车是危险的。
  • Similar restrictions hamper the distribution of foreign books and magazines. 类似的限制阻碍了国外书籍和杂志的销售。
  • Landmines have caused untold misery to thousands of innocent people. 地雷已给成千上万无辜的人带来了不可名状的苦难。
  • This age-old struggle for control had led to untold bloody wars. 这种由来已久的对控制权的争夺已经导致了无数的血腥战争。
  • The empire could not cohere as a legitimate whole. 这个帝国无法凝聚成一个合法的整体。
  • It seemed a perfectly legitimate question. 这似乎是完全合乎情理的问题。
  • It helps that teachers can also cash in on their students’ success. 这也同样帮助老师可以他们学生的成功中挣钱
  • Or if you saw your spirit drench the dust, where could you find incentive for your efforts? 抑或你看到你的灵魂满是尘埃,还到哪里去找努力的动力呢?
  • So drench yourself in the aroma of mocha coffee and drift away with your steaming cup. In it lie the simple pleasures of life. 那么,请沉醉在摩卡咖啡的幽幽香气,让思绪随着蒸腾的热气游走吧!生活中的一些简单乐趣正在于此。
  • They failed to pierce the Liverpool defence. 他们未能突破利物浦队的防线。
  • In a case of premeditated murder a life sentence is mandatory. 蓄意杀人依法必须判终生监禁
  • I think that mandatory voting is a no-braine and dumb idea. 我认为强制投票这事是一个无脑的,极其愚蠢的想法。
  • It was virtually impossible to synchronize our lives so as to take vacations and weekends together. 为了一起度假和过周末而要让我们的生活同步几乎是不可能的。
  • This is Qaddafi’s last misdeed. 这是卡扎菲最后的错误之举
  • The jargon in his talk was opaque to me. 他谈话中使用的行话对我是一团迷雾**(不透明的)**。
  • Your proxy will need to sign the form on your behalf. 你的代理人将须代表你在表格上签字。
  • They were like proxy parents to me. 他们待我如同父母。
  • After they had parted in discord, he stood alone outside his gate. 大伙不欢而散以后,他一个人孤零零地站在门外。
  • At a wedding party Eris, the goddess of discord, threw a golden apple bearing the words “For the fairest!” 在新婚宴会上,不和女神厄里斯抛出一只写有“献给最美丽的人”字样的金苹果。
  • The team needs players who complement each other. 球队需要能够相互取长补短的队员。
  • Nutmeg, parsley and cider all complement the flavour of these beans well. 肉豆蔻、欧芹和苹果酒都凸显这些菜豆的味道。
  • Despite an occasional glimmer of hope, this campaign has not produced any results. 尽管偶尔有一线希望,这次宣传活动并没有产生任何结果。
  • I caught the glimmer of a smile in his eyes. 我看到他眼里闪现出一丝笑意
  • I was so confused that I could hardly compose my thoughts. 我心烦意乱,难以镇定思绪
  • The scene moved him to compose a poem. 他即景生情,赋诗一首
  • He started at once to compose a reply to Anna. 他立刻开始给安娜写回信
  • The fabric has been treated to repel water. 这种织物进行过防水处理。
  • They prepared to repel the invaders. 他们准备赶走侵略军。
  • People have failed to act in fidelity to their vows. 人们没能忠诚地履行自己的誓言。
  • They betokened their fidelity to the leader with a vow. 他们以宣誓来表示他们对领袖的忠诚
  • Natural style, however, should not be conquered at the expense of fidelity. 自然流畅的文风,不应该以牺牲忠实为代价。
  • She managed to wrench herself free. 她终于设法挣脱出来
  • Her heart did a flip. 她心里咯噔了一下子。
  • “We might flip a coin for it,” suggested Ted. “If it’s heads, then we’ll talk.” “我们来掷硬币决定这件事”,特德建议说,“如果是人头,我们就说。”
  • We will defer to whatever the committee decides. 我们遵从委员会作出的任何决定。
  • You may defer payment until next week. 你可延期至下周支付。
  • His testimony contradicted that of the preceding witness. 他的证词和前一位的互相矛盾。
  • She has begun to make a concerted effort to find a job. 她开始尽全力寻找工作。
  • Concerted action alone leads to victory. 步调一致才能得胜利。
  • Concerted action is needed at the EU and the national levels, because infectious diseases do not stop at borders. 欧盟和各国需要采取协调一致的行动,因为传染性疾病并不因边界却步。
  • Under the new scheme only successful schools will be given extra funding. 在新体制下,只有办得好的学校才可获得额外经费。
  • This isn’t the first harebrained scheme he’s had. 这已经不是他制定的第一个愚蠢计划了。
  • We had a terrific start to the season, but recently we’ve been inconsistent. 我们在本赛季的开头极好,但最近时好时坏。
  • It was noticeable how a few people managed to impose their will on the others. 显而易见,有少数几个人设法把自己的意志强加于别人。
  • This decision will impose serious constraints on all schools. 这项决定将使所有的学校强行受到各种严格的限制。
  • She had starred in several very indifferent movies. 她领衔主演过好几部非常平庸的电影
  • He felt no warmth towards his comrades but was cold, indifferent and apathetic. 他对同志不是满腔热情,而是冷冷清清,漠不关心,麻木不仁。
  • It was a methodical, (unexciting = humdrum = dreary) chore. 这是按部就班的乏味的杂务
  • Only an act of Congress could rectify the situation. 只有国会的法案才能扭转这种局面。
  • You should rectify your error before it is too late. 你应当及时改正你的错误。
  • Her baby starts to fret as soon as she goes out of the room. 她一走出房间,婴儿就躁动起来。
  • As she spoke we could see that she was in a fret. 她讲话时,我们看得出她很烦躁
  • If it’s out of your control, why fret about it? 如果某件事你控制不了,那为什么还要为它而烦恼呢?
  • She was young enough to be malleable. 她当时年轻得足以轻易地被别人影响
  • The brain is malleable. 大脑是可塑的
  • They got a battering ram to smash down the door. 他们用一个攻城木粉碎了大门。
  • They seem an ill-assorted couple. 他俩似乎不般配。
  • The jumper comes in assorted colours. 各种颜色的针织套衫一应俱全。
  • There is little evidence that harsher punishments deter any better than more lenient ones. 甚少证据显示严惩比宽大更能遏止犯罪。
  • After an hour of insipid = humdrum = dreary conversation, I left. 经过一个小时乏味的谈话之后,我离开了。
  • It tasted indescribably bland and insipid, like warmed cardboard. 这东西尝起来太淡而无味了,就像加热过的纸板一样。
  • Don’t beat about the bush.Please come to the point. 说话不要绕圈子, 请直说吧。
  • Show off their talent, to show off his shrewd, but beat about the bush to laugh at other people stupid and incompetent. 炫耀自己的才华,卖弄自己的精明,只不过旁敲侧击地嘲笑别人愚钝和无能。——《叔本华人生哲学》。
  • The most striking feature of those statistics is the high proportion of suicides. 那些统计数据最显著的特征是高自杀率。
  • She was a striking woman with long blonde hair. 她曾是一个留着金色长发的俊秀女子。
  • fidelity = allegiance The allegiance of uncommitted voters will be crucial. 未表态的投票者的支持将会至关重要。
  • The newspaper article caused the actor considerable distress. 报上的文章给这位演员带来极大的痛苦
  • The value of the company is well in excess of $2 billion. 该公司的价值远超过20亿美元。
  • In an excess of enthusiasm I agreed to work late. 我一时热情过度答应了工作到很晚。
  • It vexed me to think of others gossiping behind my back. 想到别人在我背后说闲话让我很恼火
  • She read everything, digesting every fragment of news. 她什么都读,对新闻的每一个片段都细细品味。
  • He remained chaste 他仍保持洁身自好
  • We had saved enough money to buy the house outright. 我们存了足够的钱,能一次付清款项买下这所房子
  • Why are you so mysterious? Why don’t you tell me outright? 你为什么这么神神秘秘?为什么不直截了当地告诉我?
  • She had failed to win an outright victory 她没能大获全胜
  • Jane couldn’t help the quiver in her voice. 简不禁声音颤抖
  • He felt a quiver of excitement run through him. 他觉得浑身上下都兴奋起来
  • A few steps brought them to the spring, and Tom felt a shudder quiver all through him. 他们走了几步来到泉水边,汤姆浑身打了个冷颤
  • Men fantasize as a substitute for acting out forbidden desires. 人们以幻想来作为宣泄禁欲的替代方式
  • If you cannot go yourself, try to find someone to substitute you. 如果你不能亲自去,试着找人代替你。
  • Strategic alliances are being forged with major European companies. 正与欧洲主要公司设法结成战略同盟。
  • Our farm land was adjacent to the river. 我们的农田在河边。
  • She doesn’t ridicule my timidity. 她不会嘲笑我的羞怯
  • They mocked at my timidity.
  • The new regulations will not make an appreciable difference to most people 新的规定大多数人将无大影响
  • The chairman tried to disguise his mortification 主席试图掩饰自己的极度窘迫。
  • You’ll have to travel in disguise. 你将不得不乔装出行
  • He made no attempt to disguise his agitation. 他无意掩饰他的不安。
  • The world’s resources are finite 世界的资源是有限的
  • The gloomy weather shows no sign of improving. 阴沉的天气没有丝毫转晴的迹象。
  • Suddenly, the future didn’t look so gloomy after all. 突然感到前途似乎并非如此黯淡
  • They found him in a gloomy, downbeat mood. 他们发现他心情沮丧而消沉。
  • I can remember the thrill of not knowing what I would get on Christmas morning. 我记得,在不知道圣诞节早上会收到何种礼物时自己的激动心情
  • She gets an obvious thrill out of performing 她显然从表演中得到一种兴奋感
  • He avers that chaos will erupt if he loses. 他断言如果他失败将会爆发动乱。(aver = allege = assert)
  • I was so intent on my work that I didn’t notice the time. 我专心于工作,以致忘了时间。
  • She looked from one intent face to another 她看着一张张专注的面孔。
  • His eyes were suddenly intent. 他的目光突然专注起来。
  • They stripped completely, and lay and turned in the damp grass. 他们脱光了衣服,躺在潮湿的草地上翻滚。
  • An independent body was brought in to mediate between staff and management. 一个独立机构介入,在劳资之间进行调解
  • The only practicable alternative is to postpone the meeting. 另外唯一可行的办法就是推迟会期。
  • I grab a sweet-scented bottle and hurl it at them.(fragrance = sweet-scented = perfume) 我抓起一个散发着香味的瓶子,用力投向他们。
  • General Barton said if there was any hurry to hurl down on the ground. 巴顿将军问是否有必要马上要卧倒在地面上。
  • He reached a plea bargain with the authorities. 他和当局达成了辩诉交易
  • The pursuit of money ruled his life. 对金钱的追求支配着他的生活。
  • It would be hazardous to invest so much 投资这么多会有风险
  • You can dazzle members of the opposite with your quick wit and aggressive charm. 你可以在异性面前炫耀自己过人的才智和独特的魅力。
  • The dazzle of stardom and status attracts them 明星和身份的耀眼光环吸引着他们。
  • It did not dazzle enough. 它不够炫丽
  • This leaves a great deal of room to maneuver 这就给运作留下很大的回旋余地
  • Is this a duplicate or the original? 这是副本还是正本?
  • His task will be to duplicate his success overseas here at home 他的任务将是在国内复制他在海外的成功。
  • He let himself in with a duplicate key. 他用一把另配的钥匙打开门进去了。
  • dreary=humdrum=toneless I dislike the black clothing that my sister bought for me. I really don’t like the toneless colors. 不喜欢姐姐帮我买的那些黑色衣服,我真的不喜欢沉闷的色彩
  • Imagine a world where flowers would not exist: it would be really toneless and sad, don’t you agree? 要是一个世界没有了花,那将会多么死气沉沉、黯淡无光,不是吗?
  • proxy = substitute = supersede Hand tools are relics of the past that have now been superseded by the machine. 手工工具是过去的遗物,现在已被机器取代
  • The Supreme Council is vested with overall authority. 最高苏维埃拥有一切权力
  • She’s a recognized authority on the subject. 她在这个学科上被公认为权威
  • We’re all liable to make mistakes when we’re tired. 人在疲劳时都可能出差错
  • You will be liable for any damage caused. 你必须造成的任何损失负赔偿责任
  • I never thought I should ever own such a splendid wrap. 我从来没想过自己会有这么漂亮的围巾
  • We stock a wide range of cards and gift wrap 我们备有各种各样的贺卡和礼品包装材料
  • In our example, we performed a small audit by extracting a single piece of information from three machines. 在我们的示例中,通过从三台机器中抽取单段信息,我们执行了一个很小的审计
  • The rebels besieged = siege the fort. 叛乱者包围了城堡
  • Try not to let your mind wander. 尽量别让你的思想开小差。
  • Not one of them could see anything of this exquisite manufacture. 谁都看不到这件精致的作品。
  • The room was decorated in exquisite taste. 这个房间的装饰情趣高雅
  • Let’s not protract the debate any further 我们不要再继续争论下去了。
  • Their guest did not protract his stay that evening above an hour longer. 那天晚上他们的客人逗留不到一个钟头
  • fidelity = allegiance = oath Is she prepared to give evidence on oath? 她愿意宣誓据实作证吗?
  • That is their prerogative and right. It is perfectly legal and moral. 这都是他们自己的特权和权利,完全合法,道义上也无可指摘。
  • His favorite funny tagline,“Never wrestle with a pig.” 他最喜欢的有趣标语是:“永远不要和猪摔跤。”
  • My feet were like blocks of ice despite the thermal socks. 我的双脚尽管穿着保暖袜,还是像冰块。
  • He did his best to avert suspicion. 他尽量嫌。
  • They discovered the danger in time, and made shift to avert it. 他们及时发现了危险,并设法避免了。
  • She was a plausible liar. 她是个巧言令色的说谎高手。
  • I stood still, trying to invent a plausible excuse. 我静静地站着,努力想编出一个听上去可信的借口。
  • A more plausible explanation would seem to be that people are fed up with the administration. 一个更合理的解释似乎是人们对行政机关感到厌倦
  • Her story sounded perfectly plausible. 她的说辞听起来言之有理
  • He set out to chisel a dog out of sandstone. 他开始用凿子将砂岩雕刻成一只狗。
  • She gave an exuberant performance. 她的表演热情洋溢
  • So the exuberant young girl with dark hair and blue eyes decided to become a screen actress. 因此,这个充满活力的年轻黑发碧眼女孩决定成为一名荧屏演员。
  • Her dress had split along the seam. 她的连衣裙顺着接缝裂开了。
  • The job advertisement stipulates that the applicant must have three years’ experience 招聘广告明确要求应聘者必须有三年工作经验。
  • A delivery date is stipulated in the contract. 合同中规定了交货日期。
  • This is, after all, a presentation, not a recital 这毕竟是一场演示而不是一场诗歌朗诵会
  • Missed your child’s piano recital because you were stuck at the office? 因为在办公室脱不开身而错过了孩子的钢琴独奏会
  • He’d always been odd, but not to this extent 他曾一直很古怪,但没到这种程度。
  • UN mediators are conducting shuttle diplomacy between the two sides. 联合国调解员们在双方之间进行着穿梭外交。
  • Nothing serious. Just a graze. 没关系,就破了一点皮
  • She invoked several eminent scholars to back up her argument 她援引了几位赫赫有名的学者来支持她的论点。
  • Sara was inwardly furious. 萨拉内心异常愤怒
  • A furious gunbattle ensued 接下来的一场激烈枪战
  • Her attendance in school was sporadic. 她在学校的出勤率很低。
  • But efforts to support specific industries and firms have remained sporadic despite calls for a coherent policy 尽管人们要求连贯的政策,支撑特定产业和公司的努力措施一直是零星的
  • They decided to dismantle the machine and start again from scratch. 他们决定拆掉机器,从头再来
  • Does the cat scratch? 这只猫抓人吗?
  • She’s so superficial! 她太肤浅
  • The book shows only a superficial understanding of the historical context. 这部书表现出对历史背景肤浅的理解。
  • When you first meet her, she gives a superficial impression of warmth and friendliness. 初次见面时,她总给人以热情亲切的表面印象。
  • The other injured man had a superficial stomach wound. 另一名受伤男子是腹部表层受伤。
  • She fixed her questioner with a hostile glare. 她敌意地瞪着向她提问的人。
  • We were rather taken aback by her hostile reaction 她敌视的反应使我们大吃一惊
  • He succeeded in propelling the ball across the line. 他成功地带过线。
  • He was grabbed from behind and propelled through the door. 有人从后面抓住他,把他推过门去。
  • In her delirium, she had fallen to the floor several times. 她神志不清时,曾数次摔倒在地板上。
  • By its very nature a lion is ferocious. 狮子本性凶残
  • Fighting has been ferocious. 战斗一直很激烈。`
  • Five colors bewilder our eyes and obstruct our insights. 五种变化多端的颜色,迷惑我们的眼睛,妨碍我们的洞察力。
  • It’s pathetic that grown men have to resort to violence like this 成年人还得这样诉诸暴力,真可悲
  • She made a pathetic attempt to smile. 她勉强地微微一笑
  • Her words were spiked with malice. 她的话暗含恶意。
  • He did it of [out of; through] malice. 他做此事是出于恶意
  • She pipped her rival for the gold medal. 她险胜对手,夺得金牌。
  • My sister needed an escort for a company dinner 我妹为了一个公司晚宴而需要一个社交陪同
  • Police were called to escort her off the premises 召来警察护送她离场。
  • This is an age when we boast of our emotional intelligence and we claim to feel each other’s pain. 这是一个我们吹嘘情商并宣称能够体会到彼此痛苦的年代。
  • In its heyday, the studio’s boast was that it had more stars than there are in heaven. 该制片厂吹嘘,它在鼎盛时期拥有的明星比天上的星星还多。
  • Her hatred of authority led to her expulsion from high school. 她对权威的憎恨导致了她从高中被开除
  • The expulsion of thousands of people represents a humanitarian catastrophe of enormous proportions. 驱逐成千上万人意味着人道主义的巨大灾难。
  • Compromise is an inevitable part of life. 妥协是生活不可避免的一部分。
  • There is no prospect of compromise in sight. 目前还没有和解的希望。
  • They lay on the firm sands, listening to the plaintive cry of the seagulls. 他们躺在坚实的沙滩上,听着海鸥的哀鸣
  • Some mutter darkly about an impending “civilian coup”. 另还有些人暗地里窃窃私语,说平民政变即将来临
  • innumerable mischances might ruin the enterprise 无数的倒霉事可能毁了这个企业
  • He may yield control 他可能放弃控制权
  • Higher-rate deposit accounts yield good returns 高利率的存款产生丰厚的收益。
  • We will stand up and never yield! 我们站起来,永不屈服
  • they were granted a meeting 批准他们开个会
  • he hasn’t made much progress, I’ll grant you that 我得向你承认,他没有取得什么进展
  • Sometimes you’ll feel like an outcast. 有时你会觉得自己无家可归
  • They were told that they should expel the refugees. 他们被告知应该逐出那些难民
  • Being alone is his idea of paradise. 他视独处为至乐之事
  • Ugh! How can you eat that stuff? 啊!你怎么吃得下那种东西
  • He pointed to a duffle bag. “That’s my stuff.” 他指着一个旅行袋。“那是我的东西。”
  • Fresh air is conducive to health 新鲜空气有利于健康。
  • Chairs in rows are not as conducive to discussion as chairs arranged in a circle. 椅子成排摆放不如成圈摆放便于讨论。
  • A note of defiance entered her voice. 她的声音里带有公然反抗的口气。
  • Nuclear testing was resumed in defiance of an international ban. 尽管国际上明令禁止,核试验又在进行了。
  • No difficulty can overwhelm us. 没有什么困难能压倒我们。
  • Those laws no longer pertain. 那些法律已不适用了。
  • Researchers greeted the proposal with scorn. 研究者们对这个提议报以轻蔑的态度。
  • Researchers greeted the proposal with scorn. 研究者们对这个提议报以轻蔑的态度
  • He is a target for scorn. 他是嘲笑的目标
  • All we could hear were loud sobs, but no articulate words. 我们听到的只是大声啜泣,没有清楚的话语。
  • These courses are designed to articulate with university degrees. 这些课程旨在与大学学位接轨

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