



as is graphically/ vividly/ symbolically shown/ depicted/ illustrated/ demonstrated in the figure/ table / graph/ chart/ diagram/ histogram/ bar chart/ pie chart/ line graph, ...

the chart suggests that

years have seen the striking/major change in

see a bump

economy has gained rapid/sharp increase over time

There's no appreciable differences between the two. There's an appreciable bump/ increase in... 


there's a conspicuous trend that

Apparently, evidently,

it's crystal clear that

时间段描述:in the preceding years,over time, over the period,for the duration of,by then, by far,up to now, to date, to this day, hitherto, thus far, of late,


上升:raise,rise,surge,soar,skyrocket,hike, show an upward trend,growth

There's a spike in..., see a bump, on the rise

下降:descend,drop,fall,shrink,plunge,lessen, on a decline

其他:rebound(回升),fluctuate,level out(持平,趋于平缓),reach a plateau


exceedingly,slightly,marginally,markedly,notably,tremendously,considerably,drastically,dramatically,sharply,steeply,immensly,steadily,smoothly, grossly, massively, minor, major

很:more than adj, can't be more adj., most adj, pretty much the same way

not in the least:一点也不,丝毫不


by a large margin

with a sharp rise,by leaps and bounds(突飞猛进),


总计达到:amount to

大多数、少数:the overwhelming/vast majority, the minority

there's a predominance in; is predominant over

很多:a wealth of, manifold, a host of, a body of, numerous,

people in mounting numbers

最大值最小值:peak at, reach a peak of, hit a high of; hit a low of, bottom out


大约:or so, approximately, more or less,

占比:account for a proportion of, make up about

倍数:double, triple, quadruple, quintuple, ... decuple... centuplicate

总结:in conclusion,to recap, all told

with the above analysis,we can come to/draw the conclusion that,

with due consideration of the analysis above

taking into account what has been argued

from what has been discussed so far

given all the above arguments


起In the first place, first and foremost, to start up, to begin with, in the first place, supposing (that), granted, truly, given (that), assuming (that), regarding that

承additionally, in addition, furthermore, moreover, In the second place

转nonetheless, nevertheless, notwithstanding,regardless of, reckless of, albeit,

even so

even this is not always enough

合to sum up, above all,  generally speaking,in a word, in short, in brief, briefly speaking, last but not least, ultimately, (to put) in a nutshell, as a whole, all told, simply put

when all's said and done=after all

In the end, what it all boils down to is lack of money.

并列:along with/ in addition to/ coupled with/ joined by

对比:by/in comparison(with),on the contrary,by contrast,in contrast (to), comparatively (speaking), while=whereas=whilst,  similarly=likewise, equally, conversely, on the flip side, on the positive/upright side, as opposed to

It's ... that set ... apart from

因果关系:hence, henceforth, seeing as/that, now that, due to, owing to, in view of( the fact that), allowing for, accordingly, consequently, in that, consequently

in consequence, as a consequence, accordingly, thus, in (the) light of, thus, thereby, thusly(adv.)

换句话说:to put it another way, namely, that is to say, or rather




above all:最重要的是,无论如何,尤其是

顺便:incidentally, by the way

其他:and so forth, vice versa, aka, 


aside from=apart from= but for=on top of

upon/over=on,concerning=considering=regarding=about=with regard/respect to,through=by=per,within=in,



apart除了 on top of



with regard/ respect to

hereby(特此,兹,谨), whereby=by which

herein, therein, thereof

as for(to), when it comes to, speaking of sth.=speaking of which, in terms of = with respect to, refer to, refer

as far as i know, as far as I'm concerned



largely, mostly,






more often than not, invariably, from time to time, every now and then, every so often, oftentimes,

for the time being


a situation has arisen/ the issue arises...

sth has recently aroused much concern/ controversy

it is a hotly-debated topic/issue that; sth is at issue

according to

it is prevalent nationwide that

sth. has become a national obsession

at the other end of spectrum is ...

a long-running controversial dabate

the prevailing theory is that,

along with the advent of internet,

currently/latterly/lately/of late/ in late, the phenomenon has aroused wide concern; some people are in alarm that

now we're entering a new era of opportunities and challenges

everchanging everlasting profound far-reaching impact

nowadays/in this day and age

a spell of, for (throughout) the duration of

for years to come, in the forth coming years, for the foreseeable future

as the proverb goes, the saying goes that, an old saying has it that

it goes without saying that不言而喻



hold/belive/insist/argue/in favor of

people with discrepant background have divergent attitudes toward

personally, i side more with the former/latter opinion/view

endorse an idea(公开)支持

as far as I'm concerned

from my point of view/ from sb.'s vantage point/ from one's perspective

from a ... perspective; from the perspective of...



as a matter of fact

broadly speaking, generally speaking

优缺点:frailty/ drawback/ flaw/ downside; merit/ demerit/ dominance

有害有益:conducive detrimental to/ do harm to/ adverse/


every coin has two sides; a double-edged sword; pros and cons

on the upside(好消息是)see the upside of things


巩固: fortify, reinforce, strengthen, harden, build up, shore up

促进:enhance, promote,

使命感:sense of vocation

承担责任:exercise/ assume/ take up responsibility, perform duty, 

尽全力:do one's utmost, go to great lengths to do, exert oneself,Do ones Endeavor,  Make every endeavor, Make somebody's best endeavors, make earnest effort, to the best of ones ability

采取措施:drastic measures should be taken

it's high time that we should/ it's long past time to do/ it's imperative to

may/might as well

解决问题:address/ approach/ wrestle with the problem/ grapple with/ wrangle with/tackle with/ sort sth out

to crack this hard nut

embrace the challenge

narrow/ bridge the gap between

in pursuit of

in readiness for

relevant laws and regulations should be established and enforced

drastic measures should be applied/ take the (adj.) initiative to do

Combine exertion and rest

embark on= get cracking about(on)

spare some time to do

moan and groan

导致,由引起:arise from, pose, give rise to, result(发生), incur, induce

表示关系:have sth/ a lot/ nothing to do with; have a bearing on; bear a(no) resemblance to


立即:right away, on the fly, on the spot, right off,


stay ahead of the curve:保持领先地位,引领潮流

push the envelope:挑战极限

turn to sb.= fall back on sb.

挫折逆境adversity, setback, crunch, reversal, hardship, plight, face tremendous headwinds

学会,理解:get hold of

live up to; fall short on

凭借:by virtue of; by way of; by means of

看不起:overlook, underrate, think less of

擅长:be excelled at, be versed in



训练:drill, under perfect discipline

导致:give rise to, engender, arise from, arise out of

利用:utilize, make the most out of, leverage, exploit, harness, lever

显著:marked, notable


缺少:dearth, is void of

 包含:encompass, encompass

来源:stem from

相似:akin to, parallel to

为了:in the interest of,for the sake of sth, in a bid to do, in an effort to, with the intention/aim of doing, for the purpose of, with a view to doing

争取:bid for

in principle:理论上;大体上

at stake: 有风险,处于危险关头

give way to:屈服,让步

简明简洁:succinct, concise

toughen up

heighten harden strengthen fasten broaden deepen

闻名的:renowned for sth

结局:upshot, outcome



in the same fashion

nuts and bolts, basic elements, building blocks

人道humanitarianism, humanitarian aid/assistance, out of humanistic concern

well-rounded, all-round


revolve around

crave for/ yearn for

与不一致:be at odds with, 


fabulous, exceptional, impressive, marvelous, top-notch, exemplary, stunning, remarkable, outstanding, sterling, breathtaking


salient point, all-important, defining moment, notable feature, paramount to, of paramount/vital importance(significance), consequential, immaterial,

put/place a premium on, place emphasis on, place a high value on, underline

is highly regarded/valued


can't do without

先进:state of the art, cutting edge, cutting blood, top notch


a beacon of hope


where there's a will, there's a way

you reap what you sow


Why=How come+陈述语序

but for

否定倒装on no accounts, under no circumstances, by no means

never before has it done

前置倒装simple as it is

本文标签: 大英语料库四六级考研英语