


Text to Speech (TTS) software allows you to have text read aloud to you. This is useful for struggling readers and for writers, when editing and revising their work. You can also convert eBooks to audiobooks so you can listen to them on long drives.

文字转语音(TTS)软件可让您朗读文字。 当编辑和修改他们的作品时,这对于挣扎的读者和作家很有用。 您还可以将电子书转换为有声书,以便可以在长驱动器上收听它们。

We’ve posted some websites here where you can find some good TTS software programs and online tools that are free or at least have free versions available.


自然阅读器 (NaturalReader)

NaturalReader is a free TTS program that allows you to read aloud any text. The free version of the software converts Microsoft Word files, webpages, PDF files, and emails into spoken words. It includes Microsoft Voices and allows you to change voices and adjust the reading speed. Simply select any text and press one hotkey to have NaturalReader read the text to you. There are also paid versions that offer more features and more available voices.

NaturalReader是免费的TTS程序,可让您大声朗读任何文本。 该软件的免费版本将Microsoft Word文件,网页,PDF文件和电子邮件转换为语音。 它包括Microsoft语音,并允许您更改语音和调整阅读速度。 只需选择任何文本,然后按一个热键,即可让NaturalReader为您阅读文本。 也有付费版本,提供更多功能和更多可用声音。

Ultra Hal TTS阅读器 (Ultra Hal TTS Reader)

Ultra Hal TTS Reader is a program that will read text out loud in one of its many high quality voices. The free version includes many high quality computerized voices and reads text files out loud, as well as instant messages, standard Windows dialogs, and text from the clipboard, which allows the program to read text from webpages and emails. You can also use Ultra HAL TTS Reader to convert a document into a WAV audio file, which can be burned to a CD or converted to an MP3 file.

Ultra Hal TTS Reader是一种程序,它将以其许多高质量声音之一大声朗读文本。 免费版本包括许多高质量的计算机语音,可大声读取文本文件,以及即时消息,标准Windows对话框和剪贴板中的文本,从而使程序可以从网页和电子邮件中读取文本。 您还可以使用Ultra HAL TTS Reader将文档转换为WAV音频文件,然后将其刻录到CD或转换为MP3文件。

ReadClip (ReadClip)

ReadClip is a TTS reader that also offers a rich text editor that can read and spell check any text document, and allows you to manage several text and picture clips on the clipboard, and generate MP3 files. The TTS reader part of the software is free and will never expire. However, the other features are “try before you buy” features and you must buy the software to continue using them. You can keep the TTS reader hidden or it can display the text it’s reading in the clipboard and highlight each word as it’s read aloud. Besides monitoring the clipboard, you can also copy and paste text into the program, or type the text into the program, or load the text from a file.

ReadClip是一种TTS阅读器,还提供了丰富的文本编辑器,可以阅读和拼写检查任何文本文档,并允许您管理剪贴板上的多个文本和图片剪辑,并生成MP3文件。 该软件的TTS阅读器部分是免费的,并且永远不会过期。 但是,其他功能是“购买前试用”功能,必须购买该软件才能继续使用它们。 您可以隐藏TTS阅读器,也可以在剪贴板中显示正在阅读的文本,并在朗读每个单词时突出显示它们。 除了监视剪贴板外,还可以将文本复制并粘贴到程序中,或在程序中键入文本,或从文件中加载文本。

Read4Me TTS剪贴板阅读器 (Read4Me TTS Clipboard Reader)

The Read4Me TTS Clipboard Reader allows you to read the contents of the clipboard aloud using a pre-installed SAPI5 TTS voice when you press a hotkey. Multiple hotkeys can be set for different languages, voices, speech rates, and volumes. Read4Me can also convert text files to MP3 files.

Read4Me TTS剪贴板阅读器允许您在按热键时使用预安装的SAPI5 TTS语音大声阅读剪贴板的内容。 可以为不同的语言,声音,语速和音量设置多个热键。 Read4Me还可以将文本文件转换为MP3文件。

本文标签: 在线语音文字工具程序