


by Jonathan Puc

乔纳森·普克(Jonathan Puc)

如何通过这些简单的步骤获得开发人员实习机会 (How to ace your developer internship with these simple steps)

In December I wrote an article titled “How did I land my first job as a self-taught developer? I prepared like crazy.”.

去年12月,我写了一篇题为“我如何以自学成才的方式找到我的第一份工作? 我准备疯了。” 。

Well, I may not have been telling the whole truth — it was an internship and not a job. Don’t worry — I have a reason as to why I framed it as being a job rather than an internship. This will be explained towards the end of this article.

好吧,我可能没有说出全部真相-这是实习而不是工作。 不用担心-我有理由将我定为工作而不是实习。 这将在本文末尾进行解释。

This very reason is why I believe I was offered a position with the company at the end of my internship (yes, now I’m an actual developer and not an intern).


Now, I’m here to share some advice on the things I did during the 3-month internship which propelled me towards having an awesome internship.


与同事一起花费尽可能多的时间。 (Spend as much time as you can with co-workers.)

When an intern has built relationships with employees of the company and shown that they fit like a glove within the culture, employers will find it hard to let them walk.


The nature of being a developer involves working in teams. Use this knowledge to your advantage. When you’ve built nice relationships with your co-workers, it will most likely translate to how well you work with them. Employers will know it’s a big mistake to take someone out of an equation when everything has been going well.

成为开发人员的本质涉及团队合作。 利用这些知识为您带来好处。 与同事建立良好的关系后,很可能会转化为您与同事的合作程度。 雇主会知道,在一切顺利的情况下,使某人摆脱困境是一个大错误。

So, during breaks and nonwork-related environments, always try to be among your co-workers. Spend time and continue to build rapport with them. Build great relationships with members of the company. Really cement yourself within the culture and equation.

因此,在休息时间和与工作无关的环境中,请始终尝试成为同事中的一员。 花时间并继续与他们建立融洽的关系。 与公司成员建立良好的关系。 真正让自己融入文化和方程式之中。

无论您是否认为自己有能力做到,都乐于承担所有项目和任务。 (Be keen to take on all projects and assignments whether you think you’re capable of doing it or not.)

The nature of being a developer is taking projects and challenges head-on. When you’ve been tasked to work on something that is completely new to you and a bit intimidating, it should always be seen as a learning opportunity.

成为开发人员的本质是直接面对项目和挑战。 当您被要求从事对您来说是全新的东西并且有些令人生畏的工作时,应该始终将其视为学习的机会。

Developers are problem solvers at heart. When something is alien to them, they’ll do everything in their power to delve into the necessary materials/resources until it’s not so alien.

开发人员本质上是解决问题的人。 当某些东西对他们来说是陌生的时,他们会尽力去研究必要的材料/资源,直到不是那么陌生。

As an intern, your problem-solving skills are being tested. Take challenges head-on.

作为实习生,您的问题解决能力正在接受测试。 直面挑战。

Nobody ever learned by staying in their bubble.


投入时间 (Put in the hours)

Don’t call it a day once you’ve finished your hours. Continue to work on the projects at home. This might not be sustainable long-term, but it’s helpful in the beginning.

完成工作后,请不要每天都这样。 继续在家里进行项目。 这可能不是长期可持续的,但在开始时会有所帮助。

When you’re an intern for a real operating company, you’re getting real-world experience of what it’s like to be a developer. Completely immerse yourself in the whole opportunity and understand what it takes to be a successful developer.

当您是一家真正的运营公司的实习生时,您将获得成为一名开发人员的真实经验。 完全沉浸在整个机会中,并了解成为一名成功的开发人员所需要的条件。

What you put your time in to grows.


问问题。 (Ask questions.)

It’s never a stupid question. If you don’t understand something or need further clarification, ALWAYS ask.

这从来不是一个愚蠢的问题。 如果您不懂或需要进一步澄清,请始终询问。

Asking questions shows a great sense of curiosity and that you actually care about the quality of your work. It shows that you don’t care if you look like a potato by asking a question with a potentially simple answer. You want things to be done right which requires clarity and complete understanding.

提出问题会表现出极大的好奇心,并且您实际上在乎自己的工作质量。 通过问一个可能带有简单答案的问题,它表明您不在乎是否看起来像马铃薯。 您希望事情做对,这需要清晰和完整的理解。

It’s always better to ask than to assume.


Furthermore, an internship is an opportunity to learn from others, so capitalize on this.


Now you might be asking:


“Okay Jonathan, we want to know why you said you had a job as a developer when in fact it was just an internship, we want answers!”
仅仅因为您是一名实习生,并不意味着您应该像一个实习生那样思考或行动。 (Just because you’re an intern, doesn’t mean you should think or act like one.)

Your mind creates your reality. Lose the intern mentality. You’re only setting constraints on yourself when you walk into work saying to yourself “it’s internship time baby!” no matter how enthusiastic you are about it.

您的思想创造了您的现实。 失去实习心态。 当您上班时对自己说“这是实习时间的宝贝!”时,您只会对自己施加约束。 无论您对此有多热情。

Re-frame it and just think of yourself as an actual developer within the company. You’re no different from anybody else. You’ve got just the same amount of responsibility as everybody else. You’re expected to perform at your best just like everybody else. You hold the power to make a positive contribution to the company, just as much as everybody else.

重新设计框架,然后将自己视为公司中的实际开发人员。 你和其他人没什么不同。 您承担的责任与其他人一样。 期望您像其他人一样表现最佳。 您拥有与其他人一样为公司做出积极贡献的力量。

With this mindset, you’re sure to perform really well during your internship.


By thinking of yourself as a developer and team member of the company rather than as an intern… naturally:


  • You’ll fit in nicely with the culture and with those around you in the company.

  • You’ll take on projects and challenges with greater confidence.

  • You’ll be more inclined to put more effort and hours into your work.

  • You won’t ever hesitate to pry or ask questions which highlights your level of concern about what it is that you are doing.


I never saw myself as an intern, even when I was writing my application for the internship. I always saw it as an opportunity to prove myself as a developer, and therefore I had to think and act like one. I believe this is the key to a successful internship.

即使我正在编写实习申请,我也从未将自己视为实习生。 我一直认为这是证明自己是开发人员的机会,因此我必须像一个人一样思考和行动。 我相信这是成功实习的关键。

Wishing you luck on your journey! As always, my inbox is open to anybody in need of further advice or have questions.

祝您旅途顺利! 与往常一样,我的收件箱向所有需要进一步建议或有疑问的人开放。

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翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp/news/ace-your-developer-internship-with-these-simple-steps-38134130bab1/


本文标签: 步骤建模开发人员数学简单