

Looking to learn to administer Linux computers? Excellent choice. While it can hold its own in the consumer desktop space, where Linux absolutely dominates is the world of servers, especially virtual and cloud servers.

想学习管理Linux计算机吗? 很棒的选择。 尽管它可以在消费者桌面空间中占有一席之地,但Linux绝对占主导地位的是服务器领域,尤其是虚拟服务器和云服务器。

Because most serious server administration these days takes place remotely, working through a GUI interface of one sort or another just adds unnecessary overhead.


If you want to manage the servers and network architectures that are currently attracting all the attention, you’re going to have to learn your way around the Linux command line.


The good news is that the core Linux command set is going to work for you across geographic and corporate lines, just about anywhere computers and business intersect. The better news is that, relatively speaking, Linux skills have staying power.

好消息是,核心Linux命令集将跨地理和公司范围为您服务,几乎在任何计算机和业务相交的地方。 更好的消息是,相对而言,Linux技能具有持久力。

Because it’s such a mature and stable operating system, most of the tools used a quarter century ago are still just as effective as ever, and most of the tools used today will probably still be actively used after another quarter century. Learning Linux, in other words, is a lifelong investment.

因为它是一个如此成熟且稳定的操作系统,所以25年前使用的大多数工具仍然像以往一样有效,并且今天使用的大多数工具可能在25年之后仍会积极使用。 换句话说,学习Linux是一项终身投资。

Linux in Action如何工作 (How Linux in Action works)

But you’re busy and you’ve got deadlines. Well, I can’t promise you that mastering Linux will be as simple as learning to tie your shoes. But I can help you focus like a laser so you can leave all the stuff you don’t need lying on the highway, choking on your exhaust fumes (assuming you’re not driving a Tesla, of course).

但是您很忙,而且有截止日期。 好吧,我不能保证您精通Linux就像学习绑鞋一样简单。 但是我可以帮助您像激光一样聚焦,这样您就可以将所有不需要的东西留在高速公路上,窒息废气(当然,假设您没有驾驶特斯拉)。

How am I going to pull that one off? My Linux in Action book turns technology training sideways. That is, while other books, courses, and online resources organize their content around categories (“Alright boys and girls, everyone take out your slide rules and charcoal pencils. Today we’re going to learn about Linux file systems.”), I use real-world projects to teach.

我要如何把那一个拉下来? 我的《 Linux in Action》一书将技术培训转向了横向。 也就是说,尽管其他书籍,课程和在线资源会按类别组织其内容(“好吧,男孩和女孩,每个人都拿出您的幻灯片规则和木炭铅笔。今天,我们将学习Linux文件系统。”),我使用现实世界中的项目进行教学。

So, for example, I could have built an entire chapter (or two) on Linux file systems. But instead, you’ll learn how to build enterprise file servers, system recovery drives, and scripts to replicate archives of critical data. In the process, you’ll pick up the file system knowledge as a free bonus.

因此,例如,我本可以在Linux文件系统上构建一整章(或两章)。 但是,您将学习如何构建企业文件服务器,系统恢复驱动器和脚本以复制关键数据的存档。 在此过程中,您将免费获得文件系统知识。

Don’t think I’m going to cover every Linux administration tool. That’s impossible: there are literally thousands of them out there. But don’t worry. The core skills and functionality needed through the first years of a career in Linux administration will be covered, and covered well, but only when needed for a practical, mission-critical project. When you’re done, you’ll have learned no less than what you would have from a traditional source, but you’ll also know how to complete more than a dozen major administrative projects, and be comfortable tackling dozens more.

不要以为我会介绍所有Linux管理工具。 那是不可能的:实际上有数千个。 但是不用担心。 涵盖了Linux管理职业生涯最初几年所需的核心技能和功能,并且涵盖面很广,但是仅在实际的,关键任务项目需要时才涉及。 完成后,您将学到的东西不少于传统资源,但是您还将知道如何完成十几个大型管理项目,并乐于应对许多其他项目。

Are you in? I thought so.

你在吗 我是这么想的。

谁应该读这本书 (Who should read this book)

This book is designed to help you acquire a solid range of Linux administration skills. Perhaps you’re a developer who wants to work more directly with the server environment within which your applications will live. Or maybe you’re ready to make your move in the server administration or DevOps worlds. Either way, you belong with us.

本书旨在帮助您掌握各种Linux管理技能。 也许您是一名开发人员,希望与应用程序所在的服务器环境更直接地合作。 或者,也许您已经准备好在服务器管理或DevOps世界中迈步前进。 无论哪种方式,您都属于我们。

What should you already know? At the very least, you should be comfortable working with the files, networks, and basic resources of a modern operating system. Experience with system administration, network management, and programming languages definitely won’t hurt, but are not required. Most of all, you should be unafraid of exploring new environments and enthusiastic about experimenting with new tools.

您应该已经知道什么? 至少,您应该习惯使用现代操作系统的文件,网络和基本资源。 具有系统管理,网络管理和编程语言的经验绝对不会损害,但不是必需的。 最重要的是,您应该不惧怕探索新环境,并热衷于尝试使用新工具。

One more thing: you’re expected to know how to perform a simple and straightforward installation of a Linux operating system.


Just a few words about the way the book is built. Each chapter of Linux in Action covers one or two practical projects — except chapter 1. Chapter 1, because it’s designed to fill in any very basic gaps that might exist in your Linux knowledge, will be different from all the others. Don’t need the basics? I’m absolutely sure you’ll find lots of fun new toys to play with in chapter 2.

关于这本书的制作方式,只说几句话。 《 Linux in Action》的每一章都涉及一个或两个实际项目,但第一章除外。第一章旨在填补Linux知识中可能存在的任何非常基本的空白,因此它们将与其他所有内容有所不同。 不需要基础知识吗? 我绝对确定您会在第二章中找到很多有趣的新玩具。

Along with the book’s projects, I’ll also introduce you to the individual skills and tools that you’ll need. In addition, each chapter’s projects usually build on the skills you’ve learned previously in the book. Just to show you that I mean business, here’s a fairly complete list of the main projects (under the Chapter heading), skill domains, and tools you’ll meet through the course of the book:

除了本书的项目,我还将向您介绍您需要的个人技能和工具。 此外,每章的项目通常以您先前在书中学到的技能为基础。 只是为了向您展示我的意思,这是本书中将要遇到的主要项目(在本章标题下),技能领域和工具的相当完整的列表:

There are currently dozens of actively maintained Linux distributions. Even though most of the Linux basics are common to all distros (distributions), there’ll always be little things that’ll work “here” but not “there.” For practicality’s sake, I’m going to concentrate mostly on two distributions: Ubuntu and CentOS. Why those two? Because each represents an entire family of distributions. Ubuntu shares its roots with Debian, Mint, Kali Linux, and others, while CentOS enjoys the company of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and Fedora.

当前有数十种主动维护的Linux发行版。 即使大多数Linux基础知识对所有发行版(发行版)都是通用的,总会有一些小东西在“这里”起作用,而在“那里”却没有。 出于实用性考虑,我将主要关注两个发行版:Ubuntu和CentOS。 为什么选择那两个? 因为每个代表整个分布族。 Ubuntu与Debian,Mint,Kali Linux和其他公司共享其根源,而CentOS享有Red Hat Enterprise Linux(RHEL)和Fedora的支持。

That’s not to say I don’t value other distros like Arch Linux, SUSE, and Gentoo, or that what you’ll learn in this book won’t help you work with those environments. But fully covering the Ubuntu and CentOS families means grabbing the largest single slice of the Linux pie that I could reach using just two distributions.

这并不是说我不重视Arch Linux,SUSE和Gentoo等其他发行版,或者您在本书中学到的内容不会帮助您使用这些环境。 但是全面涵盖Ubuntu和CentOS系列意味着仅使用两个发行版就可以获得Linux派中最大的一块。

This article was adapted from the introduction to my Linux in Action. Besides the book, you can also work through Linux in Motion — a hybrid course made up of more than two hours of video and around 40% of the text of Linux in Action.

本文改编自 Linux in Action 的介绍 除了这本书之外,您还可以通过 Linux in Motion进行学习 -这是一个混合课程,包括两个多小时的视频和大约40%的Linux in Action文本。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp/news/another-way-to-learn-linux-administration/

本文标签: 种方法Linux