




1.—— Thanks ______ the lovely party and the delicious food.

—— ________.; Never mind; All right C.for; With pleasure D.for;

My pleasure

2.—— Will you serve me another coffee?

—— ______! Black ____ white?

A.With pleasure; or B.My pleasure; and C.It’s a pleasure; or D.It

depends; and

3. I’m afraid I can’t finish the book within this week.

―― ________. You can’t always ______ the deadlines.

A.That’s all right; reach B.Take your time; meet

C.Take it easy; meet D.Not at all; reach

4.______, and I’m sure you will find a way out soon. Moreover, you’ve got lots of


A.Take your time; experiences B.Take it easy; experience

C.Go ahead; experience D.Believe it or not; experiences

5.―― It will ____ me at least two hours to do this.

―― Oh, ______! I could do it in 20 minutes.

A.spend; come on B.take; come on

C.cost; don’t mention it D.take; don’t mention it.

(Key: DABBB)


1.— Excuse me, have you been to Japan?

— _______.

A.No, I don’t B.Never C.Sorry, I can’t D.Don’t

mention it

2.— My name is Jack Smith. ________

— Hi! I’m Jackson.

A.How do you do? B.Nice to meet you again.

C.How about you? D.How are you?

3.—Her grandpa passed away yesterday.

— ______ .

A.How do you like it? B.He was a kind man.

C.Sorry to hear that. D.What shall we do?

4.— Shall we go there next Sunday?

— ________?

— To see the football match.

A.What with B.What by C.What forD.What on

5.—Is there anything I can do for you,sir?

—_____ .

A.Perhaps.Go ahead B.No.Take your time

C.Yes.You're welcome D.Not now.Thanks anyway

6.—Everybody says you are a good student,you never fall asleep in class,do


—_____ .

A.Yes,sometimes B.No,I did

C.Yes,never D.Yes,I didn't

7.—Sorry ,I can't go camping with you. I have to prepare well enough for the


—________!We can camp together next time.

A.Don't say so B.Congratulations

C.Good luck D.No problem

8.—Thank you very much for your wonderful lecture, Mr Bruce!


A.It doesn't matter B.Don't mention it

C.I'm glad you've enjoyed it D.That's very kind of you to say so

9.She told me she hadn't enjoyed the film, but I decided to go and see it _____.

A.after all all C.all the same D.above all

10.—Jenny, I’d like some coffee for a change.

— ______________. It’s in the cupboard.

A.Help yourself B.Never mind C.With pleasure D.Change it,


11.— I’m going to travel to Sydney. Would you please tell me about your

experiences there?

— .Let’s discuss it over lunch.

A.Go ahead B.It just depends C.That’s wonderful D.By all


12.—Shall I begin the lecture?

—I’m afraid we have to wait for a while. John is coming with a microphone.

— . I can do without the microphone.

A.I’m sorry B.Excuse me C.I beg your pardon D.Never mind

13.—Tom, would you like to come to our dinner party?

— _____.

A.Yes, I would B.Sure, it’s my pleasure

C.No, I can’t come D.Yes, with pleasure

14.—Will he be back by ten tonight?

—No, _____.

A.I think not so B.I’m not afraid C.I’m afraid not D.I don’t

hope so




2.答案:A。根据情景可以看出两个人初次见面的寒暄。“How do do you?”是


3.答案:C。pass away是die的一种很委婉的说法,故用C。

4.答案:C。这是一种简略问句。原句应为:What shall we go there for?,把与

前句相同的部分省略。后面的答语也应当省略“We shall go there”只用不定式短语这




7.答案:C。good luck 用来表示祝愿幸运。

8.答案:C。用I'm glad that you've enjoyed it说明当自己付出的努力或劳动得


9.答案:C。考查习惯用语。all the same意为“尽管如此,仍然”。


11.答案:D。by all means“(表示同意)当然可以, 没问题”;Go ahead“前进, 有

进展; 继续干下去”;It just depends“视情况而定”;That’s wonderful“太好(妙)了”,


12.答案:D。根据空后“I can do without the microphone”可知,此处表“没关系”


13.答案:D。根据习惯和礼貌。With pleasure. “很乐意。”



1 .That is all right. 没关系; 不客气 That is all就这些 that is all right 不用谢

That is right 说得对 (相当于you are right.) All right:不错,没事的 好的,行(=ok)

That's fine那很好

that’s great:那太好了

2.With pleasure和 My pleasure有什么区别?

With pleasure. 意思是 “非常乐意(效劳)”,常用于对别人请求的回复;My pleasure

和It’s my pleasure同义,是“不用谢、甭客气”的意思,是回答对方表示感谢的


3. Don’t mention it. 不用客气,没关系 ,别提了

4. No problem 没问题 (=By all means / Out of question答应别人) -

5. Forget it 没关系/别在意,别放在心上 6 at your service 愿为您效劳,听候吩咐

7. go ahead 开始吧/请便- 继续…吧 8 Hang on 别挂断(=hold on)-等一下

9. help yourself随便吃请自便 10. after you! 你先请-- ..

11. Not at all =No a bit不用谢,不客气,没关系,一点也不

12. I bet. 我敢肯定;保证没错 You bet. 当然啦;那还用说

13. Good luck祝你走运 Bad luck / Hard luck/ ill luck 运气真不好! 真倒霉-

14. 表赞同对方的话,同意对方的请求几个特殊表达

I can’t agree more再同意不过了. 表示我完全同意

Absolutely /Exactly/Definitely完全是如此;--

absolutely not 绝对不行;绝对不会

by all means 当然可以,务必,一定 by no means绝不

out of the question不可能/不行

15 常用的几个省略表达:

If so:如果是那样的话 If not:如果不那样的话 ! 但愿;要


How come +....从句? 怎么会/为什么出现某种情况; How about 怎么会

.What for ?为什么。做什么用.为何目地 what if(倘若......会怎么样);

16.take your time表示“慢慢来;不着急”; Take it easy 不着急;

17. Got it 知道了,明白了 18. It (all) depends. / That (all) depends. 依情况而定

mind=It doesn’t matter. 没关系 Hurry up 快点 Guess what? 你猜怎么


Sure当然(=Certainly=Of course) It’s up to…(由……决定)。。

well done译为 “做得好”

19 So what?

(1) 表示不在乎或无所谓,意为:那有什么关系?:

(2) 用于对别人的质问或责难反唇相讥,意为:那有什么不行的? 那为什么不

行? 那有什么了不起? 如:

(3) 用于生气地告诉对方某情况与他们没有关系,意为:这与你有什么关系?

20 No exactly 不全是 No likely 不可能 No a little 非常 not a bit:非常, 很,


Not really确实不行,不完全是 Not particularly= Not specially 不是很特别

No wonder.难怪 毫不奇怪

Nothing much 没什么 Nothing serious没什么大问题

21. It doesn’t make sense “没有意义;讲不通”;

22. What then?“那便会怎么样呢? 23. You name it表示全部说出来;

24 It counts for nothing意为 “这不算什么”;

25 “come on” 有“加把劲、加油”的意思,相当于“try harder;make an effort”。

这一意义考生都很熟悉。“come on”还有“hurry up”(快点!赶快!)的意义;

有时候也作“cheer up”(振作起来)解;“come on”还可以用来指责对方刚说的


本文标签: 对方表示答语意义