


1. 防落角钢:anti-falling angle iron

2. 微调拉杆:fine adjusting rod

3. 加强杆:Stabilizing arm; strengthening rod

4. 方位:azimuth

5. 锁紧:lock 拧紧:fasten 松掉:loosen 拆卸:remove 安装

mount;install 卸载:unload 旋转:rotate

6. 活扳手:adjustable wrench

7. 十字头螺栓:cross headed bolts

8. 力矩扳手:torque wrench

9. 支座:pedestal 方位座:azimuth pedestal

10. 馈源支撑杆:feeder support rod

11. 平垫:flat washer 弹垫:spring washer

12. 压块:pressing block

13. 组件:component (如汽车的轮胎)



14. 防锈的:anti-rust

15. 型号与规格:model and specification

16. 出口 接口 界面:interface

17. 拉线:guy wire kit (防止因馈源长度过长而导致倾斜)

18. 斜垫圈:bevel washer、oblique washer(之前用过)

19. 接缝:seam 接头:joint 连接处:junction

20. 相对应的:corresponding

21.与..对齐: be aligned with

22. 将天线罩布平铺在天线口面上:spread the radome


23. 打开,展开:unfold

24. 吊钩:lifting hook/hoisting hook(用过)

25. 防卡死剂:anti seize paste

26. 套管:casing pipe (not confirmed)

27. 具有支撑能力的构件:sustainable frame

28. 现场条件:site condition

29. 夹板:clamp

30. 向前或者向后移:move forward or backward

31. 合路器:coupler

37. 备用ODU: standby ODU

38. 刀片:blade 刮:scrape

onto the

39. 硅橡胶:silicon rubber

40. 按照:as per

41. 交叉极化鉴别率:XPD(cross polarization discrimination)

42. 前后比:F/B ratio

43. 隔离度:isolation

44. 驻波比:VSWR

45. 包络图:envelope(RPE基础上人为概括)

方向图:RPE (radiation pattern envelope)

46. 轴向力:axial force 侧向力:side fForce

47. 扭矩:

twisting moment

The axial, side and twisting moment forces stated are maximum loads applied to the

tower by the antenna at a survival wind speed of 250 km/h (70m/s). They are, in every

case, the result of wind from the most critical direction for each parameter. The

individual maximums may not occur simultaneously. All forces are referenced to the

antenna mounting pipe.

表格中所列轴向力、侧向力与扭矩均为极限风速250 km/h




48. HV- 水平极化接口接收垂直极化信号

HV- response of a horizontally polarized port to a vertically polarized


49. 压铸铝合金:die-casting aluminum

50. IEC: International Electrotechnical Commission

51. 基站天线:base station antenna

52. 蜂窝基站天线:cell base station antenna

53. OEM: original equipment manufacturer 原始设备生产商 贴牌生产

54. 三角支撑腿:triangle supportive leg

55. 钢丝绳:steel wire

40. Vacuum 'vækjʊəm n./adj./vt. 真空(的)

47. 自攻螺钉:tapping Screw 膨胀螺钉:expansion bolt

48. MTBF: Mean Time between Failures 平均故障时间

49. attenuate 减弱(的); attenuation n.衰减 变薄 稀释

50. flammability 可燃性 易燃性

51. keel n./vt. 龙骨,翻转

52. U-steel 槽钢

53. terminal strip 接线板;端子板(相当于terminal board)

本文标签: 天线汽车接口变薄生产商