


The bookmarks bar in Chrome is hidden by default to follow Google’s minimalist approach to browsing the web with little to no distractions. But if you’d rather give up minimalism for accessibility, here’s how to always show the bookmarks bar.

Chrome浏览器中的书签栏默认情况下处于隐藏状态,以遵循Google的极简主义方法来浏览网页,而不会造成干扰。 但是,如果您宁愿放弃极简主义以实现可访问性,则可以通过以下方法始终显示书签栏。

如何始终显示书签栏 (How to Always Show the Bookmarks Bar)

Fire up Chrome, click the menu icon, point to “Bookmarks,” then click on “Show Bookmarks Bar.” Alternatively, you can press Ctrl+Shift+B (in Windows) or Command+Shift+B (in macOS).

启动Chrome,单击菜单图标,指向“书签”,然后单击“显示书签栏”。 或者,您可以按Ctrl + Shift + B(在Windows中)或Command + Shift + B(在macOS中)。

After you enable “Show Bookmarks Bar,” the bookmarks bar appears just below the address bar with all your saved web pages.


However, if you no longer want to see the bookmarks bar, you can disable it the same way. Either from the menu or with the keyboard shortcut to return Chrome to a minimalist’s dream.

但是,如果您不再希望查看书签栏,则可以用相同的方式禁用它。 通过菜单或键盘快捷键,可以将Chrome浏览器还原为简约的梦想。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/415733/how-to-show-or-hide-the-google-chrome-bookmarks-bar/


本文标签: 书签chromeGoogle