






A Christmas Carol(圣诞颂歌)

(Charles John Huffam Dickens 查尔斯.约翰.哈夫曼.狄更斯-英国)



该小说主要讲的是一个吝啬鬼的故事。 一个吝啬鬼积攒了很多钱,然而他却不舍得为职员的炉火加一块儿煤,他的侄子好意的邀请他参加圣诞夜的晚会,他却认为侄子是为了占他的便宜而推辞,社会活动者请他为穷人施舍一点圣诞的饭菜,也被他无情地断然拒绝。他晚上回到了家,夜幕里他看见了一张鬼脸,这真的是鬼?还是他的幻像?然而,鬼的出现却使他发生了天翻地覆的变化。

富有而冷漠无情, 连乞丐都不愿向他讨要的自私透顶的吝啬鬼斯克鲁奇在圣诞夜被三个圣诞精灵造访:“过去之灵”、“现在之灵”、“未来之灵”。“过去之灵” 让他看到在孤单寂寞的童年生活中,他的姐姐对他倍加关爱的情景,以及他当学徒时,仁慈善良的老板菲茨威格在圣诞之夜和大家一起开心跳舞,款待员工的情形。于是他的心开始被软化,后悔自己对待雇员的态度,也对自己从一个贫穷却快乐的年轻人变成一个富有却失去亲情的老板感到懊悔;“现在之灵”带他到他的一个属下家里的圣诞聚会上,那是一个拿着可怜薪水的小职员,没有圣诞礼物,没有火鸡,可每个人脸上都洋溢着幸福的微笑;“未来之灵”让他看到在他衰老之后病卧在床, 连圣诞节也没有亲人朋友来看望的孤苦景象。于是,他开始重新思考生活的意义,才发现原来施与比接受更快乐。这一切渐渐唤醒他人性的另一面——同情、仁慈、爱心及喜悦。瞬间,他那固有的自私及冷酷迅速崩塌,消失殆尽,从此变成了一个乐善好施的人。于是在鬼魂拜访过的第二天早上,也就是圣诞节的早晨,雇员鲍勃(Bob)上班迟到了,他原以为斯克鲁奇会生气的。可是相反,斯克鲁奇对他说,“我的好伙计,祝你圣诞快乐!我要给你加薪,而且还要尽力去帮助你贫困的家庭。快点把火生着,再去买一个煤筐。”接着他又买了一只特别大的火鸡叫人给鲍勃家送去。随后,他第一次去拜访了自己的外甥,在街上逢人便招呼道“圣诞快乐”,而人们也都报以和善的微笑。斯克鲁奇平生第一次感到了真正的快乐。“他的心在笑”,从乐善好施中他真正体会到了生活的乐趣。

从1843年到1848年间,狄更斯几乎在每年圣诞节都发表一个与节日有关的中篇小说,其中《圣诞颂歌》具有极其特殊的地位。在《圣诞颂歌》出版的维多利亚时代,圣诞节并不为很多英国人所知。然而,书中的情节和人物在西方家喻户晓后,故事中的一些情节成了圣诞节的约定风俗,诸如家庭团聚、互换礼物、圣诞餐饮, 维多利亚女王也读过这部小说。一百多年来积聚的“人气”使其成为狄更斯的小说中最深入人心的一部。文学评论家认为,《圣诞颂歌》的发表是狄更斯的创作生涯中的重大转折点;而社会学家则相信,这部作品深刻地改变了现代圣诞节在西方世界的地位和价值,甚至“圣诞快乐”的说法也是由此而得以流行的,狄更斯本人也因此被称为“发明圣诞节”的人。



Once upon a time, on Christmas Eve, old Scrooge sat in his office, It was a c_________1__, foggy day, He

could hear the people o__________2__, stamping their feet on the pavement to w__________3__ them. It was

only three o’clock, but it was already quite d_________4__. The candles were flickering in the windows of


neighbouring offices. The fog poured in through e_________5__ keyhole. It was so t_________6__ that the

houses opposite were merely ghosts.

The door of Scrooge’s office was o_________7__, He wanted to keep his eye on his clerk, Bob Cratchit. Bob

sat in a cold, gloomy, little cell. He was writing letters. Scrooge had a very small fire, but Bob’s fire was even

s_________8__. Bob couldn’t add any more coal b_________9__ Scrooge kept the coal scuttle in his room. So

Bob put on his white woollen s_______10__ and tried to warm himself by the candle.

e r e


“A Merry Christmas to everybody!” shouted Scrooge. “A Happy N 66 Year to all the world.”

He stopped when he heard the church bells r 67 . He ran and opened the window. No fog. It was a c

68 , cold day. Golden sunlight! Sweet fresh air! Happy bells! What a wonderful, w 69 Day!

“What day is it today?” cried Scrooge, calling down to a boy in his Sunday clothes.

“EH?” replied the boy.

“What day is it today?” r 70 Scrooge.

“Today?” replied the boy. “It’s CHRISTMAS DAY.”

Happy, Scrooge c 71 down to the boy. “Do you know the butcher’s, on the corner?”

“Of course,” replied the boy.

“Good!” said Scrooge. “Have they s 72 the big prize turkey in the window?”

“What, the one as b 73 as me?” replied the boy.

“Yes!” said Scrooge.

“It’s s 74 there,” replied the boy.

“Is it?” said Scrooge. “Then go and buy it. I’ll give you a shilling.”

“I’ll send it to Bob Cratchit’s!” said Scrooge.

After that, Scrooge put on his best suit and then he was r 75 to go out. Once outside, Scrooge smiled at

everybody and two or three people said, “Good morning, sir! A Merry Christmas to you!”

66. New 67. ringing 68. clear 69. wonderful 70. repeated

71. called 72. sold 73. big 74. still 75. ready


The next morning,Scrooge went to the office wanted to get there before c_________1__

struck Bob.A quarter past, Bob still didn't was eighteen and a half minutes late.

Scrooge sat with his door w_________2_ open so he could see Bob come in.

Bob t__________3_his hat and scarf off before he opened the he ran to his stool(凳子).He quickly

sat down and started w_________4__very fast with his pen.

“Hello!”growled Scrooge,in his old v_________5__. “You're late.”

“I am very sorry,sir,” said Bob.

“Come here,” said Scrooge.

“It's only once a year,sir,” pleaded(恳求)Bob. “It won't happen a _________6__.”

“Now,listen to me,” said Scrooge, “I'm going to give you a pay rise. And I am going to help. your family.A

M__________7__ Christmas,Bob.”

Scrooge k__________8__his helped Bob's Tim did NOT die,And Scrooge was a second

father to e b_________9__as good a friend,as good a boss and a _________10__good a man, as the

good old city knew, or any other good old city or town,or the good old world.



A Christmas Carol is a famous short novel written by British writer Charles Dickens(1812-1870). It is about

an old man named Scrooge who never laughs or smiles. He only thinks about h________1__ and is unwilling to

share things with others. He doesn't treat others nicely. He just cares about w________2__ he can make more

money and he hates Christmas. One Christmas Eve, Scrooge sees the ghost of Jacob Marley,his d________3__

business partner. Marley used to be just like Scrooge, so he was punished after he died. He w________4__

Scrooge to change his ways if he doesn't want to end up like him. He also tells Scrooge to expect t________5__

ghosts to visit him.

That night, the ghosts visit Scrooge. First, the Ghost of Christmas Past takes him back to his

childhood and reminds Scrooge of his happy days as a child. Then the second ghost, the Ghost of Christmas P_____6__ , takes him to see how others are spending Christmas this year. Everyone is happy, even poor people. The last one, the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, takes him to the f______7__. Scrooge sees that he is dead, but n_____82

_cares. He is so scared that he wakes up in his bed and finds out it is only the next morning — Christmas Day!

Scrooge decides to change his life and promises to be a kind person. He happily c_______9__ Christmas with his relatives. He also gives gifts to people in need. He now treats everyone with kindness and warmth, spreading love and joy e_______10__ he goes. And that is the true spirit of Christmas!

f r

t ates here


Scrooge, the very selfish and stingy(吝啬的) man who was refused even by beggars, was visited on

Christmas Eve by three Spirits of Christmas: the Spirit of Christmas Past, the Spirit of Christmas Present and the

Spirit of Christmas Future. The Spirit of Past showed him how his sister cared so much for him in his l 66

childhood, and how, as an apprentice(学徒), the kind boss, Fezziwig, danced and entertained his staff on

Christmas Eve. His heart began to soften as he r 67 how he treated his employees and his c 68 from a

poor but happy young man to a rich but bereft boss. The Spirit of Present took him to a Christmas party at one of

his employees’ house. It was a p 69 paid clerk, with no Christmas presents, no turkey. But everyone was

happy. The Spirit of Future showed him the sad sight of lying in bed in his old a 70 , with no family or friends

to visit him at Christmas. Then he began to consider the meaning of life, and realized giving was h 71 than


All this gradually awakened a different side of his kindness, love and joy. Just at that moment, his selfishness

and ruthlessness(无情) disappeared. So on Christmas morning, the morning a 72 the ghosts visited, Bob, one

of his employees, arrived late for work, e 73 Scrooge to be angry. But i 74 Scrooge said to him, “Merry

Christmas, my good fellow! I will give you a raise and try my best to help your poor family.” Then he bought a

very big Turkey and had it sent to Bob’s house. Then he visited his nephew for the first time and g 75

everyone in the street with a “Merry Christmas”. For the first time Scrooge was truly happy.

66. lonely 67. regretted/ remembered 68. change 69. Poorly 70. age

71. happier 72. after 73. Expecting 74. instead 75. greeted


Scrooge lived in Jacob Marley’s old apartment. it was very rundown. And it was so gloomy that ____1____

else wanted to live there. The rest of the rooms were offices. ____2____, the fog and frost hung over the black

gateway to the house. And the yard was so dark that Scrooge had to feel his way along with his ____3___. There

was nothing strange about the knocker on the ____4___of the house. Scrooge saw it every night and every

morning. ___5___ tonight, when Scrooge put his key in the lock, he saw Marley’s face instead of the ____6____.

It was definitely Marley’s face. ____7____ stared at the face. And it became a knocker again. Scrooge was

____8____ but he put his hand on the key again. He quickly ____9____it. Then he walked inside and lit a candle.

After that he closed the door with a bang. The sound echoed through the house like thunder. But Scrooge was not

frightened by echoes. He ____10____ the door and walked across the hall and slowly up the stairs. It was very

____11____ because Scrooge only had a candle. But darkness didn’t worry Scrooge. Darkness is ____12____ and

Scrooge liked cheap things. But before he shut the heavy door of his apartment, he looked in every room. There

was nobody in the sitting room or the bedroom. Scrooge closed his door, and then locked it. Then he took off his

cravat and put on his dressing-gown and ____13____. Finally he sat down in front of the fire to eat his gruel.

Suddenly he heard a loud clanking ____14____. it came from downstairs. Somebody was pulling a heavy chain

over the barrels in the wine merchant’s cellar. The cellar door flew open with a bang. Then the clanking sound

became much ____15____,It came up the stairs. It was coming straight towards his door.

dy y ody

day evening morning day

C. arms D legs

C. gateway D house

C. But e

r C. key D lock

e C. She


D shut

D bright

ive C. nice ary





1-5 DBAAC 6-10 ABADC 11-15 BACDD

完型填空黑布林第5章P69-74 易-中

YES! It was his room. Now he could put things right! Scrooge 16 out of his bed. “Oh Jacob Marley, thank


“They are still here,” cried Scrooge, holding one of his bed curtains in his arms. “They are here. Now, I can

change the future. I know I can.”

Scrooge hurried to get dressed. And in his 17 , he put on his vest inside out. He put on his trousers upside

down. He tore his shirt. And he couldn’t find his socks.

“ A Merry Christmas to everybody!” shouted Scrooge.“A Happy New Year to all the world.”

He stopped when he heard the church bells ringing. He ran and 18 the window. No fog. It was a clear,

19 day. Golden sunlight! Sweet fresh air!Happy bells!What a wonderful, wonderful day!

“What day is it today?” cried Scrooge, Calling 20 to a boy in his Sunday clothes.

“EH?” replied the boy.

“What day is it today?” 21 Scrooge.

“Today?”replied the boy.“It’s CHRISTMAS DAY.”

“Do you know the butcher’s, on the corner? Go and buy the big prize turkey in the window, I will send it to

Bob Cratchit’s. I will give you a shilling.” Said Scrooge.

After that, He put on his 22 suit and then go out. He smiled at everybody and greeted the kind old 23

who he saw yesterday.

“Please forgive me for my behavior you will…”Scrooge whispered 24 in his ear.

“Good heavens!” cried the gentleman. “My dear e, are you 25 ? That’s very kind of you.”

That afternoon, he walked to his nephew’s house. He was very 26 . He walked past the door several times

before he finally knocked on it. His nephew was very happy to see him and everything was the same. It was a (an)

27 party.

The next morning, he went to his office early and Bob was 28 , but he wasn’t angry with him.

“Now, listen to me,” said Scrooge. “ I’m going to give you a pay rise! And I’m going to help your family.A

Merry Christmas, Bob.” He 29 his words and became as good a friend, as good a boss, and as good a man, as

the good old city knew, 30 any other good old city or town, or country, in the good old city. He never saw the

Ghost again. God bless us all!

16.A. moved B. jumped C. went

17.A. sadness B. peace C. excitement D. worry

18.A. closed B. towards C. ahead D. opened

B. warm C. cool D. wet

20.A. on B. down C. along D. up

21.A. said B. shouted C. repeated D. replied

22.A. common B. old C. best D. daily

23.A. gentleman B. woman C. neighbor D. officer

24.A. nothing B. anything C. everything D. something

25. A. good B. OK C. satisfied D. serious

26. A. nervous B. cheerful C. excitement D. happy

27. A. usual B. tiring C. wonderful D. uncomfortable

28. A. earlier B. late C. inside D. absent

29. A. had B. kept C. lost D. forgot

30. A. and B. but C. or

16-20 BCDAB 21-25 CCADD 26-30 ACBBC


They went in and they saw Mrs Cratchit. She was laying the table. Belinda Cratchit, her second eldest

daughter, was helping her.

The two smaller Cratchits, a boy and a girl, came running in. “We smelt our goose at the baker’s” they

shouted and they danced around the table.

“Where s your father?”said Mrs Cratchit. “And your brother, Tiny Tim! And Martha wasn’t as late as this last

Christmas Day!”


“Here I am, mother!” said a girl in the door way. “You are very late” said Mrs Cratchit, kissing her a dozen


“We had a lot of work to finish last night.” replied the girl, “and I had to clear up this morning, Mother!”

“Well, never mind! You are here now,” said Mrs Cratchit.

“Father’s coming,” cried the two young Cratchits.

In came Bob Cratchit in his threadbare clothes. Tiny Tim sat on his shoulder. Poor Tiny Tim! He couldn't

walk without crutches.

The two young Cratchits took Tiny Tim to the wash-house, to see the Christmas pudding.

“And how did little Tim behave in church?” asked Mrs Cratchit.

“He was as good as gold,” said Bob, “But sometimes he says the strangest things. He said to me, on the way

home, ‘I hope that everybody in church saw me because I am disabled. I want them to remember this on Christmas

Day. God made lame beggars walk. And he made blind men see.’”

the passage, how many children of the family are mentioned?

A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D.6

was Martha late?

A. Because she had to work very late. e she woke up late.

C. Because she went to church. D. Because she went to the Christmas party.

can predict the underlined word crutches means ___________.

A.鞋 B.轮椅 C.靴子 D.拐杖

did Tim came into the house?

A. He ran in B. He walked in with his crutches.

C. He walked in by himself. D. He came in by sitting on his father's shoulder.

of the following statements is not true?

A. The family lived a hard life but they got along with each other.

B. Although Tim was disabled, he was very warm-hearted.

C. Mrs Cratchit was angry with Martha because she came late.

D. Mrs Cratchit was a hard-working and nice woman.



本文标签: 颂歌没有圣诞快乐小说填空