



Do you want a taxi

Yes, the Anhui Hotel.

I can take you there.

Thank you.


1 taxi 出租车;

2 hotel 饭店,宾馆;

3 apple 苹果;

4 book 书;

5 tea 茶;

6 I 我;

7 can 能够;

8 there 那里.


1 Do you want …… 你想要……

2 I can ……. 我能够……

3 take you there . 带你去那儿;

Class 2:Ask passenger for destination: Where do you want to go


Last time we learned how to greet a passenger , and we practiced the magic sentence “Do

you want a taxi”Today , we are going to learn how to ask the passenger where he wants to go.

So , today’s magic sentence is“Where do you want to go”上次课我们学习了怎样招呼客人,我们练习的魔术句子是“你要出租车吗”;今天,我们要学习如何问客人的目的地,我们要联系“你想要去哪里”

First of all , let’s check whether you still remember last class , listen to the dialogue we

learned last time , see if you can repeat with us , ready首先,让我们来检查一下你是不是还记得上次课的对话,试着和我们一起说,准备好了吗


D : Do you want a taxi P : Yes , please. To Anhui : I can take you : Thank you.

Now , listen to the dialogue for today.现在,听听今天的对话吧;

P : Hi , taxi D : Yes ,madam , where do you want to go P : Please take me to Xinhua

bookstore. D : Please get in.

今天的这位乘客不用我们招呼,自己来找出租车:“Hi , taxi ”意思是说:“I want a taxi.”我要出租车;这是叫出租车,如果叫公交车,就得说:“Hi ,bus公交车.”不过一般公交车是不理人的哦;客人要车,我们当然得热情点,说:“Yes , madam.”是的,太太;,热情完了,得知道客人想上哪去呀,这时我们就用上我们今天的魔术句子“Where do you want to go”,也可以简单的说成“Yes ,madam , where to”,也就是“Where do you want to go”的意思;那么,客人今天想上哪儿去呢她说:“Please take me to Xinhua bookstore. ”请带我去新华书店;也可以简单的说成“To Xinhua bookstore.”,还可以说成“I want to go to Xinhua bookstore.”,这样说比较正式;客人说了目的地了,那么赶紧请客人上车吧,我们应该说:“Please get in.”请上车;,那么下车怎么说呢如果客人很不客气,我们就可以对她说:“Please get off.”请下车;;唉,公交车站那儿有一个提公文包打领带的,开过去问问吧:D : Taxi 要出租车吗 P : No , thank you.

不,谢谢你;D : But where are you going 但是你要去哪呢P : I can take bus. 我可以做公共汽车;

Class 3:How are you today


Last time we learned how to ask a passenger about where he wants to go , and we

practiced the magic sentence “Where do you want to go ”. Today , we are going to learn how

to start a conversation with a passenger. So , today’s magic sentence is“How are you ”上次课我们学习了怎样招呼客人,我们的魔术句子是“你想要去那里”;今天,我们要学习如何和客人进行交流,我们要练习的魔术句子是“你好吗”

First of all , let’s check whether you still remember last class , listen to the dialogue we

learned last time , see if you can repeat with us ,ready首先,让我们来检查一下你是不是还记得上次课的对话,试着和我们一起说,准备好了吗

P : Hi , taxi 出租车D : Yes ,madam , where do you want to go 是的,太太,你想要去哪呢P : Please take me to Xinhua bookstore. 请送我去新华书店;D : Please get in. 请上车吧;

Now , listen to the dialogue for today.现在,听听今天的对话吧;

D:Taxi P:Yes , I want to go Peace :Sure,please get :Thank getting onD:How are youP:I’m fine , and :Great.

前四句的对话是我们在招呼乘客,首先我们问乘客要出租车吗,说:“Taxi”意思是说:你要出租车吗客人回答说:“Yes , I want to go Peace Hotel.”是的,我要去和平饭店;客人说了目的地了,那么赶紧请客人上车吧,我们应该说:“Sure,please get on.”好的,请上车;客人回答:“Thank you.”也就是对我们表示感谢;等客人上车坐定之后,我们可以试着和客人交流交流,就可以说“How are you”,意思是:“你好吗或者你怎么样”;客人回答说:“I’m fine , and

you ”,意思是:“我很好,你呢”,我们可以回答:“Great”,意思是:“好极了;”;

Class 4 :When can we arrive


Last time we learned how to greet a passenger so as to start a conversation , and

we practiced the magic sentence “How are you”. Today , we are going to learn how to

talk with a passenger on traveling time . So , today’s magic sentence is “When can we

arrive ”.


D :Do you want a taxi

P :Yes , please take me to the train station .

D :Of course.

P :How are you

D :Fine , and you

P ;Couldn’t feel better By the way , when can we arrive there

D :About 20 minutes , if the traffic is good .

P :OK , not bad , let’s go .

首先,我们问客人是不是要出租车:“Do you want a taxi ”,这句话在之前的课程中已经遇到过好几次了,意思是“你要出租车吗”;客人是这样回答我们的:“Yes , please

take me to the train station .”,意思是说“是的,我要出租车,请送我到火车站;”;客人说了目的地了,我们应该说:“Of course.”“当然可以”,意思是我当然可以送你去那儿;客人上车了,聊聊天吧,他问司机今天感觉怎么样,说:“How are you ”;那么,我们应该回答:“Fine , and you ”我满好的,你呢;客人是怎么回答的呢他说:“Couldn’t feel

better ”,意思是“难道不能更好一点吗”;这个回答满有意思的吧我们的客人虽然感觉还不错,但是却希望能够再好一点;然后,他还问了一句:“By the way , when can we

arrive there ”,意思是“顺便问一下,我们多久可以到那儿”;那么我们应该怎么回答呢我们可以说:“About 20 minutes , if the traffic is good .”,意思是“如果交通顺畅的话,大概要20分钟;”;客人知道行车时间了,就会说:“OK , not bad , let’s go .”好的,还不错,我们走吧;

Class 5: How much is the fare


Last time we learned how to talk with a passenger on traveling time, and we

practiced the magic sentence “When can we arrive”. Today, we are going to learn how

to talk with a passenger on fare/money. So, today’s magic sentence is “How much is the


Now, listen to the dialogue for today:现在,让我们听听今天的对话:Getting to the

destination到达目的地后 P: Thank you for the trip, how much is the fare/What is the

fare/How much should I pay youD: 18 yuan, : Sorry I don’t have change. I only have

a100 yuan : How about this you give me the 100 yuan bill, I return you : It’s very nice

of : : Here you : OK, here is the : : Bye.

今天的对话是在到达目的地后,我们和客人之间展开的;到达后,客人和我们说:“Thank you for the trip, how much is the fare”,他先是感谢我们送他到想到的地方,然后呢,是问要多少钱啊;那么我们就按照价格告诉他:“18 yuan, please.”18元;知道了车费后,客人是怎么说的呢他说:“Sorry I don’t have change. I only have a100 yuan

bill.”,意思是“对不起,我没有零钱,只有一张一百的;”遇到这样的情况我们要怎么回答呢我们可以说:“How about this you give me the 100 yuan bill, I return you 82.”,是说“是这样吗那你给我一百的吧,我找你八十二;”客人回答我们“It’s very nice of

you.”,这是在夸奖我们呢,意思是“你真好;”然后,我们该怎么说呢我们可以说“Sure.”应该的/当然了;说完这些,客人就该把钱给我们了,他说“Here you are.”,这句话通常是在给别人东西的时候说的,意思是“给你;”收了钱之后,我们就该找零了,我们可以说“OK, here is the balance.”,意思是“好的,这是找你的钱;”然后,这笔生意就算是结束了,我们就可以和客人说再见了;

生词:1balance余额;2bill纸币;钞票;3 change零钱;4fare车费

denpend on视……情况而定;

Class 6: How much is the fare

Last time we learned how to talk with a passenger on fare, and we practiced the

magic sentence “How much is the fare”. Today, we will go on learning how to talk with

a passenger on fare/money. And, today’s magic sentence is “It’s too expensive”上次课我们学习了怎样与客人谈车费,我们的魔术句子是“How much is the fare”;今天,我们要继续学习如何与客人讨论车费,我们要练习“It’s too expensive.”,也就是说这个车费太贵了;

Now, listen to the dialogue for today:现在,来听听今天的对话

Getting to the destination到达目的地后P: Thank you for the trip, how much is the

fareD: 28 yuan, : It’s too expensive, can I pay lessD: Sorry, I’m afraid not, the meter

tells you, not : But why I have been in your car only for 2 hours, the fare is too much..D:

Well ,the petro is expensive, : OK, OK, here is your money, I will never take a : Sorry,


到达目的地之后,客人开始是非常客气,说:“Thank you for the trip, how much is

the fare”,这个我们应该比较熟悉,因为在上次课我们已经学过,首先感谢我们送他到达,然后问问车费是多少;上次课中我们说到的车费是18元,那么,今天是多少钱呢“28 yuan, please.”,今天的车费是28元,所以我们对客人说“请付我28块钱;”那么今天客人怎么说的呢有点不爽快哦,他说“It’s too expensive, can I pay less”,这是我们今天的魔术句;“too”的意思是“太”,“expensive”是“贵”,客人是嫌车费贵了,要求少付一点,所以他说“can I pay less”那么我们能不能少收点呢来看看我们应该怎么说,我们说“Sorry, I’m afraid not, the meter tells you, not I.”,意思是“对不住了,恐怕你不能少付,不是我找你要这么多钱,是计价器显示的;”,“meter”的原意是“米”,是长度的计量单位,在这里是指出租车上的计价器;客人听了呢,挺生气,为什么呢听听他怎么说,“But why I have been in your car only for 2 hours, the fare is too much..”,他是在问我们“可是为什么呢我坐你的车才两个小时,要这么多车费实在是太贵了;”看来我们今天遇上的这位客人是够抠门的啊,坐出租车坐了两小时,让他付28块他还嫌贵;那么我们总得给他解释一下,我们说“Well ,the petro is expensive, too.”,“petro”就是汽油,我们是告诉他,油价也很贵啊;客人似乎有些不高兴了,看看他说的“OK, OK,

here is your money, will never take a taxi.”,意思是“好的,给你钱,我以后再也不坐出租车了;”

单词:1 destination目的地; 2 expensive仰贵的;费钱的;


A: I want to go to the airport我想去机场;

B: Yes, get in, please行,上车吧;

A: Could you speak English您会说英语吗

B: I can speak a little English.我会讲一点点;

A: Could you understand me您明白我说的意思吗

B: Sorry, I don’t understand you, will you speak slowly不好意思,我还不明白,请您说慢一点;

A: What’s the time now请问几点了

B: It’s nine o’clock.九点了;

A: How long are you going to stay in Wuhan您在武汉呆多久

B: I will stay in Wuhan for six days.我在武汉要停留六天;

A: What day is it today今天星期几

B: It’s Monday. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday今天星期一;

A: I want to go to the QinChuan Hotel我要去晴川阁饭店;

B: Sorry, I don’t know the way to that place.对不起,我不知道那个地方怎么走;

A: Please wait for me. I want to go somewhere else.请等我一下;我还要去其它的地方;

B: Sure.行;

A: How much shall I pay我要付多少钱

B: You should pay 50 Yuan6jiao, Sir.五十块六角,先生;

A: Could you drive faster您能再开快一点吗

B: Sorry, I can’t.不好意思,不行;

P: Hi Taxi喂出租车

D: Good morning Welcome to Wuhan. Where’re you going早上好欢迎来到武汉;您去哪儿

P: The Yellow Crane Tower.黄鹤楼;

D: Ok, get in, please好;请上车

D: Excuse me. Are you Wang Ling对不起,您是不是王玲

P: Yes, I’m.是,我是;

D: Your car is waiting at the gate. Follow me, please您要的车已在门口等;请跟我来;

P: Just a moment, please. I have two suitcases with me over there.请等一下;那边还有我的两只箱子;

D: Can I help you需要我帮忙吗

P: Yes, please. Can I put my luggage in the trunk好的,请帮我一下;我可以把行李放在车后厢吗

D: Of course.当然可以;

P: Thank you.谢谢

D: I’m afraid we are in a traffic jam.恐怕我们堵车了;

P: How long will we be held up我们大概要堵多长时间;

D: I’m not sure.我不能肯定;

P: How long will it take to walk there步行去那儿有多远

D: It’s too far to walk. Shall we take another road步行去太远了;我们改道走行吗

P: Good太好了

D: Hold the belt, please. I’m making a turn now.请系好安全带,我要拐弯了;

D: Here we are.我们到了;

P: How much is it多少钱

D: That’s seventy Yuan.七十块;

P: Here is a hundred Yuan and keep the change.这是一百元,不用找了;

D: We are not allowed to accept tips. Take your change and receipt, please


D: What a nice day Do you want some music今天天气真好您要听音乐吗

P: That’s great But do you mind closing the air conditioning好极了;不过,你是否介意把空调关了

D: Of course not.当然不;

P: Excuse me. I’d like to wash my hands. Could you stop at the nearest toilet


D: Ok. All right 可以;


My friend met me at the airport.


A: Hi Welcome back. How was your trip to Shanghai


B: It was good, but I'm glad to be back. I got back late last night.


A: What time When was your flight


B: I got back to Beijing around last night. I was quite tired.


A: How did you get Home A taxi


B: No. Luckily my friend picked me up at the airport and gave me a lift Home.



1、Remember the word back / back when you are talking about trips and journeys, .:

Welcome back / Welcome back: I got back late last night / I got back late last night; I

came back from Shanghai yesterday / I came back from Shanghai yesterday.

记住当你谈论旅程或者旅行时用back /回来这个词;例如:Welcome back /欢迎回来;I got back late last night /我昨晚很晚回来的; I came back from Shanghai

yesterday /我昨天从上海回来;

2、If you talk about someone meeting you and giving you a lift in their car, you can

use phrases like: He picked me up at the airport / He picked me up at the airport; He

gave me a lift home / He gave me a lift Home.

如果你想说某人用车接你,你可以用这样的短语:He picked me up at the airport

/他开车到机场去接我;He gave me a lift Home /他把我送回家;


If you go early, it will be less busy./如果你走得早,就不会那么拥挤;

A: I've got to go to the embassy tomorrow to get a visa.


B: Oh, you usually have to wait a long time.


A: I know. There's always a long queue with lots of people.


B: But if you go early, it will be less busy.


A: You're right. If I go when the embassy opens, it won't be so busy.


B: That's what you should do. Go early



1、I've got to . . . / I've got to . . . is the same as I have to . . / I have to . . . or I

must . . . / I must . . .eg I've got to go to the embassy tomorrow / I've got to go to the

embassy tomorrow: You usually have to wait a long time / You usually have to wait a

long time.

I've got to . . . /我得. . .和I have to . . /我不得不. . .或者I must . . . /我必须. . .是一个意思;例如:I've got to go to the embassy tomorrow /我明天得去大使馆办签证; :

You usually have to wait a long time /通常情况下你要等很长时间;

2. Remember the way of giving advice using If . . . / If . . . eg: If you go early, it will

be less busy / If you go early, it will be less busy.记住用If . . . /如果. . .来提出建议;例如:If you go early, it will be less busy /如果你去得早,就不会那么拥挤;


Do you take credit cards/你们接受信用卡吗

A: Thank you, sir. That'll be 350 RMB altogether.


B: Do you take credit cards I'd like to pay by credit card if I can.


A: Yes, sir. We accept all the major credit cards.


B: Excellent. Here's my card.


A: Thank you sir. Could you sign here, please


B: Certainly. Thank you very much. And can I have a receipt, please



1. You may wish to pay by credit card / credit card. You can ask: Do you take

credit cards / Do you take credit cards and: I'd like to pay by credit card if I can. / I'd

like to pay by credit card if I can.你可能希望用credit card /信誉卡付费;你可以问:Do

you take credit cards / Do you take credit cards你们接受信誉卡吗还有:I'd like to pay

by credit card if I can. /如果可以的话我想刷卡;

2. Many shops nowadays accept the major credit cards: We accept all the major

credit cards. / We accept all the major credit cards. When signing, you'll be asked:

Could you sign here, please / Could you sign here, please现在很多商店都接受主要的信誉卡:We accept all the major credit cards. /我们接受所有的主要的信誉卡;当签字的时候,售货员会问你:Could you sign here, please /你能在这里签名吗

谈论工作 Talking about Work

01. A: What do you do for a living


B: I'm a Taxi drivers.


02. A: Do you enjoy your work


B: Yes, it's interesting and challenging. I meet a lot of different people.



You can have a check-up.


A: Here's the taxi. Let me help you in.


B: Thanks. It was stupid of me to go out in the sun.


A: Do you still feel faint


B: Yes, and my headache is worse.


A: Well, you can have a check-up at he hospital. Don't worry. You'll be fine.


B: This is all my own fault.



1. Reassurance is very important when someone is unwell. For example: You can

have a check-up at the hospital. / You can have a check-up at the hospital. : Don't worry.

/ Don't worry. : You'll be fine. / You'll be fine.

当某人生病时,安慰他是非常重要的;例如:You can have a check-up at the

hospital. /你可以在医院做检查;Don't worry. /不要担心;You'll be fine. /你会好的;

2. Sometimes we have to acknowledge that we have created a problem, it's our

fault: fault / fault: This is all my own fault. / This is all my own fault.

有时我们不得不承认我们自己造成了麻烦,是我们自己的过错;fault /过错;This is

all my own fault. /这都是我自己的错;

谈论语言/Talking about Language

01. A: I wish I could speak English better.


B: I think you speak very well.


02. A: I'm working on my English.


B: Good for you


03. A: Please excuse my English.


B: Don't worry about it.


04. A: I'm sorry. Could you speak slowly


B: Sure, no problem.


05. A: Do you speak any Chinese


B: Sorry, just a little.


06. A: English is so important in China now.


B: I think so too.


07. A: Practice makes perfect.


B: You're exactly right.



01. A: Hello What's your name


B: My name is Stone Lee.


02. A: Here is my business card.


B: Thank you. Here is mine.


03. A: What should I call you


B: Please just call me Stone.


04. A: I'd like you to meet my colleague.


B: I'd love to.


05. A: Here's a picture of my family.


B: They are lovely


06. A: I work in the travel and tourism business.


B: How interesting


07. A: I was born and raised in Beijing.


B: Really


08. A: This is my hometown.


B: Oh, it's beautiful


09. A: I have been living in Beijing for 20 years.


B: You're really lucky



01. A: Do you need any help


B: No, thank you. I'm fine.


02. A: Here, let me help you


B: Oh, thanks a lot


03. A: Is there anything I can do for you


B: Yes, could you help me get a train ticket


04. A: Do you have any questions about Beijing


B: Yes, a lot.


05. A: Could you do me a favor


B: Sure, I'd be glad to.


谈论食物/Talking about Food

01. A: I'd like to invite you to dinner.


B: Thank you, I'd love to come.


02. A: Do you like Chinese food


B: Sure, I'm crazy about it


03. A: Would you mind if I order


B: No, go ahead. I trust you


04. A: What would you like to drink


B: Tea is fine.


05. A: What would you like to eat Have you tried any special foods in Beijing


B: No, I haven't. What do you suggest


06. A: What's Beijing famous for


B: Beijing is known for its Roast Duck


07. A: Do you like it


B: Yes It tastes great


08. A: I hope you like the food.


B: It is delicious


09. A: Please try this.


B: Thank you. Just a little, please.


10. A: Help yourself.


B: OK, thanks.


11. A: Let's have a toast to our guests. Cheers


B: Cheers



1. Can May I help you我能帮您什么吗

Yes, please.好的;

2. What can I do for you我能为您做点什么

3. Is there anything I can do for you有什么能为您效劳的吗

4. Just a moment, please.请稍等一下;

5. May I use your phone我能借用您的电话吗


6. Excuse me. Where is the washroom restroom, elevator对不起;请问盥洗室休息室、电梯在哪儿

7. It's on the second third floor.在二三楼;

8. This way, please.请这边走;

9. Turn left /right.往左转/右转;

10. It's in the lobby near the main entrance.在大厅靠近大门的地方;

11. It's in the basement at the end of the corridor.在走廊尽头的地下室;


谢谢—— Thank you.

多谢-- Thanks a lot.

对不起,麻烦你;—— Excuse me.

抱歉;—— Excuse the mess.

需要帮忙吗--Can I help you.

谢谢你的帮助;—— Thank you for helping me.

无论如何,我还要感谢你;—— Thanks, anyway.

您好;--How are you

初次见面问好;—— How do you do

很高兴见到你;—— It's nice to meet you.

请问您从哪来;--Where are you from

请问贵姓;--Can I have your name

我叫...;—— My name is ... I'm ...

很高兴认识你;—— It was a pleasure meeting you.

很高兴见到你;—— Pleased to meet you.

希望再见到你;—— Hope to see you again.

这是不是说我以后可以再见到你—— Does that mean that I can see you again

玩得快乐--Have a good time.

祝你好运;—— Good luck.

我希望没事;—— I hope nothing is wrong.

怎么了—— What's the matter

糟糕,严重吗—— Oh, no Is it serious

我真为你难过;—— I'm sorry for you.

一路平安,走好;—— Have a safe trip home.


1、 Hello您好

2、 Good morning早上好

3、 Good afternoon下午好

4、 Good evening晚上好

5、 Good-Bye再见

6、 Thank you Thanks谢谢

7、 Sorry对不起

8、 You’re welcome没关系不客气;

9、 Good Luck祝你好运

10、Enjoy yourself玩的愉快

11、Do you want a taxi用出租车吗

12、Where are you going您去哪

13、My name is Wang Ling.我的名字叫王玲;

14、I'm glad to serve you.很高兴为您服务;

15、Welcome to Wuhan 欢迎您来武汉

16、Sorry, please wait a moment.对不起,请稍候;

17、Please put my baggage in the trunk请把我的行李放到后备箱里,行吗

18、 Could you take me to the hospitalbankrestauranthotel.请送我去医院银行餐馆酒店;.

19、Please get out of the car from the right side.请从右边下车;

20、Could you take the luggage for me您能帮我拿行李吗

21、Could you mind not smoking 请不要吸烟;

22、This road is jammed, let’s take that one.这条街拥挤,我们走那条街;

23、Hold the belt, please. I’m making a turn now.请系好安全带,我要拐弯了;

24、Where are you from您是从哪里来的

25、Is this your first time to come to China Wuhan .这是您第一次来中国武汉吗

26、Do you want air-conditioning您要开空调吗

27、 May I open the window我可以开窗户吗

28、Please drive slowly.请开慢一点;

29、Are there any other places you want to go 您还要去别的地方吗

30、Please pay by the number on the meter.请按计价器显示金额付费;

31、Don’t forget to take your luggage, please请别忘了拿您的行李

32、Here is the change and receipt.请您拿好找零和发票;

33、 Here we are, SirMadam.到了,先生太太;

34、Please drive me to this address.请把我开到这个地方;

35、May I know your name What’s your name你叫什么名字;

本文标签: 客人车费目的地谈论出租车