


出租车司机的故事(The story of taxi driver)

A true story: taxi drivers give Microsoft employees MBA

Since MBA was introduced into China at the end of last century,

it has been a rush for senior professional managers. Today, MBA

heat has been worse than before, but the industry debate on its

effectiveness still exists. Obviously, the taxi driver a

catharsis, is an excellent review of the MBA effect of the


Art comes from life, the taxi driver how to ensure that the

monthly income reached 8000 yuan in the story also proved that

the management of the same source in life. We should admit that

the experience of management among ordinary people is also the

most classic case.

I want to drive from Xujiahui to the airport, so hurry to the

end of a meeting, a taxi in Metro building search. A Volkswagen

Taxi Company found me, and stopped in front of me in a very

professional way. This stop, so I had a shock story, like a vivid

MBA case class.

"Where to go?"...... Okay, airport. I love doing business in

Xujiahui Metro building. I'm just going to do two places here.

Metro building, Junyao building. You know what? I received you

before, in the Metro entrance around lap 2, finally I see you!

From the office building, definitely not to go."

"Oh? You have a good way!" I echoed it.

"As a taxi driver, we should also use scientific methods." He

said. I was stunned, immediately interested in, "what

scientific method?"" I asked.

"Know the statistics. I did the exact calculations. I drive 17

hours a day, costing 34.5 yuan per hour."

"How do you figure it out?"" I asked.

"You calculate?"! I have to pay 380 yuan management fee every

day, and the oil fee is about 210 yuan. 17 hours a day, an average

cost of 22 yuan per hour to the company, plus an average of 12.5

yuan per hour of oil charges. Isn't that 34.5 yuan?"

I was a little surprised. I've been driving for 10 years, the

first time I hear a taxi driver calculating the cost. The former

drivers told me that the cost was 0.3 yuan per kilometer, and

how much was paid per day?.

"The cost cannot be calculated by the kilometer, but by the

time.". You see, the meter has a check function, and you can

see the detailed record of the day. I've done data analysis,

and the average time between passengers is 7 minutes. If you

come up with a starting price, 10 yuan, about 10 minutes. That

is, every 10 yuan guests need to spend 17 minutes of cost, that

is 9.8 yuan. Don't make money! If Pudong, Hangzhou, Qingpu as

the guests are eating, do 10 yuan guests even vegetables are

not, can only be put msg."

I secretly whisper the master really sounds like a taxi driver,

but rather is a cost accounting division. "So what do you do?""

I'm more interested.

本文标签: 故事司机出租车