

Defining Culture课件

What is culture? The definition of culture Cultural products Cultural practices Cultural practices Cultural perspectives Cultural perspectives Communities Persons When approaching a cultural phenomenon, Analyzing the cultural phenomena LOGO 本作品采用知识共享署名-非商业性使用 2.5 中国大陆许可协议进行许可。 专业交流 模板超市 设计服务 NordriDesign中国专业PowerPoint媒体设计与开发 本作品的提供是以适用知识共享组织的公共许可( 简称“CCPL” 或 “许可”) 条款为前提的。本作品受著作权法以及其他相关法律的保护。对本作品的使用不得超越本许可授权的范围。 如您行使本许可授予的使用本作品的权利,就表明您接受并同意遵守本许可的条款。在您接受这些条款和规定的前提下,许可人授予您本许可所包括的权利。 查看全部… Defining Culture Spring 2009 Before 1920, there were only 6 definitions on culture in the West. The number was increased to more than 150 in the 1950s. Until 1980s, the definitions on culture from different academic fields and disciplines are over 450 in number. Culture is the evolving way of life of a group of persons, consisting of a shared set of practices associated with a shared set of products, based on a shared set of perspectives on the world, and set within specific social contexts. ------Patrick R. Moran Teaching Culture: Perspectives in Practice 文化是人类群体不断演进的生活方式,包含一套共有的生活实践体系,这一体系与一系列共有的文化产品相关,以一套共有的世界观念为基础,并置于特定的社会情境之中。 Products communities perspectives Persons practices Culture:an evolving way of life The evolving way of life reflects the dynamic nature of culture---that there is a history and tradition to the products, practices, perspectives, and the communities of the culture. It also stresses that the persons of the culture are in the process of actively creating and changing products, practices, perspectives, and communities. Products are all the artifacts produced or adopted by the members of the culture, including those in the environment, such as plants and animals. Products range from tangible objects---such as tools, clothing, written documents, or buildings---to more elaborate yet still perceptible constructions such as written and spoken

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