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Gu, Q. and P. Lago, Exploring service-oriented system engineering challenges: a systematic literature review. Service Oriented Computing and Applications, 2009. 3(3): p. 171-188.

    作者Qing Gu是阿姆斯特丹自由大学(VU Universiteit)的教员, 主要研究方向是"software architectures enabling next-generation services". 他发表的论文多是从high level的角度讨论问题(e.g. review, challenges, guideline). 论文列表:
 On Service-Oriented Architectural Concerns and Viewpoints. in 8th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA) 2009. Cambridge, UK: IEEE, 4 pages, to appear.
 Guiding the Service Engineering Process: the Importance of Service Aspects. in 2nd IFIP WG5.8 Workshop on Enterprise Interoperability (IWEI 2009). 2009. Valencia, Spain: Springer, 14 pages, to appear.
"Exploring service-oriented system engineering challenges: A systematic literature review," in Service Oriented Computing and Application. Springer Verlag, 2009, 28 pages. 
 SOA decision making - what do we need to know. Proceedings ICSE Workshop on Sharing and Reusing Architectural Knowledge (SHARK 2009), IEEE Computer Society, pp 25-32
 SOA Process Decisions: New Challenges in Architectural Knowledge Modeling. 3rd Workshop on SHAring and Reusing architectural Knowledge (SHARK), co-located with ICSE, Leipzig, Germany, May 2008, 8 pages.
 A stakeholder-driven service life cycle model for SOA. In 2nd international Workshop on Service Oriented Software Engineering: in Conjunction with the 6th ESEC/FSE Joint Meeting (Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 03 - 03, 2007). IW-SOSWE '07. ACM, New York, NY, 1-7.
 A Model for exploring the Service-oriented Software Engineering (SOSE) challenges. 2nd European Young Researchers Workshop on Service Oriented Computing (YRSOC), June 2007, pp.44-49. 


1. 本文是一篇综述文章.
综述类型: systematic literature review
综述对象: Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE) challenges
目标文献时间: Jan 2000 ~ July 2008
目标文献来源: IEEE Explore, ACM Digital Library, ISI Web of Knowledge, SpringerLink, ScienceDirect, Wiley Inter Science Journal Finder
相关数据: 729 publications (examined), 51 publications (selected as primary studies), 400 SOSE challenges (elicited)
提出了2种分类方法: (1) based on themes (or topics) (2) base on characteristics (or types)
(1) SOSE emergence laws (S3)
continuous expectations: the higher the expectations, the more work is dedicated to identifying challenges
growing understandablity: the better the challenges are understood, the more work is dedicated to overcome the challenges
(2) more business-related challenges and challeges across other domains will emerge in the coming year
(3) 综述发现直接针对service discovery的challenges很少, 但是存在很多challenges间接针对service discovery.
(4) data-related SOSE challenges require more attention
(5) 08年没有发现针对QoS或characteristics的challenges, 可能说明"the QoS challenges have reached their saturation, and focus is being put on engineering solutions.". (S4.3.2)
(6) 作者认为SOSE challenges当前处于Gartner Hype Cycle的slope of enlightnment阶段. (S4.1)
(1) 通过将不同的challenges分类, 能够发现不同topic/type的challeges的内在联系.

2. 相关概念
Systematic (literature) review: a literature review focused on a single question that tries to identify, appraise, select and synthesize all high quality research evidence relevant to that question. @wikipedia 中文翻译为"系统综述"
SOSE: addresses systematic, disciplined and quantifiable approaches to develop service-oriented systems.
SOSE challenges: SOSE-related problems or issues that demand research efforts.

3. (S2)讨论作者做综述的研究方法
(S2.1)介绍了Systematic research的作用和步骤(plan->conduct->report)
(S2.3) 是作者做系统综述的计划步骤, 包括以下五部分:
(1) 确定Data sources
(2) 确定search strategy
作者采用了关键词搜索(SOSEchallenge), 搜索语句如下: 

(3) 筛选规则
(4) data extraction
使用Endnote来记录论文条目, 将论文和challenges建立对应关系. 其中challenge都是"smallest unit", 及不可再被分解为小的challenge.
(5) data synthesis
对challenge进行分类, 使用"reciprocal translation", "line of argument synthesis", "grounded theory method"等方法

4. (S5)作者讨论了该调查的有效性

5. 作者综述时使用了6个学术数据库, 有些是一手数据库(比如IEEE Explore), 有些是二手数据库(比如ISI Web of Knowledge).
因此搜索得到的结果会包含重复的记录, 需要工具的支持或者人肉来去重.
另外, 本文没有将EI village做为数据源, 我的感觉是EI这个数据库收录的内容可能是所有数据库里最全面的, 不过收录的文章质量差别太大, 有很多很烂的论文.
IEEE出版的论文绝大多数都是被EI索引的, ACM的倒是有很多不被EI索引, Springer与Elsevier(就是ScienceDirect)也差不多都是EI索引的吧.
如果只能选一个数据库的话, EI是最合适的选择.

附: 综述得到的topic的列表

An overview of the number of SOSE challenges of each topic each year


本文标签: 笔记论文ServiceorientedSystem