

firefox pdf预览


Firefox 15 includes an all new PDF reader built into the browser–for those of you wondering, that means you can finally disable the Adobe PDF Plugin and uninstall it once and for all.

Firefox 15在浏览器中内置了一个全新的PDF阅读器-对于您想知道的人来说,这意味着您最终可以禁用Adobe PDF Plugin并彻底将其卸载。

Note: obviously if you need to access more advanced PDF features, you’ll still need the Adobe plugin. For most of us, however, the built-in viewer is fine, or you could download PDF files and read them in the offline Adobe Reader.

注意:显然,如果您需要访问更高级的PDF功能,则仍然需要Adobe插件。 但是,对于我们大多数人来说,内置查看器都不错,或者您可以下载PDF文件并在离线Adobe Reader中阅读它们。

启用Firefox的内置PDF阅读器 (Enabling Firefox’s Built-in PDF Reader)

Open Firefox and navigate to about:config.


This will bring up a sarcastic warning telling you that you might void your warranty, just click the “I’ll be careful, I promise!” button to move on.

这将显示一个讽刺的警告,告诉您您可能会使保修失效,只需单击“我会小心,我保证!”。 按钮继续。

Now you will need to search for:




When you find it, right click on it and select Toggle from the context menu.


Next you will need enable the actual PDF Reader feature, you can do this by searching for:

接下来,您需要启用实际的PDF Reader功能,您可以通过搜索以下内容来实现:



That’s all there is to it, you can even drag PDF files on your local machine on t0 the Firefox windows to view them!


Note: As pointed out in the comments, you will need to disable the Adobe addon after you have completed this.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/123617/how-to-enable-firefoxs-built-in-pdf-reader/

firefox pdf预览

本文标签: 阅读器PDFFirefox