


  • 使用action装饰器
  • methods,支持的请求方式,为一个列表,默认为[‘get’]
  • detail,必传参数,要处理的是否是详情资源对象(即是否通过url路径获取主键),True表示需要传递主键id,使用通过URL获取的主键对应的数据对象,False表示不需要传递主键id,不使用URL获取主键
  • url_path,指定url路由名称,默认为action名称
  • url_name,指定url的名称,默认为action名称


def action(methods=None, detail=None, url_path=None, url_name=None, **kwargs):
    Mark a ViewSet method as a routable action.

    `@action`-decorated functions will be endowed with a `mapping` property,
    a `MethodMapper` that can be used to add additional method-based behaviors
    on the routed action.

    :param methods: A list of HTTP method names this action responds to.
                    Defaults to GET only.
    :param detail: Required. Determines whether this action applies to
                   instance/detail requests or collection/list requests.
    :param url_path: Define the URL segment for this action. Defaults to the
                     name of the method decorated.
    :param url_name: Define the internal (`reverse`) URL name for this action.
                     Defaults to the name of the method decorated with underscores
                     replaced with dashes.
    :param kwargs: Additional properties to set on the view.  This can be used
                   to override viewset-level *_classes settings, equivalent to
                   how the `@renderer_classes` etc. decorators work for function-
                   based API views.
    methods = ['get'] if (methods is None) else methods
    methods = [method.lower() for method in methods]

    assert detail is not None, (
        "@action() missing required argument: 'detail'"

    # name and suffix are mutually exclusive
    if 'name' in kwargs and 'suffix' in kwargs:
        raise TypeError("`name` and `suffix` are mutually exclusive arguments.")

    def decorator(func):
        func.mapping = MethodMapper(func, methods)

        func.detail = detail
        func.url_path = url_path if url_path else func.__name__
        func.url_name =

本文标签: 自定义djangoDRFAction