



内容摘要第1-4 页


中文提要第5-13 页

SYNOPSIS第13-24 页

Introduction第24-28 页

0.1.Chomsky's Achievement and Influence第24-25 页

0.2. Creativity of Human Language第25-27 页

0.3. Development of Chomsky's Revolution第27-28 页

Chapter One Classical Theory (1957-1964)—Syntactic Structures第28-44 页

1.1. Linguistics Made a Science第28-32 页

1.1.1. the Evaluation of Grammars第29 页

1.1.2. the Independence of Grammar第29-32 页

1.2. Three Models of Linguistic Description第32-42 页

1.2.1. Finite State Grammar and its Inadequacy第32-34 页

1.2.2. Phrase Structure Grammar and its Deficiency第34-38 页

1.2.3. Transformational Grammar and its Strong Explanatory Power第38-40 页

1.2.4. Some Transformations in English第40-42 页

1.3. Discovery, Decision and Evaluation Procedure第42-43 页

1.4. On the Goals of Linguistic Theory第43-44 页

Chapter Two Standard Theory (1965-1971)—Aspects of the Theory of Syntax第44-69 页

2.1. Generative Grammars as Theories of Linguistic Competence第44-48 页

2.1.1. Justification of Grammars第45-46 页

2.1.2. Acceptability and Grammaticalness第46-48 页

2.2. Revisions in the Syntactic Component第48-55 页

2.2.1. English Nominalization and The "Traffic Rule" Problem第48-50 页

2.2.2. Underlying Trigger Morphemes第50-51 页

2.2.3. Abandonment of the Notion "kernel Sentence"第51-52 页

2.2.4. Recoverability of Deletion第52-53 页

2.2.5. Sub-Categorization第53-55 页

2.3. Some Assumption Made Explicit第55-63 页

2.3.1. Competence and Performance第55-56 页

2.3.2. Linguistic Universals第56-57 页

2.3.3. Levels of Adequacy第57-58 页

2.3.4.The Level of Deep Structure第58-60 页

2.3.5. Some Examples of Structural Ambiguity第60-63 页

2.4. The Incorporation of Semantics into the Model第63-69 页

2.4.1. Contribution Made by Katz, Fodor and Postal第64-65 页

2.4.2. The Transformational Component第65-67 页

2.4.3. Syntax and Semantics第67-69 页

Chapter Three Extended Standard Theory (1972-1979)—Essays on Form and Interpretation第69-78 页

3.1. Ross-Constraints on Extraction第69-71 页

3.2. "Blind Application" and its Implications第71-72 页

3.3. Chomsky-Conditions第72-75 页

3.4. The Trace Theory of Movement Rules第75-76 页

3.5. Syntax and Semantics第76-77 页

3.6. Three Groups of Syntacticians第77-78 页

Chapter Four Government and Binding Theory (1980-1992)—Lectures on Government and Binding第78-110 页

4.1. The Nature of Universal Grammar第78-84 页

4.1.1. Structure Dependency第79-80 页

4.1.2. Externalized (E-) Language and Internalized (I-) Language第80-82 页

4.1.3. Relating Sound and Meaning第82-83 页

4.1.4. Core and Periphery第83-84 页

4.2. The X-bar Theory第84-93 页

4.2.1. The X-bar Theory of Phrase Structure第84-86 页

4.2.2. The Structure of Lexical Phrases第86-89 页

4.2.3. The Structure of Functional Phrases第89-93 页

4.3. θ-Theory and Functional Categories第93-98 页

4.3.1. Aspects of the Lexical Entry第93-95 页

4.3.2. The Projection Principle and θ -Theory第95-98 页 Projection Principle and θ -Criterion第95-97 页 Full Interpretation and Principle of Economy第97-98 页

4.3.3. A-position and the Extended Projection Principle第98 页

4.4. Movement and Case Theory第98-100 页

4.4.1 .Movement第99 页

4.4.2.Case Theory第99-100 页

4.5. Government and Binding Theory第100-110 页

4.5.1. C-command and Government第100-103 页

4.5.2. Case Assignment Principle第103 页

4.5.3. Control Structures第103-105 页

4.5.4. Binding Theory第105-106 页

4.5.5. Empty Categories第106-107 页

4.5.6. Bounding and Subjacency第107-108 页

4.5.7. Proper Government第108 页

4.5.8. Barriers第108-110 页

Chapter Five Minimalist Programme Theory (1993- )—A Minimalist for Linguistic Theory第110-118 页

5.1. Why Minimalism第110-113 页

5.2. Getting Rid of D-structure and S-structure第113-115 页

5.3. Minimalist Framework第115-117 页

5.3.1. Numerations, Spell-out and Convergence第115 页

5.3.2. Structure Building第115-117 页

5.4. A Sketch of Minimalist Programme第117-118 页

Conclusion第118-120 页


本文标签: 语言学姆斯例子史研究学理论