



ptive linguistics

Descriptive linguistics describes how a language is actually spoken and/or

written, and does not state or prescribe how it ought to be spoken or written.


A theory of psychology which states that human and animal behavior can and

should be studied only in terms of physical processes, without reference to mind. It

led to theories of learning which explained how an external event (a stimulus)

caused a change in the behavior of an individual (a response), based on a history

of reinforcement. Behaviorism was used by psychologists like Skinner, Osgood,

and Staats to explain first language learning, but these explanations were rejected

by adherents of generative grammar and many others.

3..Deduction and induction (演绎和归纳)

In composition, two ways of presenting an argument are sometimes

contrasted: reasoning by deduction and by induction. Reasoning by deduction

proceeds from a generalization to particular facts which support it, whereas

reasoning by induction involves moving from particular facts to generalizations

about them.

4. Linguistic relativity



A belief which was held by some scholars that the way people view the world

is determined wholly or partially by the structure of their native language. As this

hypothesis was strongly put forward by the American anthropological linguists

Sapir and Whorf, it has othen been called the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis or Whorfian

Hypothesis. In recent years, study of the relationships between cognition and

linguistic expression has been revived in a more subtle form within cognitive


The point of Sapir-Whorf’s linguistic relativity is that the categories and

distinctions encoded in one language system are unique to that system and

incommensurable (不相容) with those of others. Whorf said that the linguistic

system(grammar) is part of the background knowledge of mankind. This

background is something that people take for granted and therefore are not

conscious of. Only when something abnormal happens can we become aware of

the background phenomena. The background linguistic system is not merely a

reproducing instrument for voicing ideas but rather is itself the shaper of the ideas,

the program and guide for the individual’s mental activity (心理活动). The process

in which ideas are formed is not an independent one, but is part of a particular

grammar and differs between different grammars to varying degrees. Instead of

using languages to represent what is already given in nature, everyone dissects (切

分) the natural world and organizes events according to the framework provided

by his native language. Only a common agreement (共同认可) enables speakers of

a language to dissect and organize the natural world in a particular way. Without

this kind of agreement, human beings cannot talk and understand each other.


本文标签: 语言学演绎活动