

文章内容仅用于自己知识学习和分享,如有侵权,还请联系并删除 :)

1. Example


  • If I wish to publish a paper at a XXX conference, please polish the above content in the style of a XXX article.

  • Help significantly modify and improve the flow, logic, clarity and conciseness,and quality writing of this XXX (e.g, introduction) section without word limit for XXX journal submission.

According to your knowledge about abstract (or XXX)writing, is there a better way to write the above paragraph, please help to revise it so that it can be used in academic papers.

Behave like a scientific supervisor in their office hours. You must review and critically assess the current state of this “abstract” (or XXX) section of my research paper. To do this, evaluate the clarity of my explanations, the smoothness of the language, and the way I’ve structured the text, giving constructive criticism on each issue:(接着改写的论文段落)

I want to you to act as an academic journal editor. Please rephrase the paragraph from an academic angle based on the writing style of the Nature journal: (接着改写的论文段落)

Please act as an English translator, spelling corrector, and writing improver. I will speak to you in any language and you will detect the language, translate it and answer in the corrected and improved version of my text, in English. It would help if you used artificial intelligence tools, such as natural language processing, and rhetorical knowledge and experience about effective writing techniques to reply. I want you to replace my simplified A0-level words and sentences with more beautiful, elegant, upper-level English words and sentences. Keep the meaning same, but make them more logical, concise, and powerful. I want you to only answer the correction, and the improvements and nothing else, do not write explanations.
(接着改写的论文段落;My first sentence/paragraph is “xxx” .)

Please provide multiple versions for reference.

2. Reference

[1] 建议收藏:超详细ChatGPT(GPT 4.0)论文润色指南+最全提示词/咒语: link
[2] ChatGPT和New Bing学术提问模版: link
[3] Google 链接: link
[4] 最全ChatGPT论文润色技巧/口令——个人使用分享(持续更新):link
[5] 研究生如何利用 ChatGPT 帮助开展日常科研工作? link

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