

restricted bm

Ubuntu provides four different software repositories, all of them official — Main, Restricted, Universe, and Multiverse. Main and Restricted are fully supported by Canonical, while Universe and Multiverse don’t receive the support you might expect.

Ubuntu提供了四个不同的软件存储库 ,它们都是官方的— Main,Restricted,Universe和Multiverse。 Canonical完全支持Main和Restricted,而Universe和Multiverse则未获得您所期望的支持。

On older versions of Ubuntu, only the Main and Restricted repositories were enabled by default. Ubuntu desktop systems now come with all four repositories enabled by default.

在旧版本的Ubuntu上,默认情况下仅启用主存储库和受限存储库。 Ubuntu桌面系统现在默认启用所有四个存储库。

主要-官方支持的开源软件 (Main – Officially Supported, Open-Source Software)

Main is described as “Canonical-supported free and open-source software.” Canonical is Ubuntu’s parent company, and they provide official support for all the software packages in Main. Every open-source software package included in Ubuntu’s default installation is included here. Other important packages — server software, for example — are also part of Main.

Main被描述为“规范支持的免费和开源软件” 。 Canonical是Ubuntu的母公司,它们为Main中的所有软件包提供官方支持。 Ubuntu的默认安装中包含的每个开源软件包都包含在此处。 其他重要的软件包(例如服务器软件)也是Main的一部分。

Canonical supports packages in the Main repository with security updates and other critical fixes for the lifetime of the Ubuntu release


The Main repository is the main Ubuntu repository. If a package is in here, Canonical has committed to supporting it with security patches and other critical updates for the lifetime of the distribution. When Canonical boasts Ubuntu LTS will receive security updates for five years, it’s the packages in the Main repository that will actually receive those updates. These are all open-source software, which means Ubuntu’s developers can fix problems in them on their own.

Main存储库是Ubuntu主存储库。 如果软件包在此处,Canonical承诺会在发行版的生命周期内通过安全补丁和其他重要更新来支持它。 当Canonical称Ubuntu LTS将获得五年的安全更新时,实际上是Main存储库中的软件包将收到这些更新。 这些都是开源软件,这意味着Ubuntu的开发人员可以自行解决其中的问题。

You can spot packages in Main in the Ubuntu software center. They’ll have the “Open source” license, and will state that “Canonical provides critical updates” until the end-of-support date for your installed release of Ubuntu.

您可以在Ubuntu软件中心的Main中找到软件包。 他们将拥有“开源”许可证,并声明“规范提供重要更新”,直到您安装的Ubuntu版本的支持终止日期为止。

受限–官方支持的封闭源软件 (Restricted – Officially Supported, Closed-Source Software)

The Restricted repository contains closed-source software that’s officially supported by Canonical. This only includes hardware drivers at the moment. Some Wi-Fi hardware needs closed-source drivers or firmware to work. Gamers need the NVIDIA or AMD Catalyst (formerly known as “fglrx”) graphics drivers for optimal graphics hardware performance. These drivers can be enabled from the Additional Drivers tool in Ubuntu.

受限存储库包含Canonical正式支持的闭源软件。 目前仅包括硬件驱动程序。 某些Wi-Fi硬件需要闭源驱动程序或固件才能工作。 游戏玩家需要NVIDIA或AMD Catalyst(以前称为“ fglrx”)图形驱动程序,以实现最佳图形硬件性能。 可以从Ubuntu中的“其他驱动程序”工具启用这些驱动程序。

Canonical will officially support these closed-source drivers and firmware packages for the length of the Ubuntu release. They’re committed to keeping these drivers working, fixing any big problems, and plugging any security holes. Canonical can’t do this on their own, of course — they have to wait for the hardware manufacturer to release new and updated driers when there’s a problem. The code isn’t open, so Canonical can’t fix it on their own. That’s why only critical hardware drivers are included here — no other closed-source software is officially supported.

Canonical将在Ubuntu发行版的正式时间内正式支持这些封闭源代码驱动程序和固件包。 他们致力于保持这些驱动程序的正常运行,解决所有重大问题,并填补所有安全漏洞。 当然,Canonical不能独自做到这一点–他们必须等待硬件制造商在出现问题时发布新的和更新的干燥器。 该代码未打开,因此Canonical无法自行修复。 这就是为什么仅包含关键的硬件驱动程序的原因-正式不支持其他封闭源软件。

You can spot Restricted software by looking for the “Proprietary” license and the line “Canonical provides critical updates supplied by the developers” line. Canonical can’t fix the drivers on their own — they’ll just provide important updates to you when they get them.

您可以通过查找“专有”许可证和“规范提供开发人员提供的重要更新”行来发现受限软件。 Canonical无法自行修复驱动程序-他们只会在获得驱动程序时向您提供重要更新。

Universe –社区维护的开源软件 (Universe – Community-Maintained, Open-Source Software)

The vast majority of the software in the Ubuntu Software Center comes from the Universe repository. These packages are either automatically imported from the latest version of Debian or uploaded and maintained by the Ubuntu community.

Ubuntu软件中心中的绝大多数软件来自Universe存储库。 这些软件包可以从最新版本的Debian自动导入,也可以由Ubuntu社区上载并维护。

Canonical does not provide official support or updates for these packages. An Ubuntu LTS release might be supported for five years, but the packages in the Universe repository aren’t officially supported at all. They’re generally fine, but they’re not guaranteed to receive security updates. If a security update is found, these packages may never receive it until the next release of Ubuntu when a newer version of the package is automatically pulled in.

Canonical不提供这些软件包的官方支持或更新。 Ubuntu LTS版本可能会受支持五年,但是Universe存储库中的软件包完全不受官方支持。 他们一般都很好,但是不能保证会收到安全更新。 如果找到安全更新,则这些软件包可能直到新版本的Ubuntu自动下载时才收到。

This shouldn’t scare you away from installing software from Universe. This usually isn’t a concern — crucial desktop applications like Firefox are part of Main and will receive critical updates. If there’s a huge problem, the Ubuntu community can fix a hole and roll out a fix. The community is exactly what it sounds like — Ubuntu users and enthusiasts who aren’t employed by Canonical, but who devote some of their time to working on Ubuntu or maintaining specific packages.

这不应该使您害怕从Universe安装软件。 通常不必担心–像Firefox这样的重要桌面应用程序是Main的一部分,将收到重要更新。 如果存在大问题,Ubuntu社区可以修复漏洞并推出修复程序。 社区的面貌完全一样-未受Canonical雇用的Ubuntu用户和发烧友,但将一些时间投入到Ubuntu的工作或维护特定的软件包。

However, on a server system, it’s worth considering whether the server software you install is part of Main or Universe. If it’s from the Universe repository, you may need to keep an eye on security updates. You may have to update the server software on your own if a hole is found.

但是,在服务器系统上,值得考虑您安装的服务器软件是Main还是Universe的一部分。 如果来自Universe存储库,则可能需要关注安全更新。 如果发现漏洞,则可能必须自行更新服务器软件。

You can spot Universe software by looking for the “Open source” license and the line “Canonical does not provide updates… Some updates may be provided by the Ubuntu community.” Canonical uses the word “may” here — there are no guarantees!

您可以通过查找“开源”许可证和“规范不提供更新…某些更新由Ubuntu社区提供”行来发现Universe软件。 规范在这里使用“可能”一词-无法保证!

Multiverse –不支持的,封闭源代码和受专利保护的软件 (Multiverse – Unsupported, Closed-Source and Patent-Encumbered Software)

Multiverse is the place for questionable, controversial stuff. This includes closed-source software like the Adobe Flash plug-in and packages that depend on closed-source software, like plug-ins for Skype. It also includes open-source software with legal restrictions — for example, audio and video playback software that infringes patents. DVD playback software isn’t included here — there are serious legal issues around the open-source libdvdcss DVD playback library. In fact, libdvdcss appears to be illegal in the USA.

多元宇宙是有争议的东西的地方。 这包括Adobe Flash插件之类的开源软件以及依赖于开源软件的软件包(例如Skype插件)。 它还包括受法律限制的开源软件,例如,侵犯专利权的音频和视频播放软件。 这里不包括DVD播放软件-开源libdvdcss DVD播放库周围存在严重的法律问题。 实际上, libdvdcss在美国似乎是非法的 。

Ubuntu can’t officially distribute these packages along with the main distribution, but they’re provided here for your convenience. On other Linux distributions, the stuff here is often found in third-party repositories you have to go out of your way to find — RPM Fusion for Fedora, Packman for openSUSE, and Penguin Liberation Front (PLF) for the defunct Mandriva distribution.

Ubuntu不能与主发行版一起正式发行这些软件包,但是为方便起见,此处提供了它们。 在其他Linux发行版中 ,通常可以在第三方存储库中找到此处的内容,而您必须不加寻找-Red Fusion for Fedora,Packman for openSUSE和Penguin Liberation Front(PLF)(已淘汰的Mandriva发行版)。

As with the Universe repository, Multiverse is a community-supported repository. There’s no guarantee of security updates here. Because so many of the packages are closed-source, the community often couldn’t fix problems you encounter even if they wanted to.

与Universe存储库一样,Multiverse是社区支持的存储库。 这里不能保证安全更新。 因为很多软件包都是开源的,所以社区经常无法解决您遇到的问题,即使他们愿意。

You can spot these packages by their “Unknown” license. As with Universe, the Ubuntu Software Center states the Ubuntu community may provide updates, but Canonical won’t.

您可以通过其“未知”许可证来发现这些软件包。 与Universe一样,Ubuntu软件中心指出,Ubuntu社区可能会提供更新,但Canonical不提供。

On a typical home PC, you shouldn’t worry about these differences too much. Packages you install from Universe should generally be pretty secure — if there is a big problem, the Ubuntu community can deal with it and roll out a security update for you. Packages from Multiverse may be necessary for viewing some types of multimedia files and even viewing Flash content in Firefox.

在典型的家用PC上,您不必担心这些差异。 从Universe安装的软件包通常应该是非常安全的-如果有大问题,Ubuntu社区可以处理它并为您推出安全更新。 要查看某些类型的多媒体文件,甚至查看Firefox中的Flash内容,可能需要来自Multiverse的软件包。

On a server or a critical workstation, these differences are more important. Install software from Universe and you’re not guaranteed support from Canonical for it. This is a big deal if you’re exposing that software to the Internet on an Ubuntu server.

在服务器或关键工作站上,这些差异更为重要。 从Universe安装软件,不能保证您会从Canonical获得支持。 如果要在Ubuntu服务器上将该软件公开给Internet,那么这是一件大事。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/194247/whats-the-difference-between-main-restricted-universe-and-multiverse-on-ubuntu/

restricted bm

本文标签: 有什么区别MainbmUbunturestrictedMultiverse