


Back in September, Microsoft released .NET Core 3 to much (deserved) fanfare. Included in it was a new web UI framework called Blazor. Then in May, Microsoft released Blazor 3.2, and with that released Blazor WebAssembly as a production-ready version of Blazor.

早在9月,微软就发布了.NET Core 3 ,这是当之无愧的。 其中包括一个名为Blazor的新Web UI框架。 然后在5月,Microsoft发布了Blazor 3.2,并随同发布了Blazor WebAssembly,将其作为Blazor的生产就绪版本。

Blazor is a weird thing. First, because it’s two things. Second, because of what one of those things promises: a JavaScript-less future for the web.

开拓者是一件奇怪的事。 首先,因为这是件事。 其次,由于其中之一的承诺:Web的无JavaScript未来。

Let’s step back and parse this out.


.NET Core和.NET的未来 (.NET Core and the Future of .NET)

.NET Core 3.0 was a pretty major release. .NET has been undergoing many changes over the last 5 years or so, and .NET Core feels like the culmination of a lot of effort to streamline the entire ecosystem. .NET Core is the future of .NET, as evidenced by its name change to .NET 5 later this year.

.NET Core 3.0是一个非常重要的版本。 .NET在过去五年左右的时间里经历了许多变化,而.NET Core感觉就像是精简整个生态系统的大量努力的最终结果。 .NET Core是.NET的未来,今年晚些时候更名为.NET 5便证明了这一点。

The main advantage that .NET Core has over the older .NET Framework is platform support. .NET Core is cross platform, and can run just about everywhere, whereas .NET Framework is tied to Windows. It’s also very stable, very fast, and comes with first-class tooling for developers.

.NET Core与旧版.NET Framework相比的主要优点是平台支持。 .NET Core是跨平台的,几乎可以在任何地方运行,而.NET Framework与Windows绑定。 它也非常稳定,非常快,并为开发人员提供了一流的工具。

Web组装 (WebAssembly)

Unrelated to .NET, WebAssembly has slowly become a thing. In short, WebAssembly is a new, assembly-like language for the web. It runs in the browser but at near-native speeds. It’s also highly optimized so it can run fast and is supported in all modern browsers.

与.NET无关, WebAssembly逐渐成为一件事。 简而言之,WebAssembly是一种新的类似于Web的程序集语言。 它在浏览器中运行,但速度接近自然。 它还经过高度优化,因此可以快速运行,并且在所有现代浏览器中都受支持。

Importantly, WebAssembly is not a language that the vast majority of developers will ever write. Instead, WebAssembly is meant to be used as a compilation target. Instead of compiling code for a specific processor or operating system, you can compile code to WebAssembly and have your program run in a browser.

重要的是,WebAssembly不是绝大多数开发人员都会编写的语言。 而是将WebAssembly用作编译目标。 您可以将代码编译为WebAssembly,并使程序在浏览器中运行,而不必为特定处理器或操作系统编译代码。

开拓者 (Blazor)

Blazor is a new UI framework that was included in .NET Core 3. Conceptually, Blazor is more like Angular or React rather than ASP.NET MVC. It’s a component-based framework for building rich and interactive web applications. The main difference between Blazor and traditional JavaScript frameworks is that Blazor components are written entirely in C# and Razor. No JavaScript required!

Blazor是.NET Core 3中包含的新UI框架。从概念上讲,Blazor更像是Angular或React,而不是ASP.NET MVC。 这是一个基于组件的框架,用于构建丰富的交互式Web应用程序。 Blazor与传统JavaScript框架之间的主要区别是Blazor组件完全用C#和Razor编写。 无需JavaScript!

开拓者的两面 (The Two Sides of Blazor)

Blazor has two models: Server and WebAssembly. The server model was shipped with .NET Core 3. At that time, WebAssembly was still in preview, but has now been fully released with Blazor 3.2. Both are now production ready.

Blazor有两种模型:Server和WebAssembly。 服务器模型随.NET Core 3一起提供。当时,WebAssembly仍处于预览状态,但现在已随Blazor 3.2一起完全发布。 两者都已经准备好生产。

Both models use the same component-oriented architecture, but are vastly different in how they run those components. The Server model runs, well, on a server. The code sent to the browser isn’t your code, but rather a small part of the framework which uses SignalR (a .NET library for managing real-time connections between a client and server) to send events from the browser to the server and DOM diffs back to the browser. The server renders your components and manages the interactions through SignalR.

两种模型都使用相同的面向组件的体系结构,但是在运行这些组件的方式上却有很大的不同。 服务器模型可以很好地在服务器上运行。 发送到浏览器的代码不是您的代码,而是框架的一小部分,该框架使用SignalR(用于管理客户端和服务器之间的实时连接的.NET库)将事件从浏览器发送到服务器,并DOM扩散回浏览器。 服务器呈现您的组件并通过SignalR管理交互。

The WebAssembly model is actually a bit easier to understand. All of the code, the framework and your components, run in the browser. Your C# code is compiled into DLLs like any other .NET application, but is then sent to the browser. Mono (a .NET runtime originally for Linux and the runtime behind Xamarin apps) is what is actually compiled to WebAssembly and it what runs your code in the browser. It’s very strange to open the browser dev tools and watch it downloading a bunch of DLLs.

实际上,WebAssembly模型更容易理解。 所有代码,框架和组件都在浏览器中运行。 您的C#代码像其他任何.NET应用程序一样被编译为DLL,但随后被发送到浏览器。 Mono(最初用于Linux的.NET运行时,以及Xamarin应用程序背后的运行时)实际上是编译为WebAssembly的内容,它是在浏览器中运行代码的内容。 打开浏览器开发工具并观看它下载大量DLL是奇怪的。

Both models have their advantages. Server requires less work in the browser, but there is some latency in the UI since the network is involved. WebAssembly runs quicker, but requires a hefty initial download (about 2MB from the starter project).

两种模式都有其优势。 服务器在浏览器中的工作量较少,但由于涉及网络,因此UI中存在一些延迟。 WebAssembly的运行速度更快,但需要大量的初始下载(从入门项目中下载大约2MB)。

Blazor —快速样本 (Blazor — A Quick Sample)

Creating a new Blazor project is easy. There are project templates available in the latest versions of Visual Studio (Windows and Mac), or you can create one using the .NET CLI: `dotnet new blazorwasm -o ProjectName`. Once the CLI finishes creating the project, navigate into the new folder and use `dotnet run` to launch it.

创建一个新的Blazor项目很容易。 在最新版本的Visual Studio(Windows和Mac)中,有可用的项目模板,或者您可以使用.NET CLI创建一个模板:“ dotnet new blazorwasm -o ProjectName”。 CLI完成创建项目后,导航到新文件夹并使用`dotnet run`启动它。

The sample components and layouts are a great way to get familiar with how you can build apps with Blazor.


> Side note: I don’t actually like the “standard” way of mixing C# and Razor together using the `@code` block. Instead, I prefer to make a separate C# file for the logic and leave the view code in the Razor file. This can be done easily as the generated classes from the components are partial classes and can be extended. More info here.

>注意:我实际上并不喜欢使用“ @code”块将C#和Razor混合在一起的“标准”方式。 相反,我更愿意为逻辑创建一个单独的C#文件,并将视图代码保留在Razor文件中。 这很容易完成,因为从组件生成的类是局部类并且可以扩展。 更多信息在这里。

Blazor includes all you need to create full-featured, interactive web apps. Routing, form validation, and HTTP access are all available and are shown in the basic project template. And since it’s all in C#, .NET developers can get up and running quickly and can even reuse code from other parts of their systems. Blazor supports data annotation validation on forms, so business logic around model validation can be reused.

Blazor包括创建功能齐全的交互式Web应用程序所需的全部。 路由,表单验证和HTTP访问均可用,并显示在基本项目模板中。 而且,由于.NET开发人员全部使用C#,因此它们可以快速启动并运行,甚至可以重用系统其他部分的代码。 Blazor支持在表单上进行数据注释验证,因此可以重用围绕模型验证的业务逻辑。

>Be aware that WebAssembly is still subject to the same browser sandbox that normal JavaScript-based web apps are forced to use.


Blazor WebAssembly —我想要的未来 (Blazor WebAssembly — The Future I Want)

My controversial opinion about Blazor is that the Server model should not exist. I think the WebAssembly model is superior and is the future I want to see on the web. I get why Microsoft created the Server model: it could be ready faster, and they want to show that the components you create are relatively independent of how they are being run. But it muddies the waters around Blazor when the WebAssembly model is more forward-facing and just as capable.

我对Blazor有争议的观点是服务器模型不应该存在。 我认为WebAssembly模型是优越的,并且是我希望在网络上看到的未来。 我明白了Microsoft创建服务器模型的原因:它可以更快地准备就绪,他们想证明您创建的组件相对独立于其运行方式。 但是,当WebAssembly模型更具前向性且功能强大时,它会使Blazor周围的水变得更加混乱。

One advantage of the WebAssembly model is that it’s independent of where or how it is hosted. When you publish a WebAssembly project, you get a folder full of files. A Blazor WebAssembly project is a static site and can be hosted anywhere. You don’t need to host it in Azure, or even run ASP.NET Core. And Blazor WebAssembly apps can be created as Progressive Web Apps to enable offline support since they don’t require a persistent network connection.

WebAssembly模型的优点之一是,它独立于托管位置或托管方式。 发布WebAssembly项目时,将获得一个充满文件的文件夹。 Blazor WebAssembly项目是一个静态站点,可以在任何地方托管。 您无需将其托管在Azure中,甚至无需运行ASP.NET Core。 并且Blazor WebAssembly应用程序可以创建为Progressive Web Apps,以启用脱机支持,因为它们不需要持久的网络连接。

WebAssembly opens the door to a future where interaction on the web doesn’t rely exclusively on JavaScript, and Blazor proves that a framework can be created that takes full advantage of that. I’m excited to use Blazor for more projects, and I think it’s worth your time to check it out.

WebAssembly开启了未来之门,网络上的交互不仅仅依赖JavaScript,Blazor证明可以创建一个充分利用JavaScript的框架。 我很高兴能将Blazor用于更多项目,并且我认为值得您抽出宝贵时间来进行检查。

  • Andrew Moscardino, Software Developer at AWH

    AWH的软件开发人员Andrew Moscardino



Manager, Daniel RothPrincipal Program, et al. “ASP.NET Core Updates in .NET Core 3.0 Preview 2.” ASP.NET Blog, 18 Nov. 2019,

Daniel Roth首席项目经理等。 “ .NET Core 3.0预览版2中的ASP.NET Core更新。” ASP.NET博客,2019年11月18日, / aspnet / aspnet-core-3-preview-2 /。

翻译自: https://medium/swlh/blazor-is-worth-your-time-8cd77bbb95cd


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