


  • 摘要
    • 突出主题重要性
    • 提及当前文献
    • 表明认知的差距
    • 本研究的目的
    • 表明所使用的方法
    • 陈述关键发现
    • 本研究的意义或价值
  • 写背景
    • 学科的重要性
    • 时间重要性
    • 社会重要性
    • 时间社会都重要
    • 因为重要所以研究
    • 用文献引出主题
    • 领域内的争议
    • 引出之前研究不足




  1. X plays a key role in …
    X 在… … 中起着关键作用。
  2. X is a condition that is characterized by …
    是一种拥有属性… …。
  3. X is a pathogenic bacterium that causes …
    X 是一种致病细菌,会导致…。
  4. Since the 1960s, gradual changes in X have been observed.
    自20世纪60年代以来,人们观察到 x 的逐渐变化。
  5. Xs were a major element of …
    X 是… 的主要元素。
  6. There is a recognised need for …
    人们公认需要… …。
  7. Recently, there has been renewed interest in …
    最近,人们对… … 重新产生了兴趣。
  8. The X industry is estimated to be worth over $300 billion annually.
    据估计,x 行业每年的市值超过3000亿美元。
  9. X is vital for …
    X 对… … 至关重要。


  1. X has attracted considerable attention, both scholarly and popular.
  2. Several studies have documented …
  3. A growing body of evidence suggests …
  4. X is becoming a common trend in Y research.
    X 正在成为 y 研究中的一个普遍趋势。
  5. X has been the focus of much investigation in the search for …
    X 已成为许多调查的重点,在寻找…。
  6. X has emerged as a powerful tool in studying the behaviour of …
    X 已经成为研究… … 行为的有力工具。
  7. There has been substantial research undertaken on the role of …
    关于… 的作用已经进行了大量的研究。
  8. Recent studies related to X have shown that …
    最近有关 x 的研究表明…。
  9. Previous research has indicated potential associations between …
    先前的研究已经指出了… … 之间的潜在联系。


  1. No known empirical research has focused on exploring relationships between …
    没有一个已知的实证研究专注于探索… … 和… … 之间的关系。
  2. However, X has yet to be understood.
    然而,x 还没有被理解。
  3. For the past three decades, studies of X have been restricted to …
    在过去的三十年里,对 x 的研究仅限于… …。
  4. The historiography of X largely ignores the role of Y.
    X 的史学在很大程度上忽视了 y 的作用。
  5. The contribution of X has received little attention within …
    X 的贡献在国内很少受到重视。
  6. The cellular mechanisms underlying those defects are still poorly understood.
  7. This research has been impeded by the lack of appropriate attachment measures.


  1. The aim of this study was to …
  2. The principal objective of this project was to investigate …
  3. In this study, techniques for X were developed and applied to …
    本研究开发了 x 染色技术,并将其应用于…。
  4. The present study aimed to explore the relationship between …
  5. This thesis investigates …
  6. This thesis addresses a neglected aspect of …
  7. This thesis explores the degree to which …
    本文探讨了… 的程度。
  8. This thesis aims to portray the different ways in which …
  9. This thesis reports on …
  10. This study set out to examine …
  11. This study set out to determine whether …
  12. This thesis argues …
    本文认为… …。
  13. This thesis analyses the roles played by …
  14. This thesis examines the chronology and geography of …
  15. This thesis seeks to understand and explain the role of …
    本文试图理解和解释… 的作用。


  1. The research consisted of an extensive ethnographic enquiry that included …
  2. The research is based on four case studies.
  3. This study used a phenomenographic approach to identify the …
  4. The study utilised a comparison control group design with three groups of …
  5. A cross-sectional study was undertaken to explore the potential relationship between …
    为了探索… … 和… … 之间的潜在关系,我们进行了一项横向研究研究。
  6. This study provides a novel approach to quantifying X using …
    这项研究提供了一种新的方法来量化 x 使用…。
  7. An online survey provided quantitative data from 670 participants.
  8. Questionnaire assessments of X were collected from 116 adults who …
    本研究采用问卷调查的方法,对116名成年人进行 x 评定。
  9. A combined qualitative and quantitative methodological approach was used to …


  1. The thesis concludes that …
  2. The research presented here confirms that …
  3. The principal findings of this research are that …
  4. The findings indicated that there was a positive relationship between …
  5. Significant associations for X were identified for ten variables, including …
    十个变量与 x 有显著相关性,包括…。
  6. Results showed that …
  7. Analysis of X revealed that …
    对 x 的分析表明…。
  8. The experimental data suggested that …
  9. In this study, X was shown to vary in response to …
    在这项研究中,x 被证明是不同的反应…。
  10. This review found evidence that early interventions are effective in …
  11. This study identified …
  12. The findings show that …
  13. Respondents reported …
    受访者报告说… …。
  14. Evidence is presented which shows that …
    证据表明… …。
  15. The study identified limited evidence of the …


  1. The present results highlight the detrimental effects that X has on …
    本文的研究结果突出了 x 对… 的不利影响。
  2. The findings can contribute to a better understanding of …
    这些发现有助于更好地理解… …。
  3. This research provides a timely and necessary study of the …
  4. These data support further clinical development of …
  5. The study implies that …
  6. The involvement of X implies that …
    X 的参与意味着…。
  7. It is evidently clear from the findings that …
    从调查结果中可以明显看出… …。
  8. The results of this study support the view that …
  9. These findings provide a solid evidence base for …
    这些发现为… … 提供了坚实的证据基础。
  10. The findings presented in this thesis add to our understanding of …
  11. The research results represent a further step towards developing …
  12. This study should, therefore, be of value to practitioners wishing to …
    因此,这项研究对于希望… 的从业人员具有价值。
  13. As a result of these investigations, suggestions were identified for future research.



  1. X is a fundamental property of …
    X 是… 的基本性质。

  2. Xs are the most widely-investigated …
    X 是调查最广泛的…。

  3. The concepts of X and Y are central to …
    X 和 y 的概念是… 的核心。

  4. X is a major area of interest within the field of …
    X 是… 领域的主要兴趣领域。

  5. X has been the subject of many classic studies in …
    X 已经成为许多经典研究的主题…。

  6. Understanding the complexity of X is vitally important if …
    理解 x 的复杂性是至关重要的,如果…。

  7. X has long been a question of great interest in a wide range of fields.
    长期以来,x 一直是一个在广泛的领域中引起极大兴趣的问题。

  8. The role of X in Y has received increased attention across a number of disciplines in recent years.
    近年来,x 在 y 中的角色在许多学科中受到越来越多的关注。

  9. X is attracting considerable critical attention.
    X 正吸引着相当多的关注。

  10. Central to the theory of X is the Y hypothesis.
    X 理论的核心是 y 假设。

  11. X has been studied by many researchers using …

  12. X has been an important concept in the study of the …
    X 已经成为研究地球物理的一个重要概念。

  13. Central to the entire discipline of X is the concept of …
    整个 x 学科的核心是… 的概念。

  14. One of the most significant current discussions in X is …
    目前在 x 中最重要的讨论之一是…。

  15. The issue of X has received considerable critical attention.
    X 的问题已经引起了相当多的关注。

  16. X is of interest because …
    X 是有趣的,因为…。

  17. A primary concern of X is …
    X 的一个主要关注点是…。

  18. Studies on X represent a growing field.
    对 x 的研究代表了一个不断发展的领域。

  19. X is at the heart of our understanding of …
    X 是我们理解… 的核心。

  20. X has been shown to occur in many different …
    X 已经被证明在许多不同的…。

  21. Investigating X is a continuing concern within …
    调查 x 是一个持续的问题…。

  22. X has been instrumental in our understanding of …
    X 在我们理解… … 方面起了重要作用。

  23. The theory of X provides a useful account of how …
    X 理论提供了一个有用的解释…。

  24. X has been the subject of much systematic investigation.
    X 已经成为许多系统研究的对象。

  25. A key aspect of X is …
    X 的一个关键方面是…。

  26. X is a classic problem in …

  27. X is a dominant feature of …
    X 是… 的主要特征。

  28. X is an increasingly important area in…
    在… … 中是一个越来越重要的领域。


  1. X has been an object of research since the 1960s.
    自20世纪60年代以来,x 一直是研究对象。
  2. X has been studied extensively since it was discovered in 1981.
    自1981年发现以来,人们对 x 进行了广泛的研究。
  3. X has been studied widely since it was discovered in 1981.
    自1981年发现以来,x 已被广泛研究。
  4. X has been studied extensively since the early years of this century.
    自本世纪初以来,x 已被广泛研究。
  5. In recent years, researchers have shown an increased interest in …
    近年来,研究人员对… … 表现出越来越浓厚的兴趣。
  6. In the last few decades, there has been a surge of interest in the effects of …
    在过去的几十年里,人们对… … 的影响兴趣大增。
  7. The discovery of X in 2006 has triggered a huge amount of innovative scientific inquiry.
    2006年 x 的发现引发了大量创新性的科学探索。
  8. In recent years, there has been growing interest in …
    近年来,人们对… … 越来越感兴趣。
  9. Recently, there has been a surge of interest in …
    最近,人们对… … 的兴趣激增。
  10. In recent years, there has been increased emphasis on …
    近年来,人们越来越重视… …。
  11. More recently, there has been growing recognition of the vital links between …
    最近,人们越来越认识到… … 和… … 之间的重要联系。
  12. Recently, there has been increased emphasis on …
    最近,越来越重视… …。
  13. Recent years have seen renewed interest in …
    近年来,人们对… … 重新产生了兴趣。
  14. Recent years have witnessed a growing academic interest in …
    近年来,学术界对… … 的兴趣日益浓厚。
  15. Over the past century, there has been a dramatic increase in …
    在过去的一个世纪里,… … 的数量急剧增加。
  16. More recently, there has been increased emphasis on …
    最近,人们越来越重视… …。
  17. X has been attracting considerable interest since the 1960s.
    自20世纪60年代以来,x 一直吸引着相当大的兴趣。
  18. X proved an important literary genre in the early Y community.
    在 y 社区早期,x 被证明是一种重要的文学体裁。
  19. X has received considerable scholarly attention in recent years …
    近年来,x 受到了相当多的学术关注… …。
  20. Recently, considerable literature has grown up around the theme of …
    近年来,围绕“ … … ”这一主题的文学作品大量涌现。
  21. Recent developments in the field of X have led to a renewed interest in …
    最近在 x 领域的发展引起了人们对… … 的兴趣。
  22. The past thirty years have seen increasingly rapid advances in the field of …
    在过去的三十年里,… … 领域取得了日益迅速的进展。
  23. For more than a century, scientists have been interested in the existence of …
    一个多世纪以来,科学家们一直对… 的存在感兴趣。
  24. The most significant recent developments in this direction have been those of …
    这方面最重要的近期发展是… …。
  25. During the last decade, the link between X and Y has been at the centre of much attention.
    在过去的十年中,x 和 y 之间的联系一直是人们关注的中心。
  26. In recent years, there has been a growing number of publications focusing on …
  27. More recently, there has been a surge of interest in …
    最近,人们对… … 的兴趣激增。
  28. In recent years, there has been world-wide recognition of the problems associated with …
    近年来,人们已经普遍认识到与… 有关的问题。
  29. Recently, there has been world-wide recognition of the problems associated with …
    近年来,世界各国普遍认识到与… 有关的问题。
  30. In recent years, there has been a greater focus placed upon X within the Y literature.
    近年来,有一个更大的焦点放在 x 的 y 文学。
  31. Recently, there has been a greater focus placed upon X within the Y literature.
    最近,有一个更大的焦点放在 x 的 y 文学。
  32. More recently, there has been a growing number of publications focusing on …
    最近,越来越多的出版物专注于… …。
  33. Recently, there has been a growing number of publications focusing on …
  34. More recently, there has been extensive research on …
    最近,对… … 有了广泛的研究。
  35. More recently, there has been a greater focus placed upon X within the Y literature.
    最近,有一个更大的焦点放在 x 的 y 文学。
  36. In recent years, there has been extensive research on …
  37. In recent years, there has been growing recognition of the vital links between …
    近年来,人们越来越认识到… … 与… … 之间的重要联系。
  38. In recent years, there has been renewed interest in …
    近年来,人们对… … 重新产生了兴趣。
  39. X has been studied widely since the 1960s.
    自20世纪60年代以来,x 已被广泛研究。
  40. X has been attracting considerable interest since the early years of this century.
    自本世纪初以来,x 一直吸引着相当大的兴趣。
  41. X has been attracting considerable interest since it was discovered in 1981.
    自1981年发现以来,x 已经引起了人们的极大兴趣。
  42. X has been an object of research since it was discovered in 1981.
    自1981年发现以来,x 一直是研究对象。
  43. X has been studied widely since the early years of this century.
    自本世纪初以来,x 已被广泛研究。
  44. X has been studied using light-microscopy since the early years of this century.
    自本世纪初以来,x 已经用光学显微镜进行了研究。
  45. X has been studied using light-microscopy since the 1960s.
    自20世纪60年代以来,x 已经被用光学显微镜研究过。
  46. X has been studied extensively since the 1960s.
    自上世纪60年代以来,人们对 x 进行了广泛研究。
  47. X was one of the most popular Ys during …
    X 是最流行的 y 之一在…。
  48. Traditionally, Xs have subscribed to the belief that …
    传统上,x 一直认为… …。
  49. Recent trends in X have led to a proliferation of studies that …
    最近的 x 研究趋势导致了大量的研究… …。
  50. The nature of X has been the subject of several recent papers.
    X 的性质一直是最近几篇论文的主题。
  51. In recent years, there has been increasing interest in …
    近年来,人们对… … 越来越感兴趣。
  52. More recently, there has been world-wide recognition of the problems associated with …
    最近,全世界都认识到与… 有关的问题。
  53. Recently, there has been increasing interest in …
    最近,人们对… … 越来越感兴趣。
  54. Recently, there has been growing interest in …
    最近,人们对… … 越来越感兴趣。
  55. Recently, there has been renewed interest in …
    最近,人们对… … 重新产生了兴趣。
  56. Recently, there has been growing recognition of the vital links between …
    最近,人们越来越认识到… … 和… … 之间的重要联系。
  57. Recently, there has been extensive research on …
    近年来,人们对… … 进行了广泛的研究。
  58. More recently, there has been growing interest in …
    最近,人们对… … 越来越感兴趣。
  59. More recently, there has been increasing interest in …
    最近,人们对… … 越来越感兴趣。
  60. More recently, there has been renewed interest in …
    最近,人们对… … 重新产生了兴趣。
  61. In recent years, there has been a surge of interest in …
    近年来,人们对… … 的兴趣激增。
  62. X has been studied using light-microscopy since it was discovered in 1981.
    X 自1981年被发现以来,一直用光学显微镜进行研究。
  63. X has been an object of research since the early years of this century.
    自本世纪初以来,x 一直是研究对象。


  1. X is widespread in …
    广泛分布于… …。
  2. X is fundamental to …
    X 是… 的基础。
  3. X is frequently prescribed for …
    X 通常用于… …。
  4. The importance of X is indisputable.
    X 的重要性是毋庸置疑的。
  5. X is one of the key components of Y.
    X 是 y 的关键组成部分之一。
  6. Xs are among the most widely used …
    X 是使用最广泛的…。
  7. In the history of development economics, X has been thought of as a key factor in …
    在发展经济学的历史上,x 被认为是影响发展的关键因素。
  8. X plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of …
    结论: x 在急性脑梗死的发病机制中具有重要作用。
  9. X can play a fundamental role in the maintenance of …
    X 可以发挥基础作用,维护…。
  10. X plays a fundamental role in addressing the issue of …
    X 在解决… … 问题上起着根本性的作用。
  11. X may play a pivotal role in the regulation of …
    X 可能在调节… 方面起关键作用。
  12. X plays a important role in the life cycle of …
    X 在植物的生命周期中起着重要的作用。
  13. X can play a important role in preventing …
    X 可以在预防… 中起重要作用。
  14. X can play a important role in combating …
    X 可以在打击… 方面发挥重要作用。
  15. X is the most widely distributed species of …
    X 是分布最广的物种…。
  16. Xs have emerged as powerful platforms for …
    X 已经成为强大的平台… …。
  17. X is a common condition which has considerable impact on …
    X 是一个常见的条件,对… … 有很大的影响。
  18. Determining the impacts of X on Y is important for the future of …
    确定 x 对 y 的影响对未来…。
  19. X is important for a wide range of scientific and industrial processes.
    X 在很多科学和工业生产过程中都很重要。
  20. There is a growing body of literature that recognises the importance of …
    越来越多的文学作品认识到… … 的重要性。
  21. X plays a vital role in the maintenance of …
    X 在维护… 方面起着至关重要的作用。
  22. X may play a key role in the treatment of …
    X 可能在治疗… 中起关键作用。
  23. X can play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of …
    结论: x 染色体在发病机制中具有重要作用。
  24. X can play a significant role in the maintenance of …
    X 可以发挥重要作用的维护…。
  25. X plays a significant role in addressing the issue of …
    X 在解决… 问题方面发挥了重要作用。
  26. X plays a major role in the repair of …
    X 在修复… 方面起着重要作用。
  27. X can play a pivotal role in the development of …
    X 可以发挥关键作用的发展…。
  28. X may play a fundamental role in the pathogenesis of …
    X 可能在发病机制中起重要作用。
  29. X can play a fundamental role in the development of …
    X 可以发挥基础性作用的发展…。
  30. X plays a central role in determining …
    X 在决定… 方面起着中心作用。
  31. X may play a key role in preventing …
    X 可能在预防… … 中起关键作用。
  32. X can play a important role in the treatment of …
    X 可以发挥重要作用的治疗…。
  33. X can play a significant role in the pathogenesis of …
    结论: x 染色体可能在肺癌的发病机制中发挥重要作用。
  34. X is a key driver of …
    X 是… 的关键驱动程序。
  35. X is a key mechanism for …
    X 是… 的关键机制。
  36. X is a key part of …
    X 是… 的关键部分。
  37. X plays a essential role in the treatment of …
    X 在治疗… 中起重要作用。
  38. X plays a important role in fostering …
    X 在培养… … 方面起着重要作用。
  39. X plays a fundamental role in combating …
    X 在打击… 方面起着根本性的作用。
  40. X may play a vital role in the development of …
    X 可能在… 的发展中发挥重要作用。
  41. X can play a crucial role in the regulation of …
    X 可以发挥至关重要的作用,调节…。
  42. X can play a crucial role in ensuring …
    X 可以在确保… … 方面发挥关键作用。
  43. X can play a significant role in addressing the issue of …
    X 可以发挥重要作用,解决问题的…。
  44. X may play a vital role in preventing …
    X 可能在预防… … 方面发挥重要作用。
  45. X may play a essential role in the treatment of …
    X 可能在治疗… … 中起重要作用。
  46. X can play a pivotal role in addressing the issue of …
    X 可以发挥关键作用,解决问题的…。
  47. X may play a key role in ensuring …
    X 可能在确保… … 方面发挥关键作用。
  48. X may play a vital role in addressing the issue of …
    X 可能在解决… … 问题上发挥重要作用。
  49. X may play a significant role in fostering …
    X 可能在促进… … 方面发挥重要作用。
  50. X may play a essential role in determining …
    X 可能在决定… … 方面发挥重要作用。
  51. X may play a key role in the regulation of …
    X 可能在调节… 方面发挥关键作用。
  52. X plays a central role in addressing the issue of …
    X 在解决… … 问题上起着核心作用。
  53. X may play a crucial role in the repair of …
    X 可能在修复… 方面发挥关键作用。
  54. X may play a important role in the regulation of …
    X 可能在调节… 方面发挥重要作用。
  55. X plays a vital role in the pathogenesis of …
    X 染色体在肺癌的发病机制中起着重要作用。
  56. X plays a significant role in the development of …
    X 在… 的发展中起着重要的作用。
  57. X may play a essential role in the pathogenesis of …
    X 可能在发病机制中起重要作用。
  58. X can play a important role in protecting against …
  59. X can play a important role in the repair of …
    X 可以发挥重要作用,修复…。
  60. X can play a key role in preventing …
    X 可以在预防… 中起关键作用。
  61. X may play a central role in the development of …
    在… 的发展过程中,x 可能扮演中心角色。
  62. X plays a important role in the development of …
    X 在… 的发展中起着重要的作用。
  63. X plays a pivotal role in ensuring …
    X 在确保… … 方面起着关键作用。
  64. X may play a crucial role in the life cycle of …
    X 可能在… 的生命周期中发挥关键作用。
  65. X may play a important role in the development of …
    X 可能发挥重要作用的发展…。
  66. X may play a crucial role in addressing the issue of …
    X 可能在解决… … 问题上发挥关键作用。
  67. X plays a fundamental role in protecting against …
    X 在防止… 方面起着基础性的作用。
  68. X may play a central role in determining …
    X 可能在决定… … 方面起着中心作用。
  69. X can play a fundamental role in the repair of …
    X 可以发挥基础作用,修复…。
  70. X may play a crucial role in fostering …
    X 可能在培养… … 方面发挥重要作用。
  71. X may play a essential role in the regulation of …
    X 可能在调节… 方面发挥重要作用。
  72. X plays a crucial role in the treatment of …
    X 在治疗… 中起着至关重要的作用。
  73. X can play a fundamental role in fostering …
    X 可以发挥基础作用,培养…。
  74. X plays a crucial role in combating …
    X 在打击… 方面起着至关重要的作用。
  75. X can play a fundamental role in addressing the issue of …
    X 可以发挥一个基本的作用,解决问题的…。
  76. X can play a crucial role in the life cycle of …
    X 可以发挥关键作用的生命周期的…。
  77. X plays a essential role in preventing …
    X 在预防… … 中起着重要作用。
  78. X plays a important role in determining …
    X 在决定… 方面起着重要作用。
  79. X plays a vital role in preventing …
    X 在预防… … 中起着至关重要的作用。
  80. X can play a crucial role in fostering …
    X 可以发挥至关重要的作用,培养…。
  81. X plays a essential role in combating …
    X 在打击… 方面起着至关重要的作用。
  82. X plays a significant role in the repair of …
    X 在… 的修复中起着重要的作用。
  83. X plays a central role in the regulation of …
    X 在调节… 方面起着核心作用。
  84. X plays a essential role in the pathogenesis of …
    结论: x 在急性脑梗死的发病机制中起重要作用。
  85. X may play a fundamental role in the maintenance of …
    X 可能在维护… 方面起着基础性的作用。
  86. X can play a essential role in the maintenance of …
    X 可以发挥重要作用的维护…。
  87. X plays a pivotal role in determining …
    X 在决定… 方面起着关键作用。
  88. X may play a central role in the regulation of …
    X 可能发挥中心作用的规则…。
  89. X may play a fundamental role in the development of …
    X 可能在… 的发展中起着根本性的作用。
  90. X plays a important role in the transmission of …
    X 在… 的传输中起着重要的作用。
  91. X plays a fundamental role in the regulation of …
    X 在调节… 方面起着根本性的作用。
  92. X can play a vital role in the transmission of …
    X 可以发挥重要作用的传播…。
  93. X may play a central role in the pathogenesis of …
    X 可能在发病机制中起重要作用。
  94. X can play a key role in fostering …
    X 可以发挥关键作用,培养…。
  95. X plays a major role in reducing …
    X 在减少… 方面起主要作用。
  96. X plays a significant role in fostering …
    X 在培养… 方面起着重要作用。
  97. X can play a major role in combating …
    X 可以在打击… 方面发挥重要作用。
  98. X may play a essential role in the life cycle of …
    X 可能在… 的生命周期中发挥重要作用。
  99. X may play a pivotal role in fostering …
    X 可能在培养… … 方面发挥关键作用。
  100. X may play a important role in preventing …
    X 可能在预防… … 中起重要作用。
  101. X plays a major role in the pathogenesis of …
    X 在发病机制中起重要作用。
  102. X plays a fundamental role in fostering …
    X 在培养… … 方面起着根本性的作用。
  103. X plays a central role in reducing …
    X 在减少… 方面起着中心作用。
  104. X may play a major role in addressing the issue of …
    X 可能在解决… … 问题上发挥重要作用。
  105. X plays a fundamental role in the development of …
    X 在… 的发展过程中起着基础性的作用。
  106. X may play a central role in the maintenance of …
    X 可能在维护… 方面发挥中心作用。
  107. X may play a major role in determining …
    X 可能在决定… … 方面起主要作用。
  108. X plays a important role in reducing …
    X 在减少… … 方面起着重要作用。
  109. X can play a central role in ensuring …
    X 可以在确保… … 方面发挥核心作用。
  110. X plays a crucial role in determining …
    X 在决定… 方面起着至关重要的作用。
  111. X plays a major role in addressing the issue of …
    X 在解决… … 问题方面发挥了重要作用。
  112. X plays a crucial role in the repair of …
    X 在… 的修复中起着至关重要的作用。
  113. X can play a important role in reducing …
    X 可以起到重要作用减少…。
  114. X plays a significant role in ensuring …
    X 在确保… … 方面起着重要作用。
  115. X can play a major role in addressing the issue of …
    X 可以在解决… … 问题上发挥重要作用。
  116. X plays a significant role in determining …
    X 在决定… 方面起着重要作用。
  117. X plays a vital role in combating …
    X 在打击… 方面起着至关重要的作用。
  118. X may play a central role in the life cycle of …
    X 可能在… 的生命周期中扮演中心角色。
  119. X can play a crucial role in the repair of …
    X 可以发挥关键作用,修复…。
  120. X may play a important role in addressing the issue of …
    X 可能在解决… … 问题上发挥重要作用。
  121. X plays a key role in the life cycle of …
    X 在… 的生命周期中起着关键作用。
  122. X may play a pivotal role in the treatment of …
    X 可能发挥关键作用的治疗…。
  123. X may play a pivotal role in ensuring …
    X 可能在确保… … 方面发挥关键作用。
  124. X plays a major role in the transmission of …
    X 在… 的传输中起主要作用。
  125. X may play a key role in the maintenance of …
    X 可能在维护… 方面发挥关键作用。
  126. X may play a pivotal role in reducing …
    X 可能在减少… … 方面发挥关键作用。
  127. X may play a essential role in reducing …
    X 可能在减少… … 方面发挥重要作用。
  128. X plays a central role in the maintenance of …
    X 在维护… 方面起着中心作用。
  129. X may play a major role in fostering …
    X 可能在促进… … 方面发挥重要作用。
  130. X can play a vital role in ensuring …
    X 可以在确保… … 方面发挥重要作用。
  131. X may play a major role in reducing …
    X 可能在减少… … 方面起主要作用。
  132. X may play a fundamental role in fostering …
    X 可能在培养… … 方面起着根本性的作用。
  133. X can play a essential role in the regulation of …
    X 可以发挥重要作用的调节…。
  134. X may play a pivotal role in the development of …
    X 可能发挥关键作用的发展…。
  135. X can play a important role in the regulation of …
    X 可以发挥重要作用的调节…。
  136. X can play a central role in reducing …
    X 可以起到中心作用减少…。
  137. X plays a central role in preventing …
    X 在预防… … 中起着中心作用。
  138. X plays a vital role in the repair of …
    X 在修复… 方面起着至关重要的作用。
  139. X plays a crucial role in the development of …
    X 在… 的发展中起着至关重要的作用。
  140. X plays a major role in ensuring …
    X 在确保… … 方面起着重要作用。
  141. X may play a fundamental role in preventing …
    X 可能在预防… … 方面发挥重要作用。
  142. X plays a fundamental role in reducing …
    X 在减少… … 方面起着基本的作用。
  143. X may play a significant role in the life cycle of …
    X 可能在… 的生命周期中发挥重要作用。
  144. X can play a crucial role in preventing …
    X 可以起到至关重要的作用,防止…。
  145. X plays a vital role in the regulation of …
    X 在调节… 中起着至关重要的作用。
  146. X plays a pivotal role in the regulation of …
    X 在… 的调节中起着关键的作用。
  147. X may play a significant role in addressing the issue of …
    X 可能在解决… … 问题方面发挥重要作用。
  148. X may play a central role in the repair of …
    X 可能在修复… 方面发挥中心作用。
  149. X plays a crucial role in the regulation of …
    X 在调节… 方面起着至关重要的作用。
  150. X plays a significant role in preventing …
    X 在预防… 中起着重要作用。
  151. X plays a essential role in reducing …
    X 在减少… … 方面起着重要作用。
  152. X can play a major role in determining …
    X 可以在决定… … 方面起主要作用。
  153. X plays a major role in the regulation of …
    X 在调节… 方面起着重要作用。
  154. X can play a essential role in the repair of …
    X 可以发挥重要作用,修复…。
  155. X plays a pivotal role in the development of …
    X 在… 的发展中起着举足轻重的作用。
  156. X can play a crucial role in reducing …
    X 可以起到关键作用减少…。
  157. X can play a central role in the maintenance of …
    X 可以发挥中心作用的维护…。
  158. X can play a significant role in fostering …
    X 可以发挥重要作用,培养…。
  159. X plays a fundamental role in the pathogenesis of …
    X 在肺癌的发病机制中起着重要作用。
  160. X may play a important role in the life cycle of …
    X 可能在… 的生命周期中发挥重要作用。
  161. X can play a major role in the life cycle of …
    X 可以发挥主要作用的生命周期的…。
  162. X plays a key role in reducing …
    X 在减少… 方面起着关键作用。
  163. X can play a pivotal role in fostering …
    X 可以发挥关键作用,在培养…。
  164. X plays a vital role in ensuring …
    X 在确保… … 方面起着至关重要的作用。
  165. Xs are one of the most widely used groups of antibacterial agents and …
    X 是一组最广泛使用的抗菌药物和…。
  166. X is an important component in the climate system, and plays a key role in Y.
    X 是气候系统的重要组成部分,在 y 中起着关键作用。
  167. X can play a essential role in determining …
    X 可以在决定… … 方面发挥重要作用。
  168. X may play a significant role in combating …
    X 可能在打击… 方面发挥重要作用。
  169. X plays a pivotal role in the life cycle of …
    X 在… 的生命周期中起着关键的作用。
  170. X may play a key role in combating …
    X 可能在打击… 方面发挥关键作用。
  171. X plays a central role in the development of …
    X 在… 的发展中起着中心作用。
  172. X may play a significant role in the repair of …
    X 可能在修复… 方面发挥重要作用。
  173. X may play a important role in fostering …
    X 可能在培养… … 方面起重要作用。
  174. X may play a key role in determining …
    X 可能在决定… … 方面起着关键作用。
  175. X can play a vital role in preventing …
    X 可以起到至关重要的作用,防止…。
  176. X can play a essential role in the pathogenesis of …
    结论: x 染色体在发病机制中具有重要作用。
  177. X can play a key role in the regulation of …
    X 可以发挥关键作用的调整…。
  178. X plays a essential role in the development of …
    X 在… 的发展过程中起着至关重要的作用。
  179. X plays a key role in combating …
    X 在打击… 方面起着关键作用。
  180. X can play a central role in combating …
    X 可以发挥中心作用打击…。
  181. X may play a fundamental role in addressing the issue of …
    X 可能在解决… … 问题方面发挥基本作用。
  182. X plays a central role in the treatment of …
    X 在治疗… 中起着中心作用。
  183. X plays a key role in the pathogenesis of …
    X 在发病机制中起关键作用。
  184. X can play a key role in the life cycle of …
    X 可以发挥关键作用的生命周期的…。
  185. X can play a significant role in the life cycle of …
    X 可以发挥重要作用的生命周期的…。
  186. X plays a pivotal role in reducing …
    X 在减少… 方面起着关键作用。
  187. X can play a vital role in addressing the issue of …
    X 可以发挥重要作用,解决问题的…。
  188. X can play a crucial role in addressing the issue of …
    X 可以发挥关键作用,解决问题的…。
  189. X can play a key role in the development of …
    X 可以发挥关键作用的发展…。
  190. X can play a major role in the repair of …
    X 可以发挥主要作用,修复…。
  191. X can play a pivotal role in ensuring …
    X 可以发挥关键作用,确保…。
  192. In the new global economy, X has become a central issue for …
    在新的全球经济中,x 已经成为… 的核心问题。
  193. Evidence suggests that X is among the most important factors for …
    有证据表明,x 是最重要的因素之一…。
  194. X can play a important role in addressing the issue of …
    X 可以发挥重要作用,解决问题的…。
  195. X can play a central role in the repair of …
    X 可以发挥中心作用,修复…。
  196. X may play a vital role in combating …
    X 可能在打击… 方面发挥重要作用。
  197. X may play a vital role in fostering …
    X 可能在培养… … 方面发挥重要作用。
  198. X plays a key role in ensuring …
    X 在确保… … 方面起着关键作用。
  199. X can play a vital role in the maintenance of …
    X 可以发挥重要作用的维护…。
  200. X plays a central role in the transmission of …
    X 在… 的传输中起着中心作用。
  201. X can play a central role in addressing the issue of …
    X 可以发挥中心作用,解决问题的…。
  202. X may play a crucial role in the treatment of …
    X 可能在治疗… 中起重要作用。
  203. X plays a significant role in the transmission of …
    X 在… 的传输中起着重要的作用。
  204. X plays a crucial role in preventing …
    X 在预防… … 中起着至关重要的作用。
  205. X plays a vital role in protecting against …
    X 在防止… 方面起着至关重要的作用。
  206. X can play a fundamental role in determining …
    X 可以在决定… … 方面发挥基本作用。
  207. X can play a crucial role in combating …
    X 可以发挥关键作用,打击…。
  208. X can play a crucial role in the transmission of …
    X 可以发挥关键作用的传播…。
  209. X may play a crucial role in reducing …
    X 可能在减少… … 方面发挥关键作用。
  210. X can play a central role in preventing …
    X 可以起到中心作用,防止…。
  211. X plays a important role in protecting against …
    X 在防止… … 方面起着重要作用。
  212. X plays a crucial role in reducing …
    X 在减少… 中起着至关重要的作用。
  213. X may play a key role in the life cycle of …
    X 可能在… 的生命周期中发挥关键作用。
  214. X plays a significant role in the treatment of …
    X 在治疗… 中起重要作用。
  215. X may play a significant role in reducing …
    X 可能在减少… … 方面起重要作用。
  216. X may play a central role in fostering …
    X 可能在促进… … 方面发挥中心作用。
  217. X may play a fundamental role in the repair of …
    X 可能发挥基本作用,修复…。
  218. X plays a vital role in determining …
    X 在决定… 方面起着至关重要的作用。
  219. X can play a important role in the development of …
    X 可以发挥重要作用的发展…。
  220. X plays a key role in the repair of …
    X 在… 的修复中起着关键作用。
  221. X plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of …
    结论: x 在急性脑梗死的发病机制中起着重要作用。
  222. X plays a important role in combating …
    X 在打击… 方面起着重要作用。
  223. X may play a crucial role in the maintenance of …
    X 可能在维护… 方面发挥关键作用。
  224. X may play a essential role in fostering …
    X 可能在培养… … 方面发挥重要作用。
  225. X plays a vital role in the transmission of …
    X 在… 的传递中起着至关重要的作用。
  226. X plays a central role in the pathogenesis of …
    结论: x 在急性脑梗死的发病机制中起重要作用。
  227. X may play a crucial role in determining …
    X 可能在决定… … 方面发挥关键作用。
  228. X plays a pivotal role in fostering …
    X 在培养… … 中起着关键作用。
  229. X may play a fundamental role in the regulation of …
    X 可能在调节… 方面起着根本性的作用。
  230. X plays a key role in the regulation of …
    X 在调节… 方面起着关键作用。
  231. X can play a essential role in the treatment of …
    X 可以发挥重要作用的治疗…。
  232. X may play a fundamental role in the transmission of …
    X 可能在传递… 方面起着基本的作用。
  233. X can play a key role in combating …
    X 可以发挥关键作用,打击…。
  234. X may play a significant role in the transmission of …
    X 可能发挥重要作用的传播…。
  235. X can play a pivotal role in the life cycle of …
    X 可以发挥关键作用的生命周期的…。
  236. X plays a important role in the treatment of …
    X 在治疗… 中起着重要作用。
  237. X plays a significant role in the regulation of …
    X 在调节… 方面起着重要作用。
  238. X may play a key role in the development of …
    X 可能在… 的发展中起着关键作用。
  239. X can play a significant role in the development of …
    X 可以发挥重要作用的发展…。
  240. X plays a key role in preventing …
    X 在预防… … 中起着关键作用。
  241. X can play a essential role in ensuring …
    X 可以在确保… … 方面发挥重要作用。
  242. X may play a essential role in the transmission of …
    X 可能在… 的传递过程中发挥重要作用。
  243. X is a key issue in …
    X 是… 的关键问题。
  244. X is a key ingredient of …
    X 是… 的关键成分。
  245. X is a key element of …
    X 是… 的一个关键因素。
  246. X plays a important role in the repair of …
    X 在… 的修复中起着重要作用。
  247. X plays a significant role in protecting against …
    X 在防止… … 方面起着重要作用。
  248. X may play a essential role in preventing …
    X 可能在预防… … 方面发挥重要作用。
  249. X may play a central role in preventing …
    X 可能在预防… … 方面发挥中心作用。
  250. X may play a crucial role in the regulation of …
    X 可能在调节… 方面起着至关重要的作用。
  251. X plays a key role in the treatment of …
    X 在治疗… 中起着关键作用。
  252. X may play a essential role in ensuring …
    X 可能在确保… … 方面发挥重要作用。
  253. X may play a pivotal role in preventing …
    X 可能在预防… … 方面发挥关键作用。
  254. X plays a crucial role in fostering …
    X 在培养… … 中起着至关重要的作用。
  255. X may play a major role in the treatment of …
    X 可能在治疗… 中起主要作用。
  256. X can play a crucial role in the development of …
    X 可以发挥关键作用的发展…。
  257. X can play a significant role in protecting against …
    X 可以发挥重要作用,防止…。
  258. X is the primary means of …
    X 是… 的主要手段。
  259. X may play a crucial role in protecting against …
    X 可能在防止… 方面发挥关键作用。
  260. X may play a important role in the repair of …
    X 可能在修复… 方面发挥重要作用。
  261. X may play a pivotal role in protecting against …
    X 可能在防止… 方面发挥关键作用。
  262. X can play a vital role in the regulation of …
    X 可以发挥重要作用的调节…。
  263. X plays a fundamental role in the transmission of …
    X 在… 的传输中起着基础性的作用。
  264. X can play a essential role in combating …
    X 可以在打击… 方面发挥重要作用。
  265. X plays a major role in the life cycle of …
    X 在… 的生命周期中起着重要的作用。
  266. X may play a major role in combating …
    X 可能在打击… 方面发挥重要作用。
  267. X plays a crucial role in addressing the issue of …
    X 在解决… … 问题上起着至关重要的作用。
  268. X can play a central role in protecting against …
    X 可以发挥中心作用,防止…。
  269. X can play a vital role in the treatment of …
    X 可以发挥重要作用的治疗…。
  270. X can play a fundamental role in the treatment of …
    X 可以发挥基本作用的治疗…。
  271. X can play a vital role in the repair of …
    X 可以发挥重要作用,修复…。
  272. X can play a significant role in determining …
    X 可以发挥重要作用,决定…。
  273. X may play a vital role in ensuring …
    X 可能在确保… … 方面发挥重要作用。
  274. X plays a major role in preventing …
    X 在预防… … 方面起着重要作用。
  275. X may play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of …
    X 可能在发病机制中起关键作用。
  276. X plays a central role in the repair of …
    X 在修复… 方面起着中心作用。
  277. X can play a major role in protecting against …
    X 可以发挥重要作用,防止…。
  278. X may play a vital role in the life cycle of …
    X 可能在… 的生命周期中发挥重要作用。
  279. X plays a fundamental role in determining …
    X 在决定… 方面起着基本的作用。
  280. X may play a key role in the repair of …
    X 可能在修复… 方面发挥关键作用。
  281. X plays a essential role in the repair of …
    X 在修复… 方面起着至关重要的作用。
  282. X can play a key role in ensuring …
    X 可以在确保… … 方面发挥关键作用。
  283. X can play a key role in the repair of …
    X 可以发挥关键作用,修复…。
  284. X may play a crucial role in the transmission of …
    X 可能发挥关键作用的传播…。
  285. X can play a crucial role in the maintenance of …
    X 可以发挥关键作用的维护…。
  286. X can play a essential role in addressing the issue of …
    X 可以在解决… 问题上发挥重要作用。
  287. X can play a essential role in the development of …
    X 可以发挥重要作用的发展…。
  288. X plays a key role in the transmission of …
    X 在… 的传输中起着关键的作用。
  289. X can play a vital role in fostering …
    X 可以发挥至关重要的作用,培养…。
  290. X can play a significant role in combating …
    X 可以发挥重要作用,打击…。
  291. X can play a central role in the development of …
    X 可以发挥中心作用的发展…。
  292. X may play a major role in the transmission of …
    X 可能在… 的传输中起主要作用。
  293. X plays a essential role in protecting against …
    X 在防止… … 方面起着重要作用。
  294. X plays a key role in the development of …
    X 在… 的发展中起着关键的作用。
  295. X plays a important role in addressing the issue of …
    X 在解决… 问题方面发挥了重要作用。
  296. X may play a essential role in addressing the issue of …
    X 可能在解决… … 问题上发挥重要作用。
  297. X can play a important role in fostering …
    X 可以发挥重要作用,培养…。
  298. X can play a vital role in protecting against …
  299. X can play a pivotal role in determining …
    X 可以发挥关键作用,决定…。
  300. X plays a essential role in ensuring …
    X 在确保… … 方面起着重要作用。
  301. X plays a fundamental role in ensuring …
    X 在确保… … 方面起着根本性的作用。
  302. X may play a crucial role in the development of …
    X 可能在… 的发展中起着至关重要的作用。
  303. X may play a fundamental role in determining …
    X 可能在决定… … 方面起着基本的作用。
  304. X can play a crucial role in the treatment of …
    X 可以发挥关键作用的治疗…。
  305. X plays a vital role in fostering …
    X 在培养… … 方面起着至关重要的作用。
  306. X plays a important role in the maintenance of …
    X 在维护… 方面起着重要作用。
  307. X can play a important role in the transmission of …
    X 可以发挥重要作用的传播…。
  308. X may play a significant role in the development of …
    X 可能发挥重要作用的发展…。
  309. X may play a significant role in ensuring …
    X 可能在确保… … 方面发挥重要作用。
  310. X plays a central role in fostering …
    X 在培养… … 方面起着核心作用。
  311. X plays a essential role in the life cycle of …
    X 在… 的生命周期中起着重要的作用。
  312. X plays a fundamental role in the life cycle of …
    X 在… 的生命周期中起着基础性的作用。
  313. X plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of …
    结论: x 在急性脑梗死的发病机制中起着关键作用。
  314. X can play a pivotal role in the regulation of …
    X 可以发挥关键作用的调节…。
  315. X may play a central role in the treatment of …
    X 可能在治疗… 中起中心作用。
  316. X can play a major role in the transmission of …
    X 可以发挥主要作用的传输…。
  317. X may play a essential role in protecting against …
    X 可能在防止… … 方面发挥重要作用。
  318. X can play a fundamental role in reducing …
    X 可以发挥基本作用,减少…。
  319. X may play a pivotal role in the transmission of …
    X 可能发挥关键作用的传输…。
  320. X may play a fundamental role in protecting against …
    X 可能在防止… … 方面发挥基本作用。
  321. X plays a fundamental role in ensuring …
    X 在确保… … 方面起着根本性的作用。
  322. X may play a crucial role in the development of …
    X 可能在… 的发展中起着至关重要的作用。
  323. X may play a fundamental role in determining …
    X 可能在决定… … 方面起着基本的作用。
  324. X can play a crucial role in the treatment of …
    X 可以发挥关键作用的治疗…。
  325. X plays a vital role in fostering …
    X 在培养… … 方面起着至关重要的作用。
  326. X plays a important role in the maintenance of …
    X 在维护… 方面起着重要作用。
  327. X can play a important role in the transmission of …
    X 可以发挥重要作用的传播…。
  328. X may play a significant role in the development of …
    X 可能发挥重要作用的发展…。
  329. X may play a significant role in ensuring …
    X 可能在确保… … 方面发挥重要作用。
  330. X plays a central role in fostering …
    X 在培养… … 方面起着核心作用。
  331. X plays a essential role in the life cycle of …
    X 在… 的生命周期中起着重要的作用。
  332. X plays a fundamental role in the life cycle of …
    X 在… 的生命周期中起着基础性的作用。
  333. X plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of …
    结论: x 在急性脑梗死的发病机制中起着关键作用。
  334. X can play a pivotal role in the regulation of …
    X 可以发挥关键作用的调节…。
  335. X may play a central role in the treatment of …
    X 可能在治疗… 中起中心作用。
  336. X can play a major role in the transmission of …
    X 可以发挥主要作用的传输…。
  337. X may play a essential role in protecting against …
    X 可能在防止… … 方面发挥重要作用。
  338. X can play a fundamental role in reducing …
    X 可以发挥基本作用,减少…。
  339. X may play a pivotal role in the transmission of …
    X 可能发挥关键作用的传输…。
  340. X may play a fundamental role in protecting against …
    X 可能在防止… … 方面发挥基本作用。
  341. X may play a fundamental role in ensuring …
    X 可能在确保… … 方面发挥重要作用。
  342. X may play a major role in the life cycle of …
    X 可能在… 的生命周期中起主要作用。
  343. X plays a pivotal role in the repair of …
    X 在… 的修复中起着关键的作用。
  344. X plays a fundamental role in the repair of …
    X 在修复… 方面起着基础性的作用。
  345. X may play a major role in ensuring …
    X 可能在确保… … 方面发挥重要作用。
  346. X may play a fundamental role in the treatment of …
    X 可能在治疗… 方面发挥基本作用。
  347. X can play a central role in the life cycle of …
    X 可以发挥中心作用的生命周期的…。
  348. X plays a essential role in addressing the issue of …
    X 在解决… … 问题上起着至关重要的作用。
  349. X plays a key role in protecting against …
    X 在防止… … 方面起着关键作用。
  350. X may play a essential role in the development of …
    X 可能在… 的发展过程中发挥重要作用。
  351. X may play a major role in the regulation of …
    X 可能在调节… 方面发挥重要作用。
  352. X may play a important role in combating …
    X 可能在打击… 方面发挥重要作用。
  353. X may play a important role in ensuring …
    X 可能在确保… … 方面发挥重要作用。
  354. X can play a central role in the treatment of …
    X 可以发挥中心作用的治疗…。
  355. X can play a pivotal role in reducing …
    X 可以发挥关键作用减少…。
  356. X can play a central role in the pathogenesis of …
    结论: x 可能在肺癌的发病机制中起重要作用。
  357. X can play a important role in the life cycle of …
    X 可以发挥重要作用的生命周期的…。
  358. X can play a vital role in the pathogenesis of …
    结论: x 染色体在发病机制中具有重要作用。
  359. X can play a crucial role in protecting against …
    X 可以起到至关重要的作用防止…。
  360. X can play a key role in determining …
    X 在决定… … 方面起着关键作用。
  361. X is an important aspect of …
    X 是… 的一个重要方面。
  362. X is fast becoming a key instrument in …
    X 正迅速成为… … 的关键乐器。
  363. X is essential for a wide range of technologies.
    X 对于许多技术来说都是必不可少的。
  364. Xs are the most potent anti-inflammatory agents known.
    Xs 是已知的最有效的抗炎药。
  365. There is evidence that X plays a crucial role in regulating …
    有证据表明,x 在调节中起着至关重要的作用。
  366. Xs were the most serious and widespread popular disturbances to occur in …
    X 是最严重和最广泛的民间动乱发生在…。
  367. X can play a pivotal role in preventing …
    X 可以起到关键的作用,防止…。
  368. X can play a fundamental role in the life cycle of …
    X 可以发挥基本作用的生命周期的…。
  369. X can play a vital role in the development of …
    X 可以发挥重要作用的发展…。
  370. X plays a central role in ensuring …
    X 在确保… … 方面起着核心作用。
  371. X plays a pivotal role in preventing …
    X 在预防… … 中起着关键作用。
  372. X may play a key role in addressing the issue of …
    X 可能在解决… … 问题方面发挥关键作用。
  373. X may play a key role in the transmission of …
    X 可能在传递… 方面起关键作用。
  374. X can play a central role in fostering …
    X 可以发挥中心作用,在培养…。
  375. X may play a vital role in reducing …
    X 可能在减少… … 方面起重要作用。
  376. X plays a crucial role in the transmission of …
    X 在… 的传输中起着至关重要的作用。
  377. X plays a essential role in the transmission of …
    X 在… 的传递中起着至关重要的作用。
  378. X can play a significant role in the transmission of …
    X 可以发挥重要作用的传播…。
  379. X may play a key role in the pathogenesis of …
    X 可能在发病机制中起关键作用。
  380. X plays a vital role in addressing the issue of …
    X 在解决… … 问题上起着至关重要的作用。
  381. X may play a essential role in the repair of …
    X 可能在修复… 方面发挥重要作用。
  382. X plays a vital role in the treatment of …
    X 在治疗… 中起着至关重要的作用。
  383. X can play a important role in determining …
    X 可以发挥重要作用,决定…。
  384. X may play a important role in reducing …
    X 可能在减少… … 方面起重要作用。
  385. X plays a major role in combating …
    X 在打击… 方面起着重要作用。
  386. X can play a significant role in the repair of …
    X 可以发挥重要作用,修复…。
  387. X plays a crucial role in the maintenance of …
    X 在维护… 方面起着至关重要的作用。
  388. X may play a vital role in the regulation of …
    X 可能在调节… 方面发挥重要作用。
  389. X plays a important role in preventing …
    X 在预防… … 中起着重要作用。
  390. X can play a fundamental role in preventing …
    X 可以在预防… … 方面发挥基本作用。
  391. X can play a major role in ensuring …
    X 可以在确保… … 方面发挥重要作用。
  392. X plays a major role in determining …
    X 在决定… 方面起主要作用。
  393. X plays a pivotal role in addressing the issue of …
    X 在解决… 问题方面起着关键作用。
  394. X plays a pivotal role in the treatment of …
    X 在治疗… 中起着关键作用。
  395. X can play a major role in fostering …
    X 可以发挥重要作用,在培养…。
  396. X plays a major role in the treatment of …
    X 在治疗… 中起主要作用。
  397. X can play a significant role in preventing …
    X 可以起到重要的预防作用。
  398. X may play a central role in protecting against …
    X 可能发挥中心作用,防止…。
  399. X can play a vital role in reducing …
    X 可以发挥重要作用,减少…。
  400. X plays a crucial role in the life cycle of …
    X 在… 的生命周期中起着至关重要的作用。
  401. X may play a important role in protecting against …
    X 可能在防止… … 方面发挥重要作用。
  402. X may play a key role in reducing …
    X 可能在减少… … 方面起关键作用。
  403. X can play a key role in addressing the issue of …
    X 可以发挥关键作用,解决问题的…。
  404. X may play a vital role in determining …
    X 可能在决定… 方面起着至关重要的作用。
  405. X can play a major role in preventing …
    X 可以在预防… 方面发挥重要作用。
  406. X plays a essential role in the regulation of …
    X 在调节… 方面起着至关重要的作用。
  407. X can play a fundamental role in ensuring …
    X 可以在确保… … 方面发挥重要作用。
  408. X may play a significant role in the regulation of …
    X 可能在对… 的调节中起重要作用。
  409. X can play a key role in the treatment of …
    X 可以发挥关键作用的治疗…。
  410. X plays a essential role in determining …
    X 在决定… 方面起着至关重要的作用。
  411. X may play a key role in protecting against …
    X 可能发挥关键作用,防止…。
  412. X may play a pivotal role in combating …
    X 可能在打击… 方面发挥关键作用。
  413. X can play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of …
    结论: x 染色体在肺癌的发病机制中起着关键作用。
  414. X plays a vital role in the life cycle of …
    X 在… 的生命周期中起着至关重要的作用。
  415. X can play a major role in the development of …
    X 可以发挥重要作用的发展…。
  416. X may play a major role in preventing …
    X 可能在预防… … 方面发挥重要作用。
  417. X plays a important role in ensuring …
    X 在确保… … 方面起着重要作用。
  418. X may play a fundamental role in reducing …
    X 可能在减少… … 方面发挥基本作用。
  419. X may play a central role in ensuring …
    X 可能在确保… … 方面发挥核心作用。
  420. X plays a central role in protecting against …
    X 在防止… … 方面起着核心作用。
  421. X plays a key role in determining …
    X 在决定… 方面起着关键作用。
  422. X can play a central role in the regulation of …
    X 可以发挥中心作用的调整…。
  423. X is a key factor in …
    X 是… 的关键因素。
  424. X is a key determinant of …
    X 是… 的关键决定因素。
  425. X is a key component of …
    X 是… 的关键组成部分。
  426. X is a key strategy for …
    X 是… 的关键策略。
  427. X is a key feature of …
    X 是… 的一个关键特征。
  428. X is a key indicator of …
    X 是… 的关键指标。
  429. X is a key aspect of …
    X 是… 的一个关键方面。
  430. X plays a key role in the maintenance of …
    X 在维护… 方面起着关键作用。
  431. X plays a major role in fostering …
    X 在培养… … 方面起着重要作用。
  432. X plays a vital role in the development of …
    X 在… 的发展中起着至关重要的作用。
  433. X plays a pivotal role in the maintenance of …
    X 在维护… 方面起着关键作用。
  434. X can play a major role in the treatment of …
    X 可以发挥主要作用的治疗…。
  435. X can play a significant role in ensuring …
    X 可以发挥重要作用,确保…。
  436. X may play a pivotal role in the maintenance of …
    X 可能在维护… 方面发挥关键作用。
  437. X can play a fundamental role in protecting against …
    X 可以发挥基本作用,防止…。
  438. X can play a pivotal role in the treatment of …
    X 可以发挥关键作用的治疗…。
  439. X can play a pivotal role in protecting against …
    X 可以发挥关键作用,防止…。
  440. X may play a crucial role in combating …
    X 可能在打击… 方面发挥关键作用。
  441. X can play a key role in the transmission of …
    X 可以发挥关键作用的传播…。
  442. X can play a vital role in determining …
    X 在决定… 方面起着至关重要的作用。
  443. X may play a vital role in protecting against …
    X 可能发挥重要作用,防止…。
  444. X can play a key role in protecting against …
    X 可以发挥关键作用,防止…。
  445. X may play a important role in the maintenance of …
    X 可能在维护… 方面起着重要作用。
  446. X plays a significant role in the life cycle of …
    X 在植物的生命周期中起着重要的作用。
  447. X can play a pivotal role in the repair of …
    X 可以发挥关键作用,在修复…。
  448. X plays a central role in the life cycle of …
    X 在… 的生命周期中起着中心作用。
  449. X may play a significant role in the maintenance of …
    X 可能在维护… 方面发挥重要作用。
  450. X may play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of …
    X 可能在肺癌的发病机制中起重要作用。
  451. X plays a crucial role in ensuring …
    X 在确保… … 方面起着至关重要的作用。
  452. X plays a major role in protecting against …
    X 在防止… … 方面起主要作用。
  453. X can play a major role in reducing …
    X 可以在减少… 方面起主要作用。
  454. X may play a vital role in the repair of …
    X 可能在修复… 方面发挥重要作用。
  455. X plays a major role in the development of …
    X 在… 的发展中起着重要的作用。
  456. X can play a essential role in the life cycle of …
    X 可以发挥重要作用的生命周期的…。
  457. X can play a major role in the regulation of …
    X 可以发挥重要作用的调节…。
  458. X can play a important role in ensuring …
    X 可以发挥重要作用,确保…。
  459. X can play a essential role in fostering …
    X 可以发挥重要作用,培养…。
  460. X may play a major role in the pathogenesis of …
    X 可能在发病机制中起重要作用。
  461. X may play a pivotal role in addressing the issue of …
    X 可能在解决… … 问题方面发挥关键作用。
  462. X may play a fundamental role in the life cycle of …
    X 可能在… 的生命周期中起着基本的作用。
  463. X can play a important role in the pathogenesis of …
    结论: x 染色体在发病机制中起重要作用。
  464. X may play a central role in reducing …
    X 可能在减少… … 方面发挥中心作用。
  465. X can play a pivotal role in the transmission of …
    X 可以发挥关键作用的传输…。
  466. X may play a fundamental role in combating …
    X 可能在打击… 方面发挥重要作用。
  467. X may play a pivotal role in determining …
    X 可能在决定… … 方面起着关键作用。
  468. X may play a major role in the development of …
    X 可能在… 的发展中起主要作用。
  469. X plays a significant role in reducing …
    X 在减少… 方面起着重要作用。
  470. X may play a essential role in combating …
    X 可能在打击… 方面发挥重要作用。
  471. X can play a major role in the pathogenesis of …
    结论: x 染色体可能在急性脑梗死的发病机制中起重要作用。
  472. X may play a significant role in the pathogenesis of …
    X 可能在肺癌的发病机制中起重要作用。
  473. X can play a important role in the maintenance of …
    X 可以发挥重要作用的维护…。
  474. X may play a major role in the repair of …
    X 可能在修复… 方面发挥重要作用。
  475. X plays a significant role in the maintenance of …
    X 在维护… 方面起着重要的作用。
  476. X may play a important role in the transmission of …
    X 可能在… 的传递过程中起重要作用。
  477. X may play a central role in addressing the issue of …
    X 可能在解决… … 问题上发挥中心作用。
  478. X can play a essential role in preventing …
    X 可以在预防… 中发挥重要作用。
  479. X can play a fundamental role in the pathogenesis of …
    结论: x 染色体在肺癌的发病机制中具有重要作用。
  480. X may play a key role in fostering …
    X 可能在促进… … 方面发挥关键作用。
  481. X plays a pivotal role in protecting against …
    X 在防止… … 方面起着关键作用。
  482. X can play a fundamental role in the regulation of …
    X 可以起到基本的调节作用。
  483. X may play a pivotal role in the repair of …
    X 可能发挥关键作用,修复…。
  484. X may play a major role in protecting against …
    X 可能在防止… 方面发挥重要作用。
  485. X is a major contributor to …
  486. X plays a crucial role in protecting against …
    X 在防止… 方面起着至关重要的作用。
  487. X may play a vital role in the transmission of …
    X 在… 的传递中可能起着重要的作用。
  488. X can play a central role in the transmission of …
    X 可以发挥中心作用的传输…。
  489. X can play a essential role in protecting against …
    X 可以发挥重要作用,防止…。
  490. X plays a major role in the maintenance of …
    X 在维护… 方面起主要作用。
  491. X can play a vital role in combating …
    X 可以发挥重要作用,打击…。
  492. X plays a fundamental role in preventing …
    X 在预防… … 中起着根本性的作用。
  493. X can play a pivotal role in combating …
    X 可以发挥关键作用,打击…。
  494. X can play a vital role in the life cycle of …
    X 可以发挥重要作用的生命周期的…。
  495. X plays a vital role in reducing …
    X 在减少… 方面起着至关重要的作用。
  496. X plays a important role in the pathogenesis of …
    结论: x 在急性脑梗死的发病机制中起重要作用。
  497. X may play a crucial role in preventing …
    X 可能在预防… … 方面发挥重要作用。
  498. X may play a pivotal role in the life cycle of …
    X 可能在… 的生命周期中发挥关键作用。
  499. X plays a important role in the regulation of …
    X 在调节… 方面起着重要作用。
  500. X may play a vital role in the maintenance of …
    X 可能在维护… 方面起着至关重要的作用。
  501. X may play a important role in determining …
    X 可能在决定… … 方面发挥重要作用。
  502. X may play a vital role in the pathogenesis of …
    X 可能在发病机制中起重要作用。
  503. X can play a key role in reducing …
    X 可以起到关键作用减少…。
  504. X may play a central role in the transmission of …
    X 可能在… 的传输中发挥中心作用。
  505. X may play a significant role in preventing …
    X 可能在预防… … 中起重要作用。
  506. X may play a crucial role in ensuring …
    X 可能在确保… … 方面发挥关键作用。
  507. X plays a pivotal role in the transmission of …
    X 在… 的传输中起着关键的作用。
  508. X may play a significant role in determining …
    X 可能在决定… … 方面发挥重要作用。
  509. X plays a key role in fostering …
    X 在培养… … 中起着关键作用。
  510. X can play a central role in determining …
    X 可以发挥中心作用,决定…。
  511. X can play a fundamental role in the transmission of …
    X 可以发挥基础作用的传播…。
  512. X can play a crucial role in determining …
    X 可以发挥关键作用,决定…。
  513. X can play a major role in the maintenance of …
    X 可以发挥主要作用的维护…。
  514. X plays a key role in addressing the issue of …
    X 在解决… 问题方面起着关键作用。
  515. X can play a key role in the maintenance of …
    X 可以发挥关键作用的维护…。
  516. X may play a essential role in the maintenance of …
    X 可能在维护… 方面发挥重要作用。
  517. X may play a vital role in the treatment of …
    X 可能在治疗… 中起重要作用。
  518. X can play a significant role in the regulation of …
    X 可以发挥重要作用的调节…。


  1. One of the most important events of the 1970s was …
    20世纪70年代最重要的事件之一是… …。
  2. Recent developments in X have heightened the need for …
    最近 x 的发展增加了对… … 的需要。
  3. The last two decades have seen a growing trend towards …
    在过去的二十年里,日益增长的趋势是… …。
  4. X has experienced unprecedented growth over the past 100 years.
    在过去的100年里,x 经历了前所未有的增长。
  5. The past decade has seen the rapid development of X in many …
    在过去的十年中,x 在许多领域得到了迅速的发展。


  1. There is increasing concern that some Xs are being disadvantaged …
    人们越来越担心一些 x 正处于不利地位… …。
  2. There is an urgent need to address the safety problems caused by …
    现在迫切需要解决… … 引起的安全问题。
  3. The prevalence of X is increasing at an alarming rate in all age groups.
    在所有年龄组中,x 的流行率都在以惊人的速度增加。
  4. Questions have been raised about the safety of the prolonged use of …
    对长期使用… 的安全性提出了质疑。
  5. X is increasingly recognised as a serious, worldwide public health concern.
    X 日益被认为是一个严重的,世界范围内的公共健康问题。
  6. (However,) X has accentuated the problem of …
    (然而) x 突出了… 的问题。
  7. (However,) X can be adversely affected under certain conditions.
    (不过,) x 在某些情况下可能会受到不利影响。
  8. (However,) research has consistently shown that X lacks …
    (然而,)研究一直表明,x 缺乏…。
  9. (However,) the performance of X is limited by …
    但是,x 的性能受到… … 的限制。
  10. (However,) accounting for these varying experiences is problematic .
  11. (However,) X can be extremely harmful to human beings.
    (然而) x 对人类是极其有害的。
  12. X is a leading cause of …
    是… 的主要原因。
  13. One of the main obstacles …
  14. X is associated with increased risk of …
    X 与增加… … 的风险有关。
  15. X impacts negatively upon a range of …
    对一系列… … 产生负面影响。
  16. X is a common disorder characterised by …
    X 是一种常见的疾病,其特征是…。
  17. Lack of X has existed as a health problem for many years.
    X 缺乏已经作为一个健康问题存在了很多年。
  18. X is a major problem in …
    X 是… 的一个主要问题。
  19. Of particular concern is …
  20. One of the greatest challenges …
  21. The main disadvantage of X is that …
    X 的主要缺点是…。
  22. It is now well established that X can impair …
    现在已经确定,x 可以损害…。
  23. X has led to the decline in the population of …
    已经导致… 的人口下降。
  24. X is a growing public health concern worldwide.
    X 已经成为全世界日益关注的公共健康问题。
  25. X is one of the most frequently stated problems with …
    X 是最经常提到的问题之一…。
  26. X is a major environmental problem, and the main cause of …
    X 是一个重大的环境问题,其主要原因是…。
  27. Xs are one of the most rapidly declining groups of insects in …
    X 是昆虫中数量下降最快的一类。
  28. X is the leading cause of death in western-industrialised countries.
    在西方工业化国家,x 是导致死亡的主要原因。
  29. Despite its safety and efficacy, X suffers from several major drawbacks:
    尽管 x 有安全性和有效性,但它也有几个主要缺点:
  30. Along with this growth in X, however, there is increasing concern over …
    然而,随着 x 的增长,人们越来越担心…。
  31. Despite its long clinical success, X is associated with a number of problems.
    尽管 x 疗法在临床上取得了长期的成功,但它也存在一些问题。
  32. X and its consequences are an important, but understudied, cause for concern.
  33. (However,) current methods of X have proven to be unreliable.
    (然而,)目前的 x 方法已被证明是不可靠的。
  34. (However,) a major problem with this kind of application is …
  35. (However,) observations have indicated a serious decline in the population of …
    (然而,)观察表明… 的种群数量严重下降。
  36. (However,) the determination of X is technically challenging.
    (然而) x 的测定在技术上是具有挑战性的。
  37. A key issue is the safe disposal of …
    一个关键问题是… 的安全处置。
  38. The main challenge faced by many researchers is the …
  39. Exposure to X has been shown to be related to adverse effects in …
    暴露于 x 已被证明是有关的不利影响…。
  40. (However,) X is too expensive to be used for …
    (然而,) x 太贵了,不能用于… …。
  41. (However,) X suffers from …
    (然而,) x 患有… …。
  42. (However,) these rapid changes are having a serious effect on …
    (然而)这些迅速的变化对… … 产生了严重的影响。
  43. (However,) X could be a contributing factor to …
    (然而,) x 可能是… … 的影响因素。
  44. (However,) X is limited by …
    (然而) x 受到… … 的限制。
  45. (However,) X may cause …
    (然而) x 可能会引致…。
  46. (However,) the synthesis of X remains a major challenge.
    (然而) x 的合成仍然是一个主要的挑战。
  47. X is is a key issue in …
    X 是一个关键问题…。


  1. Recent research has linked …
  2. Previous research has established that …
  3. Previous research has demonstrated …
    先前的研究已经证明… …。
  4. Recent work by historians has established that …
  5. It is now well established from a variety of studies, that …
    通过各种各样的研究,现在已经确定,… …。
  6. Evidence from a number of experimental studies has established that …
  7. Factors found to be influencing X have been explored in several studies.
    在一些研究中已经发现了影响 x 的因素。
  8. Studies over the past two decades have provided important information on …
    过去二十年的研究提供了关于… … 的重要信息。
  9. There are a large number of published studies (e.g., Smith, 2001; Jones, 2005) that describe …
    有大量已发表的研究(例如,史密斯,2001; 琼斯,2005)描述了… …。
  10. What we know about X comes from contemporary textual sources.
    我们对 x 的了解来自于当代的文本资料。
  11. What is known about X is (largely) based on observations using various animal models.
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)是基于各种动物模型的观察。
  12. What we know about X is (largely) derived from outdated studies …
    我们对 x 的了解(大部分)来源于过时的研究… …。
  13. What we know about X comes from accounts by …
    我们对 x 的了解来自于… …。
  14. What is known about X is (largely) derived from outdated studies …
    关于 x 的已知知识(大部分)来自过时的研究…。
  15. What is known about X is (largely) based on historical data from …
    我们对 x 的了解(大部分)是基于… … 的历史数据。
  16. What we know about X comes from studies conducted in populations of X.
    我们对 x 的了解来自于对 x 族群的研究。
  17. What is known about X is (largely) based on research using laboratory animals.
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)是基于对实验动物的研究。
  18. What we know about X is (largely) derived from epidemiological studies.
    我们对 x 的了解(大部分)来自流行病学研究。
  19. What we know about X is (largely) based on historical data from …
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)是基于… … 的历史数据。
  20. What we know about X is (largely) based on research undertaken in major cities.
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)是基于在主要城市进行的研究。
  21. What is known about X is (largely) derived from laboratory studies.
    关于 x 的已知知识(大部分)来源于实验室研究。
  22. What we know about X comes from cross-sectional studies of …
    我们对 x 的了解来自对… … 的横断面研究。
  23. What is known about X is (largely) derived from observations using various animal models.
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)来源于各种动物模型的观察。
  24. It has been assumed that …
  25. It has been suggested that …
  26. It has been noted that …
  27. It has been observed that …
    据观察… …。
  28. Previous research has documented …
    先前的研究已经证明… …。
  29. Previous research has linked …
  30. Several studies have found …
  31. A number of researchers have found …
  32. What is known about X is (largely) based on case studies undertaken in …
    我们对 x 的了解(大部分)是基于年进行的案例研究。
  33. What we know about X is (largely) derived from accounts by …
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)来源于… …。
  34. What is known about X comes from small-scale experiments with …
    关于 x 的已知知识来自于小规模的实验。
  35. What is known about X is (largely) derived from cross-sectional studies of …
    关于 x 的已知知识(很大程度上)来源于对… 的横断面研究。
  36. What is known about X is (largely) derived from a few primary sources from the time.
    关于 x 的已知信息(大部分)来自于当时的一些主要信息源。
  37. What is known about X comes from a few primary sources from the time.
    关于 x 的已知信息来源于当时的一些主要信息。
  38. What is known about X is (largely) based on outdated studies …
    我们对 x 的了解(大部分)是基于过时的研究…。
  39. What we know about X is (largely) based on cross-sectional studies of …
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)是基于对… 的横断面研究。
  40. What we know about X is (largely) derived from observations using various animal models.
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)来自于各种动物模型的观察。
  41. What we know about X is (largely) derived from research undertaken in major cities.
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)来源于在主要城市进行的研究。
  42. What we know about X comes from observations using various animal models.
    我们对 x 的了解来自于各种动物模型的观察。
  43. What is known about X is (largely) derived from studies conducted in populations of X.
    关于 x 的已知知识(大部分)来源于对 x 族群的研究。
  44. What is known about X comes from cross-sectional studies of …
    我们对 x 的了解来自对… … 的横断面研究。
  45. What is known about X comes from laboratory studies.
    关于 x 的已知信息来自实验室研究。
  46. What is known about X comes from accounts by …
    关于 x 的已知信息来自于… …。
  47. What we know about X is (largely) derived from contemporary textual sources.
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)来源于当时的文本资料。
  48. What we know about X is (largely) based on outdated studies …
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)是基于过时的研究…。
  49. What is known about X is (largely) derived from epidemiological studies.
    关于 x 的已知信息(大部分)来源于流行病学研究。
  50. Previous research has established that …
  51. Previous studies have reported …
  52. Recent studies have documented …
  53. Recent research has reported …
    最近的研究报道… …。
  54. Recent research has demonstrated …
    最近的研究表明… …。
  55. Recent studies have found …
  56. Previous research has found …
  57. Previous studies have documented …
    以前的研究已经证明… …。
  58. Recent studies have reported …
    最近的研究报道… …。
  59. Recent research has found …
  60. Several researchers have identified ….
  61. A number of researchers have shown that …
    许多研究人员已经证明… …。
  62. Several studies have demonstrated that …
  63. Several researchers have shown that …
    一些研究人员已经证明… …。
  64. Several researchers have explored risk factors associated with …
    一些研究人员已经探索了与… … 相关的危险因素。
  65. A number of studies have attempted to …
  66. A number of researchers have found an association between …
    许多研究人员发现了… … 之间的联系。
  67. A number of studies have demonstrated that …
    许多研究表明… …。
  68. Several researchers have investigated whether …
  69. Several studies have identified ….
  70. What is known about X is (largely) derived from case studies undertaken in …
    关于 x 的已知知识(很大程度上)来源于年进行的案例研究。
  71. What we know about X is (largely) derived from case studies undertaken in …
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)来源于年进行的个案研究。
  72. What we know about X is (largely) derived from brief biographical details.
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)来自于简短的传记细节。
  73. What is known about X comes from brief biographical details.
    关于 x 的已知信息来自简短的生平细节。
  74. What we know about X is (largely) derived from studies conducted in populations of X.
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)来源于对 x 族群的研究。
  75. The first serious discussions and analyses of X emerged during the 1970s with …
    关于 x 的第一次严肃的讨论和分析出现在20世纪70年代。
  76. Xs were reported in the first studies of Y (e.g., Smith, 1977; Smith and Jones, 1977).
    X 在 y 的第一次研究中被报道(例如,Smith,1977; Smith 和 Jones,1977)。
  77. What we know about X is largely based upon empirical studies that investigate how …
    我们对 x 的了解很大程度上是基于实证研究,调查如何…。
  78. Smith (1984: 217) shows how, in the past, research into X was mainly concerned with …
    史密斯(1984:217)表明,在过去,对 x 的研究主要是关于…。
  79. Results from earlier studies demonstrate a strong and consistent association between …
  80. It has been demonstrated that ….
    事实证明… …。
  81. It has been estimated that …
    据估计… …。
  82. It has been argued that …
  83. It has been reported that …
    据报道… …。
  84. It has been proposed that …
  85. Recent studies have established that …
  86. Recent studies have linked …
  87. Previous research comparing X and Y has found …
    先前对 x 和 y 的比较研究发现…。
  88. Recently investigators have examined the effects of X on Y.
    最近,研究人员研究了 x 对 y 的影响。
  89. Data from several studies suggest that …
  90. A number of studies have shown that …
    许多研究表明… …。
  91. A number of studies have found …
  92. A number of studies have explored risk factors associated with …
    许多研究探讨了与… 有关的危险因素。
  93. A number of researchers have identified ….
  94. Several studies have attempted to …
  95. Several studies have investigated whether …
  96. Several studies have explored risk factors associated with …
    一些研究探讨了与… 有关的危险因素。
  97. Several studies have reported …
    一些研究报告说… …。
  98. What we know about X is (largely) based on observations using various animal models.
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)是基于各种动物模型的观察。
  99. What we know about X comes from small-scale experiments with …
    我们对 x 的了解来自于小规模的实验。
  100. What we know about X is (largely) based on contemporary textual sources.
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)是基于当时的文本资料。
  101. What is known about X comes from research undertaken in major cities.
    关于 x 的已知信息来自于在主要城市进行的研究。
  102. What is known about X comes from studies conducted in populations of X.
    关于 x 的已知信息来自于对 x 族群的研究。
  103. What is known about X comes from case studies undertaken in …
    关于 x 的已知信息来自于年进行的案例研究。
  104. What we know about X comes from research undertaken in major cities.
    我们对 x 的了解来自于在主要城市进行的研究。
  105. What is known about X is (largely) based on brief biographical details.
    对 x 的了解(大部分)是基于简短的生平细节。
  106. What is known about X is (largely) derived from brief biographical details.
    关于 x 的已知信息(大部分)来自于简短的传记细节。
  107. What is known about X comes from outdated studies …
    对 x 的了解来自于过时的研究… …。
  108. What we know about X comes from historical data from …
    我们对 x 的了解来自历史数据…。
  109. What we know about X is (largely) derived from observations of …
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)来自对… 的观察。
  110. What is known about X is (largely) based on small-scale experiments with …
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)是建立在小规模实验的基础上的。
  111. What we know about X is (largely) based on laboratory studies.
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)是基于实验室研究。
  112. What we know about X is (largely) derived from small-scale experiments with …
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)来自于小规模的实验。
  113. What is known about X comes from contemporary textual sources.
    关于 x 的知识来自于当代的文本资料。
  114. What we know about X comes from research using laboratory animals.
    我们对 x 的了解来自于对实验动物的研究。
  115. What is known about X is (largely) based on observations of …
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)是基于对… 的观察。
  116. What is known about X is (largely) derived from research undertaken in major cities.
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)来源于在主要城市进行的研究。
  117. What is known about X is (largely) based on research undertaken in major cities.
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)是基于在主要城市进行的研究。
  118. What we know about X is (largely) based on brief biographical details.
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)是基于简短的传记细节。
  119. What we know about X is (largely) based on research using laboratory animals.
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)是基于对实验动物的研究。
  120. What we know about X is (largely) based on small-scale experiments with …
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)是基于小规模的… … 实验。
  121. What we know about X is (largely) based on studies of people living in …
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)是基于对生活在… … 的人们的研究。
  122. What we know about X is (largely) based on a few primary sources from the time.
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)是基于当时的一些主要资料。
  123. What we know about X comes from observations of …
    我们对 x 的了解来自对… 的观察。
  124. Recent research has shown that …
  125. Previous research has shown that …
  126. Previous research has reported …
  127. Recent studies have demonstrated …
    最近的研究表明… …。
  128. Recent research has documented …
    最近的研究记录了… …。
  129. A number of studies have reported …
    许多研究报告说… …。
  130. A considerable amount of literature has been published on X. These studies …
    关于 x 的研究已经发表了大量的文献。这些研究…。
  131. In the past two decades, a number of researchers have sought to determine …
  132. In previous studies of X, different variables have been found to be related to …
    在以往对 x 的研究中,发现不同的变量与… 有关。
  133. There have been a number of longitudinal studies involving X that have reported …
    已经有许多关于 x 的纵向研究报告…。
  134. Previous studies have found …
  135. Previous studies have shown that …
  136. Previous studies have linked …
  137. Recent research has established that …
  138. Recent studies have shown that …
  139. Previous studies have established that …
  140. Previous studies have demonstrated …
    先前的研究已经证明… …。
  141. It has been shown that …
  142. It has been established that …
  143. It has been conclusively shown that …
  144. Several researchers have found …
  145. Several researchers have reported …
    一些研究人员报告说… …。
  146. A number of studies have found an association between …
    许多研究已经发现… … 之间的联系。
  147. A number of researchers have reported …
    一些研究人员报告说… …。
  148. What we know about X is (largely) derived from research using laboratory animals.
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)来源于对实验动物的研究。
  149. What we know about X is (largely) based on observations of …
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)是基于对… 的观察。
  150. What is known about X is (largely) based on accounts by …
    我们对 x 的了解(大部分)是基于… … 的描述。
  151. What we know about X is (largely) based on studies conducted in populations of X.
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)是基于对 x 族群的研究。
  152. What we know about X comes from brief biographical details.
    我们对 x 的了解来自于简短的传记细节。
  153. What we know about X is (largely) derived from a few primary sources from the time.
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)来源于当时的一些主要资料。
  154. What is known about X is (largely) derived from historical data from …
    关于 x 的已知知识(大部分)来自于… 的历史数据。
  155. What we know about X comes from laboratory studies.
    我们对 x 的了解来自实验室研究。
  156. What is known about X is (largely) derived from observations of …
    关于 x 的已知知识(很大程度上)来源于对… 的观察。
  157. What is known about X comes from historical data from …
    关于 x 的已知数据来自于… 的历史数据。
  158. What is known about X comes from epidemiological studies.
    关于 x 的已知信息来自流行病学研究。
  159. What is known about X is (largely) based on cross-sectional studies of …
    我们对 x 的了解(大部分)是基于横断面研究…。
  160. What we know about X is (largely) derived from laboratory studies.
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)来源于实验室研究。
  161. What is known about X comes from observations using various animal models.
    我们对 x 的了解来自于对各种动物模型的观察。
  162. What is known about X is (largely) derived from contemporary textual sources.
    关于 x 的已知知识(大部分)来源于当代的文本资料。
  163. What is known about X is (largely) derived from research using laboratory animals.
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)来源于对实验动物的研究。
  164. What is known about X comes from observations of …
    关于 x 的已知信息来自对… 的观察。
  165. What is known about X comes from research using laboratory animals.
    我们对 x 的了解来自于对实验动物的研究。
  166. What we know about X comes from a few primary sources from the time.
    我们对 x 的了解来自于当时的几个主要来源。
  167. Existing research recognises the critical role played by …
    现有的研究承认… … 所起的关键作用。
  168. Surveys such as that conducted by Smith (1988) have shown that …
    史密斯(1988)进行的调查显示… …。
  169. A number of cross-sectional studies suggest an association between X and Y…
    许多横断面研究表明 x 和 y 之间存在联系。
  170. What we know about X comes from case studies undertaken in …
    我们对 x 的了解来自于年进行的案例研究。
  171. What we know about X is (largely) derived from cross-sectional studies of …
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)来源于对… 的横断面研究。
  172. What is known about X is (largely) based on contemporary textual sources.
    我们对 x 的了解(大部分)是基于当代的文本资料。
  173. What is known about X comes from studies of people living in …
    关于 x 的已知信息来自于对生活在… … 的人们的研究。
  174. What we know about X comes from epidemiological studies.
    我们对 x 的了解来自流行病学研究。
  175. What we know about X is (largely) derived from studies of people living in …
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)来源于对生活在… … 的人的研究。
  176. What is known about X is (largely) based on laboratory studies.
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)是基于实验室研究。
  177. What we know about X is (largely) based on epidemiological studies.
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)是基于流行病学研究。
  178. What is known about X is (largely) derived from small-scale experiments with …
    关于 x 的已知知识(很大程度上)来源于小规模的实验。
  179. What is known about X is (largely) based on a few primary sources from the time.
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)是基于当时的一些主要资料。
  180. What is known about X is (largely) based on studies of people living in …
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)是基于对生活在… … 的人们的研究。
  181. What is known about X is (largely) derived from studies of people living in …
    关于 x 的已知知识(大部分)来源于对生活在… 的人的研究。
  182. What is known about X is (largely) based on studies conducted in populations of X.
    我们对 x 的了解(大部分)是基于对 x 的种群进行的研究。
  183. What we know about X is (largely) based on case studies undertaken in …
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)是基于年进行的案例研究。
  184. What is known about X is (largely) based on epidemiological studies.
    对 x 的了解(大部分)是基于流行病学研究。
  185. What we know about X comes from studies of people living in …
    我们对 x 的了解来自于对生活在… … 的人们的研究。
  186. What we know about X comes from outdated studies …
    我们对 x 的了解来自过时的研究…。
  187. What we know about X is (largely) derived from historical data from …
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)来自于… 的历史数据。
  188. What is known about X is (largely) derived from accounts by …
    关于 x 的已知知识(大部分)来源于… 的记录。
  189. What we know about X is (largely) based on accounts by …
    我们对 x 的了解(很大程度上)是基于… … 的描述。
  190. Recent evidence suggests that …
  191. Extensive research has shown that …
  192. Research in this area has shown that …
  193. Studies of X show the importance of …
    对 x 的研究表明… 的重要性。
  194. It has previously been observed that …
    先前已经观察到… …。
  195. Several attempts have been made to …
    已经做了几次尝试… …。
  196. The existing body of research on X suggests that …
    现有的关于 x 的研究表明…。
  197. There is a growing body of literature that recognises …
    越来越多的文学作品承认… …。
  198. Several theories on the origin of X have been proposed.
    关于 x 的起源已经提出了几种理论。
  199. Several studies have found an association between …
    一些研究已经发现了… … 之间的联系。
  200. Several researchers have found an association between …
    一些研究人员发现了… … 和… … 之间的联系。
  201. A number of researchers have investigated whether …
  202. A number of studies have investigated whether …
  203. A number of researchers have attempted to …
  204. A number of studies have identified ….
  205. A number of researchers have demonstrated that …
    许多研究人员已经证明… …。
  206. Several researchers have demonstrated that …
    一些研究人员已经证明… …。
  207. Several researchers have attempted to …
  208. A number of researchers have explored risk factors associated with …
    许多研究人员已经探索了与… … 相关的危险因素。
  209. Several studies have shown that …


  1. So far there has been little agreement about the precise nature of …
    到目前为止,对于… … 的确切性质还没有达成一致。
  2. So far there has been little agreement on how best to measure …
    到目前为止,对于如何最好地衡量… … 还没有达成一致。
  3. To date there has been little agreement on what …
    到目前为止,关于… … 的问题还没有达成一致。
  4. The issue has grown in importance in light of recent …
    鉴于最近… … ,这个问题变得越来越重要。
  5. There has been disagreement on the criteria for defining X.
    关于 x 的定义标准一直存在分歧。
  6. In the literature on X, the relative importance of Y is debated.
    在关于 x 的文献中,y 的相对重要性是有争议的。
  7. Questions have been raised about the use of animal subjects in …
  8. In many Xs, a debate is taking place between Ys and Zs concerning …
    在许多 x 中,y 和 z 之间正在进行一场关于… 的辩论。
  9. There has been much division between historians on the subject of …
    历史学家对… 的问题有很大的分歧。
  10. The controversy about scientific evidence for X has raged unabated for over a century.
    关于 x 的科学证据的争论已经持续了一个多世纪。
  11. Several divergent accounts of X have been proposed, creating numerous controversies.
    关于 x 的几个不同的解释已经被提出,引起了许多争议。
  12. So far there has been little agreement on how much …
  13. To date there has been little agreement about how to …
    到目前为止,关于如何… … 还没有达成一致意见。
  14. So far there has been little agreement about the characteristics of …
    到目前为止,关于… 的特点还没有达成一致意见。
  15. So far there has been little agreement on the role of …
    到目前为止,对于… … 的作用还没有达成一致。
  16. To date there has been little agreement on whether …
    迄今为止,关于是否… … 还没有达成一致意见。
  17. So far there has been little agreement about what constitutes …
    到目前为止,对于什么构成… … 还没有达成一致意见。
  18. So far there has been little agreement about whether …
    到目前为止,对于是否… … 还没有达成一致。
  19. So far there has been little agreement on the origin of …
    到目前为止,关于… 的起源还没有达成一致意见。
  20. To date there has been little agreement about how much …
    到目前为止,关于多少… … 还没有达成一致。
  21. So far there has been little agreement about how to conduct research on …
    到目前为止,关于如何对… … 进行研究还没有达成一致。
  22. To date there has been little agreement on the role of …
    到目前为止,对于… 的作用还没有达成一致。
  23. To date there has been little agreement on how much …
    到目前为止,关于多少… … 还没有达成一致。
  24. So far there has been little agreement about the role of …
    到目前为止,对于… … 的作用还没有达成一致。
  25. To date there has been little agreement on the precise nature of …
    到目前为止,对于… … 的确切性质还没有达成一致。
  26. So far there has been little agreement on the important question of why …
    到目前为止,对于为什么… … 这个重要问题,人们还没有达成共识。
  27. So far there has been little agreement about how best to measure …
    到目前为止,对于如何最好地衡量… … 还没有达成一致意见。
  28. So far there has been little agreement about the definition of …
    到目前为止,关于… 的定义还没有达成一致。
  29. So far there has been little agreement about how much …
    到目前为止,关于多少… … 还没有达成一致。
  30. To date there has been little agreement about the definition of …
    到目前为止,关于… 的定义还没有达成一致。
  31. So far there has been little agreement on how to conduct research on …
    到目前为止,对于如何进行… 的研究还没有达成一致。
  32. To date there has been little agreement about how best to measure …
    到目前为止,对于如何最好地衡量… … 还没有达成一致意见。
  33. To date there has been little agreement on the nature of …
    到目前为止,关于… 的性质还没有达成一致。
  34. Debate continues about the best strategies for the management of …
    关于管理… 的最佳策略的争论仍在继续。
  35. This concept has recently been challenged by X studies demonstrating …
    这个概念最近受到 x 研究的挑战,x 研究证明…。
  36. Scholars have long debated the impact of X on the creation and diffusion of …
    长期以来,学者们一直在争论 x 对中国古代文学创作和传播的影响。
  37. The causes of X have been the subject of intense debate within the scientific community.
    X 的成因一直是科学界激烈争论的主题。
  38. In the literature on X, the relative importance of Y has been subject to considerable discussion.
    在关于 x 的文献中,y 的相对重要性一直受到相当多的讨论。
  39. So far there has been little agreement about the nature of …
    到目前为止,对于… 的性质还没有达成一致。
  40. To date there has been little agreement about the origin of …
    到目前为止,关于… 的起源还没有达成一致意见。
  41. So far there has been little agreement about the origin of …
    到目前为止,关于… 的起源还没有达成一致。
  42. To date there has been little agreement on how to conduct research on …
    到目前为止,对于如何进行… 的研究还没有达成一致。
  43. To date there has been little agreement about the nature of …
    到目前为止,关于… 的性质还没有达成一致意见。
  44. To date there has been little agreement on how best to measure …
    迄今为止,在如何最好地衡量… … 方面还没有达成一致。
  45. A much debated question is whether …
  46. The precise effect of X is a much-debated topic.
    X 的确切影响是一个备受争议的话题。
  47. One major issue in early X research concerned …
    早期 x 研究中的一个主要问题是…。
  48. To date there has been little agreement on what constitutes …
    到目前为止,对于什么是… … 还没有达成一致意见。
  49. So far there has been little agreement about how to …
    到目前为止,对于如何… … 还没有达成一致意见。
  50. To date there has been little agreement on what …
    到目前为止,关于… … 的问题还没有达成一致。
  51. To date there has been little agreement on the important question of why …
    到目前为止,对于为什么… … 这个重要问题还没有达成一致意见。
  52. So far there has been little agreement on the definition of …
    到目前为止,对… 的定义还没有达成一致意见。
  53. So far there has been little agreement on the characteristics of …
    到目前为止,对… … 的特点还没有达成一致意见。
  54. So far there has been little agreement on how to …
    到目前为止,对于如何… … 还没有达成一致意见。
  55. To date there has been little agreement about what …
    到目前为止,关于什么… … 还没有达成一致意见。
  56. To date there has been little agreement on the origin of …
    到目前为止,关于… 的起源还没有达成一致意见。
  57. So far there has been little agreement on whether …
    到目前为止,对于是否… … 还没有达成一致。
  58. To date there has been little agreement about the precise nature of …
    到目前为止,关于… … 的确切性质还没有达成一致。
  59. To date there has been little agreement on the characteristics of …
    到目前为止,关于… 的特点还没有达成一致。
  60. One observer has already drawn attention to the paradox in …
    一位观察家已经注意到… … 中的悖论。
  61. The debate about X has gained fresh prominence with many arguing that …
    关于 x 的争论变得更加突出,许多人认为… …。
  62. More recently, literature has emerged that offers contradictory findings about …
    最近,文学出现了一些矛盾的发现,关于… …。
  63. One of the most significant current discussions in legal and moral philosophy is …
  64. The relationship between X and Y has attracted conflicting interpretations from …
    对于 x 和 y 之间的关系,有许多不同的解释。
  65. One major theoretical issue that has dominated the field for many years concerns …
    多年来主导这一领域的一个主要理论问题是… …。
  66. The issue of X has been a controversial and much disputed subject within the field of …
    关于 x 的问题一直是国内外学术界争论不休的话题。
  67. To date there has been little agreement about the role of …
    到目前为止,对于… 的作用还没有达成一致。
  68. To date there has been little agreement about the important question of why …
    到目前为止,关于为什么… … 这个重要问题还没有达成一致意见。
  69. So far there has been little agreement on the precise nature of …
    到目前为止,对于… … 的确切性质还没有达成一致。
  70. So far there has been little agreement about the important question of why …
    到目前为止,对于为什么… … 这个重要的问题,人们还没有达成共识。
  71. So far there has been little agreement about what …
    到目前为止还没有达成一致意见… …。
  72. To date there has been little agreement on how to …
    到目前为止,对于如何… … 还没有达成一致意见。
  73. To date there has been little agreement about what constitutes …
    到目前为止,关于什么构成… … 还没有达成一致。
  74. So far there has been little agreement on the nature of …
    到目前为止,对… 的性质还没有达成一致意见。
  75. So far there has been little agreement on what …
  76. To date there has been little agreement about whether …
    到目前为止,关于是否… … 还没有达成一致。
  77. Debate has long prevailed as to whether …
    关于是否… … 的争论已经持续了很长时间。
  78. So far there has been little agreement on what constitutes …
    到目前为止,对于什么是… … 还没有达成一致。
  79. To date there has been little agreement about how to conduct research on …
    到目前为止,关于如何进行… 的研究还没有达成一致。
  80. To date there has been little agreement about the characteristics of …
    到目前为止,关于… 的特点还没有达成一致意见。
  81. To date there has been little agreement on the definition of …
    到目前为止,关于… 的定义还没有达成一致。


  1. No previous study has investigated X.
    以前没有研究过 x。
  2. The use of X has not been investigated.
    X 的使用还没有被研究过。
  3. There is little published information on …
    几乎没有关于… 的公开信息。
  4. The role of X remains largely unexamined.
    X 的角色在很大程度上仍未得到验证。
  5. There has been no detailed investigation of …
    目前还没有关于… 的详细调查。
  6. A search of the literature revealed few studies which …
  7. So far, however, there has been little discussion about …
    然而,到目前为止,关于… … 的讨论还很少。
  8. In addition, no research has been found that surveyed …
  9. X has hitherto received scant attention by scholars of the Y period.
    迄今为止,y 时期的学者对 x 的研究还很少。
  10. Relatively little research has been carried out on X, and even less on Y.
    关于 x 的研究相对较少,关于 y 的研究更少。
  11. Despite the importance of X, there remains a paucity of evidence on …
    尽管 x 很重要,但是关于… … 的证据仍然很少。
  12. There have been no controlled studies which compare differences in …
  13. To date, the problem of X has received scant attention in the research literature.
    到目前为止,关于 x 的问题在研究文献中还没有引起足够的重视。
  14. To date, no large-scale studies have been performed to investigate the prevalence of ….
  15. Surprisingly, X has (still) not (yet) been comprehensively investigated.
    令人惊讶的是,x (仍)没有(尚)全面调查。
  16. Surprisingly, X has (still) not (yet) been empirically investigated.
    令人惊讶的是,x (仍)没有(尚)进行实证研究。
  17. There is a surprising paucity of studies investigating …
    令人惊讶的是,缺乏研究调查… …。
  18. There is a relative paucity of well-controlled studies that seek to identify predictors of
  19. There is a relative paucity of high-quality research in the field of …
  20. There is a notable paucity of high-quality research on the current prevalence of …
  21. There is a notable paucity of empirical research on the current prevalence of …
    在目前普遍存在的… … 上,有明显的实证研究缺乏。
  22. There is a notable paucity of empirical research focusing specifically on …
    值得注意的是,很少有实证研究专门关注… …。
  23. There is a relative paucity of high-quality research focusing specifically on …
    高质量的研究相对缺乏,尤其是针对… 的研究。
  24. There is a general paucity of high-quality research in the field of …
  25. There is a general paucity of empirical research focusing specifically on …
    普遍缺乏专门针对… … 的实证研究。
  26. (Very) few studies have explored …
    (很少有研究探索… …)。
  27. Few (published) studies have been large enough to provide reliable estimates of …
    很少有(已发表的)研究足以提供对… … 的可靠估计。
  28. (Very) few studies have evaluated the effects of X on …
    很少有研究评估 x 对… … 的影响。
  29. (Very) few studies have examined how …
  30. (Very) few studies have systematically investigated …
    (很少有研究系统地调查… …)。
  31. Few (published) studies have attempted to define …
    很少有(已发表的)研究试图定义… …。
  32. Few (published) studies have examined how …
    很少有(已发表的)研究调查如何… …。
  33. (Very) few studies have adequately tested the effectiveness of …
    (很少有研究充分测试… … 的有效性。
  34. (Very) few studies have measured X in humans.
    (非常)很少有研究在人类身上测量 x。
  35. Few (published) studies have controlled for …
    很少有(已发表的)研究对… … 进行控制。
  36. There is a surprising paucity of high-quality research on the current prevalence of …
  37. There is a surprising paucity of evidence-based literature describing the impact of …
    令人惊讶的是,很少有以证据为基础的文献描述… … 的影响。
  38. There is a current paucity of scientific literature on the experiences of …
    目前缺乏关于… 的经验的科学文献。
  39. There is a general paucity of scientific literature on the experiences of …
    普遍缺乏关于… 的经验的科学文献。
  40. There is a relative paucity of evidence-based literature on the experiences of …
  41. There is a surprising paucity of scientific literature on the experiences of …
    令人惊讶的是,有关… … 经历的科学文献很少。
  42. There is a notable paucity of scientific literature specifically relating to …
    专门与… … 有关的科学文献明显缺乏。
  43. (Very) few studies have provided quantitative evidence of …
    很少有研究提供定量证据证明… …。
  44. To date, X has (still) not (yet) been comprehensively investigated.
    到目前为止,x 还没有被全面调查过。
  45. To date, X has (still) not (yet) been comprehensively studied.
    到目前为止,x 还没有得到全面的研究。
  46. To date, X has (still) not (yet) been comprehensively examined.
    到目前为止,x 还没有得到全面的研究。
  47. There is a relative paucity of well-controlled studies describing how …
  48. There is a surprising paucity of studies describing how …
    令人惊讶的是,很少有研究描述如何… …。
  49. There is a surprising paucity of studies that seek to identify predictors of
  50. There is a notable paucity of studies describing how …
  51. Surprisingly, X has (still) not (yet) been empirically studied.
    令人惊讶的是,x 还没有被实证研究过。
  52. Surprisingly, X has (still) not (yet) been systematically investigated.
    令人惊讶的是,x 还没有被系统地研究过。
  53. Surprisingly, X has (still) not (yet) been extensively examined.
    令人惊讶的是,x 还没有被广泛地研究过。
  54. To date, X has (still) not (yet) been empirically studied.
    到目前为止,x 还没有被实证研究过。
  55. There is a relative paucity of studies investigating …
  56. There is a relative paucity of studies describing how …
  57. There is a general paucity of well-controlled studies investigating …
  58. There is a current paucity of empirical research in the field of …
    目前在… … 领域缺乏实证研究。
  59. While several studies have shown that …, no studies of the effects of X on Y have been published.
    虽然一些研究已经表明… ,但是还没有关于 x 对 y 的影响的研究发表。
  60. While several studies have shown that …, there have been few empirical investigations into …
    虽然一些研究已经表明… … ,但很少有实证调查… …。
  61. Whilst several studies have shown that …, no controlled studies have been reported.
    虽然一些研究已经表明… ,但是没有对照研究的报道。
  62. Although several studies have shown that …, there have been few empirical investigations into …
    尽管一些研究已经表明… … ,但对… … 的实证调查很少。
  63. While several studies have shown that …, only two studies have attempted to investigate …
    虽然一些研究表明… ,只有两个研究试图调查…。
  64. Although several studies have shown that …, no studies have been found which …
    虽然一些研究已经表明… … ,但是没有研究发现… …。
  65. Although several studies have shown that …, little if any empirical work has been done to investigate …
    虽然一些研究已经表明… ,很少,如果有任何实证工作已经做了调查…。
  66. Whilst several studies have shown that …, no studies have been found which …
    虽然一些研究已经表明… ,没有研究发现哪些…。
  67. Although several studies have shown that …, the mechanism by which … has not been established.
    虽然一些研究已经表明… … ,机制… … 尚未建立。
  68. Relatively few studies have assessed …
    相对较少的研究评估了… …。
  69. Relatively little research has investigated …
    相对来说很少有研究调查… …。
  70. Relatively little research has measured …
    相对而言,很少有研究衡量… …。
  71. Remarkably little research has assessed …
  72. Surprisingly little research has investigated …
    令人惊讶的是,很少有研究调查… …。
  73. Relatively little research has examined …
  74. Relatively little research has analysed …
    相对而言,很少有研究分析… …。
  75. Surprisingly little research has examined …
    令人惊讶的是,很少有研究调查… …。
  76. Surprisingly little research has assessed …
    令人惊讶的是,很少有研究评估… …。
  77. Whilst some research has been carried out on X, little if any empirical work has been done to investigate …
    虽然已经对 x 进行了一些研究,但是很少有实证工作来研究…。
  78. Although some research has been carried out on X, there have been few empirical investigations into …
    虽然对 x 进行了一些研究,但是对 x 的实证研究很少。
  79. Although some research has been carried out on X, little if any empirical work has been done to investigate …
    虽然对 x 进行了一些研究,但是对 x 的研究很少,甚至没有实证研究。
  80. Although some research has been carried out on X, no studies of the effects of X on Y have been published.
    虽然已经对 x 进行了一些研究,但是还没有发表关于 x 对 y 影响的研究。
  81. Although some research has been carried out on X, no studies have been found which …
    虽然对 x 进行了一些研究,但是还没有发现有关 x 的研究。
  82. While some research has been carried out on X, no single study exists which …
    虽然对 x 进行了一些研究,但没有一项研究是单独进行的。
  83. Whilst some research has been carried out on X, the mechanism by which … has not been established.
    虽然已经对 x 进行了一些研究,但是… 的机制还没有建立起来。
  84. While some research has been carried out on X, only two studies have attempted to investigate …
    虽然对 x 进行了一些研究,但只有两项研究试图调查…。
  85. While several studies have shown that …, no studies have been found which …
    虽然一些研究已经表明… ,没有研究发现哪些…。
  86. (Very) few studies have quantified the levels of …
    (很少有研究量化了… … 的水平)。
  87. Few (published) studies have examined the role of …
    很少有(已发表的)研究考察了… … 的作用。
  88. Up to now, there has been no systematic analysis of …
  89. To date, there have been no attempts to examine …
  90. Up to now, there have been no attempts to examine …
  91. To date, there have been very few empirically published accounts of X.
    到目前为止,关于 x 的经验性发表的文献很少。
  92. So far, there have been no attempts to examine …
  93. Up to now, (very) little has been published on the subject of …
    到目前为止,很少有人发表关于… 的文章。
  94. So far, (very) little research has addressed the question of …
    到目前为止,很少有研究涉及到… … 的问题。
  95. So far, (very) little has been published on the subject of …
    到目前为止,很少有人发表关于… 的文章。
  96. So far, (very) little attention has been paid to the role of …
    到目前为止,很少有人注意到… 的作用。
  97. To date, (very) little has been published on the subject of …
    到目前为止,关于… 的主题发表的文章很少。
  98. Up to now, (very) few randomised clinical trials have specifically investigated x in …
    到目前为止,很少有随机临床试验专门研究 x 在…。
  99. So far, (very) few randomised clinical trials have specifically investigated x in …
    到目前为止,很少有随机临床试验专门研究 x 在…。
  100. Up to now, (very) few studies have investigated x in any systematic way …
    到目前为止,很少有研究以任何系统的方式研究 x…。
  101. Relatively few studies have measured …
    相对而言,很少有研究测量出… …。
  102. Relatively few studies have investigated …
    相对来说很少有研究调查… …。
  103. Surprisingly few studies have assessed …
    令人惊讶的是,很少有研究评估… …。
  104. Comparatively few studies have investigated …
  105. Surprisingly, the effects of X have not been closely examined.
    令人惊讶的是,x 的影响还没有被仔细研究过。
  106. In contrast to X, there is much less information about effects of …
    与 x 相比,关于… 的影响的信息要少得多。
  107. The issue of X has attracted very little attention from the scholarly community.
    关于 x 的问题很少引起学术界的注意。
  108. Although studies have recognised X, research has yet to systematically investigate the effect of …
    虽然研究已经承认 x,研究还没有系统地调查的影响…。
  109. Surprisingly, X has (still) not (yet) been formally investigated.
    令人惊讶的是,x 还没有被正式调查过。
  110. Surprisingly, X has (still) not (yet) been scientifically investigated.
    令人惊讶的是,x 还没有被科学地研究过。
  111. To date, X has (still) not (yet) been extensively examined.
    到目前为止,x 还没有得到广泛的研究。
  112. To date, X has (still) not (yet) been formally examined.
    到目前为止,x 还没有被正式审查过。
  113. To date, X has (still) not (yet) been empirically examined.
    到目前为止,x 还没有经过实证检验。
  114. Surprisingly, X has (still) not (yet) been scientifically studied.
    令人惊讶的是,x 还没有被科学地研究过。
  115. Surprisingly, X has (still) not (yet) been formally studied.
    令人惊讶的是,x 还没有被正式研究过。
  116. To date, X has (still) not (yet) been scientifically examined.
    到目前为止,x 还没有被科学地研究过。
  117. There is a relative paucity of scientific literature describing the impact of …
    相对缺乏科学文献来描述… … 的影响。
  118. There is a surprising paucity of scientific literature specifically relating to …
    令人惊讶的是,专门与… 有关的科学文献很少。
  119. There is a current paucity of scientific literature specifically relating to …
    目前缺乏专门与… … 有关的科学文献。
  120. Few (published) studies have been conducted to determine the possible effects of …
    几乎没有进行过(已发表的)研究来确定… … 可能产生的影响。
  121. (Very) few studies have actually examined the impact of …
    (非常)很少有研究实际上检验了… … 的影响。
  122. Few (published) studies have assessed the implications of …
    很少有(已发表的)研究评估了… … 的影响。
  123. Few (published) studies have focused on …
    很少有(已发表的)研究专注于… …。
  124. (Very) few studies have systematically evaluated the use of …
    (很少有研究系统地评估… … 的使用。
  125. (Very) few studies have compared trends in …
    很少有研究比较… … 的趋势。
  126. (Very) few studies have examined the role of …
    很少有研究探讨… … 的作用。
  127. Few (published) studies have systematically evaluated the use of …
  128. Few (published) studies have compared trends in …
    很少有(已发表的)研究比较了… … 的趋势。
  129. There is a general paucity of empirical research on the current prevalence of …
  130. There is a general paucity of high-quality research focusing specifically on …
  131. There is a notable paucity of empirical research in the field of …
  132. There is a relative paucity of evidence-based literature specifically relating to …
  133. There is a general paucity of scientific literature describing the impact of …
    目前普遍缺乏科学文献来描述… … 的影响。
  134. There is a general paucity of evidence-based literature describing the impact of …
  135. There is a surprising paucity of scientific literature describing the impact of …
    令人惊讶的是,描述… … 影响的科学文献很少。
  136. There is a general paucity of scientific literature specifically relating to …
    普遍缺乏专门与… … 有关的科学文献。
  137. There is a relative paucity of scientific literature on the experiences of …
    科学文献中关于… 的经验相对缺乏。
  138. There is a notable paucity of evidence-based literature describing the impact of …
  139. There is a notable paucity of scientific literature describing the impact of …
    科学文献中描述… … 影响的文献明显不足。
  140. There is a relative paucity of scientific literature specifically relating to …
    具体涉及… … 的科学文献相对较少。
  141. There has been little quantitative analysis of …
    对… … 的定量分析很少。
  142. Data about the efficacy and safety of X are limited.
    关于 x 的疗效和安全性的数据是有限的。
  143. The impact of X on Y is understudied, particularly for …
    X 对 y 的影响还没有得到充分的研究,特别是…。
  144. There is a notable paucity of well-controlled studies investigating …
  145. There is a current paucity of well-controlled studies describing how …
  146. There is a relative paucity of well-controlled studies investigating …
  147. There is a relative paucity of empirical research on the current prevalence of …
  148. There is a current paucity of empirical research on the current prevalence of …
    目前缺乏关于目前流行的… … 的实证研究。
  149. There is a surprising paucity of high-quality research in the field of …
  150. There is a general paucity of high-quality research on the current prevalence of …
  151. Surprisingly, X has (still) not (yet) been systematically studied.
    令人惊讶的是,x 还没有被系统地研究过。
  152. To date, X has (still) not (yet) been empirically investigated.
    迄今为止,x (仍)没有(尚)进行实证研究。
  153. Surprisingly, X has (still) not (yet) been comprehensively examined.
    令人惊讶的是,x (仍)没有(尚)全面审查。
  154. Surprisingly, X has (still) not (yet) been empirically examined.
    令人惊讶的是,x 还没有经过实证检验。
  155. To date, X has (still) not (yet) been extensively studied.
    到目前为止,x 还没有得到广泛的研究。
  156. There is a general paucity of studies that seek to identify predictors of
  157. There is a surprising paucity of empirical research in the field of …
  158. There is a surprising paucity of high-quality research focusing specifically on …
  159. There is a general paucity of empirical research in the field of …
    在… … 领域普遍缺乏实证研究。
  160. There is a current paucity of well-controlled studies that seek to identify predictors of
  161. There is a general paucity of well-controlled studies that seek to identify predictors of
  162. There is a current paucity of studies investigating …
  163. Comparatively few studies have assessed …
  164. Surprisingly few studies have examined …
    令人惊讶的是,很少有研究调查… …。
  165. Comparatively few studies have measured …
  166. Remarkably few studies have investigated …
    很少有研究调查… …。
  167. Remarkably few studies have examined …
    很少有研究调查… …。
  168. Surprisingly few studies have analysed …
    令人惊讶的是,很少有研究分析… …。
  169. Surprisingly few studies have measured …
    令人惊讶的是,很少有研究测量出… …。
  170. Remarkably few studies have assessed …
  171. Surprisingly little research has measured …
    令人惊讶的是,很少有研究测量到… …。
  172. Comparatively little research has investigated …
  173. Comparatively little research has analysed …
  174. Remarkably little research has investigated …
    很少有研究调查… …。
  175. Comparatively little research has measured …
  176. Whilst some research has been carried out on X, only two studies have attempted to investigate …
    虽然对 x 进行了一些研究,但只有两项研究试图调查…。
  177. While some research has been carried out on X, the mechanism by which … has not been established.
    虽然已经对 x 进行了一些研究,但是… 的机制还没有建立起来。
  178. While some research has been carried out on X, no studies have been found which …
    虽然已经对 x 进行了一些研究,但是还没有发现有关 x 的研究。
  179. Whilst some research has been carried out on X, there is very little scientific understanding of …
    虽然对 x 进行了一些研究,但对 x 的科学认识很少。
  180. Although some research has been carried out on X, the mechanism by which … has not been established.
    虽然已经对 x 进行了一些研究,但是 x 的形成机制还没有建立起来。
  181. While some research has been carried out on X, no controlled studies have been reported.
    虽然对 x 进行了一些研究,但没有对照研究的报道。
  182. Whilst some research has been carried out on X, there have been few empirical investigations into …
    虽然对 x 进行了一些研究,但是对 x 的实证研究很少。
  183. Although some research has been carried out on X, no controlled studies have been reported.
    虽然对 x 进行了一些研究,但是没有对照研究的报道。
  184. Whilst some research has been carried out on X, no studies of the effects of X on Y have been published.
    虽然对 x 进行了一些研究,但没有发表关于 x 对 y 影响的研究。
  185. While some research has been carried out on X, there is very little scientific understanding of …
    虽然对 x 进行了一些研究,但对 x 的科学认识很少。
  186. Whilst some research has been carried out on X, no controlled studies have been reported.
    虽然对 x 进行了一些研究,但没有对照研究的报道。
  187. Although some research has been carried out on X, only two studies have attempted to investigate …
    虽然对 x 进行了一些研究,但只有两项研究试图对 x 进行研究。
  188. While some research has been carried out on X, there have been few empirical investigations into …
    虽然对 x 进行了一些研究,但是对 x 的实证研究很少。
  189. While several studies have shown that …, there is very little scientific understanding of …
    虽然一些研究表明… … ,但是对… … 的科学理解很少。
  190. Whilst several studies have shown that …, no single study exists which …
    虽然一些研究已经表明… ,没有单一的研究存在…。
  191. Whilst several studies have shown that …, there have been few empirical investigations into …
    虽然一些研究已经表明… … ,但对… … 的实证调查很少。
  192. Whilst several studies have shown that …, the mechanism by which … has not been established.
    虽然一些研究已经表明… ,其机制… 尚未建立。
  193. Although several studies have shown that …, only two studies have attempted to investigate …
    虽然一些研究表明… ,但只有两个研究试图调查…。
  194. Although several studies have shown that …, no studies of the effects of X on Y have been published.
    虽然一些研究已经表明… ,但是还没有关于 x 对 y 的影响的研究发表。
  195. Although several studies have shown that …, no single study exists which …
    虽然一些研究已经表明… … ,但是没有一项研究表明… …。
  196. Although several studies have shown that …, there is very little scientific understanding of …
    虽然一些研究已经表明… … ,但是对… … 的科学理解还很少。
  197. Few (published) studies have quantified the levels of …
    很少有(发表的)研究量化了… … 的水平。
  198. (Very) few studies have attempted to quantify the impact of …
    很少有研究试图量化… … 的影响。
  199. Few (published) studies have adequately tested the effectiveness of …
    很少有(已发表的)研究充分测试了… … 的有效性。
  200. Few (published) studies have explored …
    很少有(已发表的)研究探讨过… …。
  201. (Very) few studies have been large enough to provide reliable estimates of …
    (非常)很少有研究大到足以提供可靠的估计… …。
  202. So far, there has been no systematic analysis of …
  203. So far, there have been very few empirically published accounts of X.
    到目前为止,很少有关于 x 的实证研究。
  204. Up to now, (very) little research has addressed the question of …
    到目前为止,很少有研究涉及… … 的问题。
  205. Up to now, (very) few studies have assessed the role of …
    到目前为止,很少有研究评估… … 的作用。
  206. So far, (very) few studies have assessed the role of …
    到目前为止,很少有研究评估… … 的作用。
  207. To date, (very) few studies have examined the association between …
    到目前为止,很少有研究调查… … 之间的关系。
  208. So far, (very) few studies have investigated x in any systematic way …
    到目前为止,很少有研究以任何系统的方式研究 x…。
  209. Relatively few studies have analysed …
  210. Comparatively few studies have examined …
  211. Surprisingly, X is seldom studied and it is unclear to what extent …
    令人惊讶的是,x 很少被研究,并且不清楚在多大程度上…。
  212. A systematic understanding of how X contributes to Y is still lacking.
    对 x 如何影响 y 的系统理解仍然缺乏。
  213. While X is a growing field (Smith, 2015), publications on Y remain few.
    虽然 x 是一个正在增长的领域(Smith,2015) ,但是关于 y 的出版物仍然很少。
  214. Surprisingly, X has (still) not (yet) been scientifically examined.
    令人惊讶的是,x 还没有被科学地检验过。
  215. To date, X has (still) not (yet) been formally studied.
    到目前为止,x 还没有被正式研究过。
  216. To date, X has (still) not (yet) been extensively investigated.
    到目前为止,x 还没有被广泛地研究过。
  217. To date, X has (still) not (yet) been systematically examined.
    到目前为止,x 还没有被系统地研究过。
  218. To date, X has (still) not (yet) been systematically investigated.
    到目前为止,x 还没有被系统地调查过。
  219. To date, X has (still) not (yet) been formally investigated.
    到目前为止,x 还没有被正式调查过。
  220. Surprisingly, X has (still) not (yet) been formally examined.
    令人惊讶的是,x 还没有被正式检查过。
  221. Surprisingly, X has (still) not (yet) been extensively investigated.
    令人惊讶的是,x 还没有被广泛地研究过。
  222. To date, X has (still) not (yet) been systematically studied.
    到目前为止,x 还没有被系统地研究过。
  223. Surprisingly, X has (still) not (yet) been comprehensively studied.
    令人惊讶的是,x (仍)没有(尚)全面研究。
  224. To date, X has (still) not (yet) been scientifically studied.
    到目前为止,x 还没有被科学地研究过。
  225. There is a relative paucity of high-quality research on the current prevalence of …
  226. There is a current paucity of high-quality research in the field of …
  227. There is a surprising paucity of empirical research focusing specifically on …
    令人惊讶的是,很少有实证研究专注于… …。
  228. There is a relative paucity of empirical research in the field of …
    相对而言,在… … 领域缺乏实证研究。
  229. There is a relative paucity of evidence-based literature describing the impact of …
    相对缺乏以证据为基础的文献来描述… … 的影响。
  230. There is a general paucity of evidence-based literature specifically relating to …
    目前普遍缺乏专门针对… … 的循证文献。
  231. There is a surprising paucity of evidence-based literature specifically relating to …
  232. There is a notable paucity of evidence-based literature on the experiences of …
  233. There is a current paucity of evidence-based literature specifically relating to …
    目前缺乏专门针对… … 的循证文献。
  234. There is a current paucity of evidence-based literature describing the impact of …
    目前缺乏以证据为基础的文献来描述… 的影响。
  235. There is a general paucity of evidence-based literature on the experiences of …
  236. There is a surprising paucity of evidence-based literature on the experiences of …
    令人惊讶的是,很少有以证据为基础的文献关于… … 的经验。
  237. There is a notable paucity of scientific literature on the experiences of …
    关于… 的经历的科学文献明显缺乏。
  238. There is a current paucity of evidence-based literature on the experiences of …
    目前缺乏以证据为基础的文献来阐述… 的经历。
  239. There is a current paucity of scientific literature describing the impact of …
    目前,描述… … 影响的科学文献很少。
  240. There is a notable paucity of evidence-based literature specifically relating to …
    明显缺乏关于… … 的循证文献。
  241. (Very) few studies have focused on …
    (非常)很少有研究专注于… …。
  242. (Very) few studies have examined the consequences of …
    (非常)很少有研究考察了… … 的后果。
  243. (Very) few studies have controlled for …
    (非常)很少有研究控制了… …。
  244. (Very) few studies have addressed the long term psychological effects of …
    (很少有研究探讨… … 的长期心理影响。
  245. Few (published) studies have actually examined the impact of …
    很少有(已发表的)研究实际上检验了… … 的影响。
  246. Few (published) studies have examined the consequences of …
    很少有(已发表的)研究考察了… … 的后果。
  247. Few (published) studies have systematically investigated …
    很少有(已发表的)研究系统地调查… …。
  248. Few (published) studies have attempted to quantify the impact of …
    很少有(已发表的)研究试图量化… … 的影响。
  249. Few (published) studies have provided quantitative evidence of …
    很少有(已发表的)研究提供定量证据证明… …。
  250. Few (published) studies have measured X in humans.
    很少有(已发表的)研究测量出人体中的 x。
  251. (Very) few studies have attempted to define …
    (很少有研究试图定义… …)。
  252. Surprisingly, X has (still) not (yet) been extensively studied.
    令人惊讶的是,x 还没有被广泛的研究。
  253. To date, X has (still) not (yet) been scientifically investigated.
    到目前为止,x 还没有被科学地研究过。
  254. Surprisingly, X has (still) not (yet) been systematically examined.
    令人惊讶的是,x 还没有被系统地检查过。
  255. There is a general paucity of studies investigating …
  256. There is a notable paucity of well-controlled studies that seek to identify predictors of
  257. There is a surprising paucity of well-controlled studies investigating …
  258. There is a relative paucity of studies that seek to identify predictors of
  259. There is a surprising paucity of well-controlled studies that seek to identify predictors of
  260. There is a notable paucity of well-controlled studies describing how …
  261. There is a current paucity of studies describing how …
  262. There is a notable paucity of studies that seek to identify predictors of
  263. There is a notable paucity of studies investigating …
  264. There is a current paucity of empirical research focusing specifically on …
    目前很少有专门针对… … 的实证研究。
  265. There is a surprising paucity of empirical research on the current prevalence of …
    令人惊讶的是,目前普遍存在的实证研究缺乏… …。
  266. There is a notable paucity of high-quality research focusing specifically on …
  267. There is a relative paucity of empirical research focusing specifically on …
    相对而言,很少有实证研究专注于… … 。
  268. There is very little published research on …
    关于… 的研究很少发表。
  269. Up to now, far too little attention has been paid to …
    到目前为止,人们对… … 的关注还很少。
  270. There is a current paucity of well-controlled studies investigating …
  271. There is a current paucity of studies that seek to identify predictors of
  272. There is a general paucity of well-controlled studies describing how …
  273. There is a surprising paucity of well-controlled studies describing how …
  274. There is a general paucity of studies describing how …
  275. There is a notable paucity of high-quality research in the field of …
  276. There is a current paucity of high-quality research on the current prevalence of …
  277. There is a current paucity of high-quality research focusing specifically on …
  278. While some research has been carried out on X, little if any empirical work has been done to investigate …
    虽然已经对 x 进行了一些研究,但是很少有实证工作来研究…。
  279. Whilst some research has been carried out on X, no single study exists which …
    虽然已经对 x 进行了一些研究,但是没有一个单独的研究是关于 x 的。
  280. While some research has been carried out on X, no studies of the effects of X on Y have been published.
    虽然对 x 进行了一些研究,但没有发表关于 x 对 y 影响的研究。
  281. Whilst some research has been carried out on X, no studies have been found which …
    虽然对 x 进行了一些研究,但是没有发现任何研究可以证明…。
  282. Whilst several studies have shown that …, no studies of the effects of X on Y have been published.
    虽然一些研究已经表明… ,但是还没有关于 x 对 y 的影响的研究发表。
  283. While several studies have shown that …, little if any empirical work has been done to investigate …
    虽然一些研究已经表明… ,很少,如果有任何实证工作已经做了调查…。
  284. Whilst several studies have shown that …, there is very little scientific understanding of …
    虽然一些研究表明… … ,但是对… … 的科学理解很少。
  285. While several studies have shown that …, no controlled studies have been reported.
    虽然一些研究已经表明… ,但是没有对照研究的报道。
  286. Whilst several studies have shown that …, only two studies have attempted to investigate …
    虽然一些研究已经表明… ,只有两个研究试图调查…。
  287. While several studies have shown that …, the mechanism by which … has not been established.
    虽然一些研究已经表明… ,其机制… 尚未建立。
  288. Whilst several studies have shown that …, little if any empirical work has been done to investigate …
    虽然一些研究已经表明… ,很少,如果任何实证工作已经做了调查…。
  289. While several studies have shown that …, no single study exists which …
    虽然一些研究已经表明… ,没有一个单一的研究存在…。
  290. Although several studies have shown that …, no controlled studies have been reported.
    虽然一些研究已经表明… ,但是还没有对照研究的报道。
  291. Few (published) studies have evaluated the effects of X on …
    很少有(已发表的)研究评估 x 对… … 的影响。
  292. (Very) few studies have assessed the implications of …
    (非常)很少有研究评估… … 的影响。
  293. (Very) few studies have been conducted to determine the possible effects of …
    很少有研究能够确定… … 可能的影响。
  294. Few (published) studies have addressed the long term psychological effects of …
  295. Up to now, there have been very few empirically published accounts of X.
    到目前为止,关于 x 的经验性发表的文献很少。
  296. To date, there has been no systematic analysis of …
  297. So far, there has been very little research directly investigating X.
    到目前为止,对 x 的直接研究还很少。
  298. Up to now, there has been very little research directly investigating X.
    到目前为止,对 x 的直接研究还很少。
  299. To date, there has been very little research directly investigating X.
    到目前为止,对 x 的直接研究还很少。
  300. To date, (very) little attention has been paid to the role of …
    到目前为止,很少有人注意到… 的作用。
  301. Up to now, (very) little attention has been paid to the role of …
    到目前为止,很少有人注意到… 的作用。
  302. To date, (very) little research has been carried out on …
    到目前为止,很少有人对… … 进行研究。
  303. To date, (very) little research has addressed the question of …
    到目前为止,很少有研究涉及到… … 的问题。
  304. So far, (very) little research has been carried out on …
    到目前为止,很少有人对… … 进行研究。
  305. Up to now, (very) little research has been carried out on …
    到目前为止,很少有人对… … 进行研究。
  306. Up to now, (very) few studies have examined the association between …
    到目前为止,很少有研究调查… … 和… … 之间的关系。
  307. So far, (very) few studies have examined the association between …
    到目前为止,很少有研究调查… … 和… … 之间的关系。
  308. To date, (very) few studies have assessed the role of …
    到目前为止,很少有研究评估… … 的作用。
  309. Remarkably few studies have analysed …
    很少有研究分析… …。
  310. Relatively few studies have examined …
    相对而言,很少有研究调查… …。
  311. Surprisingly few studies have investigated …
    令人惊讶的是,很少有研究调查… …。
  312. Comparatively few studies have analysed …
  313. Remarkably few studies have measured …
    很少有研究可以测量… …。
  314. Surprisingly little research has analysed …
    令人惊讶的是,很少有研究分析… …。
  315. Remarkably little research has examined …
    很少有研究调查… …。
  316. Comparatively little research has assessed …
  317. Comparatively little research has examined …
  318. Relatively little research has assessed …
    相对较少的研究评估了… …。
  319. Remarkably little research has analysed …
  320. Remarkably little research has measured …
  321. Although some research has been carried out on X, no single study exists which …
    虽然对 x 进行了一些研究,但是没有一项研究是单独进行的。
  322. Although some research has been carried out on X, there is very little scientific understanding of …
    虽然对 x 进行了一些研究,但对 x 的科学认识还很少。
  323. To date, (very) few studies have investigated x in any systematic way …
    到目前为止,很少有研究以任何系统的方式研究 x…。
  324. To date, (very) few randomised clinical trials have specifically investigated x in …
    到目前为止,很少有随机临床试验专门研究 x 在…。

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