

最近使用fedora19, 似乎很不稳定啊! 特别是更新源很多问题,一个不小心就更新死掉了. 到目前为止已经死了4次,重装3次.


        这次遇到的是在vmware中安装的fedora, 发现开不了机,系统也进不去.

用livecd登入系统, 按如下方式挂载损坏的文件系统, 我采用的是第一种: mount -o clear_cache /dev/sda3 /tmp/dd

挂载成功, 看起来似乎能使用了. 里边的文件也在. 重启,进入硬盘系统.  一切OK,搞定. 

First of all, you should try with a very recent kernel. I think Fedora 18 comes with a 3.6 kernel, maybe find alive cd with a more recent kernel (3.8).

Then, you can try mounting your file system with one of the following options:

mount -o clear_cache /dev/sdX /your/mountpoint

(this will delete the freezspace cache, which is sometimes a cause for btrfs refusing to mount)


mount -o recovery /dev/sdX /your/mountpoint

(will try to use an ‘old but known as good’ filesystem root.)

If it doesn’t work, you may want to try btrfsck with the latest btrfs tools from git (you will have to download and compile them yourself)


本文标签: 文件系统btrfs