

  1. A.   How to Agree Strongly with an Opinion.
    1. I couldn't agree more!
    2. That's absolutely true!
    3 .Absolutely!
    4. I agree with your point.
    5. I'd go along with you there.
    6. I'm with you on that.
    7. That's just what I was thinking.
    8. That's exactly what I think.
    9. That's a good point.
    10. That's just how I see it.
    11. That's exactly my opinion.
  2. How to Half Agree with an Opinion.
    1. Yes, perhaps, however ...
    2. Well, yes, but ...
    3. Yes, in a way, however ...
    4. Hmm, possibly, but ...
    5. Yes, I agree up to a point, however ...
    6. Well, you have a point there, but ...
    7. There's something there, I suppose, however.
    8. I guess you could be right, but ...
    9. Yes, I suppose so, however ...
    10. That's worth thinking about, but ...
  3. How to Disagree Politely with an Opinion.
    1. I am not so sure.
    2. Do you think so?
    3. Well, it depends.
    4. I'm not so certain.
    5. Well, I don't know.
    6. Well, I'm not so sure about that.
    7. Hmm, I'm not sure you're right.
    8. I'm inclined to disagree with that.
    9. No, I don't think so.
  4. How to Disagree Strongly with an Opinion.
    1. I disagree
    with your idea.
    2. I'm afraid I don't agree.
    3. I'm afraid your idea is wrong.
    4. I can't agree with you.
    5. I couldn't accept that for a minute.
    6. You can't actually mean that.
    7. I wouldn't go along with you there.
    8. You can't be serious about that.
    9. You must be joking.
    10. It's possible you are mistaken about that.

Arguments in Favor:

  1. 1.      Everything in modern society is based on money. As the saying goes, money makes the world go around.
  2. 2.      Parents object to their daughters' marriages unless their future sons-in-laws have jobs with good prospects.
  3. 3.      Many young people marry for money rather than love. Security is more important than happiness.
  4. 4.      Some people in Shanghai would even trade their self-esteem for money.
  5. 5.      Materialism influences education, too. Students acquire knowledge not for its own sake, but for a bigger wage.
  6. 6.      Students choose business courses rather than liberal arts for the sake of earning big money in the future.
  7. 7.      Very few people want to be teachers because teaching is not a lucrative profession.
  8. 8.      More emphasis is put on material life than on spiritual life in modern society.
    People do anything in their power to earn money to buy their houses, furniture, cars, etc.
  9. 9.      People are trained to be acquisitive from an early age and are not considered successful unless they make good money.
  10. 10.    People spend most of their lives struggling frantically to keep up with their neighbors.
  11. 11.    Financial rewards for pop stars make many people envy them.
  12. 12.    A desire to earn more money is nothing to be ashamed of.
  13. 13.    Deng Xiao-ping said, "To get rich is glorious."
  14. 14.    Being poor is not very much fun.
  15. 15.    Being rich allows you to do what you want.
  16. 16.    If you are rich, many people want you for a friend.
  17. 17.    It is easier to marry well if you are wealthy.
  18. 18.    Being wealthy allows you to enjoy life to the fullest.
  19. 19.    The man who has the money makes the rules.

Arguments Against:

    1. 1.      Too much wealth leads to disaster. Murder or kidnapping might occur when big money is involved.
    2. 2.      There is a marked reluctance among people to work long hours for money.
      Many people desire to have a rich and interesting life is thwarted by their quest for money.
    3. 3.      Money corrupts. The more money you have, the more you want.
    4. 4.      Success and wealth often earn you envy and even hostility, which ruins good human relationships.
    5. 5.      Some young people reject materialistic values. They are motivated by their interest in work.
    6. 6.      Some people think it is vulgar to be always after money. They give away their money to less fortunate people.
    7. 7.      Some devoted teachers consider teaching a noble career and are not demoralized by their low salaries.
    8. 8.      There exist many volunteer organizations, such as neighborhood communities in China, people involved in work without a reward.
    9. 9.      What scientists and engineers want is often better conditions or work rather than more money.
    10. 10.    The love of money is the root of all evil.
    11. 11.    Some Chinese officials are corrupted by the love of money and the power it brings.
    12. 12.    Wealth often brings out the worst in people.
    13. 13.    Wealthy people are not always the happiest.
    14. 14.    When you are rich it is hard to tell who is your real friend.
    15. 15.    Many people try to kidnap and steal from the wealthy.
    16. 16.    You must spend a lot of time to protect your wealth.
    17. 17.    The wealthy spend too much time trying to get wealthier.
    18. 18.    With much wealth simple things lose their pleasure.
    19. 19.    The pursuit of money causes some to neglect their children. 

English Debate

The content on this page is from the Internet.


Advice on Debating with Others

  1. Avoid the use of Never.
  2. Avoid the use of Always.
  3. Refrain from saying you are wrong.
  4. You can say your idea is mistaken.
  5. Don't disagree with obvious truths.
  6. Attack the idea not the person.
  7. Use many rather than most.
  8. Avoid exaggeration.
  9. Use some rather than many.
  10. The use of often allows for exceptions.
  11. The use of generally allows for exceptions.
  1. Quote sources and numbers.
  2. If it is just an opinion, admit it.
  3. Do not present opinion as facts.
  4. Smile when disagreeing.
  5. Stress the positive.
  6. You do not need to win every battle to win the war.
  7. Concede minor or trivial points.
  8. Avoid bickering, quarreling, and wrangling.
  9. Watch your tone of voice.
  10. Don't win a debate and lose a friend.
  11. Keep your perspective - You're just debating.

You need to be very polite when disagreeing with someone in English, even someone you know quite well.
With someone you know very well, you can disagree more directly.

Argument Agreement and Disagreement

A. How to Agree Strongly with an Opinion.
1. I couldn't agree more!
2. That's absolutely true!
3 .Absolutely!
4. I agree with your point.
5. I'd go along with you there.
6. I'm with you on that.
7. That's just what I was thinking.
8. That's exactly what I think.
9. That's a good point.
10. That's just how I see it.
11. That's exactly my opinion.

B. How to Half Agree with an Opinion.
1. Yes, perhaps, however ...
2. Well, yes, but ...
3. Yes, in a way, however ...
4. Hmm, possibly, but ...
5. Yes, I agree up to a point, however ...
6. Well, you have a point there, but ...
7. There's something there, I suppose, however.
8. I guess you could be right, but ...
9. Yes, I suppose so, however ...
10. That's worth thinking about, but ...

C. How to Disagree Politely with an Opinion.
1. I am not so sure.
2. Do you think so?
3. Well, it depends.
4. I'm not so certain.
5. Well, I don't know.
6. Well, I'm not so sure about that.
7. Hmm, I'm not sure you're right.
8. I'm inclined to disagree with that.
9. No, I don't think so.

D. How to Disagree Strongly with an Opinion.
1. I disagree.
2. I disagree with your idea.
3. I'm afraid I don't agree.
4. I'm afraid your idea is wrong.
5. I can't agree with you.
6. I couldn't accept that for a minute.
7. You can't actually mean that.
8. I wouldn't go along with you there.
9. You can't be serious about that.
10. You must be joking.
11. It's possible you are mistaken about that.

You need to be very polite when disagreeing with someone in English, even someone you know quite well.
With someone you know very well, you can disagree more directly.



Some Debate Series Argument Suggestions.

1. Television Plays a Positive Role in Society.

2. Students should have a Part-time Job.

3. The Younger Generation Knows Best.

4. Smoking Should Prohibited.

5. Money is the Most Important Thing in Life.

6. Women Should be Treated the Same as Men.

7. It is a Good Thing to Live in a Modern City.

8. Housing Reform has become necessary.

9. Cars do more Harm than Good.

10. Fashion Contributes to Society.

1. Television Plays a Positive Role in Society.

Arguments in Favor:

  1. Television is now playing a very important role in our lives.
  2. Television is not only a convenient source of entertainment, but also a comparative cheap one.
  3. Television keeps you informed about current events. It allows you to follow the latest developments in science and politics.
    It offers an endless series of programs that are both instructive and entertaining.
  4. Many television programs introduce people to things they never thought of before and have never heard of before.
  5. Television series have done a great job in popularizing many literary masterpieces.
  6. Television has been good company to those who do not work, like housewives, lonely old people, etc.
  7. With television people are still free to enjoy other "civilized pleasures", or even more.
  8. There are a considerable variety of programs on television. The viewer is always free to choose whatever he wants to see.
  9. Television provides enormous possibilities for education, like school programs via closed-circuit television.
  10. Television provides special broadcasts for those in a TV University, or Open University.
    It also offers specialized subjects like language teaching, sewing, cooking, painting, cosmetics, etc.
  11. Television does the job of education in the broadest sense. Instructive programs achieve their goal through entertaining the viewers.
  12. Television provides an outlet for creative talents.
  13. People all around the world are no longer distant and isolated from each other.
    It brings most distant countries and the strangest customs right into your living room.
  14. Compared with radio, everything on television is more lifelike, vivid, and real.
  15. Television may be a vital factor in holding a family together.
    Especially where there are economic problems that cause the husband and wife to be at a breaking point.
  16. Television keeps people informed about the government and its programs.
  17. Television keeps people informed of the news and weather.
  18. Television keeps people informed of disasters like floods, winds, etc.
  19. In the case of serious problems television tells people what to do.
  20. People can be taught about safety through television.
  21. People can be informed about special sales at stores.

Arguments Against:

  1. Television is a great time waster.
  2. People who don't watch television are happier than those who watch it.
    Television goes with the kind of life that leaves the viewer nothing to spare, nothing left.
  3. Television makes the viewer completely passive because everything is presented to them without any effort on their part.
  4. The very danger of watching television lies in the fact that the viewer takes no initiative.
    They make no choice and exercise no judgment.
  5. Television passes on to children the corrupting values of a corrupt society.
  6. Television is to blame for the fact that children take longer to learn to read today and barely see the point at all of getting that skill.
  7. Television takes up too much of our time.
    We no longer have enough time for hobbies, entertaining activities.
    Other outside amusements like theaters, movies, sports, etc get ignored.
  8. Unfortunately all of our free time is now regulated by television.
  9. People rush home, gulp their food, which is often as simple as a sandwich and a beer, and then start watching the television.
  10. The monster, i.e. television, demands absolute silence and attention.
    No one dares open his or her mouth during a television program
  11. People have grown addicted to television, often neglecting the necessary and more important things like meals, sleep, and even work.
  12. Many parents use television as a pacifier for their children. They put their children in front of the TV set.
    They don't care whether it exposes children to rubbish, and stupid commercials.
    They see spectacles of violence or sex as long as the children are quiet.
  13. Many of the television programs are bad.
    They do not keep pace with the high demand of viewers and do not maintain high quality standards.
  14. The wide coverage of television programs has reduced society to the conditions in illiterate communities.
    We are utterly dependent on the most primitive media of communication, pictures and spoken words.
  15. What the viewer receives from television is nothing but secondhand experience.
    TV completely cuts the viewer off from the real world.
  16. The more the viewer watches television, the lazier they become. The TV glues them to the set instead of allowing them to go out.
  17. Television prevents people from communicating with each other.
    It has done much harm to the relationship between family members.
  18. People no longer see the need to read books when they can just watch it on television.
  19. Families sit and watch television at dinner instead of talking with each other.

Students Should have a Part-time Job -- Debate 2

Arguments in Favor:

  1. It is good for students to have part-time jobs because this helps cultivate independence among young people.
  2. Part-time jobs in business can foster a sense of competition, which is important for students in the future.
  3. After-school work enhances a young person's social development.
  4. Being able to earn their own money gives students a feeling that they've become adults and, therefore, makes them feel more mature.
  5. Part-time jobs make students more confident in themselves.
    Through the work they can realize their own value and prove that they are capable people.
  6. Part-time jobs experience gives students an insight into what work is about and prepares them psychologically for their future jobs.
  7. After-school work teaches students how hard it is to earn money and helps develop thriftiness in our younger generation.
  8. Part-time jobs can help students apply their knowledge in practice.
    And, in return, their experience will make them know better what they have learned in classes and books.
  9. Part-time jobs give students a feeling of achievement through contributing to the national construction and economy.
  10. Part-time jobs can make the students' lives more colorful and is good for their personal development.
  11. Students who have part-time jobs can relieve, to some extent, the economic burdens of their parents.
  12. With the money earned, students can buy many books they like.
  13. Because they earn money, students can pay for their education and thus will value their education even more.
  14. Part time work helps the economy by providing additional inexpensive labor.
  15. Part time labor helps the employer by providing labor at peak workloads without the costs of the labor when the workload goes down.
  16. Students, part-time jobs contribute a lot, in one way or another, to our socialist construction.

Arguments Against:

  1. It's not good for students to do part-time jobs because they will become money-oriented.
  2. Many students who have part-time jobs have shown a decline in their studies.
  3. Part-time jobs do not help develop a sense of thriftiness among young people.
    Because many students spend the money on high-priced items, luxuries that their parents can hardly afford.
  4. Part-time jobs often distract the students' attention away from their studies, and some students even play truant.
  5. The main task of students is to study hard and learn what is needed for the development of our nation.
    Social experience can be gained later after they finish their studies.
  6. Students are in their formative years.
    Part-time jobs may expose them to social ills at an age when they cannot differentiate the good from the bad.
  7. Some students become juvenile delinquents because they come under the influence of bad people through part-time jobs.
  8. Students who have part-time jobs may relieve their parents' economic burdens.
    But their early contact with society adds greatly to the worries of their parents.
  9. Though some after-school work can help students to practice what they learn in classes, many jobs require nothing of the students' knowledge.
  10. Some students have become dropouts because through part-time jobs they've found that the more education you have, the less money you make.
  11. After the chaotic 10-year-long Cultural Revolution, China now has a shortage of 60 million engineers.
    The problem of dropouts only makes the situation worse.
  12. Because of the low cost of part time workers, employers are tempted to employ only part time and not employ full time workers.
  13. Part time workers are not given vacations, sick pay, and health care.
  14. Most part time jobs are very menial and do not lead to meaningful full time jobs.



The Younger Generation Knows Best -- Debate 3


Arguments in Favor:

  1. 1.     The young people are better educated and more broad-minded.
  2. 2.     Young people enjoy many more things than the old: they have money to spend; they grow up more quickly; they enjoy more freedom.
  3. 3.     The young people do not blindly accept the ideals of their elders.
  4. 4.     The old people assume they know best, but it is only a matter of experience.
  5. 5.     The young people question the values and assumptions of the older generation and they are right.
  6. 6.     The young people enjoy more freedom and have a stronger sense of responsibility.
  7. 7.     The young people reject conformity in dress. They reject drab gray suits and convict haircuts.
  8. 8.     The old people settle differences by conventional politics and violence.
  9. 9.     The old people are unhappy and guilt-ridden in their personal lives.
  10. 10.   The old people do not have noble ambitions and only strive for material possessions.
  11. 11.   The old people are unable to keep away from the rat race, in which they have lost touch with the most important things in life.
  12. 12.   The old people can learn from the young. Young people are more devoted to their friends.
  13. 13.   The young people know how to enjoy work and leisure and not to be inhibited.
  14. 14.   The young people live in the present rather than in the past or future.
  15. 15.   The young people have the energy to accomplish things.
  16. 16.   The young people want change and it is important to change in order to make the world a better place.
  17. 17.   The young people have many new ideas and are often held back by the old who cannot think of new things as possibly good ideas.

Arguments Against:

  1. 1.     The young do not assume their responsibility; they evade it.
  2. 2.     The young have too much money and are spoiled.
  3. 3.     The young are not interested in important questions.
  4. 4.     The young are only interested in themselves.
  5. 5.     The young are concerned only with making money and getting ahead.
  6. 6.     The young seek material possessions like clothing, cars, etc. They do not wish to work for them.
  7. 7.     The young should feel grateful to the older generation, who have created a good life for them.
  8. 8.     The older generations caused the peace and freedom that the young enjoy today.
  9. 9.     The old provide the young with a good education and money to spend
  10. 10.   The older generation fought two world wars. They faced real problems, but the young have an easier life.
  11. 11.   The young are shallow and cling to passing fashions: trendy clothes, pop music, etc.
  12. 12.   The way many young people dress is in very bad taste. They grow long hair, and they are dirty, scruffy, and lazy.
  13. 13.   Young people have too much freedom and have no sense of morality.
  14. 14.   The older generation is too kind and soft with the young. We need a tougher policy and it might work wonders.
  15. 15.   The young are unadventurous and lack noble ideals.
  16. 16.   Young people's outlook on the world is very bleak and they are skeptical of everything.
  17. 17.   Young people are unstable. The young are cocksure but know little



Smoking Should Prohibited -- Debate 4

Arguments in Favor:

  1. Smoking should be prohibited.
    The World Health Organization points out that diseases linked to smoking kill at least three million people each year, one every six seconds.
  2. Scientific research has shown that the risk of developing lung cancer increases with smoking.
    The number of cigarettes smoked per day and the duration of the smoking habit increase your chances.
    It diminishes with the cessation of smoking.
  3. Smoking is not only harmful to the smoker but also results in the deaths of non-smokers.
    Statistics show that passive smoking is causing 3000 to 5000 lung cancer deaths a year among American non-smokers.
  4. Smoking not only leads to lung cancer, but also many other diseases.
    This includes heart attacks, sore throats, headaches, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema, etc.
  5. An American scientist estimated that smokers who average a package a day for 20 years would lose about eight years of their lives.
  6. Smoking makes the indoor environment far more polluted than the outdoor environment.
  7. Pregnant women who smoke run the risk of having deformed babies.
    When the mother smokes so does the baby.
  8. Smoking is an expensive habit, for a smoker who consumes a package a day will spend much money every month.
  9. Smoking has a bad impact on the psyche of the smokers.
    On the one hand, smokers realize the bad effects of smoking and are persuaded from time to time to stop.
    On the other hand, many of them can hardly resist the temptation to smoke. Thus, they often lose confidence in themselves.
  10. Children exposed to parental cigarette smoking are put at a higher risk of developing lung cancer later in their lives.
  11. In the countryside, some smokers share the same pipe, which is even more unhealthier.
  12. Smoking not only pollutes the air but also makes the streets dirty.
    Some smokers flick ash off their cigarettes and throw cigarette butts everywhere.
  13. Smoking speeds up the process of aging and helps cause wrinkles on people's faces.
  14. Smokers cause many fires that kill people and destroy property.
  15. Each cigarette smoked costs smokers six minutes of their life.

Arguments Against:

  1. Smoking should not be prohibited, for cigarettes give many people a good deal of pleasure much of the time.
  2. Nicotine can produce a tranquilizing effect during high emotions and shock situations, and therefore, helps to calm people down.
  3. Smoking counteracts the decrease in efficiency that typically occurs in boring, monotonous situations.
  4. Smokers can improve their performance in complex situations while smoking.
  5. Smokers help increase the revenue of our country.
  6. Smoking kills no more people than epidemics or traffic accidents.
  7. Most smokers spend much money on snacks, a habit costing as much as smoking if not more
  8. Many young women admire handsome boys with a cigarette on their lip.
  9. Young women who smoke appear cool and capable.
  10. If we eliminated smoking, many people in the tobacco industry will be out of jobs, and that will create many social problems.
  11. Smoking may not always lead to death, Winston Churchill was a chain-smoker but he enjoyed a long life.
  12. Facts have shown that if a chain-smoker suddenly quits smoking, He's more likely to have lung-cancer than those who keep the habit.
  13. Everybody has the right to keep his or her habits. Smokers are no exception.
  14. Many smokers live to a very old age.
  15. Many non-smokers die an early death.
  16. The government should not restrict the rights of an individual to seek pleasure that does not hurt anyone.
  17. Tobacco has not been proven to be harmful to health.
  18. Tobacco and smoking is a harmless pleasure enjoyed by many for many years.
  19. Many older people derive great pleasure for a smoke now and then.


Money is the Most Important Thing in Life -- Debate 5

Arguments in Favor:

  1. 1.     Everything in modern society is based on money. As the saying goes, money makes the world go around.
  2. 2.     Parents object to their daughters' marriages unless their future sons-in-laws have jobs with good prospects.
  3. 3.     Many young people marry for money rather than love. Security is more important than happiness.
  4. 4.     Some people in Shanghai would even trade their self-esteem for money.
  5. 5.     Materialism influences education, too. Students acquire knowledge not for its own sake, but for a bigger wage.
  6. 6.     Students choose business courses rather than liberal arts for the sake of earning big money in the future.
  7. 7.     Very few people want to be teachers because teaching is not a lucrative profession.
  8. 8.     More emphasis is put on material life than on spiritual life in modern society.
    People do anything in their power to earn money to buy their houses, furniture, cars, etc.
  9. 9.     People are trained to be acquisitive from an early age and are not considered successful unless they make good money.
  10. 10.   People spend most of their lives struggling frantically to keep up with their neighbors.
  11. 11.   Financial rewards for pop stars make many people envy them.
  12. 12.   A desire to earn more money is nothing to be ashamed of.
  13. 13.   Deng Xiao-ping said, "To get rich is glorious."
  14. 14.   Being poor is not very much fun.
  15. 15.   Being rich allows you to do what you want.
  16. 16.   If you are rich, many people want you for a friend.
  17. 17.   It is easier to marry well if you are wealthy.
  18. 18.   Being wealthy allows you to enjoy life to the fullest.
  19. 19.   The man who has the money makes the rules.


Arguments Against:

  1. 1.     Too much wealth leads to disaster. Murder or kidnapping might occur when big money is involved.
  2. 2.     There is a marked reluctance among people to work long hours for money.
    Many people desire to have a rich and interesting life is thwarted by their quest for money.
  3. 3.     Money corrupts. The more money you have, the more you want.
  4. 4.     Success and wealth often earn you envy and even hostility, which ruins good human relationships.
  5. 5.     Some young people reject materialistic values. They are motivated by their interest in work.
  6. 6.     Some people think it is vulgar to be always after money. They give away their money to less fortunate people.
  7. 7.     Some devoted teachers consider teaching a noble career and are not demoralized by their low salaries.
  8. 8.     There exist many volunteer organizations, such as neighborhood communities in China, people involved in work without a reward.
  9. 9.     What scientists and engineers want is often better conditions or work rather than more money.
  10. 10.   The love of money is the root of all evil.
  11. 11.   Some Chinese officials are corrupted by the love of money and the power it brings.
  12. 12.   Wealth often brings out the worst in people.
  13. 13.   Wealthy people are not always the happiest.
  14. 14.   When you are rich it is hard to tell who is your real friend.
  15. 15.   Many people try to kidnap and steal from the wealthy.
  16. 16.   You must spend a lot of time to protect your wealth.
  17. 17.   The wealthy spend too much time trying to get wealthier.
  18. 18.   With much wealth simple things lose their pleasure.
  19. 19.   The pursuit of money causes some to neglect their children.

Women Should be Treated the Same as Men -- Debate 6

Arguments in Favor:

  1. Prejudice against women violates the fundamental principle that all people are created equal.
  2. Women should not be treated differently from men.
    According to statistics, there is no difference between the standards and quality of work done by men and women who do the same work.
  3. This is an unfair world: in most of the top positions in society, men occupy company directors, judges, University professors, etc.
  4. This is a male dominated world.
    Over centuries men have been trained and educating women to consider themselves inferior and to accept their superior position.
    As a result, not only men are prejudiced against women, but also some women are also prejudiced against themselves.
    Because they believe they are inferior and only fit for household chores.
  5. Women should no longer be considered the inferior sex. They should stand side by side with men and define their role in society.
    A role where they can choose to work outside or stay at home and in which they will have more time to develop their own interests.
  6. It is a shame in the modern world to confine women to the home and block their way to the full exploitation of their capacity and potential.
  7. Women should be given an equal chance of education to compete with men on an equal footing.
  8. Men should take an equal share in housework to liberate women from the kitchen.
  9. It is unreasonable for authorities to refuse to promote able women to important posts just because they have children to bring up.
  10. Chairman Mao said, "Women hold up half of the sky." It is time to give them half of the rewards.
  11. There is no job done by a man that cannot be done as well by women.
  12. Discrimination against women violates the law.
  13. Behind every successful man are some women who made it possible for him to be successful.
  14. The wife of a powerful businessman or politician is no less responsible for the success than the man.

Arguments Against:

  1. Since we all admit that women belong to a different sex, we shouldn't complain about the different treatment of women.
  2. Most housewives are content to be housewives. They don't feel that housekeeping is something imposed upon them by men.
  3. Women are by nature good at housekeeping.
    The biological function of a woman is first to bring children into the world and then to bring them up.
    Women shouldn't attribute the exploitation of their biological advantage to men's discrimination against them.
  4. The different (women use the word "unequal") treatment to women is the division of labor both at home and society.
  5. If staying at home taking care of household chores is a sort of discrimination against women.
    Why do women agree to work outside while their husbands do the housework at home?
  6. Actually women today already have as much freedom as they could possible want.
    They enjoy the right to vote: they can go to the university: they can compete with men in any professional field on equal terms.
    It is groundless and unreasonable to raise the issue of unequal treatment of women in social life.
  7. Women are born to be attentive and tender. Their talents lie in being mothers than in other directions.
  8. It has been proved that women are not good at business management, political administration, etc.
    That is why women don't hold many important posts in social and economic life.
  9. Most women are family-oriented by nature.
    Not to put them into important positions is just to show consideration for their natural inclination.
  10. Women should not attribute their inferior social status to unequal treatment by men.
    They have to look at their own incompetence and inability for an answer.
  11. The fact that women have received too much special treatment in society at men's expense.
    Women should realize that men are in an unfavorable position and are discriminated against.
  12. Women shouldn't complain about their so-called "double burden" (work and household chores).
    Men have always asked them to take only one responsibility, i.e. taking care of the family.
    It is women who choose to take both paths.
  13. Women are all too eager to take special treatment when it favors them. They needn't serve in combat in wars.
    They play golf with shorter distances than men. They retire at an earlier age than men.

It is a Good Thing to Live in a Modern City -- Debate 7

Arguments in Favor:

  1. Most people love cities and many are flocking there from the country.
  2. Modern man is too sophisticated for simple country pleasures.
  3. It is enough to visit the countryside on weekends.
  4. Commuting does not affect those who live in cities; it is only a small inconvenience.
  5. Getting to work by bike is healthy.
  6. People easily adapt themselves to city life; noise, traffic, etc. are hardly noticed.
  7. Only a small minority of city-dwellers are involved in crime and violence.
  8. There are many reasons why city life is preferable: there are more places for entertainment.
  9. It is good to be near one's friends and never cut off by weather conditions.
  10. Life is never dull; there is always something to do.
  11. There are better schools and services in big cities.
  12. There are more chances for employment. There is a greater range of jobs and the pay is higher.
  13. There is more opportunity to succeed in life.
  14. There is more opportunity to meet a variety of interesting people.
  15. Living standards are higher.
  16. It is easier to earn more money.
  17. The educational level is higher; it is a better place for children.
  18. The teachers in the schools are better.
  19. There is more choice of schools.
  20. The shopping has a wider variety and prices are better.

Arguments Against:

  1. Large modern cities are too big to control.
  2. Trains are packed; streets are crowded; busses are full. There are bus queues and traffic jams everywhere.
  3. Commuting stretches man's resources to the utmost.
  4. Unforeseen events (e.g. power-cut, heavy snowfall, etc.) can cause conditions of utter chaos.
  5. City-dwellers adopt a wholly unnatural way of life. They lose touch with the land and the rhythm of nature.
  6. City-dwellers are barely conscious of seasons. Flowers, leaves, the changes of seasons become irrelevant in their lives.
  7. Distinction between day and night is lost. There is always noise and traffic, everywhere.
  8. Rents are high; buying a house of your own for average people is impossible.
  9. The cost of living is higher in big cities.
  10. Cities breed crime and violence; houses are often burgled; bicycles and motorcycles are stolen.
  11. Tension in big cities shortens people's lives.
  12. In big cities there are not enough theaters, public transport or public toilets.
  13. Pollution in big cities is becoming impossible and dangerous to your health.
  14. City people are not a warm-hearted and friendly as country people.
  15. The country is a better place for children and much safer.
  16. People lose too much time getting to work.
  17. Contagious diseases become a serious health hazard.
  18. Noise from neighbors make quiet living impossible.
  19. Privacy can be almost impossible.
  20. Apartment living means often climbing many stairs.
  21. Noise pollution is a serious problem.
  22. Children have too many distractions from their studies.
  23. Too many bad temptations present potential trouble for young people.
  24. Too many evil people flock to the cities for better opportunities for their crimes.

Housing Reform has become Necessary in China-- Debate 8

Arguments in Favor:

  1. Housing reform is necessary.
    In the past few years, the State has spent 30 billion Yuan a year on building and maintaining houses and subsidizing rents.
    Yet the investment has produced little financial return and a housing shortage still exists.
  2. Commercialization of housing would stop some officials from abusing their positions to obtain extra or larger houses.
  3. Many couples who work in different units have two apartments living in one and keeping the other for their children's future marriage.
    This situation can only be changed by housing reform.
  4. There are still cases of three generations sharing one room.
    Simply because the State does not have enough money to improve their housing conditions
  5. If only one half of the state-built houses nationwide are sold to urban residents, up to 200 billion Yuan will be recouped.
    This can be used to invest in the construction of more residential dwellings.
  6. Housing reform is necessary, for it will stop the "backdoorism" in the previous system of housing assignments.
  7. The construction costs shared by local governments.
    Then would-be buyers and local enterprises, people can buy a two-room apartment for only 6,000 to 10,000 Yuan.
  8. Many people still live in dangerous and old houses, which can only be improved with money collected through higher rent.

Arguments Against:

  1. Housing reform is impossible because China's overall social reform environment is not ready for it.
  2. It's the State's duty to provide shelter for urban employees as a kind of social welfare.
  3. The commercialization or privatization of housing is synonymous with making money out of people's pockets.
    This runs counter to the ideals of socialism.
  4. In China's urban areas, the per capita monthly income is no more than 80 Yuan, which is not even enough for food and other necessities.
    How can city dwellers find extra money to buy a house?
  5. Housing gives the rich minority rather than the average majority a chance to live better.
  6. It is difficult for enterprises to earmark large sums of money to support housing reform since many of them are not profitably run.
  7. The price of housing has rocketed to 2000 Yuan a square meter in some cities.
    At the present salary level a teacher would have to have a lifetime's savings before being able to buy a two-room apartment.
  8. Housing reform is being carried out in units with vastly different conditions.
    It may happen that some units have empty houses waiting for buyers whereas others try desperately to find money to build new houses.
  9. People like the system as it now works.
  10. Change does not always improve things.

Cars do more Harm than Good -- Debate 9

Arguments in Favor:

  1. Cars are evils resulting from modernization, for they make people suffer rather than enjoy life.
  2. The roads are so often jammed with cars that ambulances and fire engines find it difficult to fulfill their duties.
  3. Driving a car brings out a man's worst qualities. He swears and becomes ill mannered and aggressive.
  4. People have hidden frustrations and disappointments are brought to the surface when they drive.
  5. Road networks for cars have not only made cities uninhabitable, but also have desecrated the countryside.
  6. Towns have been made ugly by big car parks.
  7. Cars often produce air pollution and fill the cities with unbearable noise.
  8. Cars are the cause of traffic accidents. In China in 1994 66,000 people were killed in auto accidents.
  9. Traffic accidents not only bring death and injury but also make people suffer great psychological damage.
  10. Every year great amounts of money is spent on road taxes, purchases, oil etc. This is a great drain on their resources.
  11. To own a private car can cost you a fortune.
  12. If everyone had a car in China there would be no room on the roads and no place to park.
  13. Because of China's large population, many cars would create many serious social problems.
  14. Cars should be done away with. We should create a better means of transport that will bring joy and comfort instead of death and injury.
  15. More cars mean more roads and car parking facilities. This decreases the land available for agriculture.
  16. Too much good farmland is being consumed for the purposes of autos.
  17. Autos are adding to the noise pollution in big cities making it unpleasant to live in them.
  18. Many cars can make city life unmanageable and stressful.

Arguments Against:

  1. Autos are highly desirable for obvious reasons. We need to recognize this and adapt accordingly.
  2. Cars enable people to become more mobile. Without cars, the world would consist of many isolated communities.
  3. Long distances can be covered rapidly, comfortably and conveniently.
  4. China needs cars to complete its construction of modernization.
  5. Busses are often crowded and slow, especially during the rush hour, with more cars people could get around more easily.
  6. Riding a bicycle is tiring and uncomfortable especially when the weather is bad or very hot. People are more protected riding in cars.
  7. With the popularization of cars, the suburbs will become more developed, and the downtown area will be less crowded.
  8. If there were more cars in the rural areas, people could get to the cities more easily.
  9. The gap between the city and the countryside would become smaller.
  10. Possessing a car gives one a much greater degree of mobility, enabling him to move around freely
  11. The owner of a car is not forced to rely on public transport and is not compelled to work locally
  12. Traveling by car is more comfortable because they can adjust the heating in winter and air conditioning in summer.
  13. Cars do not cause accidents, drivers do. Driver training and enforcement of driving laws would cut accidents rates by great amount.
  14. Road and fuel tax will allow the national road system to expand and make cars even more valuable.
  15. Expansion of underground and multi-story car parks can solve the parking problem.
  16. Electric cars, hydrogen powered cars can solve pollution problems in the future.
  17. China needs a vast network of roads and a vehicle system to compete in the international markets.
  18. The new fuel cell cars do not need gasoline.
  19. Older people will have a better chance of going places.
  20. Car ownership can result in many new jobs in repair and service.
  21. Modern nations need better and faster transportation systems.
  22. Car owners lead happier lives with their new status.

Fashion Contributes to Society -- Debate 10

Arguments in Favor:

  1. A good appearance makes a person look younger, feel relaxed and confident.
  2. A good appearance may help people make a better impression on social contacts.
  3. When people are getting old, they should pay more attention to their appearance.
  4. Life is colorful, so people should not be clad in dull colors but use exciting new colors.
  5. The way people dress helps them preserve a sense of their own value and personality.
  6. Investing in jewelry is a better hedge against inflation than saving paper money.
  7. Fashion adds spice to life with its rich color, variety, and beauty.
  8. Men and women follow fashions in order to please each other and themselves.
  9. The world will be a dull place to live in if people always wear clothes of the same style and color.
  10. There is no commercial exploitation of women because a huge demand for new styles always exists.
  11. Mass production makes well-designed clothes cheap, available to everyone.
  12. These days men are fashion-conscious, too. They pay more attention to hairstyles, shirts, suits, shoes, belts, and so on.
  13. The fashion industry is an enormous one. It provides employment for people like textile workers, designers, and shopkeepers.
  14. The fashion industry has helped industrial research in the sense that a lot of new materials,
    nylon, rayon, orlon, Dacron, have been made to meet the demand of the consumers.
  15. The fashion industry has become a huge import-export business and it is important, especially to China, in World trade.
  16. Being well dressed is of psychological importance because confidence in one's appearance leads to confidence in one's success in life.
  17. The tourist industry requires that citizens look well-kempt and prosperous.
  18. People with good stylish clothes presents a good image for the Chinese nation.

Arguments Against:

  1. Many irresponsible young people are crazy about fashion.
  2. Fashion appeals only to those who don't have a real sense of beauty.
  3. Money should be invested in things other than jewelry. Jewelry is a very poor investment.
  4. People often look odd with the so-called fashionable hairstyles, make-up and dresses.
  5. Most men don't care for excessive make-up often over used by many women.
  6. Fashion goes like this: one year, one thing, next year, the reverse.
  7. Fashion followers are mercilessly exploited.
  8. People are so vain that they are afraid of being seen in old-fashioned clothes.
  9. We must bear this in mind: Don't judge a person by their appearance.
  10. People, especially fashion followers, are blackmailed by fashion designers and stores.
  11. Changing fashions is a deliberate creation of waste because one will have to discard a lot of clothes in order to follow fashions.
  12. Fashion designers are not interested in important things like warmth, comfort, and durability of clothes.
    They are only interested in outward appearance and profits.
  13. In order to follow fashions, people have to put up with great discomfort, such as suffering from cold in winter.
  14. One's confidence does not grow from the way one is dressed, but from the inner qualities one possesses.
  15. The fashion industry features very slim women as models for their clothes.
    Thus many young women suffer from many forms of eating disorders trying to imitate these skinny models.
    This causes a lot of heath problems and even some deaths form these disorders.
  16. The odder the clothes, the more expensive they are, and the more fashionable they become.
    It's a great pity that people have lost their appreciation of real beauty.
  17. In order to follow fashions, people waste a lot of money.
    They throwing away new things; they waste a lot of time by altering hemlines, waistlines, necklines, etc.
  18. Fashion causes poor people to be looked down upon without fashionable clothes.




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