


If you are searching for the ideal platform to build your website and you haven’t considered using WordPress, then you really should take the time to read this article and find out how its incredible range of features can help you create a truly amazing website.

如果您正在寻找构建网站的理想平台,而您尚未考虑使用WordPress ,那么您确实应该花时间阅读本文,并了解其令人难以置信的功能范围如何帮助您创建一个真正令人惊叹的网站。

Here are 10 reasons why you should use WordPress to build your website.


  1. WordPress是完全免费的 ( WordPress is completely free)

People often assume that if something is free then it’s not very good. With WordPress, this couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s free because it is Open Source software, which means it has been created and refined by thousands of highly skilled, volunteer programmers rather than being developed by a software company.

人们常常认为,如果有东西是免费的,那不是很好。 使用WordPress,这离事实还远。 它是免费的,因为它是开放源代码软件,这意味着它是由成千上万的技术熟练的志愿程序员创建和完善的,而不是由软件公司开发的。

In terms of functionality, WordPress is to website creation what Microsoft Office is to business software and if it was to be sold as a product, it would probably have a similar price tag.

在功能方面,WordPress可以用于网站创建,而Microsoft Office可以用于商业软件,如果将其作为产品出售,则价格可能会差不多。

As WordPress is a free resource, it means you can cut down on your start-up costs when creating your website. There is no need to buy expensive software. You can download your free version of WordPress by visiting WordPress

由于WordPress是免费资源,因此它意味着您可以在创建网站时降低启动成本。 无需购买昂贵的软件。 您可以通过访问WordPress下载免费版本的WordPress。

  1. 易于使用。 无需编码 ( It’s easy to use. No coding required)

People sometimes spend lots of money having a website built for them because they believe that it will involve writing lots of computer code. This is definitely not the case with WordPress. WordPress is a content management system (CMS) which means all the coding needed for your website is pre-built into the software. All you need to do is to decide upon the design you want and the content you want to publish.

人们有时会花很多钱为他们建立一个网站,因为他们认为这将涉及编写许多计算机代码。 WordPress绝对不是这种情况。 WordPress是一个内容管理系统(CMS),这意味着您网站所需的所有编码都已预先内置到该软件中。 您需要做的就是确定所需的设计和要发布的内容。

Whilst it might take you a little time to get familiar with the controls in the WordPress admin dashboard, you don’t need any coding or technical skills.


  1. WordPress可以创建任何类型的网站 ( WordPress can create any type of website)

WordPress originally started life as a blogging platform but has now evolved into a highly versatile content management system that can create any type of website you require, including; online stores, membership sites, business directories, social media sites, online auctions, business websites and, of course, blogs.

WordPress最初是从博客平台开始的,但现在已经发展成为一种高度通用的内容管理系统,可以创建您需要的任何类型的网站,包括: 在线商店,会员网站,企业目录,社交媒体网站,在线拍卖,企业网站,当然还有博客。

Take a look at some of the world-class businesses that use WordPress. They include; eBay, CNN, Samsung and Sony.

看看一些使用WordPress的世界级企业 。 它们包括; eBay,CNN,三星和索尼。

  1. 无与伦比的定制 ( Unrivalled customisation)

Everyone wants to make their website unique and WordPress offers unrivalled ability to do this. With over 2,600 free themes to choose from, as well as thousands of relatively inexpensive premium themes (average cost around £30 – £40,) there will be a website design that will suit your business and brand. What’s more, all of these themes are themselves customisable so you can easily change things like colours, backgrounds, layouts and fonts to suit your style and make your website truly one of a kind.

每个人都想使自己的网站独一无二,而WordPress提供了无与伦比的功能。 有超过2,600个免费主题可供选择,以及数千种相对便宜的高级主题(平ASP格在30到40英镑之间),将提供适合您的业务和品牌的网站设计。 此外,所有这些主题本身都是可定制的,因此您可以轻松更改颜色,背景,布局和字体等内容以适合您的样式,并使您的网站真正成为一种。

WordPress themes also allow you to create the specific type of website needed for your business. Store themes allow you to create stunning online shops, business directories come prebuilt with listing pages and embedded maps; business themes contain portfolio sections and landing page templates; and membership themes have registration and ‘My Account’ sections. There are themes for all kinds of businesses.

WordPress主题还允许您创建业务所需的特定类型的网站。 商店主题可让您创建令人惊叹的在线商店,企业目录已预先建立有清单页面和嵌入式地图; 商业主题包含投资组合部分和登录页面模板; 和会员主题有注册和“我的帐户”部分。 有适合各种企业的主题。

For the non-technical user, the best thing about these themes is that they can be installed with a couple of clicks. If you want to change your theme, that can be done easily as well.

对于非技术用户,关于这些主题的最好的事情是,只需单击几次即可安装它们。 如果您想更改主题,也可以轻松完成。

Just some of the themes available for free:


WordPress website customised themes. WordPress网站自定义主题。
  1. 无与伦比的功能 ( Unparalleled functionality)

One of the most amazing things about WordPress is the enormous range of plugins you can use to add functionality to your website. There are over 30,000 free plugins available and thousands more premium ones.

关于WordPress的最神奇的事情之一就是您可以用来向网站添加功能的众多插件。 有超过30,000个免费插件可用,还有数千个高级插件 。

Each of these plugins is designed to do a specific job or give additional capability to your website. Want to automatically let your Twitter and Facebook followers know about your latest products? Need to improve your SEO? Fed up of people posting spammy comments on your blog? There’s a plugin for virtually everything – and just like the themes, they can be installed and working with a couple of clicks.

这些插件中的每一个都旨在完成特定工作或为您的网站提供其他功能。 是否想自动让您的Twitter和Facebook粉丝知道您的最新产品? 需要改善您的SEO吗? 受够了在您的博客上发布垃圾评论的人? 几乎所有内容都有一个插件-就像主题一样,只需单击几次即可安装和使用它们。

  1. 不断改进和更新 ( Constantly improved and updated)

The beauty of Open Source software is that anyone can take it and make improvements. As a result, there is a huge team of people constantly working to improve WordPress. With every update, there is improved functionality, speed, security and compatibility with other software. And updates happen quite regularly.

开源软件的优点在于任何人都可以使用它并进行改进。 结果,有庞大的团队不断致力于改善WordPress。 每次更新都会提高功能,速度,安全性以及与其他软件的兼容性。 并且更新非常定期地发生。

Perhaps one of the best recent updates is that WordPress now installs its updates automatically; which is good news for your security, because, as soon as an update is released, you’ll immediately have the most secure version available on your server.

也许最近最好的更新之一是WordPress现在可以自动安装其更新。 这对您的安全性来说是个好消息,因为一旦发布更新,您将立即在服务器上拥有最安全的版本。

  1. WordPress对搜索引擎友好 ( WordPress is search engine friendly)

As a business owner or blogger, it’s vital that your website is visible on the internet and for this to happen successfully, your website has to be coded and set up in a way that allows search engines easy access to all the content you have published.


With so many WordPress users requiring this, its development team have ensured that WordPress is exceptionally search engine friendly.  However, don’t take our word for it, see the short video below in which the leader of Google’s Anti-Spam team, Matt Cutts, talks about how good WordPress is at SEO.

有这么多的WordPress用户需要此功能,其开发团队已确保WordPress非常适合搜索引擎。 但是,请不要相信我们,请看下面的短片,其中Google的反垃圾邮件团队负责人Matt Cutts谈论WordPress在SEO方面的表现如何。


  1. 您将永远找到解决方案 ( You’ll always find a solution)

Although WordPress is essentially an easy piece of software to use, there is so much that can be done with it that users are constantly on the lookout for advice on how to achieve things. Luckily, there are hundreds, possibly thousands of websites dedicated to helping WordPress users solve problems and take their WordPress website to the next level.

尽管WordPress本质上是一款易于使用的软件,但它可以完成很多工作,因此用户一直在寻找有关如何实现目标的建议。 幸运的是,有数百个甚至可能数千个网站致力于帮助WordPress用户解决问题并将其WordPress网站提升到一个新的水平。

Every theme and plugin developer has their own help page and the enormous and very helpful WordPress community will help you find an answer for everything.


  1. WordPress已为明天做好准备 ( WordPress is ready for tomorrow)

The internet is constantly developing. At first it was available on computers, then on mobile devices and now we have the internet of things. WordPress is well placed to make sure that your website keeps up with the speed of change. It is already multimedia friendly, allowing you to host a whole range of multi-media files on your website, including videos and games.

互联网在不断发展。 最初,它在计算机上可用,然后在移动设备上可用,现在我们有了物联网。 WordPress位置优越,可确保您的网站跟上变化的速度。 它已经具有多媒体友好性,可让您在您的网站上托管各种多媒体文件,包括视频和游戏。

Today’s themes are now designed to be fully responsive, so your website will adapt to and function perfectly on any device and on any browser, and WordPress websites can now be turned into apps and downloaded from app stores.


  1. 你不是一个人 ( You are not alone)

One true sign of how good WordPress is, is the number of people who use it. According to the WordPress website, over 60 million people have built websites using the platform. This includes 20% of the world’s self-hosted websites.

使用WordPress的人数是WordPress优秀程度的一个真实标志。 根据WordPress网站的统计,已有超过6000万人使用该平台建立了网站。 其中包括全球20%的自托管网站。

When it comes to e-commerce, the figure is higher. WooCommerce, a WordPress plugin that turns websites into online stores, is used on 30% of all the world’s e-commerce sites.

在电子商务方面,这个数字更高。 WooCommerce,一个将网站转变为在线商店的WordPress插件,已在全球30%的电子商务网站上使用。

WordPress is used by Google Ventures, Facebook Newsroom, Flickr and many other major organisations. Isn’t it time it was used by yours?

Google Ventures,Facebook Newsroom,Flickr和许多其他主要组织都使用WordPress。 是不是您的时间被使用了?


翻译自: https://www.eukhost/blog/webhosting/10-reasons-for-a-wordpress-website/


本文标签: 建站要使理由网站wordpress