

How a CEO knows when to quit

Bosses have a shelf life and plenty of incentives to misjudge what it is

shelf life: 保存期限;保存期;有效期;(食品等的)货架期;


Deciding to CAlL it quits is a relatively simple judgment early on in a

career. If you find the prospect of going to work on Monday morning more

depressing than a Lars von Trier film, it is time to leave. If you have nothing

left to learn in your current organisation, you should probably grab more

stimulating opportunities elsewhere. But knowing when to quit is less easy

when you are in a role that already confers lots of status, novelty and

purpose. And moving on is particularly difficult when it might be the last big

job you have.



call it quits:决定停止某事

这里的 “call” 是 “call it quits” 的一部分,这个短语的意思是决定停止或结束某事,通常是指辞职或结束某个项目。


  • After years of struggling to make their business profitable, they decided to call it quits and close the company.
  • She knew it was time to call it quits when she found no joy in her work anymore.


What is true of American presidents is also true of chief executives. Bob

Iger has made not leaving Disney into an art form. The surest way to know

you will not succeed Jamie Dimon at JPMorgan Chase is to be anointed his

successor. Both bosses are stars, and their firms have reasons to hang on to

them. The same cannot be said of Dave Calhoun, Boeing’s CEO, who will lead

the company until the end of the year despite the enormous reputational

damage it has sustained on his watch. (Mr Calhoun was supposed to have

departed years ago; instead the firm raised the mandatory retirement age to

allow him to stay.)



art form:艺术形式;艺术体裁;

surest: 美 [ˈʃʊrɪst] 最确信的;一定的;(sure的最高级)

anoint:美 [əˈnɔɪnt] 指定;选定

hang on to:紧紧抓住;紧握不放;紧跟不放


The incentives for CEOs and other leaders to stick around are material:

assistants, chauffeurs, private jets and all. They are also psychological.

People who reach the top of organisations do not often lack ego; the idea

that someone else can do the job well may be hard to stomach. Michael

Watkins, a professor at IMD Business School in Switzerland, calls this “the

aura of indispensability”. The prospect of retirement can be particularly

gruesome—this week, a farewell trip to Davos; next week, a strategic review

of the spice rack.



chauffeur:美 [ʃoʊ’fɜr] 司机;



indispensability:美 [ɪndɪspensə’bɪlətɪ] 不可缺少;必要;责无旁贷

gruesome:美 [ˈɡrusəm] 恐怖的;可怕的;令人厌恶的;

farewell: 美 [ˌferˈwel] 告别;辞别

spice rack:香料架

这句话中的“a farewell trip to Davos; next week, a strategic review of the spice rack”通过对比两种活动,强调了从高强度、高地位的职业生活到平凡、琐碎的退休生活的巨大落差。


  • a farewell trip to Davos:告别达沃斯之旅。达沃斯指的是世界经济论坛年会,通常是全球商界和政界领袖聚集的地方,象征着高层次的职业活动和网络。
  • a strategic review of the spice rack:对香料架的战略审查。这里用了一种幽默的夸张手法,表示退休后的生活可能会变得非常琐碎和平凡,比如整理家里的香料架。

spice rack是厨房里用来存放各种香料的小架子,在这里象征着日常生活中的小事。



There is some research that can help bosses think about how long to stay in a

role. A study by Francois Brochet of Boston University and his co-authors

looked at the relationship between CEO tenure and firm value to see if they

could identify an optimal period in charge. They found that firm value

started to decline, on average, after a CEO had been in the job for 14 years.

That is not particularly helpful. There are too many differences between

executives, firms and industries for one number to be a useful guide. Many

chief executives get booted out an awful lot quicker than that; some bosses

will warrant more time in the job, not less.

有一些研究可以帮助老板们思考在一个职位上呆多久。波士顿大学的Francois Brochet和他的合著者进行了一项研究,研究CEO任期和公司价值之间的关系,看他们是否能确定一个最佳的掌管时期。他们发现,平均而言,在首席执行官任职14年后,公司价值开始下降。这不是特别有帮助。高管、公司和行业之间存在太多差异,一个数字不可能成为有用的指南。许多首席执行官被赶下台的速度比这快得多;一些老板会保证更多的工作时间,而不是更少。


tenure:美 [ˈtenjər] 任期;任职期间;(尤指大学教师的)终身职位

get booted out:被赶下台;被踢出去

an awful lot:很多;非常多

warrant:正式确认;证明…正当;使有必要; 值得




  • The evidence was strong enough to warrant a new investigation.
  • 证据足够有力,值得进行新的调查。



More usefully, however, the researchers did confirm a hump shape in firm

performance. Things improve over time as CEOs master the complexities of

their role but fall away later as they become more fixed in their ways and

accrue more power. Similar humps have been observed from college

basketball to Hollywood.





accrue more power:积累更多的权力


Changes in circumstances can shorten the duration of the hump. Separate

research, by Bradley Hendricks of the University of North Carolina at

Chapel Hill and Travis Howell, then at the University of California, Irvine,

suggests that firms led by founder-CEOs are associated with a valuation

premium when they first list on public markets but that this premium

disappears within three years as the demands of the top job evolve.

环境的变化可以缩短驼峰的持续时间。北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校大学的Bradley Hendricks和加州大学欧文分校的Travis Howell进行的另一项研究表明,由创始人兼首席执行官领导的公司在首次公开上市时会有估值溢价,但随着高层职位需求的变化,这种溢价会在三年内消失。



valuation premium:估值溢价


If bosses are prone to misjudge when to quit, what can be done? Blunt

instruments do exist, from mandatory retirement ages to explicit term limits.

But strict rules have drawbacks, too. CEOs may be approaching their peak, not

past it, at the time they are required to throw in the towel. Bosses

approaching the end of their terms risk being seen as lame ducks, says Mr

Watkins. And the knowledge that the end is nigh can change a

CEO’s own behaviour in potentially unhelpful ways.




blunt instrument:硬性规定

throw in the towel:认输;承认失败;放弃;投降;

nigh:美 [naɪ] 接近的;临近的;几乎的


Research by Sam Yul Cho of Oregon State University and Kim Sang Kyun

of Sungkyunkwan University in South Korea suggests that firms run by

bosses with short “career horizons” (ie, less time to go until they retire)

generate fewer big innovations. Another paper, by Dirk Jenter of the London

School of Economics and Katharina Lewellen of the Tuck School at

Dartmouth, found that the likelihood a firm would be taken over jumped

when a CEO was at retirement age. The bosses of target firms often lose their

jobs; that is less of a concern when a career is winding down.

俄勒冈州立大学的Sam Yul Cho和韩国成均馆大学的Kim Sang Kyun的研究表明,由“职业视野”短的老板经营的公司(也就是说,离退休的时间更短)产生的大创新更少。伦敦经济学院的Dirk Jenter和达特茅斯大学塔克商学院的Katharina Lewellen发表的另一篇论文发现,当首席执行官到了退休年龄时,公司被收购的可能性会激增。目标公司的老板经常丢掉工作;当职业生涯接近尾声时,这就不是什么大问题了。


be at retirement age:到了退休年龄


Rigid rules are not the best defence against people overstaying their

welcome. More important are institutional constraints on CEO power—most

obviously, a board that has a mind of its own—and bosses with the self

awareness to recognise that everyone has a natural shelf life. One of the first

questions to ask a would-be senior hire is how long they think they should







本文标签: 英文学人经济日这期CEO