



Being a Scrum Master in a corporate environment isn’t as easy as the books make out. Here are seven tips to help you make the grade

在公司环境中成为Scrum Master并不像书中那样容易。 这里有七个技巧可以帮助您提高成绩


Over the years, I’ve worked with many new Scrum Masters within large organisations and a pattern has emerged over time. You see, whatever flavour of Agile you choose to follow is less relevant when you’re in a corporate environment then making your style work. Led on by what you read and see in startups, it’s easy to become romantic and think it applies equally in large corporations, particularly those that operate in regulated industries. However, I regularly see talented Scrum Masters become disillusioned and leave, or fail in their roles, and I would love to see them thrive instead.

多年来,我与大型组织中的许多新Scrum Master一起工作,并且随着时间的推移出现了一种模式。 您会发现,在公司环境中选择遵循的敏捷风格与您的风格无关紧要。 根据您在初创企业中所阅读和看到的内容,很容易变得浪漫起来,并认为它同样适用于大型公司,尤其是在受监管行业运营的公司。 但是,我经常看到才华横溢的Scrum Master变得幻灭了,离开了,或者失败了,而我很希望看到他们蓬勃发展。

So, what advice do I give my corporate Scrum Masters? Read on.

那么,我应该给我的公司Scrum Master些什么建议? 继续阅读。

1.成为过程的奴隶 (1. Being a slave to the process)

If you follow Scrum, you’ll be taught that co-location is key, that documentation is secondary to interaction, that the daily stand up should be 15 minutes, at the same time etc.


In a perfect world, these are all fine but then you find that one of your new team members is in a different office, or maybe in a different timezone.


Currently one of my teams is spread between Kuala Lumpur (+7hrs), Bangalore (+4.5hrs), UK (BST) and Houston (-6hrs). So, even if you could pick a time that’s consistent, it’s at very different points in the day for everyone. Does that mean the team can’t work together, or is inefficient? Not really — it’s just that you need to work within constraints that the books don’t tell you about.

目前,我的团队之一分布在吉隆坡(+7小时),班加罗尔(+4.5小时),英国(BST)和休斯敦(-6小时)之间。 因此,即使您可以选择一致的时间,每个人在一天中的时间也截然不同。 这是否意味着团队无法合作或效率低下? 并非如此-只是您需要在书中没有告诉您的限制内工作。

The remedy


It’s important to know how your chosen process works in theory, but if you’re in even a moderately complex environment then be prepared to be flexible and make the team work within the real constraints you find. You’ll find home working, flexible hours, hot desking, corporate events and lots of other pressures on the process, so work to accommodate your reality.

了解所选过程在理论上是如何工作的,这一点很重要,但是,即使您处于中等复杂的环境中,也要做好灵活的准备,并使团队在您发现的实际约束下工作。 您会发现在家工作,弹性工作时间,热桌,公司活动以及流程上的许多其他压力,因此请努力适应您的现实。

For example, you may find that the only time everyone can consistently make is just after lunch. If that’s your reality, go with the flow.

例如,您可能会发现每个人唯一能持续做的时间就是午餐后。 如果这是您的现实,请顺其自然。

2.不问“为什么” (2. Not asking ‘Why’)

I’ve found that in reality it’s rare to find a Product Owner that is 100% dedicated to you. The theory that ‘Product Owner’, ‘Scrum Master’ and ‘Team’ are the only roles is fine, but good people are in demand and your Product Owner probably has lots of other things on their plate.

我发现实际上很难找到100%致力于您的产品负责人。 “产品负责人”,“ Scrum Master”和“团队”是唯一角色的理论是正确的,但需要有好人,您的产品负责人可能还有很多其他事情。

If this is your reality, then you will find big gaps in user stories, gaps where you can’t reach your Product Owner etc. Inexperienced Scrum Masters can find this difficult, because how can they remove impediments if they can’t even get unfettered access to the Product Owner?

如果这是您的现实,那么您会在用户故事中发现很大的空白,无法与产品负责人联系的空白等。经验不足的Scrum Master会发现这很困难,因为如果他们没有束缚,他们将如何消除障碍访问产品负责人?

The remedy


The skill to learn that helps with this often-found situation is use of the word ‘why’. Dig deep, understand the underlying thinking and then ensure your team understands it too —the better you understand the rationale, the more you can fill the gaps, ask better questions and plan ahead. Blindly following the processes doesn’t teach you this critical skill.

有助于解决这种常见情况的学习技巧是使用“为什么”一词。 深入挖掘,理解基础思想,然后确保您的团队也理解它-更好地理解基本原理,您可以越多地填补空白,提出更好的问题并制定计划。 盲目遵循流程并不会教会您这项关键技能。

3.不专注于故事 (3. Not focusing on the story)

You may understand your backlog intimately and have carefully groomed it with the team and the Product Owner, but as you start to engage with other corporate stakeholders, to your surprise they seem not to ‘get it’.


They ask what your cool feature actually does. They ask what the business case is. They even question why you think your cool UI is not brand compliant.

他们询问您的炫酷功能实际上在做什么。 他们问业务案例是什么。 他们甚至质疑您为什么认为您的炫酷UI不符合品牌要求。

What they’re seeing is a slice of your product and your story and not the whole thing, so what you’re asking them to sign off is quite literally out of context and confusing.


So, they ask you lots of questions and you start to get frustrated. You only needed a tiny sign off, but yet you’re now feeling you’re in a courtroom as a defendant. What went wrong?

因此,他们向您提出很多问题,您开始感到沮丧。 您只需要一个小小的签字即可,但是现在您感觉自己正在法庭上作为被告。 什么地方出了错?

The remedy


Put yourself in their shoes. Somebody from ‘product’ has taken 30 minutes out of my day and they want me to sign off something. They’ve given me no context, they’ve given me no thinking time and they get irritated when all I want to do is understand what I’m being asked to evaluate. How rude!

让自己穿上鞋子。 来自“产品”的某人已经花费了我30分钟的时间,他们希望我签署一些东西。 他们没有给我任何背景知识,他们没有给我任何思考时间,当我只想了解我被要求评估的内容时,他们会感到恼火。 太粗鲁了!

One of the most useful coaching tools I use is actually a sales technique from Professor Neil Rackham — SPIN(r) selling. I’ve adapted it slightly to SPINS, but the general principle is sound:

我使用的最有用的教练工具之一实际上是Neil Rackham教授的销售技术-SPIN(r)销售。 我对它做了些微调整以适应SPINS,但是一般的原理是合理的:

  • Explain the Situation for the user/customer

    说明在S ituation用户/客户

  • Explain why that’s a Problem for them (or you)

    解释为什么这对他们在P roblem(或你)

  • Explain what the Implications are if we don’t address it in the product


  • Explain what the Need therefore is (the user story, or epic)


  • Finally — my addition — describe the Solution, which is what you’re seeing right now

    最后-我的另外-描述在S olution,这是你现在所看到的

By explaining to the stakeholder what they’re being asked to buy into in a simple structured way, you can get to yes much faster. You don’t need to use this tool, but do use a simple structured storytelling device.

通过以简单的结构化方式向涉众解释他们被要求购买的内容,您可以更快地达成目标。 您无需使用此工具,但可以使用简单的结构化叙事设备。

4.假设您需要自己解决问题 (4. Assuming you need to solve the problems yourself)

The beauty of being a Scrum Master is that you have a team who deliver the work — you just remove impediments. However, in a corporate environment sometimes the impediments are large, or difficult to resolve.

成为Scrum Master的美妙之处在于,您有一支团队来完成工作-您只需消除障碍即可。 但是,在公司环境中,有时障碍很大,或者很难解决。

You start off thinking that you can tackle the world’s problems, but you start to find that more and more of your time is managing impediments and eventually you run out of time. Far from being the team’s coach and mentor, you’re suddenly the bottleneck!

您开始以为自己可以解决世界上的问题为出发点,但是您开始发现越来越多的时间正在处理障碍,最终耗尽了时间。 您远不是团队的教练和指导者,而是突然成为瓶颈!

The remedy


The remedy to this problem isn’t working longer, or even working smarter — it’s understanding that the rule of the Scrum team being just the team doesn’t work in the corporate world. You need to engage the support and help of people who are in different teams, most of whom think that Scrum is a sporting term and Agile describes a bee’s flight path.

解决此问题的方法不能工作更长或更长时间,甚至不能更聪明地工作-它理解Scrum团队只是团队的规则在企业界是行不通的。 您需要获得不同团队成员的支持和帮助,他们大多数人认为Scrum是运动术语,而Agile描述了蜜蜂的飞行路线。

How you do this is up to you, but I have found most success by including external stakeholders in stories and assigning their work in the normal way, but acting as a proxy for them. That way, you can keep the support you need in the work of the sprint and plan slower stakeholder’s work into sprints just as you would plan any other work.

如何执行此操作取决于您,但通过将外部利益相关者包括在故事中并以正常方式分配他们的工作,但充当他们的代理人,我找到了最大的成功。 这样,您可以在sprint的工作中保持所需的支持,并将较慢的利益相关者的工作计划为sprint,就像您计划其他任何工作一样。

Technically, this breaks the rules of Scrum and every other methodology, but it’s effective and being effective is your primary duty.


5.看不到大局 (5. Not seeing the bigger picture)

We all know the theory. A Scrum is a self determining team, with all the skills needed to deploy an increment of a product. But of course, for all but the simplest products you need to have a myriad skills to deploy a product:

我们都知道这个理论。 Scrum是一个自我决定的团队,具有部署增量产品所需的所有技能。 但是,当然,对于除最简单的产品以外的所有产品,您都需要具备多种技能才能部署产品:

  • Marketing

  • Sales

  • Legal

  • Regulation

  • Customer Service

  • Architecture

  • IT Support

  • Contracts & Procurement

  • Training

  • HR


The list goes on and on. What’s worse is that the larger the organisation you’re in, the more touch points you have to manage. A classic interface is legal sign off for any claims you make, or co-ordination with the marketing team to ensure your release doesn’t conflict with another team’s release. These teams operate their own processes, often with their own queuing system and the more frustrated you get, the worse the problem becomes.

清单不胜枚举。 更糟糕的是,您所在的组织越大,您必须管理的接触点就越多。 经典界面是您提出任何主张的合法签字,或者是与市场营销团队的协调,以确保您的发布不会与另一个团队的发布冲突。 这些团队通常使用自己的排队系统来操作自己的流程,而您越感到沮丧,问题就越严重。

The remedy


Instead of fighting the system, work with it. Understand the patterns that your stakeholders work to and build them into your own team’s processes — and your own stories. Learn what they expect to see and coach your team to deliver it right, first time, every time. You’ll soon find that these groups are your friends — and your guardian angels.

与其对抗系统,不如使用它。 了解您的利益相关者工作的模式,并将其构建到您自己的团队的流程以及您自己的故事中。 了解他们期望看到的内容,并指导您的团队每次都正确地交付它。 您很快就会发现这些团体是您的朋友-和您的守护天使。

6.您的团队是新成员,但协作不是 (6. Your team is new, but collaboration isn’t)

When I see new teams form, with the excitment of working closely together and using ‘real time collaboration’ using Slack or Teams or another tool, I smile. It’s great to have that excitement of forming a team and, especially when filled with enthusiastic people it’s easy to assume that you’re doing something special and new, especially if you’re producing something innovative.

当我看到新的团队形成时,激动地紧密合作,并使用Slack或Teams或其他工具使用“实时协作”,我笑了。 拥有组队的兴奋真是太好了,特别是当有一群热情的人时,很容易假设您正在做的特别的事情和新颖的事情,尤其是如果您正在制作创新的东西时。

Soon however, the halo slips and many of the age-old problems of collaboration show through. Over-reliance on a tool, disagreements, false starts, sign offs are slower than expected, personal issues. Did you do something wrong?

然而,很快,光环滑落和许多古老的合作问题就显现出来了。 对工具的过度依赖,分歧,错误的开始,签核比预期的个人问题要慢。 你做错什么了吗

The remedy


It’s worth remembering that one of the most daring and successful team collaborations ever was done without any modern technologies and in total secrecy too. No, not the iPhone launch, but the D-Day landings. Over 175,000 troops landed on over 3,000 boats yet no Scrum ceremonies or Slack. In fact, it was even done in a Waterfall style — no test and learn there…

值得记住的是,有史以来最大胆,最成功的团队合作之一是在没有任何现代技术的情况下也完全保密的。 不,不是iPhone发布,而是D-Day登陆。 超过175,000名士兵降落在3,000多艘船上,但没有Scrum仪式或Slack。 实际上,它甚至是以瀑布式完成的-无需测试和学习……

Go back to basics:


  1. Create a shared vision, not just in your team but amongst the key stakeholders critical to your success (ask Why)

  2. Ensure that you coach your team to understand who is going to do what. Irrespective of the need of the team to self-organise it needs to do that effectively and with clarity

    确保您指导团队以了解谁将要做什么。 无论团队需要进行自我组织,都需要有效且清晰地做到这一点
  3. Ensure you create a culture of openness in the team and trust in each other

  4. Ensure you communicate effectively and with clarity of purpose. This is particularly important, as that clarity helps to drive good outcomes even when you have imperfect information (which in a corporate world is inevitable). If your stakeholders understand why you need what you need, when you need it and what exactly is expected of them you can save several rounds of interactions, which them saves time — and emotional energy.

    确保您进行有效的沟通,并且目的明确。 这一点尤其重要,因为即使您掌握的信息不完善(在企业中也是不可避免的),这种清晰性也有助于取得良好的结果。 如果您的利益相关者了解您为什么需要所需的东西,何时需要以及对他们的期望是什么,您可以节省几轮互动,从而节省时间和精力。

7.低估“完成” (7. Underestimating ‘done’)

I have seen over the years examples of teams racing to the finishing line, but then failing at the last hurdle, because of the number of steps in getting a product from ‘done’ to ‘done done’. What do I mean?

多年来,我已经看到了一些团队争先恐后地进入终点线的例子,但是由于将产品从“完成”转移到“完成”的步骤很多,因此最终失败了。 我什么意思

You may be done within your team, and happy that your MVP or your product increment is ready for the big bad World, but then you hit all of the corporate hurdles. I’ve mentioned many of them above but there will be others too — whether it’s scheduling an advert with a design agency, getting pricing to sign off your In-App Purchases, legal to check distribution rights or any number of other tasks, it can throw you off track quickly.

您可能会在团队中完成工作,并且很高兴自己的MVP或产品增加量可以应付这个糟糕的世界,但随后您却遇到了所有公司障碍。 我在上面已经提到了很多,但是还会有其他情况-无论是与设计机构安排广告,获得价格以签署应用内购买,合法的发行权检查还是其他许多任务,它都可以Swift使您偏离轨道。

The remedy


What I’ve done in the past and recommended my teams to do is to ‘clean the pipes’ up-front and as soon as you have some wireframes even, to start the processes of getting to ‘done done’. Technically speaking, it’s an anti-pattern, and Agilists the World over will scream in horror, but the sooner you understand what your corporate stakeholders consider ‘done’ to be, the easier your life will be.

我过去做过的并建议我的团队要做的是预先“清洁管道”,甚至在有了一些线框后立即开始“完成”的过程。 从技术上讲,这是一种反模式,世界各地的Agilists都会惊呼,但越早了解公司利益相关者认为“做”的事情,您的生活就会越轻松。

As you learn, incorporate their individual Definitions of Done to your Product Owner’s and you’ll then have a corporate-compatible DoD that means that real product increments can navigate the minefield safely.


概要 (Summary)

Being a Scrum Master in a corporate environment is fun, but for the rookie can be intimidating. Listen to your trainers and listen to your team, particularly if they are experienced. But then build your own version of the processes you learn that work in your own complex environment. Expect to run into barriers, but treat them positively as additional learning.

在公司环境中成为Scrum Master很有趣,但是对于菜鸟来说,这可能会令人生畏。 听您的教练和您的团队,尤其是如果他们有经验。 但是,然后构建您自己的流程版本,即可了解该流程可在您自己的复杂环境中工作。 期望遇到障碍,但是要积极地将其视为额外的学习。

You’ll find the quicker that you adapt to your surroundings, the quicker you’ll start to succeed as a corporate Scrum Master.

您会发现自己适应周围环境的速度越快,您就越快开始成为公司的Scrum Master。

翻译自: https://medium/swlh/7-errors-new-corporate-scrum-masters-make-5978dd4ada0e


本文标签: 大师错误事件公司Scrum