

By Daisuke Wakabayashi, Stephanie Saul and Kenneth P. Vogel


When Kamala Harris, then San Francisco’s district attorney, was running to become California’s attorney general in 2010, she did not hide her excitement about speaking at Google’s Silicon Valley campus.

当旧金山的地方检察官卡玛拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)在2010年竞选加利福尼亚州的检察长时,她对在Google硅谷校园演讲的兴奋之情丝毫不掩饰。

“I’ve been wanting to come to the Google campus for a year and a half,” she said. “I’ve been wanting to come because I want these relationships and I want to cultivate them.”

她说: “我一直想来Google校园一年半。” “我一直想来是因为我想要这些关系,并且想要培养它们。”

For Harris, a Bay Area politician, connections to tech have been essential and perhaps inescapable. In past campaigns — her two elections to be attorney general, her successful run for the Senate and her failed bid for the Democratic presidential nomination — she relied on Silicon Valley’s tech elite for donations. And her network of family, friends and former political aides has fanned throughout the tech world.

对于湾区政客哈里斯来说,与技术的联系至关重要,甚至不可避免。 在过去的竞选活动中(她两次当选总检察长,成功竞选参议院,而竞选民主党失败),她依靠硅谷的技术精英来捐款。 她的家人,朋友和前政治助手的网络在整个科技界都广为流传。

Those close industry ties have coincided with a largely hands-off approach to companies that have come under increasing scrutiny from regulators and lawmakers around the world. As California’s attorney general, critics say, Harris did little to curb the power of tech giants as they gobbled up rivals and muscled into new industries. As a senator, consumer advocacy groups said, she has often moved in lock step with tech interests.

这些紧密的行业联系与对企业的很大程度上放任自流的做法相吻合,这些企业受到了全球监管机构和立法者越来越多的审查。 评论家说,正如加州总检察长所说的那样,哈里斯在遏制竞争对手并涉足新兴行业方面几乎没有采取任何措施来遏制它们的力量。 消费者权益保护组织说,作为参议员,她经常与科技利益并驾齐驱。

Now that she is the running mate to Joe Biden, tech industry critics worry that a Biden administration with Harris would mean a return to the cozy relationship that Silicon Valley enjoyed with the White House under President Barack Obama.

现在,她是乔·拜登的竞选伴侣,科技行业评论家担心,拜登与哈里斯的政府将意味着重返硅谷与总统巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)领导下的白宫之间的舒适关系。

Although vice presidents rarely set policy, as a former state attorney general, Harris is expected to have a say in Biden’s political appointments at the Justice Department, including officials who oversee antitrust enforcement. She could also have a significant influence on tech policy in a Biden administration, since Biden has largely focused on other issues.

尽管副总统很少制定政策,但作为前州检察长,哈里斯有望在拜登的司法部政治任命中拥有发言权,其中包括负责监督反托拉斯执法的官员。 她还可能对拜登政府的技术政策产生重大影响,因为拜登主要关注其他问题。

“This is good news” for tech companies, said Hal Singer, an economist who specializes in antitrust and a managing director at Econ One, a consulting firm. “They probably feel like they have one of their own and that at the margin this is going to help push back against any reform.”

专门研究反托拉斯的经济学家,咨询公司Econ One的董事总经理哈尔·辛格说:“这对科技公司来说是个好消息。” “他们可能觉得自己拥有自己的一个,这在一定程度上将有助于阻止任何改革。”

A spokeswoman for Harris declined to comment for this article.


Silicon Valley’s Democratic power brokers have been enthusiastic backers of Harris. In her first statewide campaign, she raised 36% more money than her Republican opponent with the help of large donations from prominent tech investors like billionaire John Doerr, who was an early investor in Google, and Ron Conway, a venture capitalist who is active in Democratic politics.

硅谷的民主力量经纪人一直是哈里斯的热情支持者。 在她的首次全州竞选活动中,她借助著名科技投资者的巨额捐款,比共和党对手筹集了36%的资金,这些亿万富翁是Google的早期投资者,亿万富翁John Doerr和活跃于Google的风险投资家Ron Conway。民主政治。

In her reelection bid, donations poured in from big players in tech, like Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s chief operating officer; Jony Ive, Apple’s former top design executive, and Marc Benioff, chief executive of Salesforce.

在她的连任竞标中,来自科技巨头的捐款大量涌入,例如Facebook首席运营官Sheryl Sandberg。 苹果前高级设计主管乔尼·艾夫(Jony Ive)和Salesforce首席执行官马克·贝尼奥夫(Marc Benioff)。

She also hobnobbed with Silicon Valley heavyweights. Laurene Powell Jobs, the widow of Steve Jobs and an influential philanthropist, hosted a fundraiser for Harris in the backyard of her Palo Alto home in 2013. That same year, Harris attended the lavish wedding of Sean Parker, an early Facebook executive.

她还热衷于硅谷重量级人物。 劳伦·鲍威尔·乔布斯(Laurene Powell Jobs)是史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)的遗and,也是一位有影响力的慈善家,于2013年在她位于帕洛阿尔托(Palo Alto)家的后院为哈里斯(Harris)筹款。同年,哈里斯(Harris)参加了 Facebook早期高管肖恩·帕克(Sean Parker) 的奢华婚礼 。

In addition, her family, friends, and former staff members are part of the revolving door between government and the tech industry.


Lartease Tiffith left his position as a senior counsel in Harris’ Senate office in late 2018 and became an in-house lobbyist for Amazon, focusing on privacy and security issues. Rebecca Prozan, who ran Harris’ first campaign for district attorney in San Francisco, is a top government affairs official for Google in California. Tony West, Harris’ brother-in-law and a former Justice Department official, is the chief legal officer for Uber.

Lartease Tiffith于2018年末离开哈里斯参议院办公室的高级顾问职务,成为亚马逊内部游说者,专注于隐私和安全问题。 丽贝卡·普罗赞(Rebecca Prozan)是哈里斯在旧金山开展的首个地区律师竞选活动的执行人,是加利福尼亚州Google的高级政府事务官员。 哈里斯的姐夫,前司法部官员托尼·韦斯特(Tony West)是Uber的首席法律官。

“There are familial connections and a level of mutual affection with Silicon Valley that goes above and beyond the fact that she is a San Francisco politician,” said Jeff Hauser, executive director of the Revolving Door Project, a left-leaning watchdog group that has criticized Harris’ ties to Big Tech and other corporate interests.

“旋转门项目”的执行董事杰夫·豪瑟(Jeff Hauser)说:“与硅谷有着家族联系,彼此之间的亲情程度超出了她是旧金山政客的事实。”批评哈里斯与大科技的关系以及其他公司利益。

A decade ago, the perception of the tech industry was very different. It was a bright spot in an economy still recovering from the financial crisis. A campaign stop at the Google campus helped politicians raise their profile — and perhaps, a little money — while benefiting from an association with a company recognized as an engine of innovation.

十年前,人们对科技行业的看法大不相同。 这是仍在从金融危机中复苏的经济中的一个亮点。 在Google校园举行的竞选活动帮助政客提高了知名度(也许还花了一点钱),同时得益于与一家被公认为创新引擎的公司的联系。

Addressing Google’s employees in 2010, Harris presented herself not as a potential foe with the power to rein in Google but as a pragmatic ally who could speak the language of the tech industry. She said she was an innovator, seeking to disrupt the status quo in government.

哈里斯(Harris)在2010年向Google的员工发表讲话时,并没有将自己束缚于控制Google的能力,而是一个务实的盟友,可以说技术行业的语言。 她说她是一个创新者,试图破坏政府的现状。

Harris danced around sensitive issues. With online privacy, she said, she wanted to strike a balance between what’s good for business and protecting consumers. When asked about antitrust enforcement, she said it was important not to be shortsighted. A state on the verge of bankruptcy, as California was then, “cannot stand in the way of business growth and development,” she said.

哈里斯在敏感问题上跳舞。 她说,有了在线隐私,她希望在对企业有利的事情和保护消费者之间取得平衡。 当被问及反托拉斯执法时,她说重要的是不要短视。 她说,加州当时处于濒临破产的状态,“无法阻碍业务增长和发展。”

That month, David Drummond, then Google’s top lawyer, personally donated $6,500, the maximum allowed at the time, to her campaign. Google kicked in another $6,500. Backed by tech money, Harris eked out a victory in one of the closest statewide races in California history, setting her career on the trajectory that has catapulted her to being the first Black woman on the presidential ticket of a major political party.

那个月,当时Google的最高律师David Drummond向她的竞选活动个人捐赠了6,500美元,这是当时的最高限额。 Google又投入了6,500美元。 在科技资金的支持下,哈里斯(Harris) 赢得了加州历史上最接近的全州比赛之一的胜利 ,使自己的职业生涯跃上了轨道,这使她成为了主要政党总统候选人中的第一位黑人妇女。

Harris rarely challenged the major tech companies after she became California’s attorney general.


Jamie Court, president of the California-based Consumer Watchdog, said his group lobbied Harris in 2011 to support legislation that would force companies to stop monitoring the online activity of users if they clearly stated that they did not want to be tracked. She refused to sponsor the bill or support it, he said.

总部位于加州的消费者监督机构(Consumer Watchdog)总裁杰米·考特(Jamie Court)表示,该组织在2011年游说哈里斯(Harris),以支持立法,如果公司明确表示不想追踪用户,则将迫使该公司停止监视用户的在线活动。 他说,她拒绝赞助或支持该法案。

Two years later, Harris sponsored — and California enacted — a less stringent law, requiring companies to post in privacy policies whether they abide by do-not-track requests and what personally identifiable information they collect.


“She presided over this era of great consolidation and power in the hands of these tech giants and she didn’t do a thing,” Court said.


But Harris’ supporters said that when she did act, her familiarity with the technology industry helped her prod the companies into action. Danielle Keats Citron, a law professor at Boston University, said she saw that firsthand when she worked with Harris in early 2015 to fight so-called revenge pornography — a term for posting explicit images or videos of a person without that person’s permission.

但是哈里斯的支持者说,当她采取行动时,她对技术行业的熟悉帮助她促使公司采取行动。 波士顿大学法学教授Danielle Keats Citron表示,她在2015年初与哈里斯(Harris)合作打击所谓的“复仇色情”时就亲眼目睹了这一术语-该术语是在未经该人允许的情况下张贴该人的露骨图像或视频的术语。

Harris pressured the companies to act without threatening legal action by calling a round table with top executives and policy advocates. Twitter and Reddit started to ban such photos and videos, and then Google agreed to remove explicit pictures from search results if a victim had made a request to do so.

哈里斯通过召集高层管理人员和政策倡导者圆桌会议,向公司施加压力,要求他们在不威胁采取法律行动的情况下行动。 Twitter和Reddit开始禁止此类照片和视频,然后,如果受害人提出了要求,谷歌同意从搜索结果中删除露骨照片。

“She was not afraid to take them on,” said Citron, who thinks the companies were more attentive because she “was not some gadfly.”


When Harris arrived on Capitol Hill in 2017, activists expected her to be a vocal supporter of a Senate bill called SESTA, the Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act, reducing the immunity protection that shielded companies like Backpage, a major classified advertising website that was repeatedly accused of enabling the sex trafficking of minors.


The Internet Association, a trade group representing internet companies, opposed key parts of the bill out of concern that it would weaken the liability protections for big online sites. Harris eventually signed onto the bill, after it was watered down, and the same day the Internet Association gave its stamp of approval.

代表互联网公司的贸易组织互联网协会 ( Internet Association)反对该法案的关键部分,理由是担心它将削弱大型在线网站的责任保护。 哈里斯(Harris)在该法案被淡化之后最终签署了该法案,并且互联网协会(Internet Association)在同一天给予了批准 。

Citron, who advised Harris in the Senate about the bill, said Harris had initially been reluctant because of flaws in the legislation. But her hesitance was a letdown to groups that had been relying on her early support.

向参议院向哈里斯咨询该法案的香说,哈里斯最初不愿这样做,因为该立法存在缺陷。 但是她的犹豫是对一直依靠她的早期支持的团体的失望。

“Her absence as a vocal advocate on behalf of SESTA was glaring and it’s very suspect,” said Lisa Thompson, who was in charge of policy for the National Center on Sexual Exploitation, in 2019.

“她以SESTA的代言人身份缺席令人震惊,这非常令人怀疑,”负责国家性剥削中心政策的Lisa Thompson在2019年说。

Supporters of tough regulations governing autonomous vehicles felt similarly let down by Harris. As attorney general in California, she threatened legal action against Uber unless the company removed its driverless cars from San Francisco roads. Activists hoped she would be a champion on Capitol Hill for autonomous car regulation.

哈里斯(Harris)同样感到失望的是,有关自动驾驶汽车的严格法规的支持者对此感到失望。 作为加利福尼亚州的司法部长,她威胁要对优步提起法律诉讼,除非该公司从旧金山的道路上拆除了无人驾驶汽车。 活动人士希望她能成为国会山无人驾驶汽车监管的冠军。

In 2017, proposed legislation called the AV Start Act worried safety groups, because a provision establishing federal regulations for autonomous vehicles that would have preempted the tougher rules already in place in California. The bill failed, and Harris’ office stayed out of the debate, despite repeated requests from safety groups for her involvement, said Joan Claybrook, a consumer activist.

2017年,一项拟议的法案被称为《 AV Start Act》,这令安全组织感到担忧,因为该条款为自动驾驶汽车建立了联邦法规,而该法规将取代加利福尼亚已经实施的更严格的法规。 消费者活动家琼·克莱布鲁克说,该法案未能通过,尽管安全组织一再要求她参与,哈里斯的办公室仍未参加辩论。

“They weren’t cooperative and we never knew why,” said Claybrook, who was working with the organization Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety.


On the campaign trail, Biden has been critical of major technology companies. In a December interview with the editorial board of The New York Times, he attacked Facebook as “totally irresponsible” for its handling of misinformation and said liability protection for social media companies from what users post to their sites should be revoked.

在竞选活动中,拜登对大型科技公司持批评态度。 在去年12月接受 《纽约时报》编辑委员会的采访中 ,他抨击Facebook因其处理错误信息而“完全不负责任”,并表示应撤销对社交媒体公司从用户发布到其网站的内容的责任保护。

But a crackdown on Big Tech is not a public pillar of his agenda. Of the 46 policy papers listed on the campaign’s website, none directly address his plan for the industry. And employees and allies of the major technology companies are prominent within the nearly 700-person committee advising the campaign on tech policy.

但是,镇压大技术并不是他议程的公共Struts。 竞选网站上列出的46份政策文件中 ,没有一篇直接涉及他的行业计划。 在为技术政策运动提供建议的将近700人的委员会中,主要技术公司的员工和盟友都非常出色。

When progressives like Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts called for a breakup of big tech companies during a debate in October, Harris took a more moderate stance. She called for action from the Justice Department.

当佛蒙特州的参议员伯尼·桑德斯和马萨诸塞州的参议员伊丽莎白·沃伦等进步主义者在十月的一次辩论中呼吁拆分大型科技公司时 ,哈里斯采取了较为温和的立场。 她要求司法部采取行动。

“We need a president who has the guts to appoint an attorney general who will take on these huge monopolies,” Harris said.


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翻译自: https://medium/the-new-york-times/how-kamala-harris-forged-close-ties-with-big-tech-abd8c6edf62

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