



Listen to "I Have a Brother" and 

  • Task1: Fill in the blanks with words and expressioins your hear.
  • Task 2: Answer the questions on page 2.

The following words in the recording may be new to you:

arch enemy: it refers to the main enemy, the chief foe,the person you hate or dislike

clash: flight , quarrel

Task 1: Take notes of the questions the interviewer asked.

Interviewer: I'm doing a survey, and I'm interested in how brother or sister relate to each other.Do you have any brothers or sister? How are you getting on?

Well , I have a brother. He's 3 years older than me, but a little shorter. He , er, he's well-built, and looks very strong. We are both married and get on quite well right now, but we were very hostile to each other in our early teens. In fact , I was very afraind of him. He was too demanding. He used to ask me to do this or that for him. If I refused or didn't do well, he would either hit me, or threaten not to take me to places I wanted very much to go to.You can't ve very independent if you have an elder brother or sister, you know what I mean? You would follow them around;they take you here and there. They're sometimes kind enough to do things for you , perhaps they want to show off but you become more dependent on them, and you appear 'weak'. You see what I mean?

Task 2: Listen and answer the following questions.

  • Why was Charlie afraind of his brother?
  • According to Charlie, what will someone who has an elder brother or sister become?
  • Why did Chalie hate his brother?
  • How did Charlie and his brother get over their hostile relations?

Reference Answers

1. C's brother was very demanding.He used to ask C to do things for him. IF C refused or didn't do well, he would hit C or threaten not to take him to places he wants to go to.

2.He or she will becom dependent and appear 'weak'.

3.His brother used to order him about and there were many 'clashes' between them , so he looked upon hist brother as his enemy.

4.Once he was bullied by one of his classmate.His brother saw him crying, and became very angry after he told him the truth. His brother then taught the bully a lesson. Since then , they have never quarreled again.

chief foe        teen           clash    quarrel                depend        dependent                independ            independent

toe  n 脚指头 


A topics and functions

1. describing a person, managing relationship

2. mutual understanding in personal life

3. analyzing human relationships

B language knowledge

Physical features for personal description  物理特征

Positive negative neutral description   adj. 中性的

subject         subjective                          object      objective

Part 1 communicative activities 社交性的活动

Work with your group to think of as many words/phrases/expressions as possible regarding the following topics.  关于

Personality/character 品质,个性,特点

personality n 个性 

Positive adjectives:

  1. easy-going 
  2. honest 
  3.  opend-minded 
  4.  humorous 
  5. interesting 
  6. pleasant 
  7. pleasurable 
  8. frank 
  9. sympathetic 
  10. helpful 
  11. loyal 
  12. polite 
  13. reliable 
  14. selfless 
  15. considerate 
  16. faithful 
  17. trusty 
  18. versatile 多才多艺的 
  19. tasteful  有鉴赏能力的 
  20. warm-hearted 
  21. modest 
  22. enthusiastic 
  23. zealous 热心的 
  24. generous

sympathy  n                  sympathetic adj

communicate      communicative  




Negative adjectives:

  1. arrogant  adj. 傲慢的   
  2. dishonest
  3. difficult   adj.难以相处的
  4. narrow-minded
  5. boring
  6. loathsome  adj. 令人憎恶的;令人呕吐的
  7. unpleasant
  8. selfish
  9. rude
  10. cowardly     adj 懦夫  cow n 奶牛  coward n 懦夫   
  11. self-loving
  12. cocky  adj 自大的
  13. boastful  adj 自夸自大     boast   vt. 夸口说,自吹自擂说
  14. vain 
  15. greedy
  16. prejudiced adj. 怀偏见的;有成见的;偏颇的  prejudice v
  17. cruel adj. 残酷的
  18. patronizing adj 高人一等的
  19. mean
  20. pretentious adj 自命不凡的    pretend v假装
  21. jealous
  22. hostile
  23. self-admiring

arrogant        cow  coward   cowardly  

patron           patronize


Neutral adjectives:

  1. complicated
  2. reserved  adj 内向的   reserve v 保留 ,预定    reservation  n 预定
  3. silent adj少言寡语的
  4. quiet   adj 恬静的
  5. talkative  adj 爱说话的
  6. sophisticated  adj 复杂的  见多识广的
  7. ambitious  adj 具有雄心壮志的
  8. aggressive  adj 好斗的
  9. timid adj 胆小的
  10. impulsive adj 易怒的
  11. sociable adj 善于交际的 合群的
  12. unsociable adj 不合群的 不善于交际的
  13. curious  adj 好奇的
  14. quick-witted          wit  n 机智       witted adj 机智的
  15. slow-mindedout-going
  16. shy
  17. unapproachable
  18. aloof
  19. introvert  adj 内向的
  20. extrovert
  21. communicative
  22. uncommunicative
  23. personal  adj 个性的

sophisticate     sophisticated 

He has an impulsive nature.      他生性冲动          he has an impulsive nature.   


  1. thin
  2. slim
  3. slender
  4. big
  5. large
  6. small
  7. little
  8. stout        adj 肥胖的
  9. plump      adj 胖乎乎的
  10. fat
  11. fattish       adj 略胖
  12. robust      adj 强健的
  13. athletic    adj 运动型的
  14. skinny       adj 骨瘦嶙峋的
  15. strong 
  16. weak
  17. slight        adj 细长的
  18. well-rounded       adj 丰满的
  19. heavy
  20. overweight

athlete  n            athletic adj                  muscle     

trump    plump


  1. old
  2. young
  3. look young/old
  4. don't/doesn't  look one's age
  5. look old/young
  6. elderly
  7. middle-aged
  8. in one's thirties/ forties / fifties
  9. teenage /  teenaged
  10. adolescent
  11. youthful
  12. junior
  13. in the springtime of life
  14. in the prime of one's life
  15. in one's salad days
  16. aged
  17. grey-haired
  18. senior 

elder     n                 elderly  adj  上了年纪的          

teenager   adolescent   youth

teenage     youthful

age n 年龄 时代     aged adj 上年纪的

junior   senior 

resemble  v 像    resemblance dff


  1. look like somebody
  2. resemble
  3. take after somebody
  4. have someone's eyes/nose/hair
  5. remind someone of someone else
  6. be similar to
  7. be like
  8. mirror
  9. echo

echo v 回声      take after sb    /  look like sb

Likes and Dislikes:


  1. love
  2. like
  3. enjoy
  4. be crazy/mad/nuts about something
  5. be keen on
  6. be interested in
  7. long for 
  8. be longing to
  9. be eager to
  10. be hungry for
  11. be fond of
  12. be devoted to
  13. be thirsty for 
  14. care for
  15. have a great/strong/huge crush on someona
  16. a young girl's crush on someone
  17. be sick for something

so you must be keen on pop music.

In today's world many people appear to be hungry for money.



  1. hate
  2. be indifferent to
  3. don't care for
  4. be disgusted with
  5. be uninterested in
  6. sicken
  7. loathe
  8. feel hostile towards
  9. be unable to stand / bear
  10. be tired of 
  11. be unwilling to
  12. be fed up with

disgust    sicken    hostile    loathsome   

Managing relationships:

improving relations

  1. get along with
  2. have a good or friendly relationship with 
  3. be on good terms with
  4. live happily with
  5. be kind/nice/agreeable to
  6. compliment
  7. praise
  8. appreciate  one's help/advice
  9. encourage
  10. be tolerant to
  11. approachable

get along with = get on with            

good / friendly  ad.

I'm not happy with his work this term.                               term n 学期           terms  n 关系 

agreeable  adj  令人愉快的 , 同意的

raise  v             raise money  筹钱         praise 

compliment  n恭维   complish v完成   

Despite being a big star, she's very approachable.

Hurting relations

  1. laugh at 
  2. mock at
  3. criticize
  4. ridicule
  5. quarrel with
  6. split with
  7. look down upon
  8. interfere with one's affairs
  9. break up with
  10. have a bad relationship with
  11. ther is bad blood between ... and ...
  12. be difficult/hard on sb

critic               critical       adj                criticize  v 

ridicul                     ridiculous

affair  n 事务  风流韵事  

We take the view that it would be wrong to interfere.  我们所持的态度是:干涉是错误的。

interference  n 干扰      interfere v 干扰


blood      cold blood  冷血    blue blood  贵族         bad blood 仇恨

the laldy speaks, acts and walks as a blue blood.

There's too much bad blood between A and B.



  1. cope with
  2. keep in touch with
  3. be in/out of contact with
  4. communicate with

copy       cope            


  1. write to
  2. call
  3. ring up
  4. get hold of
  5. speak to
  6. phone
  7. visit
  8. call on sb
  9. call at some place

People we know or meet

  1. friends
  2. strangers
  3. acquaintances
  4. colleagues
  5. classmates
  6. schoolmates
  7. roommates
  8. playmates
  9. fellow students/ workers
  10. neighbors
  11. alumnus ( pl. alumni )
  12. alumna ( pl. alumnae )
  13. relatives
  14. comrade
  15. employer ----  employee
  16. superior -- inferior / subordinate
  17. teacher ---- student
  18. doctor----patient
  19. salesman -- customer
  20. host --- guest
  21. master -- slave

fellow n 同事    alumni n 校友     relative adj 相对的      relative n 亲属

part 2  reading and language activities

Task 1

Ask your partner about his/her friends based on the following questions:

--Have you any friends?

--How does she/he look like?

--what kind of person do you think he/she is?

--when did you get to know each other?

--when did you become good friends?

--How did you become good friends?

--How are you getting on with each other?

--What do you like to do when you are with him/her?

Task 2

In small groups, discuss the following questions:

  • Is friendship important in your life? Why?
  • Would you like to make friends with a nice person?
  • How to be a nice person( a good listener or a good door opener ) ?

Present the result of your discussion to the class

Suggested Points

As we all know, friendship is very important in our life, and being a nice person( a good listener or a good door opener) is a key factor to build close relationship with others.Therefore, many people wonder how to be a nice person(a good listener) . Good listeners typically have the following elements:

  1. Showing that you are worried about him and want to comfort him or her with goodwill;
  2. An invitation to talk or to continue talking;
  3. Giving the speaker time to decide whether to talk and/or what he wats to say;
  4. Using eye contact to demonstrate you are interest in and concern for the speaker;
  5. Being trustworthy;
  6. Being understanding and tolerant to the  speakers;
  7. Don't laugh at or mock at the speakers when they make mistakes;
  8. No argument.

Task 3

Picture Description

Look at the picture in section 3C , in small groups discuss the questions on page 3,then tell your stories to the class.

   Discover the generation gap between you and your parents by completing the following table.If there is a big gap between you and your parents, discuss what contributes to the gap.

Attitudes to and preference of:My ParentsMyself
Money and material wealth  
Leisure activities  
Personal relationships  
Modern technologies  technologiestechnologies
Pop music  
TV programprogramprogram

material wealth 

text summary

Listen to the text and fill in the blanks to complete the summary of the text:

   In the article, the narrator presents her personal impressoin about her father from two perspectives : first , she describes her father's character, which is completely different from her own; secondly, she tells the reader that she and her father have different interests. We can conclude that they are not very close.


1. get on with: to have a harmonious relationship with sb.

   Eg  I am now slowly getting on better with my schoolmates.

    get on with == get along with 

    easy-going : easy to get along with

2.self-centered: doing everything for the sake of oneself

3.vain: having too high an opinion of one's abilities

            Eg He's as vain as a peacock

            I don't like vain women.

           what they have done are vain attempts.   

           in vain 徒劳无果

           All our work was in vain

4.keep oneself to oneself : to never get in touch with sb.

 1st Paragraph The narrator describes her father in her eyes.

5. out of touch :  not having information

   Eg  I would like to go back to teaching but I'm out of touch with my subject now.


out of:

1) from, not in

eg Mr.Green is out of town this week.

2)moving from

eg  He jumped out of bed.

      It's hard to get a word out of him.

3) doing sth out of

eg They helped us out of kindness.

4) without, lacking

eg I'm begining to feel out of patience.

    He has been out of work for six months.


 6. rehearse:

      v to practive ( a play , music , etc.) for public performance

      rehearsal :  n trail performance of a play or other entertainment

      eg The play is in rehearsal now. We 'll meet after the rehearsal.

          The actors were rehearsing in the tent.

 7. autograph: n 亲笔签名  手稿  

                n  person's own hand-writing , esp.  his signature

                v to write one's name on or in

                 eg I have a book autographed by the author.

                      I've got losts of famous footballer's autograph.

8. award   reward

award : n  sth. given as the result of such a decision, esp. a prize in a competition

a reward is usually something valuable, such as money, while an award is something such as a prize ,certificate , or medal.

    Eg The shop-keeper offered a reward of $50 for information about a stolen necklace.

          The only award he had ever won was the Academy Award.

9. Member of the British Empire : or MBE , an honorable title awarded to accomplished British artists,writers or scientists

10. show off: to make a display of one's wealth, learning, abilities, etc. in order to impress people


2nd Paragraph The narrator cites a number of examples to support her statement that her father is quite self-centered and a little bit vain.

11.non-attendance . n not taking part in sth. ( esp. a class)

12. non- : prefix, who(which) is not, does not, etc.

13 non-compliance: n . refusal to comply

14 non-stop: a.&ad. without a stop

15 settle down:

            a (cause to) become calm, untroubled

                   eg Settled down, children!安定下来,孩子们

                         She settled the baby down at last.

                         I can't settle down to anything. I am restless.

              b. to become established in a new way of life  在一种新的生活方式中站稳脚跟

              c. be accustomed to 

                 eg. I am sure that the child will soon seetle down in his new school

 3rd  Paragraph The narrator tells of her school experience to show that her father is not awareof what she really needs and how she really feels.

13 Opera: n dramatic composition with music, in which the words are sung

14 light opera : opera with a humorous subject

15 grand opera: opera with no spoken dialogue

 4th Paragraph The narrator examines the different interests she and her father have and tells of the gap between them.

16 humble : a. low in rank or position, obscure, modest

                     eg  They are men of humble birth.

                      He is ver humble towards his superiors.

5th paragraph The narrator tells the different attitudes she and her father have towards her marriage and having grandchildren.

6th Paragraph The narrator tells that she is not that interested in what her father is doing.


Text summary     In the article, the narrator presents her personal impression about her father from two perspectives: first, she describes her father's character which is completely different from her own; secondly,she tells the reader that she and her father have different interests.We can conclude that they are not very close.


1.Does Amy feel close to her father? Why or Why not?

The narrator does not feel close to her father. In her opinion, her father is not easy to get along with.He is quiet self-centered and unapproachable in some ways.Besides, her father is not aware of how she really feels.

2. Why doesn't she remember much about her fahter in her childhood?

She doesn't remember much about her father because he wasn't at home much when she was a child.Her father has always been slightly out of touch with family life.

3.What is her father's job? Is he successful  in his career?

Her father is an actor.He is quite devoted to his work and successful in his career for he has won several awards and made an MBE ( Member of British Empire)

4.Why does she say that her father is a little bit vain?

She thinks her father is a little bit vain because he love been asked for his autograph ,loves to be recognized , and shows off his awards whoever comes to the house.

5.Why was she asked to leave school?

She was asked to leave school because of her total lack of interest and non-attendance.It was her father who got her into the school in the first place. She herself didn't want to go there.

6. Why did she give up her job?

She tried several jobs but she couldn't settle down in them because they were not challenging enough.

7.Do the father and daughter have some common interests? What are their respective interests?

No,they have little in common in their personal interests.While she is interested in quiet country life,her father is into books,music and ,above all, opera.

8. What did the father think of Amy's marriage?

Her father was totally opposed to her marriage.He thought that her husband was too humble and she should have married someone famous.She thinks that her father wishes that they would break up.

9.Is she going to have children?

She is not going to have children even though her father keeps talking about wanting grandchildren.

10. How often do they see each other?

They don't see much of each other because they are not that close,either emotionally or geographically.

Difficult Sentences

1. He is quite self-centered,and a little bit vain, I think , and in some ways quite unapproachable. The public must think he's very easy-going,but at home he keeps himself to himself.

self-centerd : interested only in oneself; selfish

vain : full of self-admiration ;  think highly of one's abilities

unapproachable : difficult to talk to


2. He is always been slightly out of touch with family life. His work always came first, and he was always off somewhere acting or rehearsing.

out of touch : lose touch , keep in touch , get in touch with.

came first : His work is the most important thing in his life.


3.My father and I are totally different , like chalk and cheese. My interests have always been the country, but he's into books, music and above all, opera, which I hate.

like chalk and cheese: alliteration

country : be knee on

above all : most important of all


chalk and cheese : a British idion, suggesting two completely different things.The original form is ' as different as chalk and cheese'.

be into: to be interested in ( informal English)

Teenagers are into computer games these days.

be into                                be knee on                        

Story Reproduction

Retell the text using the following clues.

  • a self-centered, unapproachable father
  • a little bit vain
  • the writer's school experience
  • difference in interests between father and daughter
  • the father's attitude to his daughter's marriage and having children

Language Work 

In other words

Work with Sentence

Word Study

1. The public must think he is very easy-going, but at home he keeps himself to himself.

keep oneself to oneself : stay with oneself , not sociable.

2. His work always came first.

come first : is the most important.

3. He was always off somewhere acting or rehearsing.

be off somewhere doing sth.

4. He must have been very pleased to get me into the school.

be pleased to : be happy to do sth.

5.You can't make someone have children just because you want grandchildren.

just because : for the only reason that.

Extended Activities

  • Dictation
  • Read More
  • Grammar and Vocabulary
  • Translation
  • Raise Questions
  • Writing
  • Cultural Information

a generation ago.  一代人之前  几十年前        dictation n听写

keep oneself to oneself               just because               be pleased to    com first                  be off somewhere doing sth

1) see ...  as               2)  be obsessed with           3) tell sb off  ( esp. of a teacher, parent, manager) to talk angrily to (someone who has done sth wrong)                 4) pull strings : use secret influence

5) bits and pieces   6) take up


Key to Translation

1.She doesn't seem to get along with her new classmates.

2.I'd been out of touch with Mary for years, but I managed to reach her by phone yesterday.

3. The veteran enjoys showing off his medals to everyone who visits him.

4. Her husband seems very much opposed to her going abroad.

5.As Thomas couldn't settle down in his job, his parents were very worried.

6. I always have all kinds of bits and pieces in my pockets.

7. Her mother pulled a few strings to get her into the business circle.

8.I hope the food is to your liking.

9.I told the boys off for making so much noise.

reach sb     联系某人           business circle  商业圈              to one's liking  合意的      

Raise Questions

Raise questions about the underlined parts.

1.I see her as my best friend.

2.She'd always come to me first if she had a problem.

3.We have the same sense of humour,and share interests.

4.I don't mind animal, but she's completely obsessed with them.

5.We were closest when she was about four.

be obsessed with  

Reference Answers

1.What's your attitude towards her?

      Or: What do you think of her?

2. Under what circumstances would she come to you first?   Or: When would she....?

3.What are the similarities between you and your daughter?

     What do you have in common with your daughter?

4. In what way do you differ from your daughter? 

5.When were you and your daughter closest?


  In the text, when the narrator talks about her father, she gives her opinion first My father isn't easy to get along with.He's  quite unapproachable and a little bit vain. Then , she recalls some important details from memory about her life with her father to support the statements.The narrator repeatedly draws on her innermost feelings in her description of her father, thus giving a very personal touch to the narrative.

  Study the text carefully and find out other examples of such writing. Then , write a descriptive paragraph about your father or mother by giving your subjective  judgement first to be followed by fragmented memories.You can use the chart on Page 12 to help you organize your writing.

Cultural Information

  • Answer the following questions according to the cultural information
  • Who is a gyspy?
  • Why are they often treated with disapproval in Britain?
  • What does the word 'gypsy' refer to in the US?

innermost    narrator   narrative.

Reference Answers

1. A gypsy is a member of travelling people with dark skin and hair, speaking a  language related to Hindi, and usually living by seasonal work, trade and fortune-telling

2.Because their way of life is so different from the way most other British people live.

3.It refers to anyone who has a wandering way of life.


fortune-telling 算命 

pay  v 支付   n 工资      payments  n支付

permit n 许可证  v允许             permission  n允许

park  n   公园  停车场                                     parking   n 停车         spark n星火

do some shopping       shops          alcohol  













本文标签: SkillsIntegratedfatherEnglishUnit1My