

android pc传送

Mounting your Android phone to transfer files is fast and efficient, but nothing beats the convenience of a wireless file transfer. Today, we’ll show you how to transfer files between Android and your computer without a USB cable.

挂载Android手机以传输文件既快速又高效,但是没有什么比无线文件传输的便捷性更好。 今天,我们将向您展示如何在没有USB电缆的情况下在Android和计算机之间传输文件。

Image by Laihiu


你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)

Before we go into the details, you need to install several applications on your Android phone:


  • ES File Explorer is an excellent file manager for Android. It comes with a built in search function, image viewer, and most importantly a LAN browser that we’ll use to transfer files to our computer through Wifi.

    ES File Explorer是适用于Android的出色文件管理器。 它带有内置的搜索功能,图像查看器,最重要的是,我们将使用LAN浏览器通过Wifi将文件传输到计算机上。

  • swiFTP is a lightweight FTP server that lets you transfer multiple files from Windows, Linux, or Mac through a secure FTP connection.


Both of them are available for free from the market, and they both worked in our HTC Desire HD when we tested them in our rooted and non-rooted phone.

它们都可以从市场上免费获得,并且当我们在有根和无根电话中对其进行测试时,它们都可以在HTC Desire HD中使用。

启用对手机的FTP访问 (Enabling FTP Access to Your Phone)

Once installed, swiFTP is available from the application screen.


Upon launch, swiFTP prompts you for a user name and a password.


Now you can turn your phone into an FTP server by tapping the start button, and we can establish an FTP connection to your phone.


You should see an IP address when you run swiFTP. Take note of the IP address and the port, you will need this information to establish an FTP connection to your Android.

运行swiFTP时,应该会看到一个IP地址。 记下IP地址和端口,您将需要此信息来建立与Android的FTP连接。

将文件上传到Android (Uploading Files to Android)

For convenience, lets create a shortcut to our Android phone in our Windows Explorer. Open the “Computer” folder to map your android phone in Windows file explorer.

为了方便起见,让我们在Windows资源管理器中为我们的Android手机创建快捷方式。 打开“计算机”文件夹以在Windows文件资源管理器中映射您的Android手机。

Enter the IP address of your phone.


Enter the user name that we specify in swiFTP, and click next to proceed.


Enter an appropriate name for the connection.


Now every time you need to access your phone, just double click the FTP shortcut to your phone, enter your FTP password, and you’ll have access to all your files in your phone.


将文件传输到PC (Transfer Files to Your PC)

We’ve learned how to get files in and out from your phone through FTP, now we’ll show you transfer files directly into a shared folder in your computer with ES File explorer. Read our article on how to share folders, if you’re not familiar with sharing folders on a local network.

我们已经学习了如何通过FTP从手机进出文件,现在我们将向您展示如何使用ES File Explorer将文件直接传输到计算机的共享文件夹中。 如果您不熟悉在本地网络上共享文件夹,请阅读有关如何共享文件夹的文章 。

To begin, launch ES File explorer from the application screen. ES File explorer consists of three tabs: a local tab that displays all the files in our phone, a LAN tab that displays all the devices on your local network, and an FTP tab that displays any FTP server on your network. Tap the menu button to bring up ES File Explorer menu, and tap the new button.

首先,从应用程序屏幕启动ES File Explorer。 ES File Explorer由三个选项卡组成:一个用于显示电话中所有文件的本地选项卡,一个用于显示本地网络上所有设备的LAN选项卡以及一个用于显示网络上任何FTP服务器的FTP选项卡。 点击菜单按钮以调出ES File Explorer菜单,然后点击新按钮。

Scanning the network saves you from having to specify your computer IP address manually. Your phone will search for any accessible devices on your local network, and displays them under the LAN tab.

扫描网络使您不必手动指定计算机IP地址。 您的电话将搜索本地网络上所有可访问的设备,并将其显示在“ LAN”选项卡下。

You should see all accessible shared folders on your local network.


Go back to the Local tab, and copy the files that you want to upload to your computer.


Copy as many files as you want and ES File Explorer will group these files in its clipboard area.

复制所需数量的文件,ES File Explorer会将这些文件分组在其剪贴板区域中。

Go back to the LAN tab, tap the clipboard, and you should see all the files that you just copied.


Tap your menu button to bring up ES File Explorer’s Context Menu.

点击菜单按钮以调出ES File Explorer的上下文菜单。

Tap Operation, follow by paste, and ES File Explorer will upload all these files to your computer.

点击“操作”,然后粘贴,ES File Explorer将所有这些文件上传到您的计算机。

通过云同步文件 (Sync Files through the Cloud)

So far we’ve learned how to transfer files between your Android and your PC through WiFi. That’s great, but what if your WiFi is out of range ? No Problem, just use DropBox to sync your files over the Internet. You can read our guide to DropBox if you’re not familiar with this cool cloud-based service.

到目前为止,我们已经学习了如何通过WiFi在Android和PC之间传输文件。 很好,但是如果您的WiFi超出范围怎么办? 没问题,只需使用DropBox通过Internet同步文件即可 。 如果您不熟悉此酷炫的基于云的服务,则可以阅读我们的DropBox指南 。

DropBox is an awesome application for sharing your files with all your computers and devices that you can use for almost anything. We use DropBox to sync files in our iPhone and iPod touch, print important files over the internet, and trigger torrent downloads when we’re away from our home computer. Whatever your need is, there is always a hack to appropriate DropBox in any way you like it.

DropBox是一个了不起的应用程序,用于与您可以用于几乎任何事物的所有计算机和设备共享文件。 我们使用DropBox同步iPhone和iPod touch中的 文件,通过Internet打印重要文件 ,并在远离家用计算机时触发torrent下载 。 无论您有什么需求,总有适合您的DropBox随身携带。

That’s all folks ! Hopefully you have learned how to make the most out of your WiFi connection to transfer files between your Android and your computer. Feel free to discuss any other Android tips and tricks with the other fellow readers in the comments section.

那就是所有的人! 希望您已经学会了如何充分利用WiFi连接在Android和计算机之间传输文件。 欢迎在评论部分与其他读者讨论其他Android技巧和窍门。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/howto/41583/how-to-transfer-files-between-your-pc-and-android-phone-wirelessly/

android pc传送

本文标签: 传输文件如何在手机androidPC