

unit_2 Design

Getting prepared - academic exploration 1

  • translation from Chinese into English
    1. craftsman(n. [C] sb. who is very skilled at a particular craft 工匠;手艺人)
      • This rug was woven by a local master craftsman with the finest materials and intricate details._ 这条地毯是当地手工艺大师用最好的材料织就,细节讲究、做工精致。
    • This is the practice among certain craftsmen of mending the broken pieces of pottery, such as a plate, a cup, or a bowl, with gold (or similar) lacquer.
    • 这是一些手工艺者用金(或类似材料)漆修复破裂的杯盘碗碟等陶器的做法。
    1. pottery(n. [U] objects made out of baked clay 陶器)
      • In China, pottery is the oldest handcraft and its history could date back to the beginnings of humankind. 在中国,陶器是最古老的手工艺品,其历史可追溯到人类早期。
    • This is the practice among certain craftsmen of mending the broken pieces of pottery, such as a plate, a cup, or a bowl, with gold (or similar) lacquer.
    • 这是一些手工艺者用金(或类似材料)漆修复破裂的杯盘碗碟等陶器的做法。
    1. ceramics(n.[U] the art of making pots, bowls, tiles, etc., by shaping pieces of clay and baking them until they are hard 陶瓷工艺 [pl.] things that are made this way 陶瓷制品)
      • Chinese ceramics has developed continuously since pre-dynastic times and is one of the most important forms of Chinese art. 中国陶瓷源远流长,始于夏商周之前,是中国艺术最重要的形式之一。
        -The visitors were full of praise for these Portuguese ceramics. 参观者对这些葡萄牙瓷器制品赞不绝口。
    • These days you can even see machine-made ceramics with gold designs on them that look as if they are kintsugi, even though the original was actually never broken.
    • 如今,甚至机器生产的瓷器上也可以看到这种设计,看上去仿佛是“金继”,实际上瓷器本身从未碎裂过。
    1. aesthetic(n. [C] a set of principles about beauty or art 美学原则(理论))
      -_Some people find it difficult to understand the aesthetic behind wabi-sabi. 有些人很难理解“侘寂”背后的美学理念。
    • In fact, artists who value the wabi-sabi aesthetic create works that are deliberately imperfect, such as a bowl that isn’t entirely round or a vase with a thumbprint visible in the clay.
    • 实际上,看重“侘寂”美学的艺术家会创作故意留有缺陷的作品,比如不够浑圆的碗、陶土上留有指纹印的花瓶。
    1. humility(n. [U] the quality of not being too proud about yourself – use this to show approval 谦逊,谦恭)
      • Humility is regarded as a virtue and an important part of Chinese culture for thousands of years. 几千年来,谦逊在中国被视为一种美德,是中国文化中不可磨灭的一部分。
    • Similarly, some early American settlers known as the Puritans included a “humility square” when they sewed a quilt – one square that didn’t match the rest of the blanket.
    • 一些早期美国移民,例如清教徒,也有类似传统。他们在缝制被子的时候会留一块“谦逊之角”——和被子其他地方不搭配的小方块。
    1. bead(n. [C] one of a set of small, usu. round, pieces of glass, wood, plastic, etc. that you can put on a string and wear as jewellery 珠子,小珠)
      • One of the most common arts and crafts practiced by many Native American tribes included the decorative beads of various types. 在很多美洲印第安土著部落中,种类繁多的装饰性串珠是最普遍的艺术和手工艺之一。
    • Some Native American bead workers would include an intentional “mistake bead” for the same reason.
    • 出于同样的原因,一些美洲印第安串珠工会故意串一颗“错误珠子”。
  • words in use (fill the blank with appropriate words)
    1. Traditional Japanese ideas of beauty contain notions that may seem quite foreign to Westerners, who name them “Japanese.”
    2. Chinese landscape paintings are not the kind of art that merely imitates nature but expresses the artist’s heart and mind.
    3. We have fully described this historical incident of Japanese art here because it has an important bearing on Japanese philosophy.
    4. One of the traditional Chinese values is humility, referring to the quality of being humble, the quality of not thinking that you are better than other people.
    5. Discovered an obvious design flaw, his new work, a building in a Scottish city, has been ridiculed by people on social media.
    6. More than 2,000 years ago, Lu Ban, the famous craftsman of China, solved many architectural problems.
    7. We designed three-and four-storey houses, combining a modern aesthetic with a high level of sustainability.
    8. Some social media companies are deliberately attracting users to their products for financial gain.
  • translation from English into Chinese
    1. Wabi-sabi is an Eastern philosophy that refers to the ability to see the beauty in imperfections, which manifests (显现,显露) itself both in daily life activity as making home pottery, and in spiritual experience of opening up inner visions that can change a life.“侘寂”是一种东方哲学,指的是在缺陷中看到美的能力。这种能力既体现在制作家用陶器这样的日常活动中,又体现在打开心胸以改变生命的精神体验中。
    2. Xieyi (写意) is a looser style of Chinese painting, usually used in landscapes, featuring exaggerated forms and expressing the artist’s personality and character.“写意”是中国画中更随意的一种绘画风格,常常用在山水画的创作中,特点是形式夸张,表达艺术家的个性特征。
    3. Originating in China, the earliest porcelains (瓷器) used a special type of clay and a type of granite (花岗岩) while early European versions used clay and glass. 最早的瓷器起源于中国,用一种特殊的陶土和花岗岩制作而成,而早期欧洲的瓷器则使用陶土和玻璃。
    4. The Japanese art of kintsugi teaches that broken objects are not something to hide but to display with pride because the value of pottery is actually enhanced thanks to its "scars."日本的“金继”艺术告诉我们,碎裂的物品不用藏起来,可以骄傲示人,因为正是“伤痕”提升了陶器的价值。

Getting prepared - academic exploration 2

  • translation from Chinese into English
    1. craftsmanship (n. [U] the special skill that sb. uses to make sth. beautiful with their hands 手艺;工艺;技艺)
      • These beautiful handmade pieces reflect the exceptional craftsmanship and strong heritage for which Indian jewelers are famous._ 这些精美的手工艺品反映了令印度宝石工匠享有盛誉的高超技艺和深厚的文化遗产。
    • I sincerely respect the craftsmanship and tradition.
    • 我发自内心地尊重这些工艺和传统.
    1. handcrafted (adj. skillfully made by hand, not by machine 手工做的)
      • Our products are more expensive because they are handcrafted._ 我们的产品手工制造,所以更贵。
    • You can see why people are concerned that this might harm the handcrafted furniture traditions here.
    • 你能明白为什么人们担心这会伤害这里的手工家具传统了吧.
    1. plank (n. [C] a long narrow piece of wooden board, used esp. for making structures to walk on(厚)木板,板条)
      • This broken door can be easily repaired with a thick plank of wood._ 用一块厚木板很容易就能修复这扇破掉的门。
    • A machine can lift a plank of wood that weighs several hundred pounds and hold it perfectly still.
    • 机器可以举起重达几百磅的一块木板而且保持绝对稳定。
    1. artistry (n. [U] skill in a particular artistic activity 艺术技巧;艺术才华)
      • This piece of artifact shows artistry and wisdom that conquer people’s heart._ 这件手工艺品表现出征服人心的艺术和智慧。
    • The artistry of the furniture still comes from people. It’s only the work that has been automated.
    • 它们能制造漂亮实用的家具。家具的艺术性仍然来自人,只是工作被自动化了。
    1. carve (vt. to make an object or pattern by cutting a piece of wood or stone 雕,刻)
      • Using the hammer only, some artists can beat out a shape as delicately as a sculptor could carve it with his or her chisels._ 有些艺术家只用锤子就能打造像雕刻家用凿子刻出的精致形状。。
    • A hand-carved rocking chair might be beautiful, but if someone doesn’t have enough money to buy it, then they’re not going to enjoy it.
    • 一把手工雕刻的摇椅可能很美,但是如果付不起钱,人们也享受不到。
  • words in use (fill the blank with appropriate words)
    1. It is entirely true that no artwork can satisfy everyone.
    2. The artistry of this clock offers a thoughtful marriage of form and function.
    3. Some modern designers believe that well-designed buildings should be functional as well as beautiful.
    4. An important invention of the ancient Chinese people was that of a fine, delicate item known as porcelain.
    5. My parents can’t judge their old home realistically. They have a romantic impression of it, and think it’s better than it really was.
    6. I trust that the above objections will be taken fully into account in determining which design to use.
  • translation from English into Chinese
    1. The mechanical advantage of a machine is the ability to work efficiently and effectively, especially to do tasks that are difficult for humans such as lifting thick planks or pushing heavy things.
      1. 机器的机械优势在于能快速有效地工作,尤其是做人工很难完成的事情,比如举起厚木板,或者推动重物。
        2.Although they did not intend to harm the local traditions, what happened in effect was the disappearance of traditional craftsmanship.
      2. 虽然他们并非有意伤害当地传统,但事实上传统手工艺消失了。
    2. Keeping on good terms with local people will help the company to survive overseas.
      1. 和当地人保持良好关系能帮助公司在海外立足。
    3. Whether acquired by trade or by gift, these handcrafts were treasured throughout the Middle Ages (中世纪) as marvels of imaginative craftsmanship and were often imitated.
      1. 这些手工艺品无论是通过贸易还是馈赠获得,在中世纪都被视为极具想象力的手工艺珍宝,常常被模仿。

本文标签: Design