




  • 用于当过于困难的挑战会让用户倍感压力、焦虑不安时;
  • 用于当过于简单寻常的任务会让有经验的用户感觉无趣时;
  • 用于当同一系统需要同时满足有经验和没有经验的用户时。





[1]原文:To design for appropriate challenges is to keep a careful balance between neither producing anxiety nor boredom. To keep users in the flow channel. It’s a careful dance keeping balance between the difficulty curve and the learning curve.
[2]原文:Users are most engaged, if they follow a roller-coaster pattern through the Flow Channel. It’s more fun in other words, if challenges sometimes seem too difficult – until our rising skill level flattens the curve. The ensuing mastery is also fun as we dominate the challenge or breeze through a task. But before it becomes old, the challenge level must rise again.
[3]原文:Consider the context of your users and design appropriate challenges and experiences which suit it. That is, design for changes over time. This is a radical break from the the standard usability approach, where everything is concentrated around making things as easy as possible. By designing for changes over time, you also concentrate on making things harder to do as users progress, to suit their growing skill level.
[4]原文:We’re in flow when we experience a task so positively that we do not allow ourselves to be diverted by distractions that don’t support the challenges and goals we are pursuing.
[5]原文:When you think about appropriate challenges in your design, you are most often designing for a sequence of events that progressively require an increased skill level. In video games, the events are often represented by levels; in e-learning, by lessons within courses. To complete a challenge, it is necessary that the requisite learning takes place.

本文标签: Challenge